Patch Notes v0.25.19 v0.25.19
- Fixed a bug where you could not make a password with more than one number
- Fixed a bug where sometimes chat was not working in Champion Select of a Normal Game.
- Improvements to backend stability
- Fixed a Memory leak
- Fixed a bug where for some machines the Blue Pill image covers the first summoner spell slot
Champion Changes
- Riftwalk
- Increased the mana cost form 75 to 110
- Increased the cooldown from 6 / 4.5 / 3 to 6 / 5 / 4
- Increased the doubling time from 7 to 8
- Wildcard damage reduced from 60 / 120 / 180 / 240 / 300 to 60 / 110 / 160 / 210 / 260