Patch Notes v1.0.0.118b
New Content
- Frostfire Annie
- Wasteland Miss Fortune
- Summoner Name Change v1.36.14
- Summoners can now setup multiple mastery pages in their Summoner Profile to select from during Champion Selection, up to a maximum of 10
Champion Changes
- Health per level reduced to 102 from 110
- Pulverize
- Ability power ratio reduced to 0.6 from 0.8
- Reduced the chance of failed knockups near terrain
- Headbutt
- Base damage reduced to 85 / 130 / 175 / 220 / 265 from 85 / 135 / 185 / 235 / 285
- Ability power ratio reduced to 0.8 from 1.0
- Disintegrate
- Ability power ratio increased to 0.75 from 0.6
- Damage reduced to 90 / 130 / 170 / 210 / 250 from 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260
- Mana cost reduced to 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 from 60 / 75 / 90 / 105 / 120
- Incinerate
- Ability power ratio increased to 0.8 from 0.6
- Damage reduced to 85 / 135 / 185 / 235 / 285 from 85 / 145 / 205 / 265 / 325
- Mana cost reduced to 80 / 95 / 110 / 125 / 140 from 80 / 100 / 120 / 140 / 160
- Summon: Tibbers
- Mana cost reduced to 125 / 175 / 225 from 150 / 200 / 250
- No longer gives experience on death
- Gold bounty increased to 50 from 15
- Now gains health per rank - 1,200 / 1,600 / 2,000
- Now gains armor per rank - 30 / 50 / 70
- Now gains magic resist per rank - 25 / 45 / 65
- Lowered the duration to 45 seconds from 60 seconds
- AoE burn damage is now 35 at all ranks from 40 / 60 / 80, but now has a 0.2 ability power ratio
- Restored old animation (skip hop run)
- Reduced the chance of Rupture failing to knock up the target
- Idol of Durand's damage range now matches the taunt range
- Bladesurge damage reduced to 20 / 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 form 20 / 55 / 90 / 125 / 160
- Transcendent Blades
- Now heals for 10% vs minions and 20% vs champions
- Ability power ratio increased to 0.5 from 0.4
- Deals physical damage instead of magic damage
- Scales with attack damage and ability power
- Updated recommended items
- Caustic Spittle
- Cast range increased to 625 from 600
- Now lowers both magic resist and armor
- Bio-Arcane Barrage cooldown decreased to 15 seconds from 17
- Living Artillery now scales with attack damage and ability power at a 0.5 ratio
- Void Ooze width increased slightly
- Junkyard Titan bonus damage on basic attacks no longer procs Rylai's Crystal Scepter or works with Spell Vamp
- Flamespitter cooldown increased by 1 second
- Fixed a bug where Rumble's ultimate would display the wrong team indicator on some machines with low graphics settings
- Boomerang Blade
- Missile speed increased to 1,350 from 1,200
- Attack damage ratio increased to 1.0 from 0.95
- Base damage increased to 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260 from 75 / 120 / 165 / 210 / 255
- Movement speed reduced to 305 from 310
- Range decreased to 550 from 555
- Tumble mana cost increased to 40 from 35
- Silver Bolts base damage reduced to 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 from 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70
- Condemn base damage reduced to 50 / 90 / 130 / 170 / 210 from 60 / 100 / 140 / 180 / 220
- Transfusion heal reduced to 15 / 25 / 35 / 45 / 55 from 17.5 / 28.75 / 40 / 51.25 / 62.5
- Moonflair Spellblade combine cost lowered to 340 from 430
- Hextech Revolver's spellvamp component is now unique
- Only very long-range abilities such as Enchanted Crystal Arrow will cast using the minimap, other spells will no longer cast using the minimap.
- Cursor-cast spells, which cast at the location of your mouse cursor without requiring a left-click, will cast through parts of the UI (including the minimap) as though you were targeting the ground underneath
- The Havoc mastery now increases total physical and magic damage dealt by 4%, instead of increasing base physical and magic damage dealt by 5%