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Team Information
Org Location
Hong Kong
Team Location
Asia Pacific
H Cubed Investments
Inner Edge
Social Media & Links
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Current Roster
TALON LCP 2025 Split 1

TALON is an esports organization based in Hong Kong. Between Summer 2020 and 2024 the organization partnered with French football club Paris Saint-Germain to compete as PSG Talon.



  • 2019
  • 2020
  • 2021
  • 2022
  • 2023
  • 2024
  • 2025
  • January 25,
    Pretender returns from loan to Frank Esports.[65]
    Pretender leaves.[66] Coldicee (Manager) and Hsieh Chia-Hsin (General Manager) join. Dohoon (Chief Gaming Officer & Head of Performance to General Manager) changes position.[67]
  • February 16,
    JunJia joins.
  • March 30,
    HongSuo, and
    Woody's contracts are updated in the GCD, expiring on 21 November 2024.
    JunJia's contract is updated in the GCD, expiring on 18 November 2024.
    ubao and
    Wako's contracts are updated in the GCD, expiring on 21 November 2023. CorGi (Head Coach)'s contract is updated in the GCD, expiring on 20 November 2023. Zero (Assistant Coach)'s contract is updated in the GCD, expiring on 20 November 2024.[69]
  • May 31,
    ubao leaves.[70]
  • June 5,
    Maple rejoins.
  • June 6,
    Maple's contract is updated in the GCD, expiring on 20 November 2023.[72]
  • June 19, GreenTea (Streamer) joins.[73]
  • June 27, Ziv (Streamer) joins.[74]
  • July 29, Hei Hei (Streamer) joins.[75]
  • November 21,
    Husha and
    Wako leave.[76]
  • December 14,
    Maple, and CorGi (Head Coach)'s contracts are extended.[77][78]
  • December 15,
    Azhi's contract is updated in the GCD, expiring on 17 November 2025.
    Maple and CorGi (Head Coach)'s contracts are updated in the GCD, expiring on 18 November 2024.[79]
  • December 17,
    Betty joins.
    Betty's contract is updated in the GCD, expiring on 17 November 2025.[81]
  • December 18, Maru (Assistant Coach)'s contract is extended.
    Woody, and Zero (Assistant Coach) will remain with the team for 2024.[82]
    Woody, Maru (Assistant Coach), and Zero (Assistant Coach)'s contracts are updated in the GCD, expiring on 18 November 2024.[83]
  • January 11,
    HongSuo's contract is updated in the GCD, expiring on 18 November 2024.[84]
  • November 2, Team is selected as a partner team for the LCP 2025 season.[85]
  • November 14,
    Woody's contract is extended.[86]
  • November 17,
    JunJia and
    HongSuo leave.[87]
  • November 18, CorGi (Head Coach)'s contract is extended.[88]
  • November 21,
    Maple retires.[89]
  • December 10,
    Karsa joins.
  • December 11,
    FoFo joins.
  • December 18,
    FoFo, and Maru (Assistant Coach)'s contracts are updated in the GCD, expiring on 15 November 2025.
    Woody and CorGi (Head Coach)'s contracts are updated in the GCD, expiring on 15 November 2027. Zero (Assistant Coach)'s contract is updated in the GCD, expiring on 16 November 2026.[92]
  • January 5, PSG Talonlogo stdPSG Talon renames to TALON (Hong Kong Team)logo stdTALON following the conclusion of the partnership with Paris Saint-Germain.[93]

Player Roster[]


PlayerNameRoleContract EndsJoined

AzhiHuang Shang-Jhih (黃上鋕)
Top Laner
Dec 20212021-12-09

KarsaHung Hao-Hsuan (洪浩軒)
Dec 20242024-12-10

FoFoChu Chun-Lan (朱駿嵐)
Mid Laner
Dec 20242024-12-11

BettyLu Yu-Hung (盧禹宏)
Bot Laner
Dec 20232023-12-17

WoodyLin Yu-En (林煜恩)
Dec 20222022-12-16


Players are shown for the entire duration of their tenure on the team, with the role and substitute/trainee status they had upon their departure.

PlayerNameRoleJoinedLeftNext Team

MapleHuang Yi-Tang (黃熠棠)
Mid Laner
Jun 20232023-06-05Nov 20242024-11-21Retiredlogo stdRetired

JunJiaYu Chun-Chia (余峻嘉)
Feb 20232023-02-16Nov 20242024-11-17CTBC Flying Oysterlogo stdCFO

HongSuoGuo Bei-Yi (郭貝益)
Mid Laner
Dec 20222022-12-16Nov 20242024-11-17Deep Cross Gaminglogo stdDCG

HushaHuang Tzu-Wei (黃梓維)
Dec 20222022-12-16Nov 20232023-11-21Beyond Gaminglogo stdBYG

WakoTsou Wei-Yang (鄒惟洋)
Bot Laner
Dec 20222022-12-16Nov 20232023-11-21J Teamlogo stdJT

ubaoChen Chang-Chu (陳昌駒)
Mid Laner
Dec 20222022-12-16May 20232023-05-31Rare Atom Periodlogo stdRAP

PretenderNg Cheuk Lun Jason (伍焯綸)
Mid Laner
Feb 20222022-02-09Jan 20232023-01-25Frank Esportslogo stdFAK

HanabiSu Chia-Hsiang (蘇嘉祥)
Top Laner
Jan 20202020-01-01Nov 20222022-11-19Deep Cross Gaminglogo stdDCG

BurryJeong Seung-hwan (정승환)
Jun 20222022-06-13Nov 20222022-11-19Logo std빈집털이

GoriKim Tae-woo (김태우)
Mid Laner
Jun 20222022-06-04Nov 20222022-11-19Golden Guardianslogo stdGG

UnifiedWong Chun Kit (黃俊杰)
Bot Laner
Jan 20202020-01-04Nov 20222022-11-19Retiredlogo stdRetired

KaiwingLing Kai Wing (凌啟榮)
Jan 20202020-01-03Nov 20222022-11-19Frank Esportslogo stdFAK

JuhanLee Ju-han (이주한)
Dec 20212021-12-09Jun 20222022-06-01DRXlogo stdDRX

BayPark Jun-byeong (박준병)
Mid Laner
Dec 20212021-12-09Jun 20222022-06-01T1 Challengerslogo stdT1.C

PretenderNg Cheuk Lun Jason (伍焯綸)
Mid Laner
Feb 20222022-02-07Feb 20222022-02-09PSG Talonlogo stdPSG

PretenderNg Cheuk Lun Jason (伍焯綸)
Mid Laner
Dec 20212021-12-09Feb 20222022-02-07PSG Talonlogo stdPSG

MapleHuang Yi-Tang (黃熠棠)
Mid Laner
Dec 20202020-12-10Dec 20212021-12-06Anyone's Legendlogo stdAL

KartisWong Ka Lok (黃嘉樂)
Jan 20212021-01-09Nov 20212021-11-18FunPlus Phoenix Blazelogo stdFPB

RiverKim Dong-woo (김동우)
Jan 20202020-01-05Nov 20212021-11-15Dignitaslogo stdDIG

DoggoChiu Tzu-Chuan (邱梓銓)
Bot Laner
On Loan
Apr 20212021-04-24May 20212021-05-22Beyond Gaminglogo stdBYG

YuwanHsu Chi-Chun (徐麒鈞)
Also Sub
Jul 20202020-07-16Feb 20212021-02-07PSG Talonlogo stdPSG

TankPark Dan-won (박단원)
Mid Laner
Jun 20202020-06-08Oct 20202020-10-31Retiredlogo stdRetired

KongyueHsiao Jen-Tso (蕭任佐)
On Loan
Sep 20202020-09-16Sep 20202020-09-27Ahq eSports Clublogo stdahq

UniboyChen Chang-Chu (陳昌駒)
Mid Laner
On Loan
Sep 20202020-09-16Sep 20202020-09-27Ahq eSports Clublogo stdahq

DeeChen Chun-Dee (陳駿迪)
Bot Laner
On Loan
Sep 20202020-09-16Sep 20202020-09-26Machi Esportslogo stdMCX

CandyKim Seung-ju (김승주)
Mid Laner
Jan 20202020-01-02Jul 20202020-07-09Retiredlogo stdRetired

WeiLunTsai Wei-Lun (蔡緯綸)
Mar 20202020-03-28May 20202020-05-21Alpha Esportslogo stdALF

Player League Participation[]

Playoff games are NOT included, but regular-season tiebreaker games ARE.


SpringSummerSpringSummerSpringSummerSpringSummerSpringSummerSplit 1
KaiwingTALON (Hong Kong Team)logo stdPSG Talonlogo stdPSG Talonlogo stdPSG Talonlogo stdPSG Talonlogo stdPSG Talonlogo stdFrank Esportslogo stdFrank Esportslogo stdFrank Esportslogo stdFrank Esportslogo std196
WoodyJ Teamlogo stdJ Teamlogo stdJ Teamlogo stdJ Teamlogo stdDeep Cross Gaminglogo stdDeep Cross Gaminglogo stdPSG Talonlogo stdPSG Talonlogo stdPSG Talonlogo stdPSG Talonlogo std193
AzhiBerjaya Dragonslogo stdBerjaya Dragonslogo stdBerjaya Dragonslogo stdBerjaya Dragonslogo stdPSG Talonlogo stdPSG Talonlogo stdPSG Talonlogo stdPSG Talonlogo std190
WakoAhq eSports Clublogo stdAhq eSports Clublogo stdBOOM Esportslogo stdBOOM Esportslogo stdBeyond Gaminglogo stdBeyond Gaminglogo stdPSG Talonlogo stdPSG Talonlogo stdJ Teamlogo stdFrank Esportslogo std179
HanabiTALON (Hong Kong Team)logo stdPSG Talonlogo stdPSG Talonlogo stdPSG Talonlogo stdPSG Talonlogo stdPSG Talonlogo stdDeep Cross Gaminglogo stdDeep Cross Gaminglogo stdJ Teamlogo std148
MaplePSG Talonlogo stdPSG Talonlogo stdPSG Talonlogo stdPSG Talonlogo stdPSG Talonlogo std118
UnifiedTALON (Hong Kong Team)logo stdPSG Talonlogo stdPSG Talonlogo stdPSG Talonlogo stdPSG Talonlogo stdPSG Talonlogo std109
HushaBeyond Gaminglogo stdBeyond Gaminglogo stdBeyond Gaminglogo stdBeyond Gaminglogo stdPSG Talonlogo stdBeyond Gaminglogo std106
UniboyAhq eSports Clublogo stdAhq eSports Clublogo stdJ Teamlogo stdJ Teamlogo stdPSG Talonlogo std92
BettyBeyond Gaminglogo stdPSG Talonlogo stdPSG Talonlogo std82
JunJiaPSG Talonlogo stdPSG Talonlogo stdPSG Talonlogo stdPSG Talonlogo std75
RiverTALON (Hong Kong Team)logo stdPSG Talonlogo stdPSG Talonlogo stdPSG Talonlogo std73
GoriPSG Talonlogo stdCTBC Flying Oysterlogo stdCTBC Flying Oysterlogo std61
CandyTALON (Hong Kong Team)logo stdPSG Talonlogo std20
BayPSG Talonlogo std18
BurryPSG Talonlogo std18
JuhanPSG Talonlogo std18
TankPSG Talonlogo std17


Split 1Split 2Split 3
KarsaTALON (Hong Kong Team)logo std8
WoodyTALON (Hong Kong Team)logo std8



C ID Name Position
Sean Zhang Zhang Xiao-Yi (張曉一) Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer
evilslug Jarrold Tham Co-Founder & Chief Financial Officer
Coldicee Yu Min-Hsiang (游閔翔) 80Manager
Hsieh Chia-Hsin (謝嘉信) General Manager
Dohoon Kim Do-hoon (김도훈) General Manager
CorGi Cheng Pin-Lun (程品倫) 80Head Coach
Maru Lee Sang-hun (이상훈) 80Assistant Coach
Zero Chung Chen-Hua (鍾震華) 80Assistant Coach
Firefly Streamer
Gear Lam Kwok Wa (林國華) 80Streamer
ZOD Chang Po-Cheng (張博誠) 80Streamer
GreenTea Tsai Shang-Ching (蔡尚精) 80Streamer
Ziv Chen Yi (陳奕) 80Streamer
Hei Hei Pang Wing Hei (彭泳熙) 80Streamer


C ID Name Position Next Team
Yuwan Hsu Chi-Chun (徐麒鈞) 80Analyst None
Tom Im Jae-hyeon (임재현) 80Assistant Coach T1logo stdT1
Glen Yang Po-Jen (楊博任) 80Team Manager TSMlogo stdTSM
Winged Park Tae-jin (박태진) 80Coach Kwangdong Freecs Challengerslogo stdKwangdong Freecs Challengers
Helper Kwon Yeong-jae (권영재) 80Head Coach Gen.Glogo stdGen.G
Bigfafa Seo Min-seok (서민석) 80Head Coach ThunderTalk Gaminglogo stdThunderTalk Gaming
Saroo Lee Jong-won (이종원) 80Assistant Coach All Knightslogo stdAll Knights


This table shows up to the 10 most recent results. For complete results, click here.

Minimum place

TALON Tournament Results - Show Prize as (LocalUSDEuros)
DatePlPrizeEventLast ResultRoster
2020-05-301 Mid-Season Showdown 2020
3 : 1Team Flash.Vietnamlogo stdTF
 Hanabi,  River,  Candy,  Unified,  Kaiwing,  Bigfafa,  Saroo
2020-05-031$30,000$ 30,000€ 27,324.4 PCS 2020 Spring Playoffs
3 : 2Machi Esportslogo stdMCX
 Hanabi,  River,  Candy,  Unified,  Kaiwing,  Bigfafa,  Saroo
2020-04-053 PCS 2020 Spring
13 - 5Blanklogo stdRR
 Hanabi,  River,  Candy,  Unified,  Kaiwing,  Bigfafa,  Saroo
Total Prize: USD 30,000

As PSG Talon[]

This table shows up to the 10 most recent results. For complete results, click here.

Minimum place

PSG Talon Tournament Results - Show Prize as (LocalUSDEuros)
DatePlPrizeEventLast ResultRoster
2024-10-1112 - 14$67,500$ 67,500$67,500 Worlds 2024
0 : 2Bilibili Gaminglogo stdBLG
 Azhi,  JunJia,  Maple,  Betty,  Woody,  CorGi,  Zero
2024-09-011$35,000$ 35,000$35,000 PCS 2024 Summer Playoffs
3 : 1Fukuoka SoftBank HAWKS gaminglogo stdSHG
 Azhi,  JunJia,  Maple,  Betty,  Woody,  CorGi,  Zero,  Maru
2024-07-281 PCS 2024 Summer
9 - 1Blanklogo stdRR
 Azhi,  JunJia,  Maple,  Betty,  Woody,  CorGi,  Zero
2024-05-127 - 8$15,000$ 15,000$15,000 MSI 2024
0 : 3G2 Esportslogo stdG2
 Azhi,  JunJia,  Maple,  Betty,  Woody,  CorGi,  Zero
2024-04-071$35,000$ 35,000$35,000 PCS 2024 Spring Playoffs
3 : 0Fukuoka SoftBank HAWKS gaminglogo stdSHG
 Azhi,  JunJia,  Maple,  Betty,  Woody,  CorGi,  Zero
2024-03-032 PCS 2024 Spring
7 - 3Blanklogo stdRR
 Azhi,  JunJia,  Maple,  Betty,  Woody,  CorGi,  Zero
2023-10-1517 - 18$38,937.50$ 38,937.5$38,937.50 Worlds 2023
2 : 3Team BDSlogo stdBDS
 Azhi,  JunJia,  Maple,  Wako,  Woody,  CorGi,  Zero
2023-09-091$30,000$ 30,000$30,000 PCS 2023 Summer Playoffs
3 : 2CTBC Flying Oysterlogo stdCFO
 Azhi,  JunJia,  Maple,  Wako,  Woody,  CorGi,  Zero,  Maru
2023-08-071 PCS 2023 Summer
16 - 2Blanklogo stdRR
 Azhi,  JunJia,  Maple,  Wako,  Woody,  CorGi,  Zero,  Maru
2023-05-079$12,500$ 12,500$12,500 MSI 2023
0 : 3Golden Guardianslogo stdGG
 Azhi,  JunJia,  ubao,  Wako,  Woody,  CorGi,  Zero
Total Prize: USD 233,938


  • 2020
  • 2021
  • 2022
  • 2023
  • 2024





  1. The Inaugural Season of The Pacific Championship Series (PCS) nexus.leagueoflegends.com
  2. 2.0 2.1 Talon Esports' Tweet twitter.com
  3. 3.0 3.1 Talon Esports' Tweet witter.com
  4. 4.0 4.1 Talon Esports' Tweet twitter.com
  5. 5.0 5.1 Talon Esports' Tweet twitter.com
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Talon Esports' Tweet twitter.com
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 Talon Esports' Tweet twitter.com
  8. 8.0 8.1 Talon Esports' Tweet twitter.com
  9. Archive Pages: before change - PCS - 2020-01-16; after change - PCS - 2020-01-17
  10. Archive Pages: before change - PCS - 2020-01-16; after change - PCS - 2020-01-17
  11. Archive Pages: before change - PCS - 2020-03-17; after change - PCS - 2020-03-18
  12. Archive Pages: before change - PCS - 2020-03-17; after change - PCS - 2020-03-18
  13. Archive Pages: before change - PCS - 2020-03-17; after change - PCS - 2020-03-18
  14. Archive Pages: before change - PCS - 2020-03-17; after change - PCS - 2020-03-18
  15. Archive Pages: before change - PCS - 2020-03-17; after change - PCS - 2020-03-18
  16. Archive Pages: before change - PCS - 2020-03-17; after change - PCS - 2020-03-18
  17. 17.0 17.1 Archive Pages: before change - PCS - 2020-03-27; after change - PCS - 2020-03-28
  18. Archive Pages: before change - PCS - 2020-03-27; after change - PCS - 2020-03-28
  19. 19.0 19.1 Archive Pages: before change - PCS - 2020-05-20; after change - PCS - 2020-05-21
  20. 20.0 20.1 Talon Esports' Tweet (Korean) twitter.com
  21. Archive Pages: before change - PCS - 2020-06-07; after change - PCS - 2020-06-08
  22. PSG ESPORTS parters with TALON ESPORTS and returns to League of Legends psg-esports.com
  23. 23.0 23.1 PSG Talon's Tweet twitter.com
  24. Archive Pages: before change - PCS - 2020-07-08; after change - PCS - 2020-07-09
  25. 25.0 25.1 Archive Pages: before change - PCS - 2020-07-15; after change - PCS - 2020-07-16
  26. Archive Pages: before change - PCS - 2020-07-15; after change - PCS - 2020-07-16
  27. 27.0 27.1 27.2 27.3 PSG Talon's Tweet twitter.com
  28. 28.0 28.1 PCS' Tweet twitter.com
  29. 29.0 29.1 29.2 PCS' Tweet twitter.com
  30. 30.0 30.1 Saroo's Tweet twitter.com
  31. 31.0 31.1 서민석 감독, PSG 탈론과 결별..."모든 팀 제안 받고 파" (Korean) fomos.kr
  32. 32.0 32.1 Bigfafa's Tweet twitter.com
  33. 33.0 33.1 Tank's Facebook Post facebook.com
  34. PSG Talon's Tweet twitter.com
  35. PSG Talon's Tweet twitter.com
  36. PSG Talon's Tweet twitter.com
  37. PSG Talon's Tweet twitter.com
  38. 38.0 38.1 PSG Talon's Tweet twitter.com
  39. 39.0 39.1 39.2 39.3 PSG Talon's Tweet twitter.com
  40. 40.0 40.1 PSG Talon's Facebook Post facebook.com
  41. 41.0 41.1 41.2 PSG Talon Team Profile lolpcs.com
  42. Archive Pages: before change - PCS - 2021-02-08; after change - PCS - 2021-02-09
  43. 43.0 43.1 PSG Talon's Tweet twitter.com
  44. Archive Pages: before change - PCS - 2021-05-23; after change - PCS - 2021-05-24
  45. 45.0 45.1 45.2 PSG Talon's Facebook Post facebook.com
  46. 46.0 46.1 PSG Talon's Tweet twitter.com
  47. 47.0 47.1 PSG Talon's Tweet twitter.com
  48. 48.0 48.1 PSG Talon's Tweet twitter.com
  49. 49.0 49.1 PSG Talon's Facebook Post facebook.com
  50. 50.0 50.1 50.2 50.3 50.4 PSG Talon's Facebook Post (Chinese) facebook.com
  51. 51.0 51.1 Kwangdong Freecs' Tweet twitter.com
  52. 52.0 52.1 52.2 52.3 PSG Talon's Facebook Post facebook.com
  53. 53.0 53.1 Glen's Facebook Post (Chinese) facebook.com
  54. 54.0 54.1 54.2 54.3 Archive Pages: before change - PCS - 2022-02-06; after change - PCS - 2022-02-07
  55. 55.0 55.1 55.2 PSG Talon's Facebook Post facebook.com
  56. 56.0 56.1 56.2 PSG Talon's Facebook Post facebook.com
  57. 57.0 57.1 PSG Talon's Tweet twitter.com
  58. 58.0 58.1 PSG Talon's Tweet twitter.com
  59. Archive Pages: before change - PCS - 2022-06-17; after change - PCS - 2022-06-18
  60. 60.0 60.1 PSG Talon Esports' Facebook facebook.com
  61. 61.0 61.1 61.2 61.3 61.4 61.5 PSG Talon's Tweet twitter.com
  62. 62.0 62.1 PSG Talon's Tweet twitter.com
  63. 63.0 63.1 63.2 63.3 63.4 63.5 63.6 PSG Talon's Tweet twitter.com
  64. 64.0 64.1 PSG Talon's Facebook Post facebook.com
  65. LoL Pacific Championship Series' Facebook Post (Chinese) facebook.com
  66. LoL Pacific Championship Series' Facebook Post (Chinese) facebook.com
  67. 67.0 67.1 LoL Pacific Championship Series' Facebook Post (Chinese) facebook.com
  68. 68.0 68.1 PSG Talon's Facebook Post (Chinese) facebook.com
  69. Archive Pages: before change - PCS - 2023-03-29; after change - PCS - 2023-03-30
  70. 70.0 70.1 PSG Talon's Facebook Post facebook.com
  71. 71.0 71.1 PSG Talon's Tweet twitter.com
  72. Archive Pages: before change - PCS - 2023-06-05; after change - PCS - 2023-06-06
  73. 73.0 73.1 PSG Talon's Facebook Post (Chinese) facebook.com
  74. 74.0 74.1 PSG Talon's Facebook Post (Chinese) facebook.com
  75. 75.0 75.1 PSG Talon's Facebook Post (Chinese) facebook.com
  76. 76.0 76.1 76.2 PSG Talon's Tweet twitter.com
  77. PSG Talon's Facebook Post (Chinese) facebook.com
  78. PSG Talon's Facebook Post (Chinese) facebook.com
  79. Archive Pages: before change - PCS - 2023-12-14; after change - PCS - 2023-12-15
  80. 80.0 80.1 PSG Talon's Tweet twitter.com
  81. Archive Pages: before change - PCS - 2023-12-16; after change - PCS - 2023-12-17
  82. PSG Talon's Facebook Post (Chinese) facebook.com
  83. Archive Pages: before change - PCS - 2023-12-17; after change - PCS - 2023-12-18
  84. Archive Pages: before change - PCS - 2024-01-10; after change - EMEA - 2024-01-11
  86. PSG Talon's Facebook Post (Chinese) facebook.com
  87. 87.0 87.1 87.2 PSG Talon's Facebook Post (Chinese) facebook.com
  88. PSG Talon's Facebook Post (Chinese) facebook.com
  89. 89.0 89.1 PSG Talon's X Post x.com
  90. 90.0 90.1 PSG Talon's Facebook Post facebook.com
  91. 91.0 91.1 PSG Talon's Facebook Post facebook.com
  92. Archive Pages: before change - PCS - 2024-12-17; after change - PCS - 2024-12-18
  93. Talon's X Post x.com