Leaguepedia | League of Legends Esports Wiki
Leaguepedia | League of Legends Esports Wiki

The following chart shows up to the most recent 200 games available. Unlike the Match History tab, scoreboards are not required to be present on the wiki for games to show up here. Click toggles to show-hide games based on the side that this team was on or result.



2017,3,16,10,00LJL CS 2017 SpringRound 9BlueDetonatioN Risinglogo stdDetonatioN RisingLoss0 - 1
2017,3,16,10,00LJL CS 2017 SpringRound 10RedDetonatioN Risinglogo stdDetonatioN RisingLoss1 - 0
2017,3,09,10,00LJL CS 2017 SpringRound 8RedHex Alligatorslogo stdHex AlligatorsWin0 - 1
2017,3,09,10,00LJL CS 2017 SpringRound 7BlueHex Alligatorslogo stdHex AlligatorsLoss0 - 1
2017,3,02,10,00LJL CS 2017 SpringRound 6BlueHarmoniX Gaminglogo stdHarmoniX GamingWin1 - 0
2017,3,02,10,00LJL CS 2017 SpringRound 5RedHarmoniX Gaminglogo stdHarmoniX GamingWin0 - 1
2017,2,23,10,00LJL CS 2017 SpringRound 3RedRPG-KINGDOMlogo stdRPG-KINGDOMWin0 - 1
2017,2,23,10,00LJL CS 2017 SpringRound 4BlueRPG-KINGDOMlogo stdRPG-KINGDOMLoss0 - 1
2017,2,16,10,00LJL CS 2017 SpringRound 2RedCrest Gaminglogo stdCrest GamingLoss1 - 0
2017,2,16,10,00LJL CS 2017 SpringRound 1BlueCrest Gaminglogo stdCrest GamingWin1 - 0
2016,8,13,08,00LJL 2016 Spring PromotionQualSeriesSCARZlogo stdSCARZLoss3 - 0
2016,7,28,11,00LJL CS 2016 SummerRound 10RedDetonatioN Risinglogo stdDetonatioN RisingWin0 - 1
2016,7,28,09,00LJL CS 2016 SummerRound 9BlueDetonatioN Risinglogo stdDetonatioN RisingWin1 - 0
2016,7,21,11,00LJL CS 2016 SummerRound 8RedCyclonelogo stdCycloneWin0 - 1
2016,7,21,10,00LJL CS 2016 SummerRound 7BlueCyclonelogo stdCycloneWin1 - 0
2016,7,14,11,00LJL CS 2016 SummerRound 6BlueRascal Jesterlogo stdRascal JesterWin1 - 0
2016,7,14,10,00LJL CS 2016 SummerRound 5RedRascal Jesterlogo stdRascal JesterWin0 - 1
2016,7,07,11,00LJL CS 2016 SummerRound 4BlueKINGDOMlogo stdKINGDOMLoss0 - 1
2016,7,07,10,00LJL CS 2016 SummerRound 3RedKINGDOMlogo stdKINGDOMWin0 - 1
2016,6,30,11,00LJL CS 2016 SummerRound 2Red7th heaven Xlogo std7th heaven XWin0 - 1
2016,6,30,09,00LJL 2016 Summer SeasonRound 1Blue7th heaven Xlogo std7th heaven XWin1 - 0