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Patch Notes May 9, 2009 Patch

New Features

  • New Map - Summoner's Rift Winter Version is now a playable map
  • AI Controlled bots - You can now add two bots to your game; Master YiSquareMaster Yi and RyzeSquareRyze

New Items

  • Vision Ward - Places an invisible ward which has magicla sight (sees invisible units) for 3 minutes
  • Doran's Shield - Cheap basic item which adds health / armor / health regen
  • Doran's Blade - Cheap basic item which adds health / damage / attack speed
  • Doran's Ring - Cheap basic item which adds health / mana / ability power
  • Lich Bane - High tier legendary ability power / aman item (which uses Sheen) with unique passive: 100% chance when an ability is used that your next physical attack deals +Ability power bonus damage
  • Stinger - Low tier legendary mana regeneration / attack speed item with unique passive: reduces ability cooldowns by 10%
  • Banshee's Veil - Mid tier legendary health / mana / magic resist item with unique passive: Block one negative spell every 25 seconds
  • Pendant of Zephiris - Low tier legendary armor / magic resistance item with unique passive +25 armor / +30 magic resist aura (affects minions)
  • Aegis of the Legion - Mid tier legendary armor / magic resistance / health item with unique passive: +12 damage / +35 armor / +40 magic resist aura (affects minions)
  • Marduk's Razors - Low tier legendary attack speed item with passive: 15% chance on attack to instant kill a minion

Champion Changes


  • Updated selection size and pathfinding radius
  • Improved Evelynn's ability to chase champions
  • Lowered size of basic hit particle
  • Shadow Walk
    • Added a particle as Evelynn is becoming invisible
  • Ravage
    • Updated tooltip, it had incorrect values for -armor


  • Reduced attack speed per level from 2 to 1.5
  • Increased attack delay offset from 0.02 to 0.05 (slowed attack speed)
  • Righteous Fury
    • Reduced duraiton from 30 seconds to 25
    • Reduced bonus damage from 40 / 60 / 80 to 30 / 50 / 70
    • Reduced splash damage % from 40 / 60 / 80 to 30 / 50 / 70
    • Reduced bonus attack range from 400 to 350


  • Dark Binding REMAKE
    • Fires a line missile (skill shot), the first unit it encounters becomes unable to move for 4 seconds and takes damage over the duration
  • Black Shield REMAKE
    • Changed Black Shield to a Magic Absorbing shield, while the shield is up, the bearer will be immune to all magic effects until the shield is burned through magic damage. Shield absorbs 100, 200, 300 , 400 , 500 + ability power)
  • Empathize REMAKE
    • Now causes 5 / 7.5 / 10% of magic damage dealt by Morgana to heal her
  • Tormented Soil
    • Decreased duration from 7 to 5 seconds
    • Changed periodic damage dealt form 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 per tick to 25 / 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 per tick (Combine with the duration adjustment this means it does a total of 425 damage at level 5, previously it did 420)
    • Reduced cooldown from 18 to 14
    • Ability power ratio changed from 0.2 to 0.3
  • Soul Shackle
    • No longer stuns on cast, now it slows over the duration (still stuns at the end)
    • Changed the damage from 150 / 250 / 350 to 175 / 250 / 350 on start and finish


  • Rune Prison ability power ratio increased from 0.24 to 0.4


  • Increased armor from 7.75 to 14
  • Increased armor per level from 2.25 to 3


  • Reduced attack delay offset from 0.09 to 0.05 (increased attack speed)
  • Increased base health regeneration from 1.79 to 2.0
  • Increased health regenration pre leve from 0.15 to 0.2
  • Cannibalism REMAKE
    • No longer increases max health on attack, it now heals surrounding allies for 25 / 37.5 / 50% of damage dealt
  • Enrage REMAKE
    • No longer drains health per second while activated, it now drains 6 / 8 / 10 / 12 / 14 health per attack
    • Kills while this skill is active increases Sion's max health by 1 / 1.5 / 2 / 2.5 / 3 (permanently, no cap)


  • Rocket Jump
    • Updated tooltip to correct values (from 30% slow for 3 seconds to 60% slow for 2 seconds)
    • Cast range changed from 1,000 to 900


  • Updated selection size and pathfinding radius
  • Fixed a perfromance issue regarding Tryndamere's passive
  • Tweaked his attack animation
  • Increased base health from 550 to 585
  • Increased health gain per level from 80 to 95
  • Fixed a bug where Tryndamere was not having his health regen increased per level. Now his health regen increases by 0.2 per level
  • Spell Slash
    • Changed cooldown from 8-16 to 10 seconds
    • Slash's speed now grows with Tryndamere's movement speed
  • Mocking Shout
    • Increased range to compensate for cancast issues
    • Fixed bug where this spell used Tryndamere's facing instead of the target's
    • Increased cooldown from 11 to 14
    • Increased casting radius
  • Bloodlust
    • Now properly stacks 2 / 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 times
    • Made instant cast
    • Fixed associated issues with incorrect attack speed / critical strikes
    • Now adds 5% crit 8% attack speed per stack
    • Changed hit particle
  • Undying Rage
    • Fixed bug that caused 1 too many stacks of Bloodlust

Twisted FateSquareTwisted Fate

  • Wild Card REMAKE
    • Wild Cards ability has moved to the "Q" key and has a new function: Twisted Fate throws three cards in front of him which deal damage to each enemy they pass through.
  • Pick a Card New second ability ("W")
    • Twisted Fate draws cards in a sequential order and gets an added effect on his next attack according to the card he has picked
    • Blue Cards add magic damage and the ability to draw another card.
    • Red Cards explode, dealing magic damage to all enemies near the target and slowing their movement for 1 second
    • Gold Cards explode, dealing magic damage to all enemies in an area and stunning them for 1.25 seconds
  • Gate
    • Destiny will now make Gate instant cast while it is active
  • Destiny
    • Destiny now reveals Stealthed units


  • Updated selection size and pathfinding radius
  • Improved Twitch's ability to chase champions
  • Ambush
    • Increased stealth cooldown from 10 to 11 seconds
    • Fixed a bug where the fade into stealth time was too long
  • Deadly Poison
    • Reduced poison damage from 3 / 5 / 7 to 2 / 4 / 6 / 8
    • Fixed a bug where Debilitating Poison's slow debuff was not properly getting removed by Master Yi's Highlander
  • Expunge range reduced
  • Spray and Pray
    • Improved hit particle
    • Increased projectile speed
    • Increased the collision size for spray and pray missiles from 25 to 40
    • No longer procs on hit item effects


  • Hungering Strike
    • Added ability power ratio of 1.0
    • Now deals magic damage
    • Life drains based on damage dealt

Item Remakes and Adjustments

  • Thornmail REMAKE
    • On being hit, returns 20% of damage take (20 damage minimum)
    • Added new component, Cloth Armor which increased armor from 50 to 70
    • Increased recipe cost from 320 to 500
    • Made this item unique
  • Zhonya's Ring REMAKE
    • This item now 'Increases ability power by 25%'
    • Reduced mana from 550 to 500
    • Made this item unique
  • Atma's Impaler
    • Removed health and replaced with +65 armor
    • Increased recipe cost from 750 to 800
    • Increased Damage from Health from 1.5% to 2%
  • Soul Shroud made accessible from the Health section
  • Last Whisper bug fixed which gave it an ability power ratio of 1
  • Tiamat
    • Increased recipe cost from 400 to 500
    • Decreased damage from 50 to 45
  • Sunfire Cape
  • Abyssal Scepter Magic Resistance aura increased from -30 to -40
  • Updated proc on cast spell tooltips to state that they only take effect on spells with at least one second cooldown
  • Updated tooltips which had multiple passives to read better
  • Mejai's Soulstealer recipe cost reduced from 600 to 500
  • Avarice Blade, Kage's Lucky Pick, and Philosopher's Stone gold gain per 10 seconds increased from 4 to 5.
  • Boots of Swiftness recipe cost increased from 475 to 570
  • Regrowth Pendant health regen per 5 reduced from 20 to 18

Summoner Spells

  • Exhaust REMAKE
    • Exhaust no longer silences, it blinds the target (100% miss chance)
  • Clairvoyance cooldown increased from 90 to 180
  • Flash cooldown reduced from 240 to 210
  • Fortify cooldown reduced from 300 to 270
  • Ghost cooldown increased form 180 to 210
  • Promote Siegerider's cleave percent increased from 40% to 80%
  • Teleport cooldown reduced from 5 minutes to 4


  • Awareness experience percent bonus reduced from 4 / 8 / 12 / 16% to 4 / 6 / 8 / 10%


  • Various tooltip fixes and updates
  • Increased neutral minion respawn time from 60 to 90 seconds
  • Increased damage of shrine turrets from 400 to 600
  • Stealth characters (TwitchSquareTwitch and EvelynnSquareEvelynn) will now have their face timer reset when they take damage while fading
  • You can now cancel your stealth by re-activating your stealth ability
  • Enhanced logging for disconnects


  • Returned mininmap to always facing the camera direction
  • Can no longer focus target an enemy hero from the minimap
  • Shop items have a gold border if you already own in requirements graph
  • Tooltip of items in your inventory while in show show how much you will get for selling back
  • You can now view shop items (but not purchase or sell) from anywhere on the map
  • Shop can be toggled with the P button
  • Pings can now also be done with alt-left click
  • You now get the visual range indicator of spells when you mouesover a spell you have learned. This is helpful for PBAoEs like SorakaSquareSoraka's Starcall
  • Dead player names no longer appear for dead players. Healthbars now disappear for all dead units
  • You can now select heroes who are dead through the UI to see their inventories

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with volume being reset to zero at the end of a game (Will still need to turn it back up your first game)
  • Fixed a bug where hero bounty was much less than it was supposed to be
  • Fixed issues with target's items not showing their background image, and not giving tooltips
  • Fixed issues where health of targets and self in HUD was sometimes slightly incorrect
  • Fixed a bug where some neutral minions names had extra symbols at the end of their names
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