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Tournament Results
Minimum place

Rich (Warich Kittiwattanawong) Tournament Results
DatePlEventLast ResultTeamRoster
2022-12-0217 - 19 International E-sports Festival 2022
0 : 1Logo stdJOKE
Bangkok Universitylogo stdBU Arun Ongsa,  Lekhakul THANADON,  Keattichaidumrong Pasit,  wongchoosee Metis,  Kittiwattanawong Warich
2020-11-2811 - 12 International E-sports Festival 2020
1 - 3Blanklogo stdRR
Bangkok Universitylogo stdBU Zinnia,  Noy,  CatType,  Yalwaysme,  Rich
2020-01-12Q AESF 2020 Southeast Asia Qualifier
2 - 0Blanklogo stdRR
Thailand (National Team)logo stdTHA Thipper,  Rich,  CatType,  Coldenfeet,  BadLife
2019-11-241 International E-sports Festival 2019
2 : 1Central South University Forestry and Technologylogo stdCSUFT
Bangkok Universitylogo stdBU Zinnia,  NoeL,  CatType,  Yalways,  Rich
2019-10-263 - 4 SEA Invitational 2019
0 : 2Liyab Esportslogo stdLYB
SEA Serpentslogo stdSS Cattype,  Noy,  Archeny,  Coldenfeet,  Rich
2019-09-075 - 6 LST 2019 Summer Playoffs
0 : 2Axis Empirelogo stdAXE
DeToNator (Southeast Asian Team)logo stdDTN Potter,  Sekzahajuku,  Archeny,  Coldenfeet,  Richhh,  Mon
2019-09-014 LST 2019 Summer
4 - 3Blanklogo stdRR
DeToNator (Southeast Asian Team)logo stdDTN Coldenfeet,  Sekzahajuku,  Archeny,  KazeTAR,  Richhh,  Mon
2019-07-2017 - 32 LoL Dell Gaming Championship Thailand 2019
0 : 1Logo stdTHE
DeToNator (Southeast Asian Team)logo stdDTN C0ldenfeet,  Potter,  Sek,  Archeny,  KazeTAR,  Rich
2019-06-29Q LST 2019 Summer Thailand National Qualifier
2 : 0Mythus Esportslogo stdMYT
DeToNator (Southeast Asian Team)logo stdDTN Coldenfeet,  Sekzahajuku,  Archeny,  KazeTAR,  Richhh
2019-04-072 LST 2019 Spring Thailand National Minor
0 : 2MEGAlogo stdMG
DeToNator (Southeast Asian Team)logo stdDTN Potter,  SekAlive,  Archeny,  KazeTAR,  Rich,  Altar,  Mon
2019-04-06Q LST 2019 Spring Thailand National Qualifier
4 - 0Blanklogo stdRR
DeToNator (Southeast Asian Team)logo stdDTN Potter,  SekAlive,  Archeny,  KazeTAR,  Rich,  Mon
2018-12-09NQ LOC Series III Thailand Qualifier
0 : 1MEGAlogo stdMG
The Nativeslogo stdTNT Potter,  SekAlive,  Archeny,  KazeTAR,  Arale,  Rich,  Mon
2018-10-0421 - 24 Worlds 2018
0 - 4Blanklogo stdRR
Ascension Gaminglogo stdASC Rockky,  Lloyd,  G4,  Niksar,  Rich,  Chainarin
2018-08-191 SEA Tour 2018 Summer
3 : 0MEGAlogo stdMG
Ascension Gaminglogo stdASC Rockky,  Lloyd,  G4,  Niksar,  Rich,  Rex
2018-07-22Q SEA Tour 2018 Summer Thailand Qualifiers
3 : 0MEGAlogo stdMG
Ascension Gaminglogo stdASC Rockky,  Delpain,  G4,  Lloyd,  Niksar,  Rich
2018-07-052 Rift Rivals 2018 SEA-LJL-OPL
1 : 3Oceanic Pro Leaguelogo stdOPL
Ascension Gaminglogo stdASC Rockky,  Delpain,  G4,  Lloyd,  Rich
2018-05-0512 - 13 MSI 2018
2 - 4Blanklogo stdRR
Ascension Gaminglogo stdASC Rockky,  Intreso,  G4,  Lloyd,  Rich,  Cabbage
2018-04-011 GPL 2018 Spring
3 : 1Kuala Lumpur Hunterslogo stdKLH
Ascension Gaminglogo stdASC Rockky,  InTreso,  G4,  Lloyd,  Rich,  Cabbage
2018-03-181 TPL 2018 Spring Playoffs
3 : 0MEGAlogo stdMG
Ascension Gaminglogo stdASC Rockky,  InTreso,  G4,  Lloyd,  Rich,  Cabbage
2018-03-021 TPL 2018 Spring
13 - 1Blanklogo stdRR
Ascension Gaminglogo stdASC Rockky,  InTreso,  G4,  Lloyd,  Novarist,  Rich,  Cabbage
2017-08-273 GPL 2017 Summer
2 : 3Young Generationlogo stdYGE
Ascension Gaminglogo stdASC Jisu,  Nuni,  G4,  Lloyd,  WarL0cK
2017-08-121 Thailand LCS 2017 Summer
3 : 1Bangkok Titanslogo stdBKT
Ascension Gaminglogo stdASC Renrin,  Nuni,  G4,  Lloyd,  WarL0cK,  Cabbage
2017-07-062 Rift Rivals 2017 GPL-LJL-OPL
1 : 3LoL Japan Leaguelogo stdLJL
Ascension Gaminglogo stdASC Renrin,  Nuni,  G4,  Lloyd,  WarL0cK,  Cabbage
2017-04-013 Thailand LCS 2017 Spring
0 : 3Bangkok Titanslogo stdBKT
Predatorlogo stdPRD Potter,  Coal,  Archeny,  KazeTAR,  Nuni
2016-07-075 - 6 TPL 2016 Summer
0 : 2Underdoglogo stdUDG
Team Terrigenlogo stdTG LoongWin,  Trigger,  CatType,  Hipporano,  Liz
2015-08-022 Thailand Pro League 2015 Summer
0 : 3Bangkok Titanslogo stdBKT
Go To Sleeplogo stdGTS Pilgrimage,  Renrin,  VanillaYuki,  Hi its Viper,  Puu RaberdKuad,  The Morning R,  Steinz,  Avye,  Elesis,  altero,  LowGravity
2015-03-289 - 12 Thailand Pro League 2015 Spring
1-0-5Blanklogo stdRR
Absolute Chaoslogo stdALC HellsinG,  Datmechanics,  Shiba,  Duke,  Icarus,  Trigger