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Tournament Results
Minimum place

Ryan Tournament Results
DatePlEventLast ResultTeamRoster
2023-09-143 - 4 IEF 2023 Korea Qualifiers
1  : 2Logo stdHMPD
Logo std브레스메 Hipo,  Ryan,  배고픈 한 아이,  Dooti,  Joker
2021-08-017 CBLOL 2021 Split 2
7 - 11Blanklogo stdRR
KaBuM! Esportslogo stdKBM Wizer,  Ryan,  Evrot,  Disave,  Scuro,  Nuddle,  Nishikino
2021-03-286 CBLOL 2021 Split 1 Playoffs
1 : 3RED Canidslogo stdRED
KaBuM! Esportslogo stdKBM Wizer,  Ryan,  Evrot,  Disave,  Professor,  Nuddle,  SrVenancio
2021-03-146 CBLOL 2021 Split 1
9 - 9Blanklogo stdRR
KaBuM! Esportslogo stdKBM Bankai,  Wizer,  Mousty,  Ryan,  Evrot,  Disave,  Professor,  Nuddle,  SrVenancio
2020-08-215 - 6 PCS 2020 Summer Playoffs
0 : 3J Teamlogo stdJT
Nova Esports (Thai Team)logo stdNOV Rockky,  Ryan,  G4,  Coldenfeet,  PoP,  WarL0cK,  DeuL
2020-08-026 PCS 2020 Summer
7 - 11Blanklogo stdRR
Nova Esports (Thai Team)logo stdNOV Rockky,  Ryan,  G4,  Coldenfeet,  PoP,  WarL0cK,  DeuL
2020-04-177 - 8 PCS 2020 Spring Playoffs
0 : 2Hong Kong Attitudelogo stdHKA
Nova Esports (Thai Team)logo stdNOV Rockky,  Ryan,  G4,  MixCrosS,  PoP,  WarL0cK
2020-04-056 PCS 2020 Spring
7 - 11Blanklogo stdRR
Nova Esports (Thai Team)logo stdNOV Rockky,  Ryan,  G4,  MixCrosS,  PoP,  WarL0cK
2019-08-292 CK 2019 Summer Playoffs
2 : 3APK Princelogo stdAPK
VSG (Korean Team)logo stdVSG SoaR,  Ryan,  Ruby,  Veritas,  Pure,  HooN,  Sensation
2019-08-122 CK 2019 Summer
10 - 4Blanklogo stdRR
VSG (Korean Team)logo stdVSG SoaR,  Riris,  Ryan,  Mightybear,  Ruby,  reM,  Veritas,  Moo,  Pure,  Minit,  Sensation,  Lyn,  HooN,  Winged
2019-04-19NQ LCK 2019 Summer Promotion
2 : 3ES Sharkslogo stdESS
VSG (Korean Team)logo stdVSG SoaR,  Riris,  Ryan,  Mightybear,  Ruby,  reM,  Veritas,  Moo,  Pure,  Minit,  Sensation,  Lyn
2019-04-111 CK 2019 Spring Playoffs
3 : 2APK Princelogo stdAPK
VSG (Korean Team)logo stdVSG SoaR,  Riris,  Mightybear,  Ryan,  Ruby,  reM,  Veritas,  Moo,  Pure,  Minit,  Sensation,  Winged
2019-04-013 CK 2019 Spring
9 - 5Blanklogo stdRR
VSG (Korean Team)logo stdVSG SoaR,  Riris,  Ryan,  Mightybear,  reM,  Ruby,  Moo,  Veritas,  Minit,  Pure,  Sensation,  Winged,  Lyn,  HooN
2018-12-265 - 8 KeSPA Cup 2018
0 : 2KT Rolsterlogo stdKT
GC Busan Rising Starlogo stdGCB SoaR,  Ryan,  reM,  Moo,  Minit,  Sensation,  Lyn
2018-08-094 LJLCS 2018 Summer
2-1-2Blanklogo stdRR
Smash It Downlogo stdSID SatoRy,  Ino,  Rui,  Ryan,  Ninja,  Kano,  Zerost,  HW4NG,  ThintoN,  Yoshiaki,  YAKITORI3BON,  Miracle
2018-04-27Q CK 2018 Summer Promotion
3 : 1HOU GAMINGlogo stdHOU
Rising SuperStar Gaminglogo stdRSG DoRun,  ryan,  reM,  Mephi,  DaramG,  PanDa
2018-04-132 CK 2018 Spring Playoffs
1 : 3Ever8 Winnerslogo stdEEW
Team BattleComicslogo stdBtC SoaR,  Ryan,  Dove,  Hollow,  Joker,  Sally,  Dragon
2018-03-303 CK 2018 Spring
8 - 6Blanklogo stdRR
Team BattleComicslogo stdBtC SoaR,  Hipo,  Ryan,  Dove,  Hollow,  Joker,  Dragon
2017-12-0213 - 19 KeSPA Cup 2017
1 : 2Ever8 Winnerslogo stdEEW
Team BattleComicslogo stdBtC Hipo,  Ryan,  Dove,  Hollow,  Joker,  Sally,  Dragon
2017-08-146 CK 2017 Summer
5 - 9Blanklogo stdRR
Team BattleComicslogo stdBtC Hipo,  KronG,  BBanG,  Ryan,  Dove,  Hollow,  Benedict,  Plankton,  joker,  Captain,  H.O.T-Forever,  Sally,  Dragon
2016-11-2025 - 31 TGA Hero of Cities Season 11
0 : 1Storm Gaminglogo stdStormG
All Conquer Gaminglogo stdACG Godd3ss,  ryan,  Crank,  Vayne17,  陈浩东
2015-09-12NQ LCK 2016 Spring Promotion
1 : 3SBENU Sonicboomlogo stdSSB
ESC Everlogo stdESC Crazyplay,  JgRyan,  Athena,  Police,  LokeN,  TML,  Totoro,  PanDa,  Cho Gye-hyeon
2015-08-232 CK 2015 Summer Playoffs
1 : 3Dark Wolveslogo stdDW
ESC Everlogo stdESC Crazyplay,  JgRyan,  Athena,  Police,  LokeN,  TML,  Totoro
2015-08-062 CK 2015 Summer
8 - 2Blanklogo stdRR
ESC Everlogo stdESC HamBurgeR,  Crazyplay,  MorninG,  JgRyan,  Athena,  LokeN,  Heeseong,  Nontaget
2015-04-169 - 16 CK 2015 Spring Series 2
0 : 2Xenicslogo stdXEN
Logo stdOVER Hipo,  JgRyan,  Specht,  Physical,  Totoro
2015-02-054 CK 2015 Spring Series 1
1 : 3Quvic E-Sportslogo stdQVC
Logo stdOVER Helper,  JgRyan,  Republic,  Physical,  Nontaget