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Team has disbanded.
Team Imagine
Team Imagine Logo
Team Information
Org Location
North America
Team Location
United States
North America
Social Media & Links
Infobox Homepagelogo std
Infobox Facebook Fanpagelogo std
Infobox Twitterlogo std

Team Imagine was a North American team. They were previously known as Team Confound, TSM Darkness, Elomingle, and Magnetic.


Elomingle was formed by the roster that had previously competed under the name TSM Darkness after Team SoloMid dropped their sponsorship of that roster. Ron, Arcsecond, and Indivisible remained together, while ShorterACE replaced Inori in the jungle.[1] Upon formation, the team retained their seed into the qualifier for the summer season of the NA Challenger Series (NACS) from having participated in the spring season and placing fifth. Upon the team's announcement, they were still holding tryouts for their AD carry, and eventually Moonway joined.

Prior to the start of the NACS Summer Qualifier, Elomingle renamed to Magnetic. They lost to tournament favorites Misfits in the finals of their bracket but then beat CLG Black in the third-place match, qualifying for the summer season. They then renamed from Magnetic to Imagine. Throughout the season, they leased multiple players from Odyssey Gaming, including Steeelback, Trance, and Chunkyfresh. After finishing the season with a 6-4 record and in third place, Imagine and Odyssey merged together under Imagine's name.[2][3]

In the 2015 NACS Summer Playoffs, Imagine lost in the semifinals to eventual tournament winner Renegades, but won the third place match against Cloud 9 Tempest to secure a spot in the 2016 LCS Promotion Tournament. Chosen by Team 8, they lost 3-1 - out of LCS qualification, but regardless retaining their 2016 NACS spring season placement.

Imagine sold their NACS slot to Apex Gaming in January 2016 and disbanded.


  • 2015
  • 2016

Player Roster[]


R C ID Name Role Next Team Joined Left
Maplestreet Ainslie Wyllie 14Bot Renegadeslogo stdRenegades 2015-10-202015-10-20 2016-01-112016-01-??
Baby Terry Chuong 15Support Echo Foxlogo stdEcho Fox 2015-07-052015-07-05 2016-01-112016-01-??
Steeelback Pierre Medjaldi 24Sub/Bot Unicorns of Lovelogo stdUnicorns of Love 2015-07-132015-07-13 2015-11-182015-11-18
Moon Galen Holgate 12Jungle NRGlogo stdNRG 2015-07-052015-07-05 2015-11-162015-11-16
mancloud Zachary Hoschar 13Mid NRGlogo stdNRG 2015-06-292015-06-29 2015-11-142015-11-14
Wolfe Michael Taylor 13Mid Team Frostbitelogo stdTeam Frostbite 2015-05-262015-05-26 2015-11-112015-??-??
Ron Ryan Ballard 21Sub/Top Retiredlogo stdRetired 2015-04-052015-04-05 2015-05-112015-05-??
Indivisible Paul Nguyen 25Sub/Sup Zenith Esportslogo stdZenith Esports 2015-04-052015-04-05 2015-05-112015-05-??
Chunkyfresh Joshua Kesrawani 11Top Team Areslogo stdTeam Ares 2015-07-052015-07-05 2015-09-132015-09-13
Massacre Cody Sun 24Sub/Bot Team Frostbitelogo stdTeam Frostbite 2015-05-262015-05-26 2015-11-112015-??-??
Dardoch Joshua Hartnett 22Sub/Jun Team Liquid Academylogo stdTeam Liquid Academy 2015-05-262015-05-26 2015-07-112015-07-??
Intense Ritchie Ngo 14Bot None 2015-07-052015-07-05 2015-07-132015-07-13
xSojin Mathew Perez 22Sub/Jun Tabula Rasalogo stdTabula Rasa 2015-06-112015-06-?? 2015-07-052015-07-05
SoJaded Michael Bian 25Sub/Sup None ??? 2015-07-052015-07-05
t3azer David Bérubé 24Sub/Bot Logo stdILYSB (Stripped) 2015-06-112015-06-?? 2015-06-302015-06-30
Arcsecond Lyonel Pfaender 13Mid Winterfoxlogo stdWinterfox 2015-04-052015-04-05 2015-05-212015-05-21
ShorterACE Ryan Nget 22Sub/Jun Winterfoxlogo stdWinterfox 2015-04-052015-04-05 2015-05-212015-05-21
Zaryab Zaryab Syed 12Jungle Team Frostbitelogo stdTeam Frostbite 2015-04-162015-04-16 2015-05-052015-05-05
Moonway Richard Samuel Oh 14Bot Also Known Aslogo stdAlso Known As 2015-04-112015-04-?? 2015-05-052015-05-05
Biofrost Vincent Wang 15Support Vortex (North American Team)logo stdVortex 2015-11-112015-??-?? 2015-05-052015-05-05

Temporary Subs[]

C ID Name Role Tournament Replacing
Inori Rami Charagh 12Jungle HTC Ascension Moon
Gate Austin Yu 13Mid HTC Ascension
BrandonFtw Brandon Chen 11Top HTC Ascension None



C ID Name Position Next Team
Cerebral Martin Shkreli Chairman Gödel Gamerslogo stdGödel Gamers
Devilian Mike Roschenwimmer Co-Owner None
Soloside Frank Fang 80General Manager Eanixlogo stdEanix
Shark Charlene Hamm Team Manager NRGlogo stdNRG
Mozilla Pavel Klaban 80Coach Fraternitaslogo stdFraternitas
ana Ana Xjor Player Manager None
Qwerm Alec Warren 80Analyst NRGlogo stdNRG
DAC Gerard Kelly Co-Owner NRGlogo stdNRG
Vhaan Asad Awan House Manager None
CurryshotGG Rohit Nathani 80Coach Emberlogo stdEmber
Saparino Brendan Franco Manager Phoenix1logo stdPhoenix1


This table shows up to the 10 most recent results. For complete results, click here.

Minimum place

Team Imagine Tournament Results - Show Prize as (LocalUSDEuros)
DatePlPrizeEventLast ResultRoster
2015-09-06NQ NA LCS 2016 Spring Promotion
1 : 3Team 8logo stdT8
 Chunkyfresh,  Moon,  mancloud,  Steeelback,  Baby,  CurryshotGG
2015-08-123$5,000$ 5,000€ 4,460 NACS 2015 Summer Playoffs
2 : 0Cloud9 Tempestlogo stdC9T
 Chunkyfresh,  Moon,  mancloud,  Steeelback,  Baby
2015-07-223 NACS 2015 Summer
6 - 4Blanklogo stdRR
 Big ol Ron,  Chunkyfresh,  Dardoch,  Moon,  Wolfe,  mancloud,  TheMassacre8,  Intense,  Steeelback,  Indivisible,  Baby,  Mozilla
Total Prize: USD 5,000

As Elomingle[]

This table shows up to the 10 most recent results. For complete results, click here.

Minimum place

Elomingle Tournament Results - Show Prize as (LocalUSDEuros)
DatePlPrizeEventLast ResultRoster
2015-05-135 - 6 AlphaDraft Challenger League
FF : WCrewcadelogo stdCrew
 Ron,  ShorterACE,  Zaryabs,  Arcsecond,  Moonway,  Biofrost
Total Prize: USD 0

Highlight Videos[]



See Also[]

External Links[]

