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Team LGS
Team LGS Logo
Team Information
Org Location

Team TLC SG is a Garena All-Star team from Indonesia.

Player Roster[]

2017 Season[]

ID Name Role 2017 Team
Potato Gerry Arisena Top U8 Esportslogo stdU8 Esports
Ocean21 Tobias Randy Varianto 12Jungle Team nxllogo stdTeam nxl
Petland Võ Huỳnh Quang Huy 13Mid Headhunterslogo stdHeadhunters
Whynuts Rully Sutanto 14Bot Team nxllogo stdTeam nxl
rubeN Ruben Sutanto 15Support Headhunterslogo stdHeadhunters

2016 Season[]

ID Name Role 2016 Team
rubeN Ruben Sutanto 11Top Kanaya Gaminglogo stdKanaya Gaming
Phoenix Yehezkiel Parmonangan Jungle Revival Esportslogo stdRevival Esports
Beyond Trương Vĩnh Thanh Mid Fortiuslogo stdFortius
Chupper Kenny Marcelino 14Bot Fortiuslogo stdFortius
FiddleOP Frendy Guo 15Support Phoenix K-Squadlogo stdPhoenix K-Squad
Heidingdong Johan Santoso 26Substitute Kaliantusalogo stdKaliantusa


This table shows up to the 10 most recent results. For complete results, click here.

Minimum place

Team LGS Tournament Results - Show Prize as (LocalUSDEuros)
DatePlPrizeEventLast ResultRoster
2017-11-26NQ Garena All-Star 2017
0 - 5Blanklogo stdRR
 Potato,  Ocean21,  Petland,  Whynuts,  rubeN
2016-11-20NQ Garena All-Star 2016
1 - 3Blanklogo stdRR
 rubeN,  Phoenix,  Beyond,  Chupper,  FiddleOP,  Heidingdong
Total Prize: USD 0

