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Team has disbanded.
Team Coast
Team Coast Logo
Team Information
Org Location
North America
North America
Serenity Gathering
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Team Coast was previously a North American team. They were formerly known as Good Game University.


Creation of Good Game University[]

On January 4, 2013, Good Game University was founded by the former roster of Team Dynamic following their departure from the parent multi-gaming organization. ZionSpartan, NintendudeX, DontMashMe, Shiphtur, I am Anjo, and Pixel joined the team.

Season 3[]

In January 2013, Good Game University competed in the North American LCS Qualifier. In the group stage, Good Game University beat Epik Gamer and Team TowerDiveTV, while dropping one game to Team FeaR. By winning those two games, GGU advanced to day two of the event where they would defeat Dirtnap Gaming and secure their spot in the Spring Split of the NA LCS.

Good Game University's mid lane player, Shiphtur, was unable to play in the LCS due to Visa issues. With substitute player Jintae, GGU opened the season poorly, going 2-12 with a seven game losing streak. However, with the acquisition of Daydreamin, GGU turned their season around and finished sixth at 11-17 in the Spring Split, securing their spot in the NA LCS Spring Playoffs. In the quarterfinals of the playoffs, GGU defeated Dignitas 2-1, advancing them to the semifinals, where they beat Team Curse 2-1. With those two victories under their belt, GGU advanced to the finals, where they faced off against Team Solomid. Although Team Solomid won 3-2, Good Game University secured their spot in the NA LCS Summer Season.

After finishing the spring split at second place in the playoffs, the team renamed to Team Coast, their new sponsor. Additionally, ex-Curse Gaming support player Elementz became their coach. Shiphtur's visa issues were resolved, and he was able to play mid for Team Coast in the summer LCS season.

The NA LCS Summer Season was rough for Team Coast. They began the season tied for second during Week One, but thanks to a seven-game losing streak at the end of the split, Coast had to settle for seventh with a record of 9-19. This meant they would be sent to relegation matches in December to win back their spot into the league for the Season 4 Spring Promotion.

2014 Preseason[]

In the offseason, Team Coast was invited to some amateur scene events, winning ggLA Challenger Arena 5 and then earning a spot onto the new competitive league, the North American Challenger League (NACL). During the first week of the NACL, on October 8, 2013, DontMashMe announced that he had stepped down from his starter AD position.[1] On November 26, WizFujiiN joined as the new starting AD.

In December, Coast chose to play against challenger team The Walking Zed for a spot in the Season 4 Spring Split North American LCS at the Spring Promotion tournament. There, Coast would won 3-2 and qualified for their third LCS split, the Season 4 Spring Split.

2014 Season[]

Coast placed sixth at the end of the spring split, qualifying them for the playoffs. However, two losses - first to CLG 0-2 and then to Dignitas 1-2 - sent them to relegation, where they lost 1-3 to compLexity.Black. After their defeat, ZionSpartan and Shiphtur departed the team to join Dignitas. Additionally, NintendudeX stepped down from his starting role and was replaced by Santorin. The next month, Rhux and goldenglue joined to fill the mid lane and top lane vacancies.

Coast's participation in the Promotion Tournament automatically gave them a seed into the NACS Summer Series #1. With a roster consisting of Rhux, Santorin, goldenglue, WizFujiiN, and Sheep (DontMashMe and Daydreamin substituted for Santorin and Sheep in the quarterfinals), they defeated Team Green Forest, Curse Academy, and then LoLPro to win the tournament.

The second series saw a similar performance from Coast; this time, they defeated Denial, Team 8, and Curse Academy to claim the first-place spot. With the top seed into the summer playoffs, Coast was given a bye to the semifinals; they lost to Team 8 but then defeated LoLPro and qualified for the Spring Promotion Tournament.

Immediately before the promotion tournament, Coast swapped out Rhux and goldenglue to substitute positions in order to bring on Miracle and Ringer, two Korean players, as their solo lanes.[2] The move was meet with significant backlash from the community. Coast lost to Evil Geniuses.NA 0-3 but were given an automatic qualification into the Spring Expansion tournament.

2015 Preseason[]

Miracle and Ringer both left the team after their Promotion Tournament loss, and on September 27 Cris and LOD joined the team; however, LOD left a month later along with Santorin; Santorin became the jungler for Team SoloMid. Impaler and Jesiz came to North America from Europe to to join the team, filling those slots.

Coast gave up their Expansion Tournament qualification due to losing three members of the team that had played in the Promotion Tournament. However, they qualified via the Challenger ladder with the top seed, ahead of Enemy eSports. Coast easily went through the online stage of the tournament, defeating Call Gaming and LoLPro both 2-0. Matched against Curse Academy in the live tournament, they lost in the first round 3-1 but then beat Final 5 3-1 and Team Fusion 3-2 and qualified for the Spring 2015 LCS. Their starting roster going into the 2015 season included Cris, Impaler, Jesiz, Mash, and Sheep.

2015 Season[]

After the fourth week of the Spring LCS Split, Team Coast was at a 1-7 record. They replaced Jesiz with Mancloud going into the fifth week.[3] However, the team was unable to win a single game with Mancloud, and after the 7th week of the split they acquired Final Five and made a few roster changes, with the goal to strengthen the Challenger team, currently in second place behind Enemy eSports in the NACS. Impaler and Sheep both left the LCS roster to move to Final Five, replacing heavenTime and KonKwon, respectively. KonKwon moved to the LCS roster replacing Sheep, and WTHeaven, who played for Team Confusion in the Expansion Tournament, would replace Impaler.[4] Coast continued to lose all of their games after this roster swap and eventually ended the split with a 1-17 record, automatically relegated to the NACS. Prior to the start of that season, Final Five and Coast separated from each other, enabling both of them to keep their seeds into the tournament.[5]

Coast changed their roster going into the NACS Summer Split, bringing in Korean jungler Shrimp and North American mid laner Pekin Woof. They won the round robin, beating Renegades in a tiebreaker match, and then placed second in the playoffs, qualifying them to the Promotion Tournament. With Team Imagine chosen by Team 8, Coast played Enemy and won 3-0, returning to the LCS for the 2016 LCS Spring Season. During their Challenger Series run, jungler Shrimp in particular received recognition for his ability to carry the team.

2016 Preseason[]

After qualifying for the 2016 LCS Spring Season, Team Coast sold its LCS slot to NRG eSports in November.[6]


  • 2013
  • 2014
  • 2015
  • 2016

Player Roster[]


Team Coast's 2014 Season LCS Spring Starting Lineup
Left to Right: Daydreamin, Shiphtur, ZionSpartan, WizFujiiN, NintendudeX

Coast London Team Photo

Team Coast's 2014 Season CS Summer Starting Lineup
Left to Right: Goldenglue, Sheep, Rhux, DontMashMe, Santorin


Players are shown for the entire duration of their tenure on the team, with the role and substitute/trainee status they had upon their departure.

PlayerNameRoleJoinedLeftNext Team

CrisCristian Rosales
Top Laner
Sep 20142014-09-27≈Jan 2016≈2016-01-??NRG Esportslogo stdNRG

ShrimpLee Byeong-hoon (이병훈)
Jun 20152015-06-08≈Jan 2016≈2016-01-??NRG Esportslogo stdNRG

Pekin WoofIsaac Marconis
Mid Laner
Jun 20152015-06-15≈Dec 2015≈2015-12-??Logo stdTHE

MashBrandon Phan
Bot Laner
Jun 20142014-06-09≈Dec 2015≈2015-12-??Logo stdTHE

MetroidStephane Guillemot
≈May 2014≈2014-05-??≈Dec 2015≈2015-12-??Final Fivelogo stdF5

DuelKim Deul (김들)
≈Jun 2015≈2015-06-??≈Dec 2015≈2015-12-??Wan Yoologo stdWY

LouisXGeeGeeLee Geon (이건)
≈Jun 2015≈2015-06-??≈Dec 2015≈2015-12-??Sentinels ESClogo stdSNT

KonKwonKevin Kwon (권구혁)
Mar 20152015-03-13Nov 20152015-11-16NRG Esportslogo stdNRG

JesizJesse Le
Oct 20142014-10-27≈Jun 2015≈2015-06-??Gamers2logo stdG2

ThySon Seung-yong (손승용)
≈Jan 2015≈2015-01-23≈Jun 2015≈2015-06-??Team Dragon Knightslogo stdTDK

mancloudZachary Allan Hoschar
Mid Laner
Feb 20152015-02-17May 20152015-05-01Maelstrom Gaminglogo stdMAG

WTHeavenDillon Stayner
Mar 20152015-03-13≈Apr 2015≈2015-04-??Lotus eSportslogo stdLTS

BloodWaterLyubomir Spasov
≈Jan 2015≈2015-01-23≈Apr 2015≈2015-04-??Maelstrom Gaminglogo stdMAG

ImpalerMatthew Taylor
Oct 20142014-10-27Mar 20152015-03-13Final Fivelogo stdF5

SheepJamie Gallagher
Jun 20142014-06-09Mar 20152015-03-13Final Fivelogo stdF5

JintaeJustin Dinh
≈Nov 2013≈2013-11-??≈Nov 2014≈2014-11-??Cloud9 Tempestlogo stdC9T

SantorinLucas Tao Kilmer Larsen
May 20142014-05-13Oct 20142014-10-27TSMlogo stdTSM

LODBenjamin deMunck
Mid Laner
Sep 20142014-09-27Oct 20142014-10-27Cloud9logo stdC9

goldenglueGreyson Gregory Gilmer
Jun 20142014-06-09≈Oct 2014≈2014-10-??CompLexity Gaminglogo stdCOL

MiracleYi Yong-woo (이용우)
Top Laner
Sep 20142014-09-03≈Sep 2014≈2014-09-??Final Fivelogo stdF5

RingerPark Sang-kyun (박상견)
Mid Laner
Sep 20142014-09-03≈Sep 2014≈2014-09-??Retiredlogo stdRetired

RhuxKeenan Santos
Jun 20142014-06-09≈Sep 2014≈2014-09-??Final Fivelogo stdF5

WizFujiiNApollo Price
Bot Laner
Nov 20132013-11-26Jun 20142014-06-09GamesterGearlogo stdGSG

DaydreaminMiles Hoard
≈Apr 2013≈2013-04-??Jun 20142014-06-09XDG Gaminglogo stdXDG

NintendudeXJoshua Atkins
Jan 20132013-01-04≈Jun 2014≈2014-06-??Wazabi Gaminglogo stdWZG

ZionSpartanDarshan Upadhyaya
Top Laner
Jan 20132013-01-04May 20142014-05-02Dignitaslogo stdDIG

ShiphturDanny Le
Mid Laner
Jan 20132013-01-04May 20142014-05-02Dignitaslogo stdDIG

DiamondDavid Bérubé
Jan 20132013-01-24≈Mar 2014≈2014-03-??Curse Academylogo stdCA

RaìnaRaina Huang
Jun 20132013-06-18??? ????≈????-??-??Retiredlogo stdRetired

DontMashMeBrandon Phan
Bot Laner
Jan 20132013-01-04Oct 20132013-10-28VVv Gaming Redlogo stdVR

JintaeJustin Dinh
Feb 20132013-02-27≈Aug 2013≈2013-08-??Denial eSports.Eastlogo stdDNL.E

FatBrian Cao
Feb 20132013-02-04Jun 20132013-06-01Retiredlogo stdRetired

I am AnjoAngelo Joshua Cortez
Jan 20132013-01-04Jun 20132013-06-01Team TowerDiveTVlogo stdTDTV

PixelDavid Zarinski
Jan 20132013-01-04Jun 20132013-06-01Curse Academylogo stdCA

BloodWaterLyubomir Spasov
Feb 20132013-02-13Apr 20132013-04-03Team Vulcunlogo stdVUL

Player League Participation[]

Playoff games are NOT included, but regular-season tiebreaker games ARE.


DarshanGood Game Universitylogo stdTeam Coastlogo stdTeam Coastlogo stdDignitaslogo stdCounter Logic Gaminglogo stdCounter Logic Gaminglogo stdCounter Logic Gaminglogo stdCounter Logic Gaminglogo stdCounter Logic Gaminglogo stdCounter Logic Gaminglogo stdCounter Logic Gaminglogo stdCounter Logic Gaminglogo stdCounter Logic Gaminglogo std353
MashGood Game Universitylogo stdTeam Coastlogo stdTeam Coastlogo stdTeam Impulselogo stdPhoenix1logo stdEcho Foxlogo stdFlyQuestlogo std153
ShiphturGood Game Universitylogo stdTeam Coastlogo stdTeam Coastlogo stdDignitaslogo stdDignitaslogo stdDignitaslogo stdDignitaslogo std140
DaydreaminGood Game Universitylogo stdTeam Coastlogo stdTeam Coastlogo std66
JintaeGood Game Universitylogo stdTeam Coastlogo std22
ApolloTeam Coastlogo stdTeam Impulselogo stdTeam Impulselogo stdDignitaslogo stdApex Gaminglogo stdTeam EnVyUslogo stdTeam EnVyUslogo stdClutch Gaminglogo stdClutch Gaminglogo stdEcho Foxlogo stdEcho Foxlogo stdImmortalslogo stdImmortalslogo std312
MancloudTeam Vulcunlogo stdTeam Vulcunlogo stdXDG Gaminglogo stdCompLexity Gaminglogo stdTeam Coastlogo stdTeam Dragon Knightslogo std99
CrisVelocity eSportslogo stdTeam Coastlogo stdNRG Esportslogo std42
KwonTeam Coastlogo stdNRG Esportslogo stdTeam Liquidlogo stdFlyQuestlogo std31
SheepXDG Gaminglogo stdTeam Coastlogo std28
ImpalerTeam Coastlogo std14
JesizTeam Coastlogo std8
WTHeavenTeam Coastlogo std4


SantorinTeam Coastlogo stdTeam Coastlogo stdTeam Coastlogo stdEmberlogo stdGold Coin Unitedlogo stdGold Coin Unitedlogo stdGold Coin Unitedlogo stdGold Coin Unitedlogo std73
MashCurse Academylogo stdCurse Academylogo stdTeam Coastlogo stdTeam Coastlogo stdTeam Coastlogo stdTeam Coastlogo stdTeam Coastlogo stdGold Coin Unitedlogo stdGold Coin Unitedlogo std67
GoldenglueCompLexity.Redlogo std
Skylinelogo std
CompLexity.Redlogo stdTeam Coastlogo stdTeam Coastlogo stdTeam Coastlogo stdEmberlogo stdEmberlogo stdTeam Liquid Academylogo stdTeam Liquid Academylogo std60
ApolloTeam Coastlogo std2
DaydreaminTeam Coastlogo std2
ShrimpTeam Coastlogo stdTeam Coastlogo stdApex Gaminglogo stdApex Gaminglogo std27



ID Name Position
David Slan Managing Partner


ID Name Position Next Team
Saintvicious Brandon DiMarco 80Head Coach Apex Gaminglogo stdApex Gaming
MizzPeach Nicole Manning 80Business Relations Manager Humalogo stdHuma
Striker Joey Pecora Marketing and Business Relations Representative Humalogo stdHuma
Zyto Bryan Ybanez Team Manager Nova eSports (North American Team)logo stdNova eSports
Michael Slan Coach None
Elementz Cody Sigfusson 80Head Coach None
wewillfailer Bram de Winter 80Coach Nervlogo stdNerv
Chaox Shan Huang 80Coach Roar (Chinese Team)logo stdRoar
Alex Penn Alex Penn 80Coach/Analyst Major League Gaminglogo stdMajor League Gaming


This table shows up to the 10 most recent results. For complete results, click here.

Minimum place

Team Coast Tournament Results - Show Prize as (LocalUSDEuros)
DatePlPrizeEventLast ResultRoster
2015-09-06Q NA LCS 2016 Spring Promotion
3 : 0Enemylogo stdNME
 Cris,  Shrimp,  Pekin Woof,  Mash,  KonKwon,  Saintvicious
2015-08-122$7,000$ 7,000€ 6,244 NACS 2015 Summer Playoffs
2 : 3Renegadeslogo stdREN
 Cris,  Shrimp,  Pekin Woof,  Mash,  KonKwon,  Saintvicious
2015-07-221 NACS 2015 Summer
8 - 2Blanklogo stdRR
 cris,  Shrimp,  Pekin Woof,  Mash,  KonKwon
2015-05-171 Grand Opening LoL Showdown
3 : 0Logo stdGOGI
 Cris,  Gate,  Mash,  KonKwon
2015-05-101$5,000$ 5,000€ 4,462.89 Press Start LAN 2015 - 5v5
3 : 0Frank Fang Gaminglogo stdFFG
 Cris,  Metroid,  Gate,  Mash,  KonKwon
2015-03-2910 NA LCS 2015 Spring
1 - 17Blanklogo stdRR
 Cris,  Impaler,  WTHeaven,  Jesiz,  mancloud,  Mash,  Sheep,  KonKwon,  Michael Slan,  Arashi
2014-12-14Q NA LCS 2015 Spring Expansion
3 : 2Team Fusionlogo stdFSN
 Cris,  Impaler,  Jesiz,  Mash,  Sheep
2014-09-11NQ NA LCS 2015 Spring Promotion
0 : 3Evil Geniuses.NAlogo stdEG
 Miracle,  Santorin,  Ringer,  Mash,  Sheep
2014-09-051$6,700$ 6,700$6,700 EPS Season X Playoffs
2 : 1Team 8logo stdT8
 Cris,  Santorin,  LOD,  Mash,  Sheep
2014-08-243$8,000$ 8,000€ 6,040 NACS 2014 Summer Playoffs
3 : 1Team LoLPrologo stdPRO
 Rhux,  Santorin,  Goldenglue,  Mash,  Sheep
Total Prize: USD 26,700

As Good Game University[]

This table shows up to the 10 most recent results. For complete results, click here.

Minimum place

Good Game University Tournament Results - Show Prize as (LocalUSDEuros)
DatePlPrizeEventLast ResultRoster
2013-04-282$25,000$ 25,000€ 19,175 NA LCS 2013 Spring Playoffs
2 : 3TSMlogo stdTSM
 ZionSpartan,  NintendudeX,  Jintae,  DontMashMe,  Daydreamin
2013-04-196 NA LCS 2013 Spring
11 - 17Blanklogo stdRR
 ZionSpartan,  Fat,  NintendudeX,  Shiphtur,  Jintae,  DontMashMe,  I am Anjo,  BloodWater,  Daydreamin
2013-02-015 - 8 NESL Pro Series Season 5
3 - 4Blanklogo stdRR
 ZionSpartan,  NintendudeX,  Shiphtur,  DontMashMe,  Daydreamin,  CuRtoKy,  I am Anjo
2013-01-13Q NA LCS 2013 Spring Qualifiers
2 : 1Dirt Nap Gaminglogo stdDNG
 ZionSpartan,  NintendudeX,  Shiphtur,  DontMashMe,  I am Anjo
2013-01-081$1,000$ 1,000€ 765.17 MLG Prizefights - #15
2 : 1The Brunch Clublogo stdTBC
2013-01-065 - 6 SoloMid NA Invitational 12
1 : 2Meat Playgroundlogo stdMP
 ZionSpartan,  NintendudeX,  Shiphtur,  DontMashMe,  i am Anjo
2012-12-23Q Season 3 NA IPL Online Qualifiers
W : FFLogo stdEX-Q
Total Prize: USD 26,000

Highlight Videos[]




  • 2014

See Also[]

External Links[]



  1. DontMashMe Twitter Post twitter.com
  2. Team Coast's Facebook Post facebook.com
  3. Coast's Facebook Post facebook.com
  4. Team Coast Picks Up Final Five – Impaler and Sheep to F5 content.azubu.tv
  5. Team Coast's Facebook post facebook.com
  6. Sacramento Kings co-owners buy LCS spot, recruit GBM, Impact dailydot.com
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 TD.LoL parts ways with Team Dynamic - Going under the name "Good Game University." and actively looking for sponsors. reddit.com
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 Team Dynamic Leaves Sponsor, Emerges as "Good Game University" ggChronicle
  9. 9.0 9.1 GGU Twitter Update twitter.com
  10. 10.0 10.1 GGU Twitter Update twitter.com
  11. 11.0 11.1 Good Game University Facebook Status facebook.com
  12. 12.0 12.1 Vulcun welcome Lyubomir “BloodWater” Spasov to the team vulcun.pubstomparena.com
  13. Team Coast Reddit post reddit.com
  14. 14.0 14.1 Team Coast Reddit post reddit.com
  15. 15.0 15.1 Team Coast Vlog #3: Raina joins Team Coast youtube.com
  16. CyberPowerPC Facebook Post facebook.com
  17. Corsair Facebook Post facebook.com
  18. Team Coast's sponsors teamcoast.net
  19. 19.0 19.1 Team Coast Facebook Post facebook.com
  20. 20.0 20.1 Meet Wizfujiin - New Team Coast ADC youtube.com
  21. 21.0 21.1 UPDATE / ANNOUNCEMENT VIDEO - New team, no more Coast youtube.com
  22. 22.0 22.1 Alex Penn's Tweet twitter.com
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 Team Dignitas signs Shiphtur and ZionSpartan team-dignitas.net
  24. 24.0 24.1 Team Coast signs European jungler Lucas 'Santorin' Larsen ongamers.com
  25. 25.0 25.1 25.2 25.3 25.4 25.5 25.6 Team Coast Roster Announcement teamcoast.net
  26. 26.0 26.1 Team Coast's Facebook Post facebook.com
  27. Team Coast's Facebook Post facebook.com
  28. 28.0 28.1 28.2 Team Coast's Facebook Post facebook.com
  29. 29.0 29.1 29.2 Team Coast's Facebook Post twitter.com
  30. 30.0 30.1 30.2 Curse Academy Roster for LCS Expansion Tournament teamcurse.net
  31. 31.0 31.1 Team Coast Announces New Coach, Bram ‘wewillfailer’ de Winter teamcoast.net
  32. 32.0 32.1 Announcement: Team Coast Adds New Coach – Cody ‘Elementz’ Sigfusson teamcoast.net
  33. Team Coast partners with Azubu content.azubu.tv
  34. 34.0 34.1 Coast's Facebook Post facebook.com
  35. 35.0 35.1 35.2 35.3 35.4 Team Coast Picks Up Final Five – Impaler and Sheep to F5 content.azubu.tv
  36. 36.0 36.1 mancloud's Tweet twitter.com
  37. 37.0 37.1 Saintvicious joins Team Coach as new Head Coach teamcoast.net
  38. 38.0 38.1 New Coast Jungler Shrimp Talks About His Journey To North America cpgaming.gg
  39. 39.0 39.1 Team Coast’s New Midlaner Surfaces cpgaming.gg
  40. 40.0 40.1 Sacramento Kings co-owners buy LCS spot, recruit GBM, Impact dailydot.com