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Patch 12.13

Jump for joy—it’s patch 12.13!

On this week’s episode of Patch Notes, we have the premiere of our newest champion (and Star Guardian) Nilah, the Joy Unbound! We also have the Star Guardians, new and old, making their appearance again to protect us from the forces of evil. Sivir’s mid-scope update also debuts this patch, not to mention your regularly scheduled balance adjustments.

We interrupt your regularly scheduled patch notes to say a big goodbye to our patch note author ahrisoo, who is leaving on an adventure to become Dr. ahrisoo. Your patch notes (and patch jokes) will be missed!

Read on to see if the true treasure of patch notes was the friends LP we made along the way.

Official Patch Notes Link

Riot Riru Lilu "Riru" Cabreros
Riot Ahrisoo Jina "Ahrisoo" Yoon

Riot Aether Paul "RiotAether" Perscheid

Mid-Patch Updates[]

7/15/2022 Ultimate Spellbook Updates + Game Mode Information[]

Champion Buffs
ANIVIA : +10% Damage Dealt, -10% Damage Taken
BARD : [+8% Damage Dealt, -8% Damage Taken] +8% Damage Dealt, -8% Damage Taken, +5% Movement Speed
EVELYNN : +10% Damage Dealt
SENNA : +10% Damage Dealt, +20% Healing

Champion Nerfs

ALISTAR : [+5% Damage Dealt] -5% Damage Dealt
BEL'VETH : -10% Damage Dealt
SAMIRA : [-5% Damage Dealt] -10% Damage Dealt, -1% Shielding
THRESH : [+5% Damage Dealt, -5% Damage Taken, +20% Shielding, +5% Movement Speed] 0% Damage Dealt, 0% Damage Taken, 0% Shielding, +5% Movement Speed
VIEGO : -5% Damage Dealt, -20% Healing

Ult-ernate Summoner Spells Buffs

POPPY R : Now has the Adaptive Force/Armor/Magic Resistance Stat Boost
KAISA R : Now has the Adaptive Force/Armor/Magic Resistance Stat Boost
CAITLYN R : [80% AD / AP ratios] 100% AD / AP ratios
GWEN R : [80% AD / AP ratios] 90% AD / AP ratios
VELKOZ R : [80% AD / AP ratios] 90% AD / AP ratios
SYNDRA R : [80% AD / AP ratios] 90% AD / AP ratios

Ult-ernate Summoner Spells Nerfs

BLITZCRANK R : [+35 Bonus Ability Haste] +10 Bonus Ability Haste
JANNA R : [+35 Bonus Ability Haste] +15 Bonus Ability Haste
RELL R : [+35 Bonus Ability Haste] +15 Bonus Ability Haste
NASUS R : [+25 Bonus Ability Haste] +10 Bonus Ability Haste
EKKO R : [+35 Bonus Ability Haste] +20 Bonus Ability Haste
DR. MUNDO R : [+35 Bonus Ability Haste] +20 Bonus Ability Haste

Ultimate Spellbook Changes

Note that all of these changes went live with the launch of Patch 12.13, but we’re capturing all of the update here for visibility.


  • New Thematics
  • Star Guardian themed summoner ult particles
  • Spawn in theme music
  • Star Guardian Minions
  • Star Guardian Ahri VO

Ultimate Usage Visibility The health bar icon displaying a player's selected UltBook Ulternate Summoner now changes based on the status of the ultimate.

Attack-Smite Clarity Attack-Smite users now receive an Attack-Smite Objective upon leaving the fountain to help inform players of the differences between normal Smite and Attack-Smite.

Attack-Smite indicator now appears above valid Attack-Smite targets Health Threshold indicator now appears on valid Attack-Smite targets displaying how low a monster’s health has to be for Attack-Smite to trigger

All the Dragons Ultimate Spellbook now contains ALL the dragons you’d find on the Rift

Ultimate Changes

MOAR ULTS  : [Pick 1 of 3 Ulternate Summoner Spells] Pick 1 of 4 Ulternate Summoner Spells

New Ults

  • Annie
  • Gangplank
  • Garen
  • Gnar
  • Kaisa
  • Neeko
  • Quinn
  • Rakan
  • Renata
  • Senna
  • Syndra
  • Taliyah
  • Tristana
  • Varus
  • Vel'Koz
  • Xayah

Re-added Ults

  • Janna
  • Rell
  • Rakan

Updated Ults

  • Miss Fortune
  • Neeko
  • Fixed a bug where Chronobreak (Ekko R) would occasionally fail to work

Removed Ults

  • Olaf
  • Rengar

Stat Boosts
Some Ulternate Summoners will now have a Stat Boost!

This will show up in the selection and within the tooltip of the spell. When you select a spell with a stat boost, the first time that spell comes off cooldown you will gain a bonus to your Adaptive Force, Magic Resistance, AND Armor. For all three stats, the amount gained is from 6 + 2 per level.

Ulternate Summoner Spells with this Stat Boost:

  • Bard
  • Janna
  • Rell
  • Taliyah
  • Zoe

Other Changes

EXTRA BASE HEALTH : [150 + 10 per level] 10 per level

7/14/2022 Mid-Patch Updates[]

BASE HEALTH : [590] 570
BASE ARMOR : [30] 27
Q EMPOWERED ATTACKS : [110% Total AD] 100% Total AD
Q EMPOWERED BONUS ATTACK SPEED : [15-65% (based on level)] 10-60% (based on level)
E RECHARGE RATE : [24/21/18/15/12] 26/22.5/19/15.5/12

7/13/2022 Mid-Patch Updates[]

BASE HEALTH : [660] 620
PASSIVE - HEALING FROM DAMAGE AGAINST CHAMPIONS : [60% of damage dealt] 50% of damage dealt
R - COOLDOWN : [100/90/80] 120/100/80

Master YiSquareMaster Yi

BASE AD : [66] 65
AD GROWTH : [3] 2.5
Q - COOLDOWN : [18/17.5/17/16.5/16] 20/19.5/19/18.5/18
W - DAMAGE REDUCTION : [60/62.5/65/67.5/70%, increased to 90% for the first 0.5 seconds] 45/47.5/50/52.5/55%, increased to 90% for the first 0.5 seconds


Q - BASE DAMAGE : [25/40/55/70/85] 15/30/45/60/75
W - MANA COST : [60] 60/65/70/75/80
W - COOLDOWN : [10] 12


  • Fixed a bug where boots would override Movement Speed gained from Mythic item passives if they were placed in an item slot lower than the Mythic item

Patch Highlights[]

Patch 12.13 Banner

Nilah, “the Joy Unbound”, will be hitting the Rift on July 13!

Star Guardian Ekko, Star Guardian Kai'Sa, Star Guardian Nilah, Star Guardian Sona, Star Nemesis Fiddlesticks, and Prestige Star Guardian Ekko will be available July 14, 2022.


NilahSquare Nilah  NEW
The Joy Unbound
Slip, slide, slash, and make a splash with Nilah on July 13!
SivirSquare Sivir  
Mid-scope update, all abilities adjusted.

Sivir has been dethroned as the queen of late-game teamfights. Her short range meant she had to work twice as hard as other ADCs to do damage, which led to her opting for lethality builds instead of crit. While other marksmen have gained attack range over time, we are giving Sivir new tools that lean into her strengths as a close range, AoE DPS hyper carry that reward her for playing on the edge of danger. With this mid-scope update, we’re setting Sivir up to have the strongest AoE DPS output of all the marksmen—so long as she can stay alive to use it. We’re hoping Sivir players find that her damage potential is now much higher and more consistent due to the adjustments we’ve made to her Ricochet and signature Boomerang Blade. Ultimately, these should help shift Sivir's identity from a chauffeur for her teammates to a high damage AoE marksman with the added ability to help clean up winning fights.

Base Stats
BASE HEALTH : [632] 600
BASE MANA : [325] 340
MANA GROWTH : [50] 40
BASE MANA REGENERATION : [1.6] 1.2 per second

Fleet of Foot Passive - Fleet of Foot

BONUS MOVE SPEED : [35/40/45/50/55] 55/60/65/70/75 (levels 1/6/11/16/18)
BONUS MOVE SPEED DURATION : [2 seconds] Decays over 1.5 seconds

Boomerang Blade Q - Boomerang Blade

BASE DAMAGE : [35/50/65/80/95 (+70/85/100/115/130% total AD) (+50% AP)] 25/40/55/70/85 (+80/85/90/95/100% total AD) (+60% AP)
COOLDOWN : [7 seconds at all ranks] 10/9.5/9/8.5/8 seconds
CAST TIME : [0.25 seconds] 0.25-0 seconds (scales down with attack speed)
CRITICAL CHALICAR Now scales with critical strike chance, dealing up to 50% bonus damage at 100% crit chance
MANA COST : [70/80/90/100/110] 55/60/65/70/75
MISSILE SPEED : [1350] 1450 outwards and 1200 inwards

Ricochet W - Ricochet

DAMAGE : [30/45/60/75/90% total AD] 30/35/40/45/50% total AD
MANA COST : [75] 60
BUFF DURATION [3 attacks] 4 seconds
COOLDOWN : [12/10.5/9/7.5/6] 10 seconds at all ranks
SPEED BOOST Activating Ricochet now grants Sivir 20/25/30/35/40% bonus attack speed
TOUGH CROWD Now deals 80% damage against minions
MAX BOUNCES : [Unlimited bounces] 8 bounces per Attack
BOUNCE RANGE : [450] 500 (note: approximately 1 additional Teemo)
BOUNCE BOOST Ricochets can now bounce back to targets that have already been hit, but only one additional time. Ricochets will prioritize new targets first.

Spell Shield E - Spell Shield

COOLDOWN : [22/19/16/13/10] 22/20/18/16/14 seconds
HAPPY HEALS Blocking an enemy ability now heals Sivir for 60/65/70/75/80% of her total AD (+50% total AP)
SEE YA Blocking an enemy ability now procs Sivir’s Passive - Fleet of Foot
NOT SO QUICK Blocking an enemy ability with E no longer refunds mana

On The Hunt R - On The Hunt

COOLDOWN : [120/100/80] 100/85/70 seconds
DURATION : [8 seconds at all ranks] 8/10/12 seconds
THE HUNT CONTINUES If Sivir assists with a recent takedown while her R - On the Hunt buff is active, its aura will now refresh its duration
COOL(DOWN) Sivir’s basic attacks during R - On the Hunt now reduce her basic ability cooldowns by 0.5 seconds per attack
FAREWELL, GOOD HUNTERS Sivir no longer gains bonus attack speed from R - On the Hunt
SLOW START No longer gives Sivir and her allies an initial movement speed burst

CorkiSquare Corki  
E AD scaling increased. R base damage decreased, AP scaling decreased.

The Daring Bombardier doesn’t look up-to-snuff when launching missiles from a screen away. His long-ranged poke has made him a menace in Pro Play given how consistent and powerful it is. We’re toning down his missiles and upgrading his Gatling Gun so Corki has a bigger reason to enter close quarters combat.

Gatling Gun E - Gatling Gun
DAMAGE PER TICK : [7.5/10.63/ 13.75/16.88/20 (+10% bonus AD)] 7.5/10.63/13.75/16.88/20 (+15% bonus AD)

Missile Barrage R - Missile Barrage

ROCKET DAMAGE : [90/125/160 (+15/45/75% AD) (+20% AP)] 80/115/150 (+15/45/75% AD) (+12% AP)
BIG ONE ROCKET DAMAGE : [180/250/320 (+30/90/150% AD) (+40% AP)] 160/230/300 (+30/90/150% AD) (+24% AP)

EliseSquare Elise  
Base health, health growth, and base armor increased. Human Form Q damage increased.

Elise is still building her web, trying to find a spot on the Rift post-Durability Update. We’re adding some more damage to her Q to help her assassinate slightly more durable targets and buffing up her base stats to bring her in line with other junglers.

Base Stats
BASE HEALTH : [625] 650
HEALTH GROWTH : [107] 109
BASE ARMOR : [27] 30

Neurotoxin Q - Neurotoxin

BASE DAMAGE : [40/70/100/130/160] 40/75/110/145/180

EvelynnSquare Evelynn  
Passive heal increased. W magic resistance reduction increased. R now decreases the timer to reenter passive camouflage.

Evelynn hasn’t been seen much since the Durability Update, and not because she’s been using her camouflage. We’re (al)luring players into playing her again by giving her several quality of life buffs and increasing the reward for when she successfully charms her targets.

Demon Shade Passive - Demon Shade
SELF HEAL AT LOW HEALTH : [15-75 (levels 1-18)] 15-150 (levels 1-18) per second

Allure W - Allure

ENEMY MAGIC RESISTANCE REDUCTION : [25/27.5/30/32.5/35%] 35/37.5/40/42.5/45%

Last Caress R - Last Caress

SEEK N’ HIDE Using R now puts Passive - Demon Shade on a 1.25 second cooldown (rather than the usual 4 second cooldown)

FiddlesticksSquare Fiddlesticks  
Q fear duration increased. R damage increased.

For the living embodiment of fear, Fiddlesticks hasn’t been very scary as of late. We’re turning up the spook-factor by giving it some additional utility and damage to be a tad more terrifying.

Terrify Q - Terrify
FEAR DURATION : [1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2] 1.25/1.5/1.75/2/2.25 seconds

Crowstorm R - Crowstorm

DAMAGE : [625/1125/1625 (+225% AP)] 750/1250/1750 (+250% AP)

GalioSquare Galio  
Q damage increased.

Galio’s tornadoes have been feeling more like a light breeze recently, but we don’t want to make him a full blown AP assassin. We’re putting some more wind beneath his wings to help him poke down opponents without fully committing in hopes he’ll take off soon.

Winds of War Q - Winds of War
TORNADO DAMAGE PER TICK : [2% (+0.66% per 100 AP) of target's maximum health] 2.5% (+1% per 100 AP) of target's maximum health
TORNADO MAX DAMAGE (OVER 5 SECONDS) : [8% (+2.64% per 100 AP) of target's maximum health] 10% (+4% per 100 AP) of target's maximum health

GwenSquare Gwen  
Health regen growth increased. Q snip damage increased, center snip true damage decreased, now deals reduced damage against minions, but bonus damage against low health minions. W bonus armor and MR increased, duration decreased. E bonus on-hit magic damage increased, bonus attack range increased, cooldown increased, cooldown refunded on first basic attack increased. R damage per needle increased, recast conditions adjusted.

Gwen has been one of the premiere top laners since MSI, and the Durability Update only increased her strengths. Even after her nerfs in 12.11, she’s still a cut above the competition, especially when it comes to Pro Play. We’re snipping some power out of her Pro-skewed abilities like her E and W to patchwork it into some more accessible parts of her kit. These should net out in a nerf to Pro Gwen and a buff to her in Average and Skilled levels of play.

Base Stats
HEALTH REGEN GROWTH : [0.55] 0.9 per 5 seconds

Thousand Cuts Passive - Thousand Cuts


Snip Snip! Q - Snip Snip!

DAMAGE PER SNIP : [9/12/15/16/21 (+5% AP)] 10/14/18/22/26 (+5% AP)
FINAL SNIP DAMAGE : [45/60/75/90/105 (+25% AP)] 60/80/100/120/140 (+35% AP)
CENTER SNIP : [100% true damage] 75% true damage
MINION PLAYED ROCK Now deals 75% damage against minions with more than 20% health
MINION PLAYED PAPER Minions below 20% health take 1000% bonus damage instead

Hallowed Mist W - Hallowed Mist

BONUS ARMOR AND MR : [12/14/16/18/20 (+5% AP)] 17/19/21/23/25 (+7% AP)
DURATION : [5] 4 seconds

Skip ‘n Slash E - Skip ‘n Slash

BONUS MAGIC DAMAGE ON-HIT : [10 (+15% AP)] 15 (+20% AP)
BONUS RANGE : [50] 75
COOLDOWN : [13/12/11/10/9] 13/12.5/12/11.5/11 seconds

Needlework R - Needlework

DAMAGE PER NEEDLE : [30/55/80 (+8% AP)] 35/65/95 (+10% AP)
NEW PATTERNS [Recast resets after damaging an enemy champion] Recast resets after 1 second

KarthusSquare Karthus  
Base armor and health growth increased.

Karthus has been struggling to live up to his battlemage fantasy recently, so we’re giving him some additional durability to clear camps more safely. This should also let him play a bit closer to fights so he can get the most out of his kit. Just not too close or you’ll be getting the most out of your passive.

Base Stats
BASE ARMOR : [18] 21
HEALTH GROWTH : [101] 110

KledSquare Kled  
Q AD scaling increased. W cooldown decreased at all ranks.

Kled’s been fulfilling his role as a lane bully quite well, but he hasn’t been able to capitalize on his advantages to be a terror outside of top. We’re buffing the Cantankerous Cavalier to help make him a bit more of a dangerous presence in the later stages of the game.

Bear Trap on a Rope Q - Bear Trap on a Rope
INITIAL DAMAGE : [30/55/80/105/130 (+60% bonus AD)] 30/55/80/105/130 (+65% bonus AD)
SECOND ACTIVATION DAMAGE : [60/110/160/210/260 (+120% bonus AD)] 60/110/160/210/260 (+130% bonus AD)

Violent Tendencies W - Violent Tendencies

COOLDOWN : [12/10.5/9/7.5/6] 11/9.5/8/6.5/5 seconds

Master YiSquare Master Yi  
Attack range increased. Q adjusted. W cooldown reduced, mana cost adjusted, damage reduction increased, lingering damage reduction adjusted.

Master Yi has always been a champ that is strong at lower levels of play, but not-so-great in higher skill brackets. We’ve been keeping our eyes on Yi after our last set of nerfs and now feel like we can give him some power back in a way that helps reduce this skew. Since Yi is pretty dependent on being durable in higher brackets of play, we’re giving him more ways to increase his survivability in fights.

Base Stats
ATTACK RANGE : [125] 175

Alpha Strike Q - Alpha Strike

PICK AND CHOOSE [When Alpha Strike ends, Yi is placed 75 units in front of his primary target] By default, Master Yi will be placed 75 units in front of his primary target. During Alpha Strike, Master Yi may right click to instead be placed 75 units in the direction clicked

Meditate W - Meditate

COOLDOWN : [28] 9 seconds
MANA COST : [50] 40 + 6% maximum mana per second
DAMAGE REDUCTION DURING MEDITATE : [60/62.5/65/67.5/70%] 90% for the first 0.5 seconds, reduced to 60/62.5/65/67.5/70% for the remainder of the channel
LINGERING DAMAGE REDUCTION : [For 0.5 seconds after Meditate ends, but not exceeding a total of 4 seconds] For 0.5 seconds after Meditate ends

OlafSquare Olaf  
Base health regen and health regen growth decreased. Passive max bonus attack speed increased early. Q mana cost increased.

Olaf’s mid-scope update helped him establish his place in the top lane, but he hasn’t been as powerful in the jungle. We’re giving him some additional buffs that should help strengthen his jungler roots.

Base Stats

Berserker Rage Passive - Berserker Rage

MAXIMUM BONUS ATTACK SPEED : [40-100%] 60-100% (levels 1-18)

Undertow Q - Undertow

MANA COST : [40/45/50/55/60] 50/55/60/65/70

RenektonSquare Renekton  
R damage now scales with AD.

With recent updates, it's been harder than ever for Renekton to scale into the mid and late game. His ultimate’s AoE damage in particular doesn’t feel as impactful, so we’re giving it an AD ratio to help this crocodile with his scale-ing.

Dominus R - Dominus
MAGIC DAMAGE PER TICK : [25/50/75 (+10% AP)] 20/50/75 (+10% AP)(+10% bonus AD)

TaliyahSquare Taliyah  
Q damage increased, mana cost decreased, bonus damage to monsters decreased; boulders now stun jungle monsters. R adjusted.

Taliyah hasn’t been as strong as we’d hoped after her previous tectonic power shifts from patch 12.11. We’re increasing the damage output on her Q to help both her overall laning and jungling in lower brackets of play plus giving her some quality of life buffs.

Rock Surfing Passive - Rock Surfing
SURF'S UP Taliyah’s passive cooldown will no longer reset due to proc damage (like Liandry’s Anguish)

Threaded Volley Q - Threaded Volley

1-ROCK DAMAGE : [40/60/80/100/120 (+50% AP)] 45/65/85/105/125 (+50% AP)
5-ROCK DAMAGE : [104/156/208/260/312 (+130% AP)] 117/169/221/273/325 (130% AP)
BOULDER DAMAGE : [76/114/152/190/228 (+95% AP)] 85.5/123.5/161.5/199.5/237.5 (+95% AP)
MANA COST : [60/65/70/75/80] 55/60/65/70/75
ROCK AND A HARD PLACE Hitting jungle monsters with Taliyah’s boulder (created when activating Q on Worked Ground) now stuns jungle monsters for 3 seconds

Weaver's Wall does not exist

RIDE ON R - Weaver’s Wall no longer goes on cooldown when Taliyah damages wards or traps

VexSquare Vex  
Q cooldown decreased at all ranks, AP ratio increased.

Vex has been feeling extra gloomy now that she can’t burst opponents as easily. We’re adding some power back into her Mistral Bolt so she'll feel a little bit happier when she bursts her enemies (but she’d never tell anyone about it).

Mistral Bolt Q - Mistral Bolt
COOLDOWN : [9/8/7/6/5] 8/7/6/5/4 seconds
MAGIC DAMAGE : [60/105/150/195/240 (+60% AP)] 60/105/150/195/240 (+70% AP)

VolibearSquare Volibear  
Q bonus movement speed decreased, base damage decreased. W base damage decreased, scaling with bonus health decreased. E damage based on target’s max health decreased, damage cap against non-champions decreased.

Volibear has been much too strong recently, especially in the jungle. We’re pulling power away from some of his stronger jungling tools, like his reliable ganks and extra damage against high-health objectives like Baron and Dragon. We’re also lowering his damage across the board so he doesn’t do quite as much when he opts to itemize tank.

Thundering Smash Q - Thundering Smash
BONUS MOVE SPEED : [10/14/18/22/26%] 8/12/16/20/24%
DAMAGE : [20/40/60/80/100 (+120% bonus AD)] 10/30/50/70/90 (+120% bonus AD)

Frenzied Maul W - Frenzied Maul

DAMAGE : [10/35/60/85/110 (+100% AD) (+ 6% bonus health)] 5/30/55/80/105 (+100% AD) (+5% bonus health)

Sky Splitter E - Sky Splitter

DAMAGE : [80/110/140/170/200 (+80% AP) (+11/12/13/14/15% of target's maximum health)] 80/110/140/170/200 (+80% AP) (+9/10/11/12/13% of target's maximum health)


ItemSquareDivine SundererDivine Sunderer   

Divine Sunderer is currently doing its job a bit too well. Not only is it helping fighters play into tanks, it’s also helping them play better into everyone in general. With this update, we’re looking to shift Sunderer’s power away from shredding tanks and into a comparatively lower damage/higher sustain option for fighters.

SPELLBLADE DAMAGE : [(12% melee/9% ranged) of target's maximum health] 125% base AD (+(6% melee/3% ranged) of target's maximum health)
HEAL : [50% of premitigation damage (+(6% melee/3% ranged) of target's maximum health)] 65% of premitigation damage (+(4.8% melee/2.4% ranged) of target's maximum health) (+100% base AD)
MYTHIC PASSIVE BONUS FOR LEGENDARY ITEMS : [5% armor penetration and 5% magic penetration] 3% armor penetration and 3% magic penetration
FORGET ME NOT These same changes will apply to the Ornn Masterwork item, Deicide

ItemSquareDemonic EmbraceDemonic Embrace   

We’re making some updates to the way the passive of Demonic Embrace and Liandry’s Anguish stack when applied by multiple users.

EYES ON ME Passive - Azakana Gaze now stacks when applied by multiple users (however one user cannot refresh another user’s application of the passive)

ItemSquareLiandry's AnguishLiandry's Anguish   
LITERAL TORMENT Passive - Torment now stacks when applied by multiple users (however one user cannot refresh another user’s application of the passive)

ItemSquareDuskblade of DraktharrDuskblade of Draktharr   

Assassins are currently doing a balanced amount of damage with lethality items, but the class overall is just a tad weaker than we’d like. We’re taking a non-traditional approach to buffing assassins by adding bonus move speed to their Mythic iItems which should also help discourage bruiser or tank itemizations.

MYTHIC PASSIVE BONUS FOR LEGENDARY ITEMS : [5 Ability haste] 5 Ability haste and 5 move speed (same for Ornn Masterwork item, Draktharr's Shadowcarver)

RANGED DAMAGE PROC : [6% max health] 3% max health
MYTHIC PASSIVE BONUS FOR LEGENDARY ITEMS : [4% Armor penetration] 4% Armor penetration and 5 move speed (same for Ornn Masterwork item, Syzygy)

ItemSquareProwler's ClawProwler's Claw   
MYTHIC PASSIVE BONUS FOR LEGENDARY ITEMS : [5 Lethality] 5 Lethality and 5 move speed (same for Ornn Masterwork item, Sandshrike’s Claw)

Objective Bounties[]

We’re updating objective bounties to help make them feel more fair to players, whether they’re behind or ahead. When we created objective bounties the intention was for teams that are behind to be able to catch up in a difficult but not impossible way. However, when teams that are only a little behind claimed multiple bounties, they catapulted into the lead. We’re hoping these changes make claiming bounties as the lead starts closing more fair for both teams.
GET CASH NOW Bounties will now start to fall off a little earlier when the losing team reduces the lead
WOAH THERE Claiming an objective bounty as bounties are lingering now cancels all other objective bounties on the map (until bounties are reactivated due to a large lead)
HOARDERS GONNA HOARD Champions with gold accumulating passives such as Draven or Gangplank and runes like Treasure Hunter no longer count towards your team’s total gold when calculating bounties
HOW MUCH IS A DRAGON WORTH The way dragons and towers are weighted when calculated for bounties has been updated to be more in line with player expectations


Currently, if you dash or blink into a jungle monster or ward’s visible range, there’s a very brief delay before you gain vision of them. This can lead to some frustrating moments, so we’re changing that to be instantaneous. (On the other hand, losing vision of monsters and wards will continue to have a slight delay.)
NOW YOU SEE ME : All jungle monsters and wards will now be visible instantly, even upon dashing or blinking into visible range

Game Modes[]

Ultimate Spellbook makes a return, but this time it’s Star Guardian themed. This iteration of Spellbook will include Star Guardian minions and Ahri as an announcer!

We’ve also made some other non-Star Guardian related updates to this game mode:

  • Players can now choose from 4 ultimate abilities instead of 3
  • The pool of ultimates to choose from has been updated with new abilities
  • All of the dragons from traditional Summoner’s Rift have made their way into Spellbook

Shadow Isles Clash[]

Team formation for the second weekend of Shadow Isles Clash starts on July 18, and the tournament days are on July 23 and 24.


Adding Regional Transfer Rank Preservation. If you transfer your account out of a region and back to that region within two weeks, your account’s ranked state upon returning to your original region will be restored to what it was when you left. This is intended to curb some region-transfer rank abuse we’ve been seeing and also means you won’t have to re-do your ranked climb if you take your League account with you on a quick vacation.

Bugfixes & QoL Changes[]

QoL Changes

  • Kayle now slightly increases in size when she reaches level 11
  • Bel’Veth is now slightly smaller when in her True Form
  • Bel’Veth’s resource bar has been updated to reflect the duration of her True Form
  • Goredrinker’s healing tracker now tracks healing from all targets hit, not just once per cast
  • Black Cleaver now displays the bonus damage caused by its armor shred passive
  • Umbral Glaive now displays the number of wards killed while you have the item
  • EDG Zoe’s sleep status effect is now more visible, especially in the river


  • Fixed a bug where in-game ping indicators displayed latency as 7ms higher than actual ping for all players
  • Fixed a bug where Pantheon’s Q length and width were incorrectly reverted to their pre-12.7 values
  • Fixed a bug where Bel’Veth’s ranged Voidlings were not correctly receiving Baron buff
  • Fixed a bug where Bel’Veth’s Void Corals could form inside of Morderkaiser’s R - Death Realm if an enemy was killed outside in the same area
  • Fixed a bug where Samira’s E - Wild Rush would reset upon taking down an enemy clone
  • Fixed a bug where Ornn could immediately recast Call of the Forge God if it was used in the direction of an ally
  • Fixed a bug where Draven’s Passive minion streak would reset if his support executed a minion with Spoils of War from Relic Shield/Steel Shoulderguards
  • Fixed a bug where Sivir’s attack bounces from W - Ricochet would do 0 damage to Zyra’s plants
  • Fixed a bug where Volibear could clip through red side’s spawn gate with his E - Sky Splitter
  • Fixed a bug where Shadowflame's bonus damage tracker was displaying the incorrect amount of bonus damage
  • Fixed a bug where Kayn would gain transformation progress from First Strike’s bonus damage
  • Fixed a bug where Maokai’s E - Sapling Toss saplings would do damage through spell shields
  • Fixed a bug where Shaco’s R - Hallucinate clone would be unable to proc Lich Bane
  • Fixed a bug where Goredrinker’s healing tracking was only tracking damage by cast, not total damage
  • Fixed a bug where Viego’s Lord of the Mist and Harrowed Path buff icons were not correctly appearing upon entering his Black Mist
  • Fixed a bug where Rell’s animations would momentarily freeze after using her E - Attract and Repel
  • Fixed a bug where Ornn’s progress bar when using his Passive - Living Forge would display incorrect ability names
  • Fixed a bug where players could ping Hullbreaker and receive the message “I’m hunting alone” if they had a Yuumi attached to them. Yes, Yuumi does count as a champion.
  • Fixed a bug where Hullbreaker’s bonus resistances when hunting alone would immediately disappear when allies got too close instead of after a 3 second delay
  • Fixed a bug so that stat shard selections now show up when hovering over the icon in the runes panel
  • Fixed a bug where aura buff icons (like Skarner’s Passive or Viego’s E) would constantly refresh on the buff bar instead of remaining constant
  • Fixed a bug where Thresh’s Passive - Damnation would show up on his buff bar as a temporary effect
  • Fixed a bug where Vladmir’s Q - Transfusion would show up on his buff bar as a temporary effect
  • Fixed a bug where Ivern’s tooltip for his R - Daisy! was not showing the correct formula
  • Fixed a bug where Anathema's Chains could not be cast while dead
  • Fixed a bug where Anathema's Chains would reveal its user on cast
  • Fixed a bug where First Strike would reveal its user upon proccing the rune
  • Fixed a bug where Luden’s Tempest would reveal its user when procced
  • Fixed a bug where the sound effects from Scuttle’s movement speed buff did not match the buff duration
  • Fixed a bug where Goredrinker’s healing tracking would be lower than intended when hitting more than one champion
  • Fixed a bug where disabling all sounds in game would not carry over to future games
  • Fixed a bug where the Treasure Hunter rune was not being counted accurately in the End of Game screen

Upcoming Skins & Chromas[]

The following skins will be released in this patch:

Skin Splash Star Guardian Ekko
Star Guardian Ekko
Skin Splash Star Guardian Kai'Sa
Star Guardian Kai'Sa
Skin Splash Star Guardian Nilah
Star Guardian Nilah
Skin Splash Star Guardian Sona
Star Guardian Sona
Skin Splash Star Nemesis Fiddlesticks
Star Nemesis Fiddlesticks
Skin Splash Prestige Star Guardian Ekko
Prestige Star Guardian Ekko

The following chromas will be released this patch:

Star Guardian Ekko Chroma
Star Guardian Ekko
Star Guardian Kai'Sa Chroma
Star Guardian Kai'Sa
Star Guardian Nilah Chroma
Star Guardian Nilah
Star Guardian Sona Chroma
Star Guardian Sona
Star Nemesis Fiddlesticks Chroma
Star Nemesis Fiddlesticks
