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Tournament Results
Minimum place

Zary Tournament Results
DatePlEventLast ResultTeamRoster
2020-03-289 - 11 East Conference 2020 Playoffs
0 - 3University of Torontologo stdUT
University of Ottawalogo stdUO Lotus,  Zary,  Backpack,  Psionics,  Yoken
2020-03-01Q East Conference 2020
5 - 1Blanklogo stdRR
University of Ottawalogo stdUO Lotus,  Zary,  Backpack,  Psionics,  Yoken
2019-03-305 - 8 East Conference 2019 Playoffs
1 : 3University of Waterloologo stdUW
University of Ottawalogo stdUO Lotus,  Zary,  Backpack,  Psionics,  Yoken
2019-03-03Q East Conference 2019
5 - 1Blanklogo stdRR
University of Ottawalogo stdUO Lotus,  Zary,  Backpack,  Psionics,  Yoken
2018-06-105 - 8 CLOL 2018 Championship
0 : 2University of California Irvinelogo stdUCI
University of Ottawalogo stdUO Yoken,  Zary,  Backpack,  Psionics,  Lotus,  Frezzie
2018-04-22Q CLOL 2018 Play-In
2 - 1Blanklogo stdRR
University of Ottawalogo stdUO Yoken,  Zary,  Backpack,  Psionics,  Lotus
2018-04-082 East Conference 2018 Playoffs
0 : 3University of Western Ontariologo stdUWO
University of Ottawalogo stdUO Yoken,  Zary,  Backpack,  Psionics,  Lotus
2018-02-25Q East Conference 2018
6 - 0Blanklogo stdRR
University of Ottawalogo stdUO Yoken,  Zary,  Backpack,  Lotus,  Psionics,  exver1
2018-02-119 - 16 LAN ETS 2018
0 : 2Windstorm Gaminglogo stdWS
Grizzlys Esportslogo stdGRZ Niles,  Zary,  Wazabiee,  Str1fe,  KappaSoleil
2017-09-105 - 6 Dreamhack Montreal 2017
L : WSupernovalogo stdSN
DatZit Gaminglogo stdDZG Doomtrobo,  Zary,  Diamond,  Bulbetier,  Cobra
2017-03-255 - 8 East Conference 2017 Playoffs
0 : 2State University of New York at Stony Brooklogo stdSBU
University of Ottawalogo stdUO Kohree,  Zary,  Backpack,  victorcao,  Uuuiiiooop
2017-02-151 East Conference 2017 - Group 6
5 - 0Blanklogo stdRR
University of Ottawalogo stdUO Kohree,  Zary,  Backpack,  victorcao,  Uuuiiiooop
2016-02-244 NACS 2016 Spring
1-2-2Blanklogo stdRR
Team Liquid Academylogo stdTL.A Zig,  IWDominate,  Zary,  Akaadian,  Youngbin,  Fabbbyyy,  Smoothie
2016-01-14NQ NACS 2016 Spring Qualifiers
0 : 3Team Liquid Academylogo stdTL.A
Team Frostbitelogo stdTFB Rohammers,  Zary,  Wolfe,  Massacre,  Hakuho
2015-12-21Q NACS 2016 Spring Open Qualifiers
2 : 1Astral Authoritylogo stdAA
Team Frostbitelogo stdTFB Rohammers,  Zary,  Wolfe,  Massacre,  Hakuho
2015-12-062 HTC Ascension
1 : 3Team Liquid Academylogo stdTL.A
Team Frostbitelogo stdTFB Billyboss,  Zary,  Wolfe,  TM8,  Hakuho
2015-05-135 - 6 AlphaDraft Challenger League
FF : WCrewcadelogo stdCrew
Elominglelogo stdELO Ron,  ShorterACE,  Zaryabs,  Arcsecond,  Moonway,  Biofrost
2015-04-107 - 9 League One Powered by D!ngIt
4 - 12Blanklogo stdRR
Zenith Esportslogo stdZEN ChumpJohn,  Scorpion,  shinymew,  JackHei,  Zaryab,  Shady,  Virus,  Phooka
2015-02-04NQ NACS 2015 Spring Qualifier
0 : 2Team Dragon Knightslogo stdTDK
Team Frostbitelogo stdTFB poz,  Zaryab,  Lovelova,  Jynthe,  Biofrost