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The Gaming Series
Tournament Information
OrganizerThe Gaming Series
Sponsor(s)Own3D TV
FormatGroups + Playoffs
Location & Dates
Event TypeOnline
Start Date2012-04-26
Social Media & Links
Infobox Homepagelogo std


The Gaming Series is a tournament taking place in Europe with 24 teams participating in a prize pool of $20,000 ($10,000 + $10,000 worth of laptops)


  • Four groups of six teams
  • Group Stage - Best of Two
    • 1:1 Tie game both teams receive 1 point
    • 2:0 Won team receive 3 points
  • Playoffs onwards - Best of Three
  • Playoffs Finals - Best of Five

Prize Pool[]

are spread among the teams as seen below:

PlacePrizePrize (%)Team
PlacementIcon1 15 Asus Gaming- Laptops worth $10,00050%TBDlogo stdTBD
PlacementIcon2 230%TBDlogo stdTBD
PlacementIcon3 320%TBDlogo stdTBD


Europe (24)

Moscow Five

Natus Vincere



ESC Gaming

exHCL Gaming1

against All authority

Meet Your Makers



Peculiar Gaming

Team Derpers

Absolute Legends2

SK Gaming

Western Wolves

Team FragZone



Counter Logic Gaming EU

Team Sypher

TCM Gaming

X6tence ESET

Luna Gaming

CrowdControl Gaming
1 Absolute Legends picks up exHCL Gaming
2 Curse Gaming EU picks up Absolute Legends


Group Stage[]

Group A
1. Team WinFaktlogo stdTeam WinFakt 2-0-0 6-0
2. Natus Vincerelogo stdNatus Vincere 1-1-0 4-0
3. ExHCL Gaminglogo stdexHCL Gaming 1-1-1 4-0
4. ALTERNATE aTTaXlogo stdALTERNATE aTTaX 1-0-1 3-0
5. Moscow Fivelogo stdMoscow Five 0-2-0 2-0
6. ESC Gaminglogo stdESC Gaming 0-0-3 0-0

Group A Matches
M5Moscow Fivelogo std 1 1 Natus Vincerelogo stdNa'Vi
M5Moscow Fivelogo std 0 0 Team WinFaktlogo stdWinFakt
M5Moscow Fivelogo std 0 0 ALTERNATE aTTaXlogo stdATN
M5Moscow Fivelogo std 0 0 ESC Gaminglogo stdESC
M5Moscow Fivelogo std 1 1 ExHCL Gaminglogo stdexHCL
Na'ViNatus Vincerelogo std 0 0 Team WinFaktlogo stdWinFakt
Na'ViNatus Vincerelogo std 0 0 ALTERNATE aTTaXlogo stdATN
Na'ViNatus Vincerelogo std 2 0 ESC Gaminglogo stdESC
Na'ViNatus Vincerelogo std 0 0 ExHCL Gaminglogo stdexHCL
WinFaktTeam WinFaktlogo std 2 0 ALTERNATE aTTaXlogo stdATN
WinFaktTeam WinFaktlogo std 2 0 ESC Gaminglogo stdESC
WinFaktTeam WinFaktlogo std 0 0 ExHCL Gaminglogo stdexHCL
ATNALTERNATE aTTaXlogo std 0 0 ESC Gaminglogo stdESC
ATNALTERNATE aTTaXlogo std 2 0 ExHCL Gaminglogo stdexHCL
ESCESC Gaminglogo std W ExHCL Gaminglogo stdexHCL
Group B
1. MeetYourMakerslogo stdMeetYourMakers 2-1-1 7-0
2. Logo stdTeamless 2-0-1 6-0
3. Team Derperslogo stdTeam Derpers 1-1-0 4-0
4. Against All authoritylogo stdagainst All authority 1-0-0 3-0
5. Mortal Teamworklogo stdmortal Teamwork 0-2-1 2-0
6. Peculiar gaminglogo stdpeculiar gaming 0-0-3 0-0

Group B Matches
aAaAgainst All authoritylogo std 2 0 MeetYourMakerslogo stdMYM
aAaAgainst All authoritylogo std 0 0 Logo stdTEAM
aAaAgainst All authoritylogo std 0 0 Mortal Teamworklogo stdMTW
aAaAgainst All authoritylogo std 0 0 Peculiar gaminglogo stdP
aAaAgainst All authoritylogo std 0 0 Team Derperslogo stdTeamD
MYMMeetYourMakerslogo std 2 0 Logo stdTEAM
MYMMeetYourMakerslogo std 1 1 Mortal Teamworklogo stdMTW
MYMMeetYourMakerslogo std 2 0 Peculiar gaminglogo stdP
MYMMeetYourMakerslogo std 0 0 Team Derperslogo stdTeamD
TEAMLogo std W Mortal Teamworklogo stdMTW
TEAMLogo std 2 0 Peculiar gaminglogo stdP
TEAMLogo std 0 0 Team Derperslogo stdTeamD
MTWMortal Teamworklogo std 0 0 Peculiar gaminglogo stdP
MTWMortal Teamworklogo std 1 1 Team Derperslogo stdTeamD
PPeculiar gaminglogo std 0 2 Team Derperslogo stdTeamD
Group C
1. SK Gaminglogo stdSK Gaming 2-0-0 6-0
2. LowLandLionslogo stdLowLandLions 1-1-0 4-0
3. Team FragZonelogo stdTeam FragZone 0-2-0 2-0
4. Logo stdCrowd Control Gaming 0-1-0 1-0
5. Western Wolveslogo stdWestern Wolves 0-0-1 0-0
6. Absolute Legendslogo stdAbsolute Legends 0-0-2 0-0
Group C Matches
ALAbsolute Legendslogo std 0 2 SK Gaminglogo stdSK
ALAbsolute Legendslogo std 0 0 Logo stdCROW
ALAbsolute Legendslogo std 0 0 Western Wolveslogo stdwW
ALAbsolute Legendslogo std 0 0 Team FragZonelogo stdFZ
ALAbsolute Legendslogo std 0 2 LowLandLionslogo stdLION
SKSK Gaminglogo std 0 0 link={{{team2}}}{{{T
SKSK Gaminglogo std W Western Wolveslogo stdwW
SKSK Gaminglogo std 0 0 Team FragZonelogo stdFZ
SKSK Gaminglogo std 0 0 LowLandLionslogo stdLION
CROWLogo std 0 0 Western Wolveslogo stdwW
CROWLogo std 1 1 Team FragZonelogo stdFZ
CROWLogo std 0 0 LowLandLionslogo stdLION
wWWestern Wolveslogo std 0 0 Team FragZonelogo stdFZ
wWWestern Wolveslogo std 0 0 LowLandLionslogo stdLION
FZTeam FragZonelogo std 1 1 LowLandLionslogo stdLION
Group D
1. Counter Logic Gaming Europelogo stdCLG Europe 1-1-0 4-0
2. X6tencelogo stdx6tence 1-0-0 3-0
3. Eclypsialogo stdEclypsia 1-0-1 3-0
4. Team Sypherlogo stdTeam Sypher 0-2-1 2-0
5. Logo stdLuna Gaming 0-1-0 1-0
6. TCM Gaminglogo stdTCM Gaming 0-0-1 0-0

Group D Matches
CLG.EUCounter Logic Gaming Europelogo std 1 1 Team Sypherlogo stdSypher
CLG.EUCounter Logic Gaming Europelogo std 0 0 TCM Gaminglogo stdTCM
CLG.EUCounter Logic Gaming Europelogo std 2 0 Eclypsialogo stdEC
CLG.EUCounter Logic Gaming Europelogo std 0 0 X6tencelogo stdx6
CLG.EUCounter Logic Gaming Europelogo std 0 0 Logo stdLUNA
SypherTeam Sypherlogo std 0 0 Eclypsialogo stdEC
SypherTeam Sypherlogo std 0 0 TCM Gaminglogo stdTCM
SypherTeam Sypherlogo std 0 2 X6tencelogo stdx6
SypherTeam Sypherlogo std 1 1 Logo stdLUNA
TCMTCM Gaminglogo std 0 2 Eclypsialogo stdEC
TCMTCM Gaminglogo std 0 0 X6tencelogo stdx6
TCMTCM Gaminglogo std 0 0 Logo stdLUNA
ECEclypsialogo std 0 0 X6tencelogo stdx6
ECEclypsialogo std 0 0 Logo stdLUNA
x6X6tencelogo std 0 0 Logo stdLUNA


Relegation Round

2nd Group A

3rd Group D

3rd Group A

2nd Group D

2nd Group B

3rd Group C

3rd Group B

2nd Group C


1st Group B


1st Group C


1st Group A


1st Group D






3rd place match



View Games[]

External Links[]


