Leaguepedia | League of Legends Esports Wiki

Confirmed Changes[]

Player Date Left From Date Joined To
Sakuya 2017-01-05 Kaos Latin Gamerslogo std
Free Agentlogo stdFree Agent
Revehaza 2017-01-02 Lyon Gaming (2013 Latin American Team)logo std
2017-01-02 TSMlogo std
Cotopaco 2016-09-?? Darkness Eagles Esportslogo std
2016-12-29 INFINITYlogo std
Gralou 2016-09-08 Play Againlogo std
2016-12-29 INFINITYlogo std
Akari 2016-12-29 None None 2016-12-29 INFINITYlogo std
[[Anti]] 2016-12-29 INFINITYlogo std
Free Agentlogo stdFree Agent
Xuradel 2016-12-29 INFINITYlogo std
Free Agentlogo stdFree Agent
Regi 2016-12-25 PL Gaminglogo std
2016-12-25 Legatumlogo std
Tsunami 2016-12-25 Nocturns Gaminglogo std
2016-12-25 Legatumlogo std
Krim 2016-12-25 Legatumlogo std
Free Agentlogo stdFree Agent
Jer0m 2016-12-21 The Penguins Mafialogo std
2016-12-24 Predators Esportslogo std
Fénec 2016-12-24 Valencia CF eSportslogo std
2016-12-24 Predators Esportslogo std
Choisix 2016-12-24 INFINITYlogo std
2016-12-24 Predators Esportslogo std
Baula 2016-12-23 Predators Esportslogo std
2016-12-23 ZAGA Talent Gaminglogo std
Fearless 2016-02-21 BrawL eSportslogo std
2016-12-18 Gaming Gaminglogo std
LiquidDiego 2016-08-30 Just Toys Havokslogo std
2016-12-18 Gaming Gaminglogo std
Leza 2016-12-18 Galactic Gamerslogo std
2016-12-18 Gaming Gaminglogo std
N1njA 2016-12-18 Galactic Gamerslogo std
2016-12-18 Gaming Gaminglogo std
NerzhuL 2016-12-18 Galactic Gamerslogo std
2016-12-18 Gaming Gaminglogo std
Mazino 2015-05-25 Gaming Gaminglogo std
2016-12-18 Gaming Gaminglogo std
Yaltz 2016-10-21 Rebirth eSportslogo std
2016-12-18 Gaming Gaminglogo std
WildCheese 2016-12-18 None
2016-12-18 Gaming Gaminglogo std
imOdraude 2016-12-18 None
2016-12-18 Gaming Gaminglogo std
Revehaza 2016-12-18 None
2016-12-18 Lyon Gaming (2013 Latin American Team)logo std
Legion 2016-12-18 None None 2016-12-18 Lyon Gaming (2013 Latin American Team)logo std
Genthix 2016-11-16 Furious Gaminglogo std
2016-12-16 Lyon Gaming (2013 Latin American Team)logo std
Boom69 2016-12-16 Lyon Gaming (2013 Latin American Team)logo std
Free Agentlogo stdFree Agent
Kraki 2016-12-16 Lyon Gaming (2013 Latin American Team)logo std
Free Agentlogo stdFree Agent
FitzRoy 2016-11-28 Team Genesislogo std
2016-12-14 Bencheadoslogo std
Furiozz 2016-12-14 Dynasty Gaminglogo std
2016-12-14 Bencheadoslogo std
Cohenn 2016-09-09 Lyon Gaming (2013 Latin American Team)logo std
2016-12-13 Just Toys Havokslogo std
Keoo 2016-10-29 BrawL eSportslogo std
2016-12-11 Just Toys Havokslogo std
Eledion 2016-12-10 ASUS ROG Armylogo std
2016-12-10 INFINITYlogo std
Hobbler 2016-12-10 None None 2016-12-10 Just Toys Havokslogo std
Deps 2016-12-09 None None 2016-12-09 Just Toys Havokslogo std
Warangelus 2016-11-02 Hafnet eSportslogo std
2016-12-08 Just Toys Havokslogo std
Yorshox 2016-12-07 None None 2016-12-07 Rebirth eSportslogo std
Stayl 2016-12-07 None None 2016-12-07 Rebirth eSportslogo std
S4ra 2016-12-07 None None 2016-12-07 Rebirth eSportslogo std
Nottingham 2016-12-07 None None 2016-12-07 Rebirth eSportslogo std
Monk 2016-12-07 None None 2016-12-07 Rebirth eSportslogo std
Nalganeitor 2016-12-07 Rebirth eSportslogo std
Free Agentlogo stdFree Agent
DCStar 2016-09-03 Just Toys Havokslogo std
2016-12-06 Just Toys Havokslogo std
GTotti 2016-12-05 None
2016-12-05 Dash9 Gaminglogo std
Nobody 2016-09-08 Play Againlogo std
2016-12-05 Dash9 Gaminglogo std
Donut 2016-12-05 None None 2016-12-05 Dash9 Gaminglogo std
Demizos 2016-12-05 None None 2016-12-05 Dash9 Gaminglogo std
Lfante 2016-10-21 Freedom Divelogo std
2016-12-01 Born to Killlogo std
LEFTsu 2016-12-01 None None 2016-12-01 Born to Killlogo std
sOnyky 2016-12-01 None None 2016-12-01 Last Kingslogo std
Schneizel 2016-06-09 Force Of Nature (Latin American Team)logo std
2016-12-01 Last Kingslogo std
Relenus 2016-06-06 Bullets eSportslogo std
2016-11-24 Kaos Latin Gamerslogo std
Leozuxo 2016-11-19 Operation Kino e-Sportslogo std
2016-11-24 Kaos Latin Gamerslogo std
Tierwulf 2016-11-24 Kaos Latin Gamerslogo std
2016-11-24 Kaos Latin Gamerslogo std
HeinseN 2016-10-28 Bencheadoslogo std
2016-11-24 Kaos Latin Gamerslogo std
Frescolita 2016-09-01 Hafnet eSportslogo std
2016-11-24 Kaos Latin Gamerslogo std
Filopo 2016-11-24 Cursed Giantslogo std
2016-11-24 Kaos Latin Gamerslogo std
Zealot 2016-09-02 Last Kingslogo std
2016-11-24 Kaos Latin Gamerslogo std
LightColors 2016-11-24 Dynasty Gaminglogo std
2016-11-24 Kaos Latin Gamerslogo std
TheFoxz 2016-11-24 Kaos Latin Gamerslogo std
Free Agentlogo stdFree Agent
Accelerator 2016-11-22 Kaos Latin Gamerslogo std
2016-11-22 Furious Gaminglogo std
Juliostito 2016-09-13 Kaos Latin Gamerslogo std
2016-11-22 Furious Gaminglogo std
Caos 2016-11-13 Last Kingslogo std
2016-11-22 Furious Gaminglogo std
Woofi 2016-11-22 None None 2016-11-22 Furious Gaminglogo std
Tulz 2016-11-22 Dark Horselogo std
2016-11-22 Furious Gaminglogo std
Anzku 2016-11-22 Furious Gaminglogo std
Free Agentlogo stdFree Agent
Furiozz 2016-03-16 MyRevenge Chilelogo std
2016-11-21 Dynasty Gaminglogo std
Zyot 2016-09-15 Bullets eSportslogo std
2016-11-21 Dynasty Gaminglogo std
Raegast 2016-09-15 Bullets eSportslogo std
2016-11-21 Dynasty Gaminglogo std
Signum 2016-03-16 MyRevenge Chilelogo std
2016-11-21 Dynasty Gaminglogo std
LightColors 2016-05-20 Beast Modelogo std
2016-11-21 Dynasty Gaminglogo std
Pound 2016-03-16 MyRevenge Chilelogo std
2016-11-21 Dynasty Gaminglogo std
GodNivia 2016-11-21 Dynasty Gaminglogo std
Free Agentlogo stdFree Agent
Badmilk 2016-09-05 Last Kingslogo std
2016-11-18 Hafnet eSportslogo std
Zeicro 2016-11-15 Isuruslogo std
2016-11-18 Hafnet eSportslogo std
LukasNegro 2016-09-09 Bencheadoslogo std
2016-11-11 PL Gaminglogo std
iBreak 2016-09-06 Bencheadoslogo std
2016-11-11 PL Gaminglogo std
Regi 2016-10-28 Bencheadoslogo std
2016-11-11 PL Gaminglogo std
Zeypher 2016-09-01 Rebirth eSportslogo std
2016-11-11 PL Gaminglogo std
Bismal 2016-04-13 Tesla E-Sportslogo std
2016-11-11 PL Gaminglogo std
Helior 2016-11-09 Furious Gaminglogo std
2016-11-09 Legatumlogo std
ClatoS 2016-09-10 Isuruslogo std
2016-11-09 Legatumlogo std
Krim 2016-11-09 None None 2016-11-09 Legatumlogo std
Nothing 2016-11-09 Bencheadoslogo std
2016-11-09 Legatumlogo std
Ominator 2016-11-09 Furious Gaminglogo std
2016-11-09 Legatumlogo std
Raimind 2015-12-?? Coliseo Dragonslogo std
2016-11-09 Legatumlogo std
Primoo 2016-09-09 Last Kingslogo std
2016-11-09 Legatumlogo std
Tomex 2016-11-09 Hafnet eSportslogo std
2016-11-09 Legatumlogo std
Gonto 2016-11-06 Furious Gaminglogo std
Retiredlogo stdRetired
Pierre 2016-11-01 Feint Gaminglogo std
2016-11-01 Bencheadoslogo std
Oxaciano 2016-11-01 Bencheadoslogo std
Free Agentlogo stdFree Agent
Leozuxo 2016-11-01 Bencheadoslogo std
2016-11-01 Operation Kino e-Sportslogo std
Fast 2016-10-29 None None 2016-10-29 Kaos Latin Gamerslogo std
Kindless 2016-10-26 Dark Horselogo std
Free Agentlogo stdFree Agent
Leozuxo 2016-08-02 Big Godslogo std
2016-10-28 Bencheadoslogo std
Keane 2016-10-28 None None 2016-10-28 Bencheadoslogo std
FIXYOU 2016-10-28 None None 2016-10-28 Bencheadoslogo std
Codpiece 2016-09-?? CNB Infinitylogo std
2016-10-28 Bencheadoslogo std
Advanze 2016-10-21 Freedom Divelogo std
2016-10-28 Bencheadoslogo std
Nothing 2016-10-28 Feint Gaminglogo std
2016-10-28 Bencheadoslogo std
Heinsen 2016-10-28 Bencheadoslogo std
Free Agentlogo stdFree Agent
Kirito 2016-10-28 Bencheadoslogo std
Free Agentlogo stdFree Agent
Tobito 2016-10-21 Freedom Divelogo std
Free Agentlogo stdFree Agent
Weixen 2016-10-21 Freedom Divelogo std
Free Agentlogo stdFree Agent
Alfred 2016-10-21 Freedom Divelogo std
Free Agentlogo stdFree Agent
Chiki 2016-10-21 Freedom Divelogo std
Free Agentlogo stdFree Agent
Gotszar 2016-10-21 Freedom Divelogo std
Free Agentlogo stdFree Agent
Serafin 2016-10-21 Force Of Nature (Latin American Team)logo std
2016-10-21 Rebirth eSportslogo std
Yaltz 2016-10-21 Rebirth eSportslogo std
Free Agentlogo stdFree Agent
QQMore 2016-10-21 Isuruslogo std
2016-10-21 Isuruslogo std
Sou 2016-09-20 G2 Vodafonelogo std
2016-10-14 Last Kingslogo std
InKos 2016-09-20 G2 Vodafonelogo std
2016-10-13 Last Kingslogo std
Acce 2016-09-26 Hafnet eSportslogo std
2016-10-07 Kaos Latin Gamerslogo std
Tomex 2016-10-07 Hafnet eSportslogo std
2016-10-07 Hafnet eSportslogo std
Tierwulf 2016-07-27 Big Godslogo std
2016-10-05 Kaos Latin Gamerslogo std
Sakuya 2016-03-08 Renegadeslogo std
2016-10-05 Kaos Latin Gamerslogo std
RafaP 2016-09-30 Kaos Latin Gamerslogo std
2016-10-02 Remo Brave e-Sportslogo std
Rod 2016-03-16 Nocturns Gaminglogo std
2016-10-01 Hafnet eSportslogo std
Buggax 2016-04-19 Hafnet eSportslogo std
2016-10-01 Hafnet eSportslogo std
Aiden 2016-09-30 Bencheadoslogo std
Free Agentlogo stdFree Agent
Sawyer 2016-09-15 Bullets eSportslogo std
2016-09-28 Dynasty Gaminglogo std
Khynm 2016-09-21 Hafnet eSportslogo std
2016-09-21 Rebirth eSportslogo std
Arce 2016-09-20 Lyon Gaming (2013 Latin American Team)logo std
Retiredlogo stdRetired
Caos 2016-09-08 Bencheadoslogo std
2016-09-20 Last Kingslogo std
EvanRL 2016-09-20 Just Toys Havokslogo std
2016-09-20 Robert Morris University Illinoislogo std
Minibestia 2016-09-20 Just Toys Havokslogo std
2016-09-20 Robert Morris University Illinoislogo std
BearJew 2016-09-19 Kaos Latin Gamerslogo std
Free Agentlogo stdFree Agent
Fr3deric 2016-09-17 Galactic Gamerslogo std
2016-09-17 Team Cougarlogo std
TomnaM 2016-09-08 Play Againlogo std
2016-09-16 Dark Horselogo std
IceBox 2016-09-15 Bullets eSportslogo std
Free Agentlogo stdFree Agent
Vicer 2016-09-15 Bullets eSportslogo std
Free Agentlogo stdFree Agent
Gatocrack 2016-09-15 Bullets eSportslogo std
Free Agentlogo stdFree Agent
Baws 2016-09-15 Bullets eSportslogo std
Free Agentlogo stdFree Agent
LePuma 2016-09-15 Bullets eSportslogo std
Free Agentlogo stdFree Agent
NaTa 2016-09-15 Bullets eSportslogo std
Free Agentlogo stdFree Agent
element 2016-09-14 Kaos Latin Gamerslogo std
Retiredlogo stdRetired
AlexKid 2016-??-?? INTZ Academylogo std
2016-09-14 Dark Horselogo std
Sonata 2016-07-01 Bullets eSportslogo std
2016-09-13 Dark Horselogo std
Tulz 2016-09-12 None None 2016-09-13 Dark Horselogo std
Háyha 2016-09-12 None None 2016-09-12 Guerreros del Mouselogo std
Caishito 2016-09-12 None None 2016-09-12 Guerreros del Mouselogo std
Spotted 2016-09-08 Kaos Latin Gamerslogo std
Free Agentlogo stdFree Agent
Ultron 2016-09-08 Play Againlogo std
Free Agentlogo stdFree Agent
Rakyl 2016-09-08 Play Againlogo std
Free Agentlogo stdFree Agent
TomnaM 2016-09-08 Play Againlogo std
Free Agentlogo stdFree Agent
Gralou 2016-09-08 Play Againlogo std
Free Agentlogo stdFree Agent
Cynic 2016-09-08 Play Againlogo std
Free Agentlogo stdFree Agent
Dinamyc0 2016-09-08 Dark Horselogo std
Retiredlogo stdRetired
Precep 2016-09-07 Dark Horselogo std
Free Agentlogo stdFree Agent
Demo 2016-09-06 Dark Horselogo std
Free Agentlogo stdFree Agent
GodDragon 2016-09-02 ZAGA Talent Gaminglogo std
Free Agentlogo stdFree Agent
Zealot 2016-09-02 Last Kingslogo std
Free Agentlogo stdFree Agent
Jin 2016-08-31 Galactic Gamerslogo std
Free Agentlogo stdFree Agent


Date Status Player From To
2016-11-24 Confirmed! TheFoxz Kaos Latin Gamerslogo std
Free Agentlogo std
2016-11-23 Confirmed! sOnyky Free Agentlogo std None Last Kingslogo std
2016-11-23 Confirmed! Baltica Feint Gaminglogo std
Hafnet eSportslogo std
2016-11-23 Confirmed! LightColors Dynasty Gaminglogo std
Kaos Latin Gamerslogo std
2016-11-23 Confirmed! Frescolita Free Agentlogo std
Kaos Latin Gamerslogo std
2016-11-23 Confirmed! HeinseN Bencheadoslogo std
Kaos Latin Gamerslogo std
2016-11-23 Confirmed! Zealot Free Agentlogo std
Kaos Latin Gamerslogo std
2016-11-23 Confirmed! EduardoFilopo Cursed Giantslogo std
Kaos Latin Gamerslogo std
2016-11-23 Confirmed! Tierwulf Kaos Latin Gamerslogo std
Kaos Latin Gamerslogo std
2016-11-23 Confirmed! Leozuxo Operation Kino e-Sportslogo std
Kaos Latin Gamerslogo std
2016-11-24 Confirmed! Relenus Free Agentlogo std
Kaos Latin Gamerslogo std
2016-11-21 Confirmed! Accelerator Kaos Latin Gamerslogo std
Furious Gaminglogo std
2016-11-21 Disproven Deilor Fnaticlogo std
Copa Latinoamerica Surlogo std
2016-11-16 Confirmed! Genthix Furious Gaminglogo std
Lyon Gaming (2013 Latin American Team)logo std
2016-11-15 Confirmed! Kindless Free Agentlogo std
Isuruslogo std
2016-11-13 Disproven WardSyndrome Free Agentlogo std
ZAGA Talent Gaminglogo std
2016-11-11 Confirmed! Warangelus Free Agentlogo std
Just Toys Havokslogo std
2016-11-07 Confirmed! Juliostito Free Agentlogo std
Furious Gaminglogo std
2016-10-24 Disproven FalleN Silver Crowslogo std
Galactic Gamerslogo std
2016-10-23 Confirmed! LiquidDiego Just Toys Havokslogo std
Galactic Gamerslogo std
2016-09-21 Disproven Remi Free Agentlogo std
Lyon Gaming (2013 Latin American Team)logo std
2016-09-21 Confirmed! Remi Free Agentlogo std
Kaos Latin Gamerslogo std
2016-09-21 Confirmed! Tierwulf Free Agentlogo std
Kaos Latin Gamerslogo std
2016-09-21 Confirmed! Accelerator Hafnet eSportslogo std
Kaos Latin Gamerslogo std
2016-09-20 Confirmed! InKos G2 Vodafonelogo std
Last Kingslogo std
2016-09-20 Confirmed! Sou G2 Vodafonelogo std
Last Kingslogo std
2016-09-14 Disproven Juliostito Free Agentlogo std
Campeonato Brasileiro de League of Legendslogo std
2016-09-08 Disproven iBreak Free Agentlogo std
Last Kingslogo std
2016-09-05 Disproven Badmilk Free Agentlogo std
Lyon Gaming (2013 Latin American Team)logo std
2016-09-05 Confirmed! Arce Lyon Gaming (2013 Latin American Team)logo std
Retiredlogo std