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Tournament Results
Minimum place

Remind Tournament Results
DatePlEventLast ResultTeamRoster
2018-08-186 OPL 2018 Split 2
3 - 7Blanklogo stdRR
MAMMOTHlogo stdMEC Chippys,  Juves,  Remind,  Mash,  Cuden,  Vicarius
2017-08-144 LJL 2017 Summer
4 - 6Blanklogo stdRR
Unsold Stuff Gaminglogo stdUSG apaMEN,  Neo,  REMIND,  Haretti,  Enty,  nicopuri
2017-07-061 Rift Rivals 2017 GPL-LJL-OPL
3 : 1Garena Premier Leaguelogo stdGPL
Unsold Stuff Gaminglogo stdUSG apaMEN,  Neo,  REMIND,  Haretti,  Enty,  nicopuri
2017-04-013 LJL 2017 Spring Playoffs
2 : 3Rampagelogo stdRPG
Unsold Stuff Gaminglogo stdUSG apaMEN,  Neo,  REMIND,  Haretti,  Enty,  nicopuri
2017-03-253 LJL 2017 Spring
8 - 2Blanklogo stdRR
Unsold Stuff Gaminglogo stdUSG apaMEN,  Neo,  REMIND,  Fate,  Haretti,  Enty
2016-08-0314 LSPL 2016 Summer
2 - 24Blanklogo stdRR
Team KungFulogo stdTKF xy,  Nzszzxs1,  Knight,  Cola,  yolo,  Rabbit97,  AMEL,  Raphael,  NaeHyun,  123,  ZangAo,  Moon,  soul
2016-04-138 - 9 LPPL 2016 Spring
4 - 5Blanklogo stdRR
Energy Pacemaker.Alllogo stdEPA Nzszzxsl,  Knight,  Amel,  crisis,  Eshen,  Xinyu,  ShiYi,  Moon,  ZangAo,  Kismet,  Sou1,  MasterAi,  Rabbit97