Patch Notes April 11, 2009 Patch
Champion Changes
- Added 50% slow to Terrify
- Dark Wind
- Increased damage form 100 to 120
- Increased ability power ratio from 0.25 to 0.4
- Counterstrike
- Reduce dodge chance from 8 / 12 / 16 / 20 / 24% to 8 / 11 / 14 / 17 / 20%
- Increased mana cost from 50 to 60
- Leap Strike
- Increased mana cost from 50 to 65
- Increased cooldown from 21 / 17 / 13 / 9 / 5 to 22 / 18 / 14 / 10 / 6
- Empower
- Damage can no longer critically strike
- Bug fixed where Empower would last longer than intended
- Relentless Assault
- No longer gives Jax additional Haste upon striking buildings
- Changed from an Active to a Passive
- Reduced damage from 150 / 225 / 300 to 150 / 200 / 250
- Alpha Strike
- Increased bounce range from 400 to 600
- Made a fix which had previously caused its slow to not be removed by Highlander
- Highlander
- No longer removes Rune Prison
- Updated movement speed modification type to fix an associated bug
- Empathize - Increased health regen per second from 1 / 2 / 4 / 6 / 9 / 12 to 2 / 3 / 5/ 8 / 12
- Dark Binding - Fixed a Lua error bug
- Tormented Soil
- Removed erroneous damage being shown
- Incresed range from 265 to 280 to match the AoE indicator
- Removed the armor bonus
- Black Shield - Fixed cooldown bug
- Soul Shackles
- Effect now occurs if Morgana stays in range of the target for the duration, rather than moving out of range of the target
- Increased range from 485 to 550
- Increased damage from 100 / 175 / 250 to 150 / 250 / 350
- Increased ability power ratio from 0.5 to 1.0
- Increased initial stun from 0.5 to 1 second
- Increased range on Consume from 200 to 230
- Corrected Overload's tooltip (the base damage portion showed off low numbers)
- Cryptic Gaze
- Reduced stun duration from 2.2 to 2 seconds
- Fixed tooltip to show off its cooldown by level of 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 / 8
- Ricochet
- Reduced particle speed form 1000 to 900
- Increased damage reduciton per bounce from 20% to 23%
- Fixed levelup tooltip
- On the Hunt - Modified from 120 / 90 / 60 to 90 at all levels
- Buster Shot - Increased range from 600 to 700
- Rapid Fire - Changed to Instant Cast
- Made Hunter's Call instant cast
Summoner Spells
- Exhaust - Reduced duration by 1 second, incresaed cooldown by 4 minutes to 4 and a half minutes, increase slow percent from 40% to 50%
- Teleport - Reduce cooldown from 7 minutes to 5 minutes
- Ghost - Increase movement speed bonus from 15% to 22%
- Cloak of Agility cost increased from 800 to 880
- Brawler's Gloves cost increased from 360 to 400
- Atma's Impaler
- Cost increased from 700 to 750
- Bonus damage decreased from 2% to 1.5%
- Infinity Edge cost increased from 350 to 375
- Phantom Dancer cost increased from 850 to 900
- Zeal cost increased from 350 to 375
- Avarice Blade cost increased from 350 to 375
Neutral Minions
- Increased Ancient Golem gold reward from 90 to 110
- Reduced Lizard gold reward from 45 to 40
- Reduced Lizard Elder gold reward from 110 to 80
- Reduced Dragon gold reward from 235 to 180
- Reduced Wraith gold reward from 40 to 35
- Reduced Lesser Wraith gold reward from 20 to 15
- Reduced Wolf gold reward from 30 to 25
- Reduced Giant Wolf gold reward from 75 to 50
- Removed buff icon from Teleport Home
- Removed buff icon from Baron Nashor
- Silences (Exhaust, Dark Wind, Seal Fate) no longer silence Summoner Spells
- Silences no longer interrupt channels
- Implementd camera scrolling changes
HUD Changes
- Locked camera state saved between games
- Chat settings save between games and default to a less obstrusive state
- Bonus gold now shows above your character when give (Ashe's Accumulate Wealth, etc)
- Buffs should now correctly show their icons all the time
- You must now click on your character portrait before spending your level up points
- New load screen with some basic controls information (for early beta only)
- Enemy inhibitor healthbars are more accurate now
- More improvements to attack timings and chasing
- Fixed a popping issue when casting certain spells quickly
- You can no longer crit towers