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Tournament Results
Minimum place

Zinnia Tournament Results
DatePlEventLast ResultTeamRoster
2024-07-284 Stand Your Ground 2024
0 : 2PAGLE48logo stdPG
Logo stdหวาน it Yummy,  Olive No1,  Mhaewmali,  Neulguri,  Zinnia,  Ivyyyy
2020-11-2811 - 12 International E-sports Festival 2020
1 - 3Blanklogo stdRR
Bangkok Universitylogo stdBU Zinnia,  Noy,  CatType,  Yalwaysme,  Rich
2019-12-013 - 4 Thailand Community League Offline Round
0:2Logo stdNOY
Mythus Esportslogo stdMYT Unfriend,  Murier,  SMAII,  Xippo,  z0ey,  Zinn1a
2019-11-242 Thailand Community League Online Qualifiers Round
5 - 2Blanklogo stdRR
Mythus Esportslogo stdMYT Unfriend,  Murier,  SMAII,  Xippo,  z0ey,  Zinn1a
2019-11-241 International E-sports Festival 2019
2 : 1Central South University Forestry and Technologylogo stdCSUFT
Bangkok Universitylogo stdBU Zinnia,  NoeL,  CatType,  Yalways,  Rich
2019-07-205 - 8 LoL Dell Gaming Championship Thailand 2019
0 : 1Yellow Ducklogo stdYD
Kine Clublogo stdKC Barbie K,  Merly,  Katmeaw,  Haseo,  Kinemon,  Zinnia
2018-12-09NQ LOC Series III Thailand Qualifier
0 : 1Logo stdNOY
Logo stdAZOO Subtile,  Destroy,  SMAII,  Sage,  Zinnia,  Foeman,  Takoyaki Boy
2018-10-285 - 8 The Legend Arena: Legends Are Born Here
0 : 1Xavier Esportslogo stdXAV
Logo stdAZOO Subtile,  Destr0y,  Foeman,  Sage,  Zinnia,  Takoyaki Boy
2018-07-07Q SEA Tour 2018 Summer Thailand OQ
110Blanklogo stdPts
Underdoglogo stdUDG Pagle,  Katze,  Dipsy,  Icarus,  Zinnia
2018-06-231 SEA Tour 2018 Summer Thailand OQ - Q1
2 : 1Run Down Midlogo stdRDM
Underdoglogo stdUDG Pagle,  Katze,  Dipsy,  Icarus,  Zinnia
2018-05-26NQ 2018 Asian Games Thailand Qualifier
1 : 2Third Party Gaminglogo std3RD
Underdoglogo stdUDG Zinnia,  Nero,  DukeZ,  Pillow,  ancafe
2018-03-174 TPL 2018 Spring Playoffs
0 : 2The Nativeslogo stdTNT
Underdoglogo stdUDG Zinnia,  ancafe,  DukeZ,  Pillow,  SmartHeart
2018-03-024 TPL 2018 Spring
6 - 8Blanklogo stdRR
Underdoglogo stdUDG Zinnia,  SekAlive,  DukeZ,  Pillow,  SmartHeart,  ancafe
2017-07-265 - 8 Thailand LCS 2017 Summer
1 - 13Blanklogo stdRR
Sick Duckslogo std6DK Zinnia,  Mobu,  Pupy,  Bhung,  Nana
2017-03-035 - 8 Thailand LCS 2017 Spring
5 - 9Blanklogo stdRR
Give Me Fivelogo stdGMF Renrin,  Nero,  DukeZ,  Icarus,  Zinnia
2016-03-274 TPL 2016 Spring
0 : 2A Little Bearlogo stdALB
Blackbeanlogo stdBB Yume,  DelpaiN,  BaiiMaiiy,  Duke,  Coldenfeet,  Porsche,  Zinnia
2015-08-029 - 12 Thailand Pro League 2015 Summer
2-0-4Blanklogo stdRR
Absolute Chaoslogo stdALC Amazing,  Shiba,  Nowiz,  Arirang Ryu,  Icarus,  Zinnia