Leaguepedia | League of Legends Esports Wiki

Confirmed Changes[]

Player Date Left From Date Joined To
Raison 2015-12-31 Hong Kong Esportslogo std
2015-12-31 None
Steak 2015-12-16 Yoe Flash Wolveslogo std
2015-12-16 Yoe Flash Wolveslogo std
Chillyz 2015-12-07 Free Agentlogo std
2015-12-07 Hong Kong Esportslogo std
MapleSnow 2015-12-07 Assassin Sniperlogo std
2015-12-07 Hong Kong Esportslogo std
FoFo 2015-11-27 Free Agentlogo std
2015-11-27 Taipei Assassinslogo std
Bebe 2015-11-27 Assassin Sniperlogo std
2015-11-27 Taipei Assassinslogo std
Lupin 2015-11-27 Taipei Assassinslogo std
Free Agentlogo stdFree Agent
GoDJJ 2015-11-25 Hong Kong Esportslogo std
2015-11-25 Legend Dragonlogo std
Ysera 2015-11-25 Logitech G Sniperslogo std
2015-11-25 Legend Dragonlogo std
Kkramer 2015-11-15 Flash Wolveslogo std
2015-12-28 CJ Entuslogo std
BayBay 2015-11-10 Free Agentlogo std
2015-11-10 Ahq eSports Clublogo std
Tuna 2015-11-10 Free Agentlogo std
2015-11-10 Ahq eSports Clublogo std
RD 2015-11-10 Logitech G Sniperslogo std
2015-11-10 Ahq eSports Clublogo std
Chawy 2015-10-31 Taipei Assassinslogo std
2015-11-06 Ahq eSports Clublogo std
Awei 2015-10-15 Assassin Sniperlogo std
2015-10-15 Gamania Bearslogo std
Prydz 2015-09-01 DetonatioN FocusMelogo std
2015-10-11 Gamania Bearslogo std


Date Status Player From To
2015-12-30 Disproven Olleh Hong Kong Esportslogo std Sup None None
2015-12-30 Confirmed! Raison Hong Kong Esportslogo std AD None None
2015-12-29 Two Korean player, a Chinese player and a unknown foreign player may join to a LMS team.
2015-10-30 Rumor Toyz Hong Kong Esportslogo std Mid None None
2015-10-21 Confirmed! Steak Flash Wolveslogo std Top Retiredlogo std None
2015-10-17 Disproven westdoor Ahq eSports Clublogo std Mid Retiredlogo std None