Patch Notes May 15, 2009 Patch
Champion Changes
- Unbreakable Will bonus damage reduced from 80 to 60
- Headbutt
- Reduced stun duration from 1.25 to 1.0
- Increased the speed the target gets pushed back from 1000 to 1200
- Hate Spike
- Increased ability power ratio from 0.2 to 0.25
- Increased damage from 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 to 25 / 50 / 75 / 100 / 125
- Shadow Walk fade time reduced from 1.75 to 1.5
- Weapon Mastery bonus damage modified from 10 / 15 / 20 / 25% to 15% at all levels
- Empower no longer triggers item effects like Sheen, Lich Bane, and Tear of the Goddess (since its cooldown is > 1 second)
- Meditate
- Reduced channeling time from 6 to 4 seconds (and made the end of the channel proc a heal)
- Rewrote the tooltip to make more sense
- Highlander duration reduced from 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 to 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
- Black Shield
- Increased cooldown from 14 to 16
- Reduced duration from 6 / 8 / 10 / 12 / 14 to 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 / 12
- Tormented Soil total ability power ratio reduced from 1.5 to 1.0
- Dark Binding
- Fixed a bug that was causing it to deal double base damage
- No longer does half duration to close range units
- Modified duration from 4 seconds at all levels to 3 / 3.25 / 3.5 / 3.75 / 4
- Updated the toltip to make more sense and show the correct ability power ratio
- Reduced damage from 80 / 160 / 240 / 320 / 400 to 60 / 120 / 210 / 280 / 400
- Poison Trail damage increased from 18 / 27 / 36 / 45 / 54 to 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60
- Increased movement speed from 310 to 315
- Increased armor gain per level from 3 to 3.5
- Increased armor from 14 to 18
- Rocket Jump damage reduced from 60 / 120 / 180 / 240 / 300 to 50 / 100 / 150 / 200 / 250
- Gate
- Increased cooldown from 90 / 75 / 60 / 45 / 30 to 100 / 85 / 70 / 55 / 40
- Fixed a bug with Gate that caused you to teleport in 2 seconds instead of 3
- Wild Cards animation sped up so it occurs more fluidly
- Ambush slow percent reduced from 35 to 30
- Warwick can no longer be disabled while using Infinite Duress
Summoner Spells
- Clairvoyance - Added a new particle which will allow you to see Clairvoyance above terrain (so no more hiding them in the terrain)
- Fixed a bug where certain items effects would persist past selling the item: Glacial Shroud, Spirit Visage, Infinity Edge, Stinger, Banshee's Veil, Guardian Angel.
- Guardian Angel
- Fixed a bug which allowed you to respawn an infinite number of times with no cooldown
- Reduced armor from 80 to 75
- Reduced magic resist from 45 to 40
- Temporarily removed Thornmail from the game
- Madred's Razors
- Fixed a bug which caused its proc to give you double gold
- Reduced bonus proc damage from 1,500 to 500 (to reduce the benefit of neutral farming)
- Changed component items from two Daggers to one Long Sword and one Cloth Armor
- Increased recipe cost from 180 to 285 (total cost from 1,020 to 1,000)
- Made unique
- Fixed a bug that caused Warden's Mail to get bonus damage from ability power
- Removed Bag of Tea from the item shop
- Made new recommended items for: Annie, Evelynn, Morgana, Fiddlesticks, Master Yi, Nunu, Ryze, Sion, Sivir, Soraka, Tristana, Twisted Fate, and Zilean
- Warmog's Armor
- Increased maximum health stack from 400 to 500
- Increased health regen per 5 cap from 50 to 62.5
- Doran's Ring
- Changed +80 mana to +3 mana regen per 5 seconds
- Reduced health from 150 to 130
- Reduced cost from 475 to 435
- Doran's Shield
- Reduced health from 150 to 130
- Reduced cost from 475 to 435
- Doran's Blade
- Reduced health from 150 to 130
- Reduced cost from 475 to 435
- Sheen and Lich Bane spells recoded to make them unable to strike critically
- Abyssal Scepter
- Reduced ability power from 70 to 60
- Reduced magic resist from 70 to 60
- Archangel's Staff
- Reduced ability power from 50 to 45
- Increased recipe cost from 775 to 1,000
- Atma's Impaler
- Reduced armor from 65 to 60
- Reduced critical chance from 25% to 20%
- Berserker's Greaves attack speed reduced from 30% to 25%
- Emblem of Valor life steal increased from 15% to 17%
- Frozen Mallet damage reduced from 30 to 20
- Innervating Locket recipe cost reduced from 600 to 500
- Mejai's Soulstealer ability power increased from 65 to 70
- Ninja Tabi
- Increased armor from 20 to 25
- Incresaed dodge chance from 10% to 11%
- Phage recipe cost increased from 300 to 400
- Phantom Dancer
- Reduced attack speed from 50% to 45%
- Reduced critical strike chance from 32% to 30%
- Renewal Shell armor increased from 20 to 24
- Rod of Ages recipe cost increased from 665 to 865
- Sheen
- Reduced ability power from 30 to 25
- Reduced mana from 275 to 250
- Sorcerer's Shoes ability power reduced from 35 to 33
- Soul Shroud
- Reduced health from 650 to 600
- Increased recipe cost from 600 to 650
- Spirit Visage
- Reduced magic resist form 50 to 45
- Reduced health regen per 5 from 35 to 30
- The Black Cleaver damage reduced from 80 to 75
- The Bloodthirster
- Increased life steal from 10% to 15%
- Reduced bonus damage cap from 60 to 40
- Reduced life steal cap from 15% to 10%
- Tiamat
- Reduced damage from 45 to 40
- Reduced health regen per 5 from 25 to 22
- Reduced mana regen per 5 from 8 to 7
- Warden's Mail Made to stun for 1 second to all units (from 0.5 against ranged units)
- Wit's End recipe cost increased from 600 to 800
- Boots of Speed cost increased from 250 to 350
Neutral Minions
- Ancient Golem - Added a hit effect
- Lizard no longer has a buff that says it has silencing attacks
- Reduced all non-Epic neutral minion gold yield by ~ 10%
- Reduced all non-Epic neutral minion experience yeild by ~ 10%
- Updated death timers to be 20 / 20 / 20 / 25 / 25 / 30 / 30 / 37 / 44 / 51 / 58 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 85 / 85
- Increased max cooldown reduction from 30% to 35%
- Highlander no longer nullfies Morgana's Soul Shackles
- Removed aura from rider minions
- Increased regeneration rate form the fountain from 7.5 to 8.5
- Reduced global experience granted by turrets from 400 to 300
- Master Yi's Alpha Strike no longer penetrates Kayle's Invulnerability
- Fixed a few icon bugs
- Fixed lua error with slash
- Reduced basic minion gold yield growth by 50%
- Added new Rider Minion and Super Minion models
- Increased gold bounty for assists form 50% to 75%
- Enhanced pathfinding
- New invite system fully in place
- Health bar priority improved. Should now be easier to see enemy health bars.