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Renegades Logo
Team Information
Org Location
North America
Team Location
United States
North America
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Current Roster
NALCS2016Spring Renegades

Renegades (formerly Misfits) was a North American team. In May 2016, they sold their roster and LCS spot to Team EnVyUs.


2015 Season[]

Renegades was initially announced as an unnamed Challenger team in early March 2015 by Chris Badawi. The team's first roster included former LCS stars mid laner Alex Ich and jungler Crumbzz, along with solo queue star support Remilia.[1] After tryouts for the remaining two positions, top laner RF Legendary and AD carry Intense joined the team, and they named themselves Misfits. In April, Misfits participated in the AlphaDraft Challenger League (ADCL) and dropped only a single game during the regular season round robin, finishing 11-1 in first place. After the ADCL regular season ended, Intense left the team. Stixxay joined as a substitute AD carry and played with the team for the bracket stage of the ADCL, and they won the tournament, beating Frank Fang Gaming in the finals.

Misfits played under the name The Expendables6 on the Challenger Ladder and were in third place at the cut-off date for NA Challenger Series (NACS) Summer Qualifier participation. Danish AD Carry Jebus joined as the team's final permanent member, replacing Stixxay, but his first appearance was delayed due to visa issues.[2] In the NACS Qualifier, Misfits played against Also Known As, Team Liquid Academy, and Magnetic, using two different substitute AD carries — Maplestreet against Also Known As and Magnetic, and Nien against Team Liquid Academy. Misfits swept their competition with three consecutive 2-0 victories and qualified for the Summer Season. The team shortly thereafter renamed to Renegades, with caster and former coach Chris "MonteCristo" Mykles joining as the team's co-owner.[3]

Prior to the start of the Challenger Series, Riot Games published a competitive ruling regarding team owner Chris Badawi claiming that he had inappropriately attempted to persuade otherwise contracted players to join the team (then Misfits), including Team Liquid's Quas and Keith. The ruling stated that if Renegades were to qualify for the LCS, Badawi would have to drop his ownership stake in the team.[4] Multiple parties reacted to the ruling, including MonteCristo and Badawi himself, who both protested the fairness of the ruling; and team owners and managers Steve "LiQuiD112" Arhancet of Team Liquid, Reginald of Team SoloMid, and Jack Etienne of Cloud9, who spoke out in support of it.[5][6][7]

Renegades finished the Challenger Series regular season with an 8-2 record and in second place, after losing a tiebreaker to Team Coast. However, in the playoffs, they defeated Imagine 2-1 and then Coast 3-2, earning a berth in the 2016 NA LCS Spring Season.

In October 2015, Maplestreet stepped down from the starting roster.[8] The organization announced open tryouts for his replacement.[9]

2016 Season[]

After a long period of speculation that he would be their AD carry in 2016, Freeze officially joined Renegades on January 6.[10][11] However, after playing for the first week, Freeze missed the next three games and was replaced by LOD and then Ohq. After the third week, Remi stepped down from the starting lineup and was replaced by Hakuho.[12][13] Renegades also moved their sub Flaresz to the starting toplane position alongside RF Legendary.

Renegades was faced with significant roster instability in the spring season, as first AD carry Freeze was unable to play for three games early on in the split, and then Remilia stepped down one game after her return. RF Legendary was also replaced by Flaresz for three games later on. In week 7, Team Dragon Knights's top laner Seraph was loaned to Renegades as a substitute, and the team snapped their 12-game losing streak. Going into the eighth week, Renegades and TDK traded several players, with Seraph and Ninja joining Renegades as top and mid laner, respectively, while RF Legendary, Flaresz, and Alex Ich departed.[14] This roster finally proved successful, but it was too little too late, and the team was only able to improve to 8th place in the league, after winning a tiebreaker against Team Impulse. In the Summer Promotion Tournament, Renegades beat TDK 3-0 and qualified for the summer season.

On May 8, Riot released a competitive ruling stating that Renegades would be forced to sell their LCS seed due to multiple rule violations, and Chris Badawi would be permanently banned from "association or affiliation with any team or organization participating in a Riot-sanctioned league".[15] On May 18, Team EnVyUs was announced as the new brand.[16]


  • 2015
  • 2016

Player Roster[]


Players are shown for the entire duration of their tenure on the team, with the role and substitute/trainee status they had upon their departure.

PlayerNameRoleJoinedLeftNext Team

SeraphShin Woo-yeong (신우영)
Top Laner
Mar 20162016-03-03May 20162016-05-18Team EnVyUslogo stdNV

NinjaNoh Geon-woo (노건우)
Mid Laner
Mar 20162016-03-03May 20162016-05-18Team EnVyUslogo stdNV

HakuhoNickolas Surgent
Feb 20162016-02-04May 20162016-05-18Team EnVyUslogo stdNV

LeonyxRob Lee
Mar 20162016-03-09May 20162016-05-18Immortalslogo stdIMT

MaplestreetAinslie Wyllie
Jan 20162016-01-07May 20162016-05-18Dream Teamlogo stdDT

CrumbzAlberto Rengifo
Mar 20152015-03-09May 20162016-05-13Apex Gaminglogo stdAPX

FreezeAleš Kněžínek
Bot Laner
Jan 20162016-01-06May 20162016-05-07H2k-Gaminglogo stdH2K

CaedrelMarc Robert Lamont
Jan 20162016-01-07Mar 20162016-03-08Renegades: Banditoslogo stdRNB

RemiMaria Creveling
Mar 20152015-03-09Mar 20162016-03-08Logo stdMARY

RF LegendaryOleksii Kuziuta
Top Laner
≈Mar 2015≈2015-03-??Mar 20162016-03-03Logo stdTHE

SeraphShin Woo-yeong (신우영)
Top Laner
On Loan
Feb 20162016-02-25Mar 20162016-03-03Renegadeslogo stdREN

Alex IchAlexey Ichetovkin
Mid Laner
Mar 20152015-03-09Mar 20162016-03-03Team EnVyUslogo stdNV

FlareszCuong Ta
Jan 20162016-01-29Mar 20162016-03-03State of MinD Gaminglogo stdSOM

OhqOh Gyu-min (오규민)
Bot Laner
On Loan
Jan 20162016-01-28Jan 20162016-01-30Team Dragon Knightslogo stdTDK

LODBenjamin deMunck
Bot Laner
On Loan
Jan 20162016-01-22Jan 20162016-01-24Echo Foxlogo stdFOX

maplestreetAinslie Wyllie
May 20152015-05-16Oct 20152015-10-07Team Imaginelogo stdIMG

JébusMohammad Karim Tokhi
Bot Laner
May 20152015-05-14Sep 20152015-09-05Logo stdEASY

StixxayTrevor Hayes
May 20152015-05-04May 20152015-05-16Counter Logic Gaminglogo stdCLG

IntenseRitchie Ngo
Bot Laner
≈Mar 2015≈2015-03-??May 20152015-05-04Odyssey Gaminglogo stdODY

Player League Participation[]

Playoff games are NOT included, but regular-season tiebreaker games ARE.


SeraphCounter Logic Gaminglogo stdTeam Dragon Knightslogo stdRenegadeslogo std
Team Impulselogo std
Team EnVyUslogo stdTeam EnVyUslogo stdTeam EnVyUslogo std186
B3njiEcho Foxlogo std
NRG Esportslogo std
Renegadeslogo std
Team EnVyUslogo stdDignitaslogo stdDignitaslogo std112
OhqRenegadeslogo stdNRG Esportslogo std44
FreezeRenegadeslogo std16
RemiliaRenegadeslogo std6



ID Name Position
Doombang Chris Badawi 80Owner
MonteCristo Christopher Mykles 80Co-Owner


C ID Name Position Next Team
Leonyx Rob Lee 80Head Manager Immortalslogo stdImmortals
Matt Matthew Akhavan-Kim Assistant Manager Team EnVyUslogo stdTeam EnVyUs
Hermes David Tu 80Coach Team EnVyUslogo stdTeam EnVyUs
Daku Hussain Moosvi 80Head Analyst Misfits Gaminglogo stdMisfits Gaming
MLong Mason Long Manager Cloud9 Challengerlogo stdCloud9 Challenger


This table shows up to the 10 most recent results. For complete results, click here.

Minimum place

Renegades Tournament Results - Show Prize as (LocalUSDEuros)
DatePlPrizeEventLast ResultRoster
2016-04-08Q NA LCS 2016 Summer Promotion
3 : 0Team Dragon Knightslogo stdTDK
 Seraph,  Crumbz,  Ninja,  Freeze,  Hakuho,  Hermes
2016-03-208 NA LCS 2016 Spring
5 - 13Blanklogo stdRR
 RF Legendary,  Flaresz,  Seraph,  Crumbz,  AlexIch,  Ninja,  Freeze,  LOD,  Ohq,  Remi,  Hakuho,  Hermes
2015-08-121$10,000$ 10,000€ 8,920 NACS 2015 Summer Playoffs
3 : 2Team Coastlogo stdCST
 RF,  Crumbz,  Alex Ich,  Maplestreet,  Remilia,  Hermes
2015-07-222 NACS 2015 Summer
8 - 2Blanklogo stdRR
 RF,  Crumbz,  Alex Ich,  Maplestreet,  Jebus,  Remilia
Total Prize: USD 10,000

As Misfits[]

This table shows up to the 10 most recent results. For complete results, click here.

Minimum place

Misfits NA Tournament Results - Show Prize as (LocalUSDEuros)
DatePlPrizeEventLast ResultRoster
2015-06-16Q NACS 2015 Summer Qualifier
2 : 0Magneticlogo stdIMG
 RF,  Crumbz,  Alex Ich,  Maplestreet,  Nien,  Remilia
2015-05-151$5,687.50$ 5,687.5€ 4,948.13 AlphaDraft Challenger League
3 : 2Frank Fang Gaminglogo stdFFG
 RF Legendary,  Crumbzz,  Alex Ich,  Intense,  Stixxay,  Remilia
Total Prize: USD 5,688

Highlight Videos[]


  • 2015
  • 2016

See Also[]

External Links[]



  1. Alex Ich & Crumbzz to form Challenger team thescoreesports.com
  2. [1] dailydot.com
  3. Misfits rebrands as Renegades, picks up Vox Eminor CS:GO team, adds MonteCristo as co-owner dailydot.com
  4. Competitive ruling: Chris Badawi na.lolesports.com
  5. Badawi’s Ban – Statement renegades.gg
  6. Hello, I'm Chris Badawi. My thoughts and perspective on my ban by Riot reddit.com
  7. LCS Team Owners Allege Badawi Previously Attempted To Break League Rules gamespot.com
  8. Maplestreet's tweet twitter.com
  9. Renegades to Hold Open Tryouts for ADC renegades.gg
  10. Cold Wind Blows: Freeze youtube.com
  11. Renegades welcome Freeze renegades.gg
  12. Remi Stepping Down renegades.gg
  13. Welcoming Hakuho as starting support renegades.gg
  14. In trade with TDK, Renegades swap Flaresz, Alex Ich, and Trance for Ninja and Seraph dailydot.com
  15. Competitive Ruling: Renegades and TDK lolesports.com
  16. EnVyUs to join N.A. LCS, picks up Seraph, Ninja, Hakuho espn.go.com
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 Alex Ich & Crumbzz to form Challenger team thescoreesports.com
  18. No longer the manager of Misfits twitlonger.com
  19. 19.0 19.1 Leonyx's Tweet twitter.com
  20. 20.0 20.1 Intense's TwitLonger twitlonger.com
  21. 21.0 21.1 Meet The Misfits lolesports.com
  22. 22.0 22.1 Misfits rebrands as Renegades, picks up Vox Eminor CS:GO team, adds MonteCristo as co-owner dailydot.com
  23. Competitive ruling: Chris Badawi lolesports.com
  24. 24.0 24.1 Cold Wind Blows: Freeze youtube.com
  25. 25.0 25.1 Renegades welcome Freeze renegades.gg
  26. 26.0 26.1 Benjamin to step in for Freeze renegades.gg
  27. 27.0 27.1 Ohq to substitute for Freeze renegades.gg
  28. Remi Stepping Down renegades.gg
  29. 29.0 29.1 Welcoming Hakuho as starting support renegades.gg
  30. 30.0 30.1 Seraph to play top lane for Week 7 renegades.gg
  31. 31.0 31.1 31.2 31.3 31.4 31.5 31.6 In trade with TDK, Renegades swap Flaresz, Alex Ich, and Trance for Ninja and Seraph dailydot.com
  32. 32.0 32.1 H2k-Gaming's Tweet twitter.com
  33. Competitive Ruling: Renegades and TDK lolesports.com
  34. 34.0 34.1 Crumbz becomes a free agent twitter.com
  35. 35.0 35.1 35.2 35.3 35.4 35.5 35.6 35.7 EnVyUs to join N.A. LCS, picks up Seraph, Ninja, Hakuho espn.go.com