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Team Dragon Knights
Team Dragon Knights Logo
Team Information
Org Location
North America
North America
SponsorArena Online
Created (1)2014-09-xx
Disbanded (1)2015-09-23
Created (2)2015-12-18
Disbanded (2)2016-05-23
Social Media & Links
Infobox Homepagelogo std
Infobox Facebook Fanpagelogo std
Infobox Subredditlogo std
Infobox Twitterlogo std
Infobox Youtubelogo std
Current Roster
TDK 2016SummerPromotion

Team Dragon Knights is a North American team. On May 8, 2016, Riot Games issued a competitive ruling banning them from participating in any Riot-sponsored leagues.


2015 Preseason[]

Team Dragon Knights (TDK) formed in September 2014. They qualified for the Expansion Tournament via the Challenger ladder but did not participate in the tournament. However, after undergoing a number of roster changes they did qualify for the spring season of NACS, beating Team Frostbite and Storm in the qualifier.

2015 Season[]

TDK placed second in the season with a 7-3 record, behind Enemy eSports. In the playoffs, they beat Team Fusion 2-1 before losing to Enemy 1-3, sending them to the Summer Promotion Tournament. Despite the fact that they had placed higher than Fusion, Winterfox chose to play against them. TDK used substitute mid laner Alex Ich in their promotional matches and won 3-1, successfully qualifying for the NA LCS Summer Split. After the Promotion Tournament, TDK dropped LouisXGeeGee from their roster and acquired Emperor in his place and Ninja as their permanent mid laner, making the full roster include Seraph, Kez, Ninja, Emperor, and Smoothie.

Due to visa issues, Team Dragon Knights were unable to use their full roster for the first four weeks of the summer split, as Emperor and Ninja were unable to travel to the United States to play with the team. They instead substituted in LattmaN for Emperor and Bischu and mancloud for Ninja; Baby also substituted for Smoothie for their first three games. The substitute rosters went a combined 0-9, but when Emperor and Ninja finally joined the team for the second day of the fifth week, the team defeated first-place Team Dignitas. Despite that initial success, Team Dragon Knights were only able to secure two more victories over the next four weeks, and they finished in last place with a 3-15 record, one game behind Enemy. As a result, they were automatically relegated to the 2016 NA Challenger Series Spring Season.

2016 Preseason[]

In September 2015, Team Dragon Knights rebranded as Team Arena Online.[1] However, in December, the team changed its name back to "Team Dragon Knights" because Riot Games wanted to see their new title sponsor deliver on promises to create a $1 million tournament circuit in the 2016 season before allowing a team to use their name in competition.[2] The same day as their renaming, TDK received a competitive ruling: Co-owner Chris Shim was banned from serving any officially-recognized position on any team for the entire 2016 season, TDK itself was fined $10,000, and Ninja was suspended for two months after an attempted poaching of Samsung AD carry Fury.[3]

2016 Season[]

Despite their roster limitations, TDK finished third in the NACS Regular Season, ahead of Team Liquid Academy and behind Ember. Prior to the playoffs, the team swapped several players with the LCS team Renegades: Alex Ich, RF Legendary, and Flaresz joined TDK while Seraph and Ninja left for Renegades. This roster change appeared to be in Renegades's favor; however, TDK still defeated Ember in the semifinals to advance to the promotion tournament. There they first faced and defeated Team Dignitas in an elimination match before losing to Renegades and then the first-place Challenger team Apex, falling just short of the LCS.

On May 8, 2016, Riot released a competitive ruling stating that they had investigated the relationship between TDK and Renegades and found an inappropriate link between the two organizations, with the March roster trade and the sources of financial compensation to the players after the trade being one of the major problems. As a result of their findings, Riot ruled that TDK would be banned permanently from Riot-sponsored league play, and Chris Shim and Sean Shim would individually be indefinitely banned from serving in official capacity to an organization involved in official Riot league play.[4] Despite a deadline of May 18 by which they were forced to sell their seed, it wasn't until May 23 that the seed was announced as sold to Eanix.[5]


  • 2014
  • 2015
  • 2016

Player Roster[]


Players are shown for the entire duration of their tenure on the team, with the role and substitute/trainee status they had upon their departure.

PlayerNameRoleJoinedLeftNext Team

FlareszCuong Ta
Top Laner
Mar 20162016-03-03May 20162016-05-23State of MinD Gaminglogo stdSOM

RF LegendaryOleksii Kuziuta
Top Laner
Mar 20162016-03-03May 20162016-05-23Eanixlogo stdENX

KezKevin Jeon (전재형)
Dec 20152015-12-18May 20162016-05-23Echo Foxlogo stdFOX

Alex IchAlexey Ichetovkin
Mid Laner
Feb 20162016-02-05May 20162016-05-23Team EnVyUslogo stdNV

BischuHyung-seok "Aaron" Kim (김형석)
Jan 20162016-01-04May 20162016-05-23Eanixlogo stdENX

TranceLawrence Amador
Mar 20162016-03-03May 20162016-05-23Eanixlogo stdENX

do itLee Chan-ho (이찬호)
Dec 20152015-12-29May 20162016-05-23APK Princelogo stdAPK

ThySon Seung-yong (손승용)
Feb 20162016-02-05May 20162016-05-23Retiredlogo stdRetired

OhqOh Gyu-min (오규민)
Bot Laner
Jan 20162016-01-04May 20162016-05-13NRG Esportslogo stdNRG

SeraphShin Woo-yeong (신우영)
Top Laner
Loaned Out
Dec 20152015-12-18Mar 20162016-03-03Renegadeslogo stdREN

NinjaNoh Geon-woo (노건우)
Mid Laner
Dec 20152015-12-18Mar 20162016-03-03Renegadeslogo stdREN

CrumbzAlberto Rengifo
Feb 20162016-02-05Mar 20162016-03-03Apex Gaminglogo stdAPX

moolchaelKim Young (김영)
Jan 20162016-01-22Feb 20162016-02-05Retiredlogo stdRetired

SeraphShin Woo-yeong (신우영)
Top Laner
Jan 20152015-01-07Sep 20152015-09-23Team Arena Onlinelogo stdTAO

KezKevin Jeon (전재형)
Jan 20152015-01-07Sep 20152015-09-23Team Arena Onlinelogo stdTAO

NinjaNoh Geon-woo (노건우)
Mid Laner
Sep 20152015-09-21Sep 20152015-09-23Team Arena Onlinelogo stdTAO

EmperorKim Jin-hyun (김진현)
Bot Laner
May 20152015-05-18Sep 20152015-09-23G2 Esportslogo stdG2

SmoothieAndy Ta
≈Feb 2015≈2015-02-16Sep 20152015-09-23Team Liquidlogo stdTL

BischuHyung-seok "Aaron" Kim (김형석)
≈May 2015≈2015-05-??Sep 20152015-09-23Team Dragon Knightslogo stdTDK

mancloudZachary Allan Hoschar
Jun 20152015-06-19Sep 20152015-09-23Cloud9 Challengerlogo stdC9C

JébusMohammad Karim Tokhi
≈May 2015≈2015-05-??Sep 20152015-09-23Logo stdEASY

LattmaNJames Lattman
≈May 2015≈2015-05-??Sep 20152015-09-23Logo stdNOTL

NinjaNoh Geon-woo (노건우)
Mid Laner
On Loan
May 20152015-05-18Sep 20152015-09-21Team Dragon Knightslogo stdTDK

RemiliaMaria Creveling
≈Mar 2015≈2015-03-13≈Aug 2015≈2015-08-??Renegadeslogo stdREN

BabyTerry Chuong
≈May 2015≈2015-05-??≈Jun 2015≈2015-06-??Team Imaginelogo stdIMG

LouisXGeeGeeLee Geon (이건)
Bot Laner
≈Sep 2014≈2014-09-??May 20152015-05-18Team Coastlogo stdCST

RF LegendaryOleksii Kuziuta
≈Mar 2015≈2015-03-13Apr 20152015-04-26Renegadeslogo stdREN

Alex IchAlexey Ichetovkin
≈Mar 2015≈2015-03-13Apr 20152015-04-26Renegadeslogo stdREN

KyleSeo Ji-seon (서지선)
Mid Laner
Jan 20152015-01-07≈Apr 2015≈2015-04-15Logo stdNKT

KonKwonKevin Kwon (권구혁)
Jan 20152015-01-07≈Feb 2015≈2015-02-16Final Fivelogo stdF5

Top Laner
≈Sep 2014≈2014-09-??≈Nov 2014≈2014-11-??Retiredlogo stdRetired

≈Sep 2014≈2014-09-??≈Nov 2014≈2014-11-??Retiredlogo stdRetired

RemiliaMaria Creveling
≈Oct 2014≈2014-10-??≈Nov 2014≈2014-11-??Roar (Chinese Team)logo stdRR

TricksterKim Jae-hun (김재훈)
Mid Laner
≈Sep 2014≈2014-09-??≈Oct 2014≈2014-10-??Team Curselogo stdCRS

Player League Participation[]

Playoff games are NOT included, but regular-season tiebreaker games ARE.


SmoothieTeam Dragon Knightslogo stdTeam Liquidlogo stdCloud9logo stdCloud9logo stdCloud9logo stdCloud9logo stdCloud9logo std
Echo Foxlogo std
TSMlogo stdTSMlogo stdCounter Logic Gaminglogo stdCounter Logic Gaminglogo stdCounter Logic Gaminglogo stdCounter Logic Gaminglogo std283
SeraphCounter Logic Gaminglogo stdTeam Dragon Knightslogo stdRenegadeslogo std
Team Impulselogo std
Team EnVyUslogo stdTeam EnVyUslogo stdTeam EnVyUslogo std186
BigCounter Logic Gaminglogo stdTeam Dragon Knightslogo stdEcho Foxlogo stdEcho Foxlogo stdDignitaslogo stdOpTic Gaminglogo stdOpTic Gaminglogo stdOpTic Gaminglogo std146
NinjaTeam Dragon Knightslogo stdRenegadeslogo stdTeam EnVyUslogo stdTeam EnVyUslogo std101
MancloudTeam Vulcunlogo stdTeam Vulcunlogo stdXDG Gaminglogo stdCompLexity Gaminglogo stdTeam Coastlogo stdTeam Dragon Knightslogo std99
KezCompLexity Gaminglogo stdTeam Dragon Knightslogo stdEcho Foxlogo std47
EmperorTeam Dragon Knightslogo std9
LattmanTeam Dragon Knightslogo std9


RF LegendaryTeam Dragon Knightslogo stdRenegadeslogo stdRenegadeslogo stdEanixlogo stdBig Gods Jackalslogo stdBig Gods Jackalslogo stdBig Gods Jackalslogo std42
SmoothieTeam Dragon Knightslogo stdTeam Dragon Knightslogo stdTeam Liquid Academylogo stdTeam Liquid Academylogo std31
Alex IchTeam Dragon Knightslogo stdRenegadeslogo stdRenegadeslogo stdTeam Dragon Knightslogo std29
SeraphTeam Dragon Knightslogo stdTeam Dragon Knightslogo stdTeam Dragon Knightslogo std25
KyleTeam Dragon Knightslogo stdTeam Dragon Knightslogo std15
TranceY so E-Sportslogo stdCOGnitive Gaminglogo stdTeam Fusionlogo stdTeam Fusionlogo stdEnemylogo stdTeam Dragon Knightslogo stdNova eSports (North American Team)logo std46
CrumbzRenegadeslogo stdRenegadeslogo stdTeam Dragon Knightslogo std21



ID Name Position
Greenf0rest Chris Shim Co-Owner
TriS Sean Shim Co-Owner
Alan Hubbard Co-Owner


C ID Name Position Next Team
Pyrex Toby Kwon (권용현) Manager Team EnVyUslogo stdTeam EnVyUs
Miracle Lee Hyeon-beom (이현범) 80Coach Team EnVyUslogo stdTeam EnVyUs
chain Kim Dong-woo (김동우) Coach None


This table shows up to the 10 most recent results. For complete results, click here.

Minimum place

Team Dragon Knights Tournament Results - Show Prize as (LocalUSDEuros)
DatePlPrizeEventLast ResultRoster
2016-04-08NQ NA LCS 2016 Summer Promotion
0 : 3Apex Gaminglogo stdAPX
 Flaresz,  RF Legendary,  Kez,  Alex Ich,  Ohq,  Trance,  Bischu,  TriS
2016-03-162$7,000$ 7,000€ 6,244 NACS 2016 Spring Playoffs
1 : 3Apex Gaminglogo stdAPX
 Flaresz,  Kez,  Alex Ich,  Ohq,  Trance,  Miracle
2016-02-243 NACS 2016 Spring
1-3-1Blanklogo stdRR
 Seraph,  Kez,  Crumbz,  do it,  Thy,  Ohq,  Bischu
2015-07-2610 NA LCS 2015 Summer
3 - 15Blanklogo stdRR
 Seraph,  Kez,  Bischu,  mancloud,  Ninja,  Lattman,  Emperor,  Baby,  Smoothie,  Sean
2015-04-26Q NA LCS 2015 Summer Promotion
3 : 1Winterfoxlogo stdWFX
 Seraph,  Kez,  AlexIch,  LouisXGeeGee,  Smoothie,  chain
2015-04-082$7,000$ 7,000€ 6,468 NACS 2015 Spring Playoffs
1 : 3Enemylogo stdNME
 Seraph,  Kez,  Kyle,  LouisXGeeGee,  Smoothie,  chain
2015-03-252 NACS 2015 Spring
7 - 3Blanklogo stdRR
 Seraph,  RF Legendary,  Kez,  Kyle,  AlexIch,  LouisXGeeGee,  Maria,  Smoothie
2015-02-04Q NACS 2015 Spring Qualifier
2 : 0Storm (North American Team)logo stdSTR
 Seraph,  Kez,  Kyle,  LouisXGeeGee,  Smoothie
2015-01-112$4,000$ 4,000€ 3,720 EPS Season XI
0 : 3Team Fusionlogo stdFSN
 Seraph,  Kez,  Kyle,  LouisXGeeGee,  KonKwon
Total Prize: USD 18,000


  • 2015
  • 2016

See Also[]


External Links[]


  1. Team Dragon Knights is now Team Arena Online, retains Seraph, Kez, and Ninja dailydot.com
  2. Say goodbye to Team Arena Online and hello (again) to Team Dragon Knights dailydot.com
  3. Competitive Ruling: Chris Shim, Geon-Woo “Ninja” Noh, & Jin-Yong “Fury” Lee lolesports.com
  4. Competitive Ruling: Renegades and TDK lolesports.com
  5. Eanix acquires Team Dragon Knights' NACS spot thescoreesports.com
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Team Dragon Knights' Facebook Post facebook.com
  7. 7.0 7.1 Kwon's TwitLonger twitlonger.com
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 Team Dragon Knights' Tweet twitter.com
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 Ninja no longer on contract with Team WE, officially joins TDK dailydot.com
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 Ninja's Tweet twitter.com
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 Team Dragon Knights is now Team Arena Online, retains Seraph, Kez, and Ninja dailydot.com
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 Team Dragon Knights is now Team Arena Online, retains Seraph, Kez, and Ninja dailydot.com
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 Say goodbye to Team Arena Online and hello (again) to Team Dragon Knights dailydot.com
  14. 14.0 14.1 Competitive Ruling: Chris Shim, Geon-Woo “Ninja” Noh, & Jin-Yong “Fury” Lee lolesports.com
  15. 15.0 15.1 “do it” Joins TDK to Sub for Ninja Following Suspension blog.arenaonline.com
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 Arena Online's Tweet twitter.com
  17. Team Dragon Knights' Tweet twitter.com
  18. Ohq to substitute for Freeze renegades.gg
  19. Seraph to play top lane for Week 7 renegades.gg
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 20.4 20.5 20.6 In trade with TDK, Renegades swap Flaresz, Alex Ich, and Trance for Ninja and Seraph dailydot.com
  21. Competitive Ruling: Renegades and TDK lolesports.com
  22. 22.0 22.1 NRG's Tweet twitter.com
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 23.4 23.5 23.6 23.7 23.8 Eanix acquires Team Dragon Knights' NACS spot thescoreesports.com