Patch Highlights[]
Beezahar, Yuubee, and Bee'Maw will be available on March 4th, 2021.
In-Game Shop Updates[]
The shop continued to assimilate knowledge at an alarming rate and has reached a new level of awareness. (It keeps asking us to nerf Ornn.)
- Introducing Starter Bundles: The recommended view will now offer you the most popular combination of items players start with instead of just the first item. (Hint: It's usually potions.) Saved you some clicks!
- The font rendering has been improved in the item and search detail views. It was LiTeRaLy UnPlAyAbLe, but now it's fixed.
- Additional bug fixes and performance improvements. Added 2 HP to the shop to round the number off.
- Shureyla's Battlesong now properly appears in the Item Shop when filtering for "Ability Power" or "Mana & Regeneration"
Bugfixes/Qol Changes[]
- LEAGUE CLIENT: Discovered and fixed an issue that would cause players to be stuck at the "Waiting for Stats" screen instead of directing the player to their end-of-game lobby
- LEAGUE CLIENT: Fixed various rendering issues around the Match History graphs and statistics
- LEAGUE CLIENT: Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented players from trading champions in Champ Select
- Heartseeker Quinn's recall SFX now play properly
- Camille's W - Tactical Sweep heal now properly takes into account her outer cone bonus damage, not the inner cone damage
- Fixed a bug where Tryndamere would be able to die through his R - Undying Rage if hit with a CC ability empowered by Horizon Focus
- Bonus damage from Muramana and Ravenous Hydra's Cleave passive now properly triggers with every attack after Urgot's W - Purge is activated, not just the first attack
- Ranged champions now properly benefit from Doran's Shield's Endure and Recovery passives
- Fixed a bug where Udyr was able to trigger Tear of the Goddess' mana charge with every attack
- Fixed a bug where Runaan's Hurricane's bolts would generate additional stacks of Conqueror
- Certain champions now properly receive experience when a dragon is defeated during the time they are untargetable through an ability (Master Yi, Xayah, Zed, Kayn, Maokai, Yuumi)
- Ravenous Hydra's Cleave passive now behaves more consistently across similar abilities
- Fixed a bug where Ezreal would not trigger Runaan's Hurricane when casting Q - Mystic Shot and turning around at the same time
- Fixed a bug where if Shyvana's W - Burnout was active, Ravenous Hydra's Cleave passive would not work after the first attack
- Relic Shield's Spoils of War kills from a support now properly count towards Viktor's Passive - Glorious Evolution and Cull stacks
- Samira's R - Infernal Trigger now properly applies Ravenous Hydra's Cleave passive
Upcoming Skins & Chromas[]
The following skins will be released in this patch.
The following chromas will be released this patch: