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Retired as Player
CG Piglet 2019 Split 1
Background Information
NameChae Gwang-jin (채광진)
Country of Birth
South Korea
BirthdayFebruary 4, 1994 (age 31)
Prev Residencies
North America

TeamT1 Esports Academy Rookieslogo stdT1 E.A. Rookies
Favorite Champs

Soloqueue IDsSKT T1 Piglet, Creative Self, Maniaque, Crs Piglet (NA), 1k2o1ko12ko12ko1 (NA), Liquid Piglet (NA), Icarrynp (NA)
Social Media & Links
Infobox Facebook Fanpagelogo std
Infobox DEEPLOLlogo std
Infobox Instagramlogo std
Infobox redditlogo std
Infobox Afreecalogo std
Infobox Twitterlogo std
Infobox Youtubelogo std

Chae "Piglet" Gwang-jin (Hangul: 채광진) is a League of Legends esports player, currently coach for T1 Esports Academy Rookies. He's best known for winning the Season 3 World Championship as a member of SK Telecom T1. After leaving SKT following the 2014 season, he also played in North America from 2015-2019, mostly for Team Liquid.

Team History

Combine Role Swaps:No|Yes
SK Telecom T1 Klogo stdSK Telecom T1 K
Feb 20132013-02-27[3]Sep 20142014-09-16[1]1yr 6mo
Team Curselogo stdTeam Curse
Oct 20142014-10-22[5]Jan 20152015-01-06[4]2mo 15d
Team Liquidlogo stdTeam Liquid
Jan 20152015-01-06[6]Jul 20162016-07-131yr 6mo
Team Liquid Academylogo stdTL Academy
Jan 20162016-01-22Mar 20162016-03-011mo 10d
Team Liquid Academylogo stdTL Academy
Jun 20162016-06-03≈Nov 2016≈2016-11-??≈4mo 28d
Team Liquidlogo stdTeam Liquid
Dec 20162016-12-12[8]Nov 20172017-11-21[7]11mo 9d
Clutch Gaming Academylogo stdClutch Academy
Jan 20182018-01-02[11]Nov 20182018-11-30[10]10mo 28d
Clutch Gaminglogo stdClutch Gaming
Nov 20182018-11-30[13]Jun 20192019-06-14[12]6mo 14d
T1 Rookieslogo stdT1 Rookies
Dec 20212021-12-13[15]Feb 20232023-02-09[14]1yr 1mo
Dplus KIA Youthlogo stdDK Youth
Mar 20232023-03-21Apr 20232023-04-14[16]24d
T1 Esports Academy Rookieslogo stdT1 E.A. Rookies
Dec 20242024-12-10[17]Present2mo
SK Telecom T1 2logo stdSK Telecom T1 2
Feb 20132013-02-27[3]Nov 20132013-11-12[18]8mo 13d
SK Telecom T1 Klogo stdSK Telecom T1 K
Nov 20132013-11-12[18]Sep 20142014-09-16[1]10mo 4d
Team Curselogo stdTeam Curse
Oct 20142014-10-22[5]Jan 20152015-01-06[4]2mo 15d
Team Liquidlogo stdTeam Liquid
Jan 20152015-01-06[6]Jun 20162016-06-171yr 5mo
Team Liquid Academylogo stdTL Academy
Jan 20162016-01-22Mar 20162016-03-011mo 10d
Team Liquid Academylogo stdTL Academy
Jun 20162016-06-03Jun 20162016-06-2219d
Team Liquidlogo stdTeam Liquid
Jun 20162016-06-17Jul 20162016-07-1326d
Team Liquid Academylogo stdTL Academy
Jun 20162016-06-22≈Nov 2016≈2016-11-??≈4mo 9d
Team Liquidlogo stdTeam Liquid
Dec 20162016-12-12[8]Feb 20172017-02-28[19]2mo 16d
Team Liquidlogo stdTeam Liquid
Feb 20172017-02-28[19]May 20172017-05-23[20]2mo 23d
Team Liquidlogo stdTeam Liquid
May 20172017-05-23[20]Nov 20172017-11-21[7]5mo 29d
Clutch Gaming Academylogo stdClutch Academy
Jan 20182018-01-02[11]Nov 20182018-11-30[10]10mo 28d
Clutch Gaminglogo stdClutch Gaming
Nov 20182018-11-30[13]Mar 20192019-03-22[22]3mo 22d
Clutch Gaminglogo stdClutch Gaming
Mar 20192019-03-22[22]Jun 20192019-06-14[12]2mo 23d
T1 Rookieslogo stdT1 Rookies
Dec 20212021-12-13[15]Feb 20232023-02-09[14]1yr 1mo
Dplus KIA Youthlogo stdDK Youth
Mar 20232023-03-21Apr 20232023-04-14[16]24d
T1 Esports Academy Rookieslogo stdT1 E.A. Rookies
Dec 20242024-12-10[17]Present2mo


  • 2013
  • 2014
  • 2015
  • 2016
  • 2017
  • 2018
  • 2019
  • 2021
  • 2023
  • 2024
SK Telecom T1 2logo stdSKT 2February 27,
Piglet, and
PoohManDu join.
SK Telecom T1 Klogo stdSKT KNovember 12, SK Telecom T1 2logo stdSK Telecom T1 2 renames to SK Telecom T1 Klogo stdSK Telecom T1 K.[18]
SK Telecom T1 Klogo stdSKT KSeptember 16,
Piglet and
PoohManDu leave.[1][2]
Team Curselogo stdCRSOctober 22,
Piglet joins.
Team Curselogo stdCRSJanuary 6, Team Curselogo stdTeam Curse transfers its roster and NA LCS spot to Team Liquidlogo stdTeam Liquid.
Bunny FuFuu, Peter (Head Coach), MarkZ (Head Analyst), jokasteve (General Manager),
Saintvicious (Coach), and LiQuiD112 (CEO) leave.[4]
Team Liquidlogo stdTLJanuary 6, Team Liquidlogo stdTeam Liquid acquires the roster and NA LCS spot of Team Curselogo stdTeam Curse.
Xpecial, Peter (Head Coach), jokasteve (General Manager), LiQuiD112 (Owner), and MarkZ (Content Creator) join.
Team Liquidlogo stdTLSeptember 28,
Piglet's contract is extended through 2016.[23]
Team Liquid Academylogo stdTL.AJanuary 22,
Smoothie joins.

FeniX, and
Piglet join as substitutes.

IWDominate joins as temporary substitute for Week 1 of NACS 2016 Spring.

Dardoch and
Matt move to substitutes.
Team Liquid Academylogo stdTL.AMarch 1,
Piglet, and
Matt leave.
Team Liquid Academylogo stdTL.AJune 3,
Dardoch rejoins.

Piglet, and
Matt rejoin as substitutes.

Moon moves to substitute.
chocopie leaves.
Team Liquidlogo stdTLJune 17,
fabbbyyy moves to starting roster.
Piglet moves to substitute.
Team Liquid Academylogo stdTL.AJune 22,
Piglet moves to starting roster.
fabbbyyy moves to substitute.
Team Liquidlogo stdTLJuly 13,
Arcsecond, and
Jynthe join as substitutes.

Piglet, and
Stunt leave for academy roster.
Team Liquid Academylogo stdTL.ANovember (approx.),
Piglet, and
bobqinXD leave.
Team Liquidlogo stdTLDecember 12,
Reignover joins.

Piglet rejoins.

Arcsecond and
Jynthe move to substitutes.
FeniX leaves.[8][9]
Team Liquidlogo stdTLFebruary 28,
Youngbin rejoins.
Piglet (Bot to Mid) changes position.
Goldenglue moves to substitute.[19]
Team Liquidlogo stdTLMay 23,
Slooshi joins.
Piglet (Mid to Bot) changes position.
Goldenglue moves to starting roster.[20][21]
Team Liquidlogo stdTLNovember 21,
Slooshi, and
Piglet leave.[7]
Clutch Gaming Academylogo stdCG.AJanuary 2,
Piglet joins.
Clutch Gaming Academylogo stdCG.ANovember 7, Piglet changes residency from
North America
Clutch Gaming Academylogo stdCG.ANovember 30,
Piglet leaves for main roster.[10]
Clutch Gaminglogo stdCGNovember 30,
Piglet joins from academy roster.
Clutch Gaminglogo stdCGJanuary 5,
Piglet and
Vulcan's contracts are updated in the GCD, expiring on 17 November 2020.[25]
Clutch Gaminglogo stdCGMarch 22,
Cody Sun joins from academy roster.
Piglet (Bot to Mid) changes position.[22]
Clutch Gaminglogo stdCGJune 14,
Piglet leaves.[12]
T1 Rookieslogo stdT1.RDecember 13, Piglet (Coach) joins.[15]
T1 Rookieslogo stdT1.RFebruary 9, Piglet (Coach) leaves.[14]
Dplus KIA Youthlogo stdDK.YMarch 21, Piglet (Coach) joins.
Dplus KIA Youthlogo stdDK.YApril 14, Piglet (Coach) leaves.[16]
Free Agentlogo stdF/AOctober 31, Piglet changes residency from
North America
T1 Esports Academy Rookieslogo stdT1.RDecember 10, Piglet (Coach) joins.[17]


Season 3[]

Chae "Piglet" Gwang-jin first joined SK Telecom T1 #2 in February 2013 as a rookie player from soloqueue. He was part of a team built around Faker, with Impact, bengi, and PoohManDu rounding out the roster. The team's first tournament together was OLYMPUS Champions Spring 2013 where the team found immediate success. They placed third after losing 3-1 to MVP Ozone but they beat CJ Entus Frost 3-0 in the third place match. SKT1 2's sister team, SK Telecom T1 1 was dropped from the organization so Impact's team was renamed to just SK Telecom T1. Next, they attended HOT6iX Champions Summer 2013, this time managing to qualify for the finals. They were pitted against the KT Rolster Bullets and even went down 2-0 initially in the set but they managed to bring it back and win the tournament with a 3-2 victory. This win earned them enough circuit points to qualify for the Season 3 Korea Regional Finals. They were automatically seeded into the finals where they faced the Bullets once again, this time taking them down 3-1 to qualify for the Season 3 World Championship as the third seed from Korea. SKT went 7-1 in their group, only dropping a game to OMG and was put against the Gamania Bears in the quarterfinals. They quickly dispatched the bears 2-0 and then went onto play a close set against NaJin Black Sword that they eventually won 3-2. The finals saw SKT playing against the Chinese Royal Club. Royal was no match for SKT and the set ended with a quick 3-0 and the crowning of SK Telecom as the Season 3 World Champions. A month later, the team was renamed to SK Telecom T1 K. Piglet also received the Best AD Carry title at the 2013 Korea e-Sports Awards.[26] Piglet became known for being a very proud player, and rivalries formed between himself and both imp and Deft, the AD carries from the Samsung teams.

2014 Season[]

SK Telecom continued their streak of domination at PANDORA.TV Champions Winter 2013-2014. In an unprecedented show of strength, SKT managed to sweep the entirety of the tournament, culminating in a 3-0 victory over Samsung Galaxy Ozone. This is widely considered to be the most impressive feat achieved by any team as OGN is thought to have the highest level of competition in League of Legends. However, HOT6iX Champions Spring 2014 began the steady decline of SKT K as a team. They were upset in the group stages by the KT Rolster Arrows and barely scraped through to playoffs. They then met Samsung Ozone in the quarterfinals and were swiftly beaten 3-1. Due to having the most circuit points in Korea, they were invited to participate in All-Star Paris 2014. After winning 6 games in a row, they 3-0'd OMG to take the tournament without dropping a game. They came back to Korea for HOT6iX Champions Summer 2014 but fell in the quarterfinals again with a 3-1 loss to Samsung White. SKT was forced to play a tiebreaker against Samsung White to determine who would go to the 2014 Season World Championship as the second seed from Korea. White was too strong for SKT, quickly sweeping them 3-0. SKT was knocked into the finals of the gauntlet where they faced a red hot NaJin White Shield that took out the former World Champions 3-1.

In September 2014, both Piglet and PoohManDu were released from the SK Telecom organization. Shortly after, Piglet received an offer to join Team Curse, which he accepted. He remained with the team through their transition to Team Liquid.

2015 Season[]

Due to visa issues, Piglet was unable to play in the first week of the NA LCS 2015 Spring Split, and so Keith was used as a substitute. However, the team went 2-0 with Keith and then a combined 2-4 in weeks 2, 3, and 4, and going into the fifth week Piglet was moved to be the substitute AD carry, while Keith became the team's starter. Piglet returned to the starting roster for week 7 and stayed with the team for the rest of the split.[27] The team ended with a 9-9 record and qualified for the NA LCS Spring Playoffs with the sixth seed after defeating Team 8 in a tiebreaker game. In the playoffs, Liquid beat Counter Logic Gaming 3-0 in the quarterfinals before falling to Cloud9 3-2 in the semifinals; in the third-place match, Liquid finally broke the "fourth-place curse" that stopped them from placing higher than fourth place in any event that had persisted since they were Team Curse and took down Team Impulse 3-2.

Team Liquid stuck with the same five-man roster with Piglet as the starting AD carry for the entirety of the NA LCS 2015 Summer Split, and they finished the round robin in first place after winning a tiebreaker match over Counter Logic Gaming - the first team other than Team SoloMid or Cloud9 to place first in an NA LCS round robin. However, in the NA LCS Summer Playoffs, they lost immediately in the semifinals to TSM, making them also the first team to finish first in an NA LCS round robin but not make the playoff finals. A CLG victory over TSM in the playoff finals sent Team Liquid to the 2015 Season North America Regional Finals instead of giving them a direct seed to Worlds via Championship Points, and in the gauntlet they lost to underdogs Cloud9, ending their post-season abruptly.

2016 Season[]

Despite a rumor that Piglet was to leave Team Liquid in the preseason, he remained with the organization, and it was his support Xpecial who departed instead.[28][29] Xpecial was replaced first by Smoothie and later by Matt partway through the LCS spring split.

Team Liquid finished fourth in the regular season, going on to defeat NRG Esports in the quarterfinals before losing a narrow five-game series to CLG (the eventual champions). In the fifth game, Piglet was caught out in mid lane by a double-teleport from both Darshan and Huhi at the same time to the same ward and died. While Liquid were already behind in that game, it was this play that sealed the win for their opponents. In the third-place series against the tournament-favorite Immortals who had been knocked down in an upset by TSM, Liquid lost once again, this time 0-3, to finish the playoffs in fourth place overall, continuing the team's "fourth-place curse."

Piglet started the summer season with Team Liquid, but after a 1-3 start to the split, he was demoted to Team Liquid Academy and played the rest of the year for the challenger series team. TLA had a strong summer split, finishing second, a single game behind Cloud9 Challenger. In the playoffs, they swept Nova eSports in the semifinals, but lost in the finals to Cloud9 Challenger in five games, after controversially being denied a remake when Piglet mistakenly locked in RammusSquareRammus in game five. They still qualified for the promotion tournament, but lost another five-game series to Echo Fox in the elimination round, sending the team back to challenger.

2017 Season[]

With the disbanding of Team Liquid Academy, Piglet returned to Team Liquid's starting roster for 2017. Although there was a lot of hype surrounding the team due to their acquisition of Reignover, the spring split started slow for Liquid and didn't pick up afterward, and they ended Week 5 in a tie for last place. In response, the team announced that mid laner Goldenglue would take a leave of absence from the team and would be replaced by none other than Piglet himself, who would role swap to mid. Liquid did play a little bit better after this unorthodox move was made but still ended up finishing ninth, sending them to the promotion tournament. Although neither series was clean, Liquid defeated challenger teams EUnited and Gold Coin United in the promotion tournament and retained their LCS spot.

Piglet swapped back to bot lane to start the summer season, but Liquid's spring slide only continued in summer, as they immediately fell into last and only finished a single week above ninth place. Piglet played every game as Liquid tinkered with the rest of their roster, but no combination found success, forcing them once again to play in the promotion tournament. However, they requalified for the LCS with relative ease, sweeping EUnited and beating LCS team Phoenix1 3-2.

2018 Season[]

For 2018, Piglet left Team Liquid after three seasons but remained in North America, joining the newly formed Clutch Gaming Academy. However, Piglet didn't appear in a game for the team until Week 5 of the spring academy season, and the team only went 4-6 with him in the lineup, falling short of the academy playoffs.

Piglet stayed with Clutch Gaming Academy for the summer split. The team started 0-4 but improved later on, ending up 10-8 and in fourth place. Piglet also played two games for the LCS team in Week 6 of the summer season but both were losses.

Clutch Gaming Academy also played in the academy playoffs, where they were matched up against FlyQuest Academy. CG.A took the series to all five games but eventually fell, ending their season.

On November 7th, 2018, Piglet became a North American resident.

2019 Season[]

For 2019, Piglet was promoted to the main Clutch Gaming roster, along with his academy support Vulcan. Clutch Gaming started the spring split hot, with a 2-0 first week, but collapsed after that and didn't win another game until Week 5. In Week 9, Piglet again changed positions and played mid lane for the final two games while Cody Sun played bot, but both games ended in losses, leaving Clutch with a 5-13 record and in ninth place. He left the team in June.


  • Prior to the HOT6iX Champions Summer 2013 finals he had a 26-2 record on female champions in professional play, while only a 4-7 record on male champions. He still maintains a higher winning record on female champions compared to male champions. [30]
  • Known for his micro while playing VayneSquareVayne.
  • Almost left SKT T1 because his coach kkOma scolded him so much
  • Considered Pray as the best AD carry player as of September 2013 while he uses Cleanse because he was inspired by Cpt. Jack's incredible performances with it
  • Says his first happiest moment of his life is when he joined SKT T1, his second happiest moment of his life was when SKT T1 won OGN Summer 2013.
  • On SK Telecom T1 K, would wear Winnie the Pooh socks on game days because they help him win (due to his partnership with retired player PoohManDu)
  • Sleeps for 4 - 5 hours a day and practices 15 - 16 hours a day earning himself the nickname of "Practice Worm"
  • Clashed with his family a lot before/and the starting point of his pro gaming career and eventually lied to his parents that he quit and would sneak out and practice at PC bangs(rooms/ PC Cafe)
  • Known for his conservative playstyle and excellent positioning.
  • Didn't use masteries in his first game with Team Liquid in the NA LCS.[31]
  • Acquired somewhat of a bad reputation during his time in North America, due to his relative lack of success compared to his high profile as a former World Champion.
  • At the start of his pro gaming career, he played StarCraft: Brood War as a semipro Zerg player under the ID of Technick as part of the NEO.G clan and still occasionally streams Brood War.
  • Has a twin sister who works as a hair stylist in South Korea.
  • Played bot lane IreliaSquareIrelia in three of the five wins he got in the LCS 2019 Spring with Clutch Gaming, despite being the only player picking it for that position at the time.

Tournament Results[]

This table shows up to the 10 most recent results. For complete results, click here.

Minimum place

Piglet Tournament Results
DatePlEventLast ResultTeamRoster
2019-03-249 LCS 2019 Spring
5 - 13Blanklogo stdRR
Clutch Gaminglogo stdCG Huni,  Lira,  Damonte,  Piglet,  Cody Sun,  Vulcan,  mcscrag,  Artemis
2018-08-209 NA LCS 2018 Summer
6 - 12Blanklogo stdRR
Clutch Gaminglogo stdCG Solo,  LirA,  Moon,  Febiven,  Apollo,  Piglet,  Hakuho,  Vulcan,  DLim,  Curry,  mcscrag,  Baby Zeus
2018-08-165 - 6 NA Academy 2018 Summer Playoffs
2 : 3FlyQuest Academylogo stdFLY.A
Clutch Gaming Academylogo stdCG.A Maxtrobo,  Moon,  Sun,  Piglet,  Vulcan,  mcscrag
2018-08-104 NA Academy 2018 Summer
10 - 8Blanklogo stdRR
Clutch Gaming Academylogo stdCG.A Maxtrobo,  Solo,  Moon,  LIRA,  Sun,  Piglet,  Apollo,  Vulcan,  Hakuho,  mcscrag
2018-03-167 NA Academy 2018 Spring
8 - 10Blanklogo stdRR
Clutch Gaming Academylogo stdCG.A Maxtrobo,  Moon,  Sun,  Eclipse,  Piglet,  Vulcan
2017-08-13Q NA LCS 2018 Spring Promotion
3 : 2Phoenix1logo stdP1
Team Liquidlogo stdTL Lourlo,  Dardoch,  Mickey,  Piglet,  Matt,  Cain
2017-08-069 NA LCS 2017 Summer
4 - 14Blanklogo stdRR
Team Liquidlogo stdTL Lourlo,  Reignover,  Inori,  Dardoch,  Goldenglue,  Slooshi,  Mickey,  Piglet,  Matt,  konkwon,  David Lim,  Cain
2017-04-02Q NA LCS 2017 Summer Promotion
3 : 1Gold Coin Unitedlogo stdGCU
Team Liquidlogo stdTL Lourlo,  Reignover,  Piglet,  Doublelift,  Matt,  Cain
2017-03-269 NA LCS 2017 Spring
5 - 13Blanklogo stdRR
Team Liquidlogo stdTL Lourlo,  Reignover,  Goldenglue,  Piglet,  Youngbin,  Doublelift,  Matt,  Adrian,  Varsix,  Cain
2016-12-163 - 4 IEM Season 11 Gyeonggi
0 : 2Samsung Galaxylogo stdSSG
Team Liquidlogo stdTL Lourlo,  Reignover,  GoldenGlue,  Piglet,  Matt

This table shows up to the 10 most recent results. For complete results, click here.

Minimum place

Piglet Showmatch Tournament Results
DatePlEventLast ResultTeamRoster
2014-05-111 All-Star 2014 Paris
3 : 0Oh My Godlogo stdOMG
SK Telecom T1 Klogo stdSKT K Impact,  bengi,  Faker,  Piglet,  Poohmandu,  kkOma


  • 2013
  • 2014
  • 2015
  • 2016
  • 2017
  • 2018
  • 2019

Post-Match Interviews

2019-02-24LCS 2019 Spring
Clutch Gaminglogo stdCG
Golden Guardianslogo stdGG



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  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 SKT T1 리빌딩 단행... 이정현, 채광진, 조재환 계약 종료 (Korean) dailyesports.com
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Piglet, Poohmandu and Horo no longer with SKT ongamers.com
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 SKT도 리빌딩 완료, 'Impact' 정언영, '장병기마스터' 배성웅 영입 (Korean) inven.co.kr
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Breaking the Curse: Liquid Rising liquidlegends.net
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Team Curse Adds Piglet teamcurse.net
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Breaking the Curse: Liquid Rising liquidlegends.net
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 Piglet's Tweet twitter.com
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 kenzi's Tweet twitter.com
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 Thank you, FeniX teamliquidpro.com
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 Clutch Gaming's Tweet twitter.com
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 Clutch Gaming's Tweet twitter.com
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 Clutch Gaming's Tweet twitter.com
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 Clutch Gaming's Tweet twitter.com
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 Piglet's AfreecaTV Post (Korean) afreecatv.com
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 t1esportsacademy's Instagram Post (Korean) instagram.com
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 Piglet's AfreecaTV Post (Korean) afreecatv.com
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 T1 Esports Academy`s X Post (Korean) x.com
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 SK텔레콤 T1 LOL팀, 팀명 변경. 1팀 2팀에서 'S'와 'K'로! (Korean) inven.co.kr
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 Liquid confirm Piglet moved to mid lane, Youngbin taking over as AD carry thescoreesports.com
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 Team Liquid's Tweet twitter.com
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 Team Liquid's Tweet twitter.com
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 Clutch Gaming's Tweet twitter.com
  23. Team Liquid's Tweet twitter.com
  24. Archive Pages: before change - NA - 2018-11-06; after change - NA - 2018-11-07
  25. Archive Pages: before change - ; after change - NA - 2019-01-05
  26. Result of 2013 Korean e-Sports Awardsinven.com.kr
  27. LCS News: Piglet moved to starting roster for Week 7 teamliquidpro.com
  28. Piglet and Team Liquid part ways dailydot.com
  29. Team Liquid's Tweet twitter.com
  30. [OGN Summer] The Finals: SKT T1 vs. KT Bullets teamliquid.net
  31. Piglet not using Masteries in C9 vs. TL? reddit.com