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Player Team Champion Position Runes Tree Runes Subtree Keystone Rune 1 Rune 2 Rune 3 Rune 4 Rune 5 Game ID
panky AUR Camille Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Bone Plating Second Wind 210112
wisdom AUR Olaf Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 210112
naru AUR Orianna Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Gathering Storm Transcendence 210112
rain AUR Kai'Sa ADC Precision Sorcery Press the Attack Presence of Mind Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 210112
rogu AUR Shen Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Bone Plating Chrysalis 210112
thaldrin FB Ornn Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Second Wind Overgrowth Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear 210112
chaser FB Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 210112
frozen FB Ryze Mid Inspiration Domination Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Taste of Blood Zombie Ward 210112
padden FB Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence 210112
zergsting FB Tahm Kench Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Bone Plating Chrysalis 210112
panky AUR Gnar Top Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Nullifying Orb Celerity Scorch Bone Plating Second Wind 210117
wisdom AUR Olaf Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 210117
naru AUR Taliyah Mid Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Minion Dematerializer Magical Footwear 210117
rain AUR Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Gathering Storm Manaflow Band 210117
rogu AUR Braum Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Bone Plating Chrysalis 210117
thaldrin FB Gangplank Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Chrysalis Revitalize Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic 210117
chaser FB Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 210117
frozen FB Zoe Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight The Ultimate Hat Celerity 210117
padden FB Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Gathering Storm Celerity 210117
zergsting FB Taric Support Resolve Precision Guardian Bone Plating Chrysalis Revitalize Presence of Mind Legend: Tenacity 210117
thaldrin FB Ornn Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Second Wind Overgrowth Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight 210118
chaser FB Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 210118
frozen FB Taliyah Mid Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer 210118
padden FB Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Gathering Storm Celerity 210118
zergsting FB Alistar Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Bone Plating Chrysalis Revitalize Future's Market Hextech Flashtraption 210118
panky AUR Camille Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Bone Plating Second Wind 210118
wisdom AUR Sejuani Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Revitalize Triumph Legend: Alacrity 210118
naru AUR Orianna Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 210118
rain AUR Ashe ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Gathering Storm The Ultimate Hat 210118
rogu AUR Thresh Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Font of Life Chrysalis Unflinching Cosmic Insight Minion Dematerializer 210118
panky AUR Gangplank Top Resolve Sorcery Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Second Wind Revitalize Manaflow Band Celerity 210119
wisdom AUR Camille Jungle Precision Sorcery Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Waterwalking 210119
naru AUR Cassiopeia Mid Sorcery Precision Phase Rush Nullifying Orb Transcendence Gathering Storm Presence of Mind Coup de Grace 210119
rain AUR Kai'Sa ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 210119
rogu AUR Shen Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Bone Plating Chrysalis Unflinching Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight 210119
thaldrin FB Vladimir Top Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Transcendence Scorch 210119
chaser FB Sejuani Jungle Precision Resolve Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Unflinching Bone Plating 210119
frozen FB Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Nullifying Orb Celerity 210119
padden FB Xayah ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Gathering Storm Absolute Focus 210119
zergsting FB Rakan Support Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery The Ultimate Hat Transcendence Scorch Bone Plating Chrysalis 210119
marshall DP Renekton Top Precision Sorcery 8010 Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Scorch 210133
kakao DP Olaf Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 210133
try DP Taliyah Mid Sorcery Precision Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Gathering Storm Presence of Mind Coup de Grace 210133
ruvelius DP Jhin ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Celerity Gathering Storm 210133
japone DP Thresh Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Bone Plating Chrysalis Unflinching Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight 210133
elwind YC Swain Top Resolve Sorcery Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Chrysalis Overgrowth Transcendence Gathering Storm 210133
mojito YC Trundle Jungle Precision Sorcery Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Waterwalking 210133
coco YC Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity 210133
madness YC Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 210133
zzus YC Braum Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Approach Velocity Bone Plating Second Wind 210133
elwind YC Cho'Gath Top Resolve Precision Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Chrysalis Overgrowth Legend: Alacrity Presence of Mind 210140
mojito YC Zac Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Revitalize Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight 210140
coco YC Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity 210140
madness YC Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 210140
zzus YC Alistar Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Bone Plating Second Wind Overgrowth Minion Dematerializer Approach Velocity 210140
marshall DP Sion Top Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Time Warp Tonic Bone Plating Second Wind 210140
kakao DP Olaf Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 210140
try DP Orianna Mid Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Gathering Storm Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer 210140
ruvelius DP Kalista ADC Precision Resolve Lethal Tempo Overheal Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Bone Plating Chrysalis 210140
japone DP Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Bone Plating Chrysalis Unflinching Minion Dematerializer Magical Footwear 210140
elwind YC Ornn Top Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Chrysalis Bone Plating 210141
mojito YC Trundle Jungle Precision Sorcery Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Waterwalking 210141
coco YC Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Celerity 210141
madness YC Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 210141
zzus YC Morgana Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery 210141
marshall DP Vladimir Top Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Transcendence Scorch 210141
kakao DP Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 210141
try DP Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Gathering Storm Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity 210141
ruvelius DP Ashe ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Celerity Gathering Storm 210141
japone DP Thresh Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Bone Plating Chrysalis Unflinching Future's Market Hextech Flashtraption 210141
panky AUR Gnar Top Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Nullifying Orb Celerity Scorch Bone Plating Second Wind 210148
wisdom AUR Trundle Jungle Precision Sorcery Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Nullifying Orb Celerity 210148
naru AUR Cassiopeia Mid Sorcery Precision Phase Rush Nullifying Orb Transcendence Gathering Storm Presence of Mind Coup de Grace 210148
rain AUR Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Gathering Storm 210148
rogu AUR Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Bone Plating Chrysalis Unflinching Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 210148
fabfabulous SUP Swain Top Sorcery Resolve Phase Rush Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Bone Plating Chrysalis 210148
stomaged SUP Elise Jungle Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 210148
gbm SUP Zoe Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Transcendence Manaflow Band 210148
zeitnot SUP Kai'Sa ADC Precision Sorcery Press the Attack Presence of Mind Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Celerity Gathering Storm 210148
snowflower SUP Alistar Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Bone Plating Chrysalis 210148
panky AUR Shen Top Resolve Precision Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Second Wind Revitalize Cut Down Legend: Alacrity 210169
wisdom AUR Trundle Jungle Precision Sorcery Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Waterwalking 210169
naru AUR Cassiopeia Mid Sorcery Precision Phase Rush Nullifying Orb Transcendence Gathering Storm Presence of Mind Coup de Grace 210169
rain AUR Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Gathering Storm 210169
rogu AUR Tahm Kench Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Unflinching Bone Plating 210169
fabfabulous SUP Ornn Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Second Wind Revitalize Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 210169
stomaged SUP Elise Jungle Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 210169
gbm SUP Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Legend: Alacrity Presence of Mind 210169
zeitnot SUP Kai'Sa ADC Precision Sorcery Press the Attack Presence of Mind Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Celerity Gathering Storm 210169
snowflower SUP Thresh Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Bone Plating Chrysalis 210169
panky AUR Ornn Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Second Wind Revitalize Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 210170
wisdom AUR Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 210170
naru AUR Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Presence of Mind Coup de Grace 210170
rain AUR Vayne ADC Precision Sorcery Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Gathering Storm Celerity 210170
rogu AUR Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Font of Life Second Wind Unflinching Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 210170
fabfabulous SUP Maokai Top Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Bone Plating Second Wind Revitalize Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 210170
stomaged SUP Zac Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Overgrowth Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight 210170
gbm SUP Vladimir Mid Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Bone Plating Chrysalis 210170
zeitnot SUP Kai'Sa ADC Precision Sorcery Press the Attack Presence of Mind Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Celerity Gathering Storm 210170
snowflower SUP Tahm Kench Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Approach Velocity Bone Plating Chrysalis 210170
fabfabulous SUP Gnar Top Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Nullifying Orb Celerity Scorch Bone Plating Second Wind 210171
stomaged SUP Trundle Jungle Precision Sorcery Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Waterwalking 210171
gbm SUP Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence 210171
zeitnot SUP Kai'Sa ADC Precision Sorcery Press the Attack Presence of Mind Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 210171
snowflower SUP Tahm Kench Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Approach Velocity Bone Plating Chrysalis 210171
panky AUR Gangplank Top Resolve Sorcery Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Second Wind Revitalize Manaflow Band Celerity 210171
wisdom AUR Olaf Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 210171
naru AUR Swain Mid Sorcery Inspiration Phase Rush Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Cosmic Insight Magical Footwear 210171
rain AUR Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Gathering Storm Celerity 210171
rogu AUR Morgana Support Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Bone Plating Chrysalis 210171
elwind YC Cho'Gath Top Resolve Precision Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Second Wind Overgrowth Triumph Legend: Alacrity 210188
mojito YC Trundle Jungle Precision Sorcery Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Celerity Waterwalking 210188
coco YC Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Celerity Gathering Storm 210188
madness YC Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 210188
zzus YC Janna Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery 210188
broken blade RBE Gnar Top Precision Resolve Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Bone Plating Chrysalis 210188
malrang RBE Lee Sin Jungle Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Absolute Focus Scorch 210188
cepted RBE Anivia Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Celerity Gathering Storm 210188
holyphoenix RBE Kai'Sa ADC Precision Resolve Press the Attack Presence of Mind Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Bone Plating Chrysalis 210188
dumbledoge RBE Braum Support Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Approach Velocity Bone Plating Chrysalis 210188
broken blade RBE Ornn Top Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Time Warp Tonic Bone Plating Chrysalis 210191
malrang RBE Jax Jungle Precision Sorcery Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Waterwalking 210191
cepted RBE Zoe Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 210191
holyphoenix RBE Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 210191
dumbledoge RBE Braum Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Bone Plating Chrysalis 210191
elwind YC Vladimir Top Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 210191
mojito YC Trundle Jungle Precision Sorcery Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Celerity Waterwalking 210191
coco YC Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity 210191
madness YC Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 210191
zzus YC Alistar Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Bone Plating Second Wind Overgrowth Minion Dematerializer Approach Velocity 210191
elwind YC Sion Top Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Time Warp Tonic Bone Plating Chrysalis 210192
mojito YC Zac Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Revitalize Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight 210192
coco YC Zoe Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Gathering Storm Transcendence 210192
madness YC Kai'Sa ADC Precision Sorcery Press the Attack Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 210192
zzus YC Thresh Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Bone Plating Second Wind Overgrowth Minion Dematerializer Approach Velocity 210192
broken blade RBE Maokai Top Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Bone Plating Chrysalis Revitalize Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 210192
malrang RBE Rek'Sai Jungle Domination Sorcery Electrocute Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Absolute Focus Scorch 210192
cepted RBE Ryze Mid Inspiration Domination Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Zombie Ward Ravenous Hunter 210192
holyphoenix RBE Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 210192
dumbledoge RBE Tahm Kench Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Bone Plating Chrysalis 210192
panky AUR Sion Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Bone Plating Second Wind 210217
wisdom AUR Olaf Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 210217
naru AUR Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 210217
rain AUR Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Gathering Storm Absolute Focus 210217
rogu AUR Thresh Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Bone Plating Chrysalis 210217
elwind YC Ornn Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Second Wind Overgrowth Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 210217
mojito YC Trundle Jungle Precision Sorcery Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Waterwalking 210217
coco YC Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity 210217
madness YC Kai'Sa ADC Precision Sorcery Press the Attack Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 210217
zzus YC Tahm Kench Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Approach Velocity Bone Plating Second Wind 210217
panky AUR Ornn Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Second Wind Revitalize Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery 210218
wisdom AUR Olaf Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 210218
naru AUR Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 210218
rain AUR Varus ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Gathering Storm Absolute Focus 210218
rogu AUR Morgana Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight 210218
elwind YC Swain Top Sorcery Inspiration Phase Rush Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 210218
mojito YC Trundle Jungle Precision Sorcery Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Celerity Waterwalking 210218
coco YC Anivia Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Celerity Gathering Storm 210218
madness YC Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 210218
zzus YC Thresh Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Approach Velocity Bone Plating Second Wind 210218
panky AUR Sion Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Bone Plating Chrysalis 210219
wisdom AUR Camille Jungle Precision Sorcery Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Waterwalking 210219
naru AUR Cassiopeia Mid Sorcery Precision Phase Rush Nullifying Orb Transcendence Gathering Storm Presence of Mind Coup de Grace 210219
rain AUR Kai'Sa ADC Precision Sorcery Press the Attack Presence of Mind Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Gathering Storm Celerity 210219
rogu AUR Shen Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Bone Plating Second Wind 210219
elwind YC Fiora Top Resolve Sorcery Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Chrysalis Overgrowth Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 210219
mojito YC Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 210219
coco YC Karma Mid Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery The Ultimate Hat Transcendence Gathering Storm Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 210219
madness YC Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 210219
zzus YC Tahm Kench Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Approach Velocity Bone Plating Second Wind 210219
broken blade RBE Gnar Top Precision Resolve Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Bone Plating Chrysalis 230087
malrang RBE Olaf Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 230087
cepted RBE Taliyah Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 230087
holyphoenix RBE Kai'Sa ADC Precision Resolve Press the Attack Presence of Mind Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Second Wind Bone Plating 230087
dumbledoge RBE Tahm Kench Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Bone Plating Chrysalis 230087
fabfabulous SUP Ornn Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Second Wind Revitalize Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery 230087
stomaged SUP Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ravenous Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 230087
gbm SUP Karma Mid Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery The Ultimate Hat Absolute Focus Gathering Storm Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 230087
zeitnot SUP Varus ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 230087
snowflower SUP Thresh Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Hextech Flashtraption Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Bone Plating Chrysalis 230087
fabfabulous SUP Cho'Gath Top Resolve Precision Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Second Wind Revitalize Legend: Alacrity Presence of Mind 230091
stomaged SUP Trundle Jungle Precision Sorcery Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Celerity Waterwalking 230091
gbm SUP Karma Mid Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery The Ultimate Hat Absolute Focus Gathering Storm Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 230091
zeitnot SUP Varus ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 230091
snowflower SUP Thresh Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Bone Plating Chrysalis Overgrowth Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear 230091
broken blade RBE Sion Top Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Time Warp Tonic Bone Plating Chrysalis 230091
malrang RBE Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 230091
cepted RBE Syndra Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 230091
holyphoenix RBE Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 230091
dumbledoge RBE Braum Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Bone Plating Chrysalis 230091
fabfabulous SUP Ornn Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Second Wind Revitalize Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 230092
stomaged SUP Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ravenous Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 230092
gbm SUP Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Presence of Mind Coup de Grace 230092
zeitnot SUP Xayah ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Gathering Storm Manaflow Band 230092
snowflower SUP Rakan Support Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Manaflow Band Absolute Focus Scorch Bone Plating Chrysalis 230092
broken blade RBE Cho'Gath Top Resolve Precision Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Chrysalis Revitalize Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity 230092
malrang RBE Xin Zhao Jungle Precision Sorcery Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Waterwalking 230092
cepted RBE Cassiopeia Mid Sorcery Precision Phase Rush Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Presence of Mind Legend: Tenacity 230092
holyphoenix RBE Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 230092
dumbledoge RBE Tahm Kench Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Bone Plating Chrysalis 230092
fabfabulous SUP Ornn Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Second Wind Revitalize Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 230093
stomaged SUP Trundle Jungle Precision Sorcery Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Waterwalking 230093
gbm SUP Twisted Fate Mid Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Bone Plating Chrysalis 230093
zeitnot SUP Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 230093
snowflower SUP Morgana Support Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Manaflow Band Absolute Focus Scorch Bone Plating Chrysalis 230093
broken blade RBE Cho'Gath Top Resolve Precision Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Chrysalis Revitalize Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity 230093
malrang RBE Rek'Sai Jungle Domination Sorcery Electrocute Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Scorch 230093
cepted RBE Taliyah Mid Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 230093
holyphoenix RBE Xayah ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 230093
dumbledoge RBE Rakan Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Bone Plating Chrysalis 230093