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Zeke's Convergence
Zeke's Convergence
UNIQUE - Frostfire Tempest: Upon casting your ultimate ability, you summon a storm of flame and ice around you for 5 seconds, dealing 7.5 magic damage every 0.25 seconds to nearby enemies and slowing them by 30% (45 second cooldown).




Additional Information
LimitationsLimited to 1 Zeke's Convergence item.
Map AvailabilityALL
Item Code3050
ItemSquareKindlegem + ItemSquareCloth Armor + ItemSquareNull-Magic Mantle + 700 Goldcurrency
Total Cost: 2200 Goldcurrency
Sold For: 1540 Goldcurrency
Game Info Wikiwiki.leagueoflegends.com


  • OrnnSquareOrnn can upgrade this Item to a Mastwerwok Item:
    • Item icon is modified with ItemSquareOrnn Modifier
    • Health Mini Icon HP: 300 (+90) with a total of 390
    • CDR Mini Icon AH: 10 (+8) with a total of 18
    • Armor Mini Icon AR: 25 (+12.5) with a total of 37.5
    • MagicResist Mini Icon MR: 25 (+13.89) with a total of 38.89


  • While linked to a conduit, both the wielder and the Conduit will have a passive buff.
    • Item wielder: Harbinger of Frost This unit has used Zeke's Convergence to choose an Accomplice.
    • Conduit: Harbinger of Fire An ally with Zeke's Convergence has chosen this unit as their Accomplice.
  • Zeke's Convergence is named after a character from the webcomic as a reward for the creator Tim Buckley gaining over 1000 referrals.
  • Zeke's Convergence is the fourth iteration of a supportive aura item. Its ancestral origin is
    Stark's Fervor
    which was remade into
    Zeke's Herald
    and then replaced by
    Zeke's Harbinger
    before being developed into its modern form.
  • Zeke's Convergence's active will allow you to link to an ally who is already linked by your
    Knight's Vow
    . The two items even have complementary VFX.

Similar Items[]

Patch History[]

Patch 14.19

  • Frostfire Tempest Damage per Second: 50 ⇒ 30

Patch 14.10

We're giving Zeke's the same build path as Locket. It's pretty hard for tank supports to build multiple items on their lower gold income and they don't have the luxury of counter-building a lane opponent. As such, we're making sure there are a couple of hybrid-resist support tank items and ensuring we have almost none for income tanks.

  • Build Path: Kindlegem + Glacial Shroud ⇒ Kindlegem + Cloth Armor + Null-Magic Mantle
  • Total Gold Cost: unchanged
  • Health: 200 ⇒ 300
  • Armor: 30 ⇒ 25
  •  new Magic Resist: 25 Magic Resist
  • Ability Haste: 20 ⇒ 10
  •  removed Mana: 250 ⇒ Removed

Patch 14.1

  • Total Cost: 2200 gold
  • Item Recipe: Kindlegem + Glacial Shroud + 500 gold
  • 200 Health
  • 250 Mana
  • 30 Armor
  • 20 Ability Haste
  • Passive - Convergence: When you cast your Ultimate, gain an ice storm around yourself for 5 seconds. The storm deals 50 magic damage per second and slows enemies inside for 30%. (45 second cooldown)

Patch 12.11

ARMOR : [25] 35

Patch 10.25

HEALTH : [300] 250
ARMOR : [30] 25
CONVERGENCE MARK DURATION : [4 seconds] 8 seconds

Patch 10.23
Now grants bonus on-hit damage to your linked ally on targets you have immobilized.

Zeke's previous effect was extremely powerful, but limited to small windows and was hard to appreciate. Updated the effect to be more easily accessible for beefier supports who want to lock-down and protect their carries.
Base Stats

TOTAL COST : 2400 gold
BUILD PATH : Kindlegem + Glacial Shroud + 700 gold
HEALTH : 300
MANA : 250
ARMOR : 30


CONDUIT (ACTIVE) : Designate an Accomplice (60 second cooldown)
CONVERGENCE : For 4 seconds after you immobilize an enemy, your Accomplice's attacks and abilities hits apply an additional 25-50 (+1.5% your max health) (+7.5% your AP) magic damage to that enemy

Patch 8.24b
Ally basic attack burn reduced.

We're bringing down Zeke's' offensive capabilities so other tank support items can be considered.

CONDUIT : Your linked ally's basic attacks burn enemies for [50%] 30% bonus magic damage over 2 seconds

Burn damage more frontloaded. Frostfire Covenant now procs when the passive slow is applied.

Zeke’s is both undertuned compared to its competition, and its unique buddy-system playstyle is difficult to optimize. For many of the tanky champions we’d like to see pick up Zeke’s, the basic attack procs of Frostfire Covenant are difficult to execute due to its positioning demands. We’re making the trigger more approachable by simply requiring supports to be in slowing range of their bonded ally’s target, rather than nearly on top of them. We’re also further frontloading the burn damage on ally basic attacks, which will increase the damage dealt by frequent application.

TOTAL COST : [2400] 2250
COMBINE COST : [400] 250

Ally burn damage

FRONTLOADED [Up-front damage increased from 17.5% of the basic attack’s damage]
25% of the basic attack’s damage
TOTAL BURN DAMAGE : STILL 50% of basic attack

Frostfire Covenant

SLOW BURN Frost storm no longer ignites from basic attacking a burning enemy, now ignites when it slows a burning enemy.


ICON-VERGENCE : Icon updated to match last patch’s gameplay update!

Now builds out of Aegis of the Legion instead of Amplifying Tomes. Passive now creates slowing storm when triggered, instead of granting ability power and critical strike chance.

When we looked at the support item landscape, we saw a lot of opportunity to amplify the Warden landscape by updating Zeke’s Convergence. Wardens excel at protecting a nearby champion, and we wanted to give them itemization that represents that fantasy. Knight’s Vow already does a good job at helping them keep their chosen target alive, but we felt there was room for an item which made them more worth the investment to keep them safe. As such, we shifted the stat palette of Zeke’s to be more tank appropriate.

We also had concerns that the item itself was too complicated to use, leading to a lot of frustrating misfires - despite its very strong high moments when used correctly. We’re making the active much more reliable to use so that Zeke’s doesn’t make you feel like you’ve spent 2400 on a gamble.

NAME : Zeke's [Harbinger] Convergence
TOTAL COST : [2250] 2400 gold
BUILD PATH : [Glacial Shroud + Amplifying Tome + Amplifying Tome + 380 gold] Aegis of the Legion + Glacial Shroud + 400 gold
ABILITY POWER No longer grants 50 ability power
ARMOR : [30] 60
COOLDOWN REDUCTION : 10% (unchanged)
MANA : 250 (unchanged)

Item effects

UNIQUE PASSIVE Casting your ultimate near your ally surrounds you with a frost storm and ignites your ally’s basic attacks for 10 seconds (45 second cooldown). Enemies inside your frost storm are slowed by 20% and your ally’s attacks burn their target for 50% bonus magic damage over 2 seconds.
UNIQUE PASSIVE Frostfire Covenant: Basic attacking a burning enemy ignites your frost storm to deal 40 magic damage per second and slow by 40% for 3 seconds.
CHARGES Zeke’s Harbinger Convergence no longer gains charges over time or triggers based on charge count, and no longer grants 20% bonus ability power or 50% critical strike chance when triggered
CONDUIT BINDING RESTRICTION : [60 second cooldown] Can’t be re-bound while Frostfire Covenant is on cooldown, and the binding active can’t be cast on the ally you’re currently bound to, or other allies that are bound by a different Zeke’s Convergence.
