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OPL Allstars
OPL Allstars Logo
Team Information
Org Location


This page contains all of the rosters of the teams sent to All-Star events from the OPL.

Player Roster[]

All-Star Las Vegas 2018[]

ID Name Role 2018 Team
Triple Stephen Li 13Mid Dire Wolveslogo stdDire Wolves
Pabu Jackson Pavone 11Top Avant Gaminglogo stdAvant Gaming1
Midbeast Drew Timbs 13Mid Streamerlogo stdStreamer
Ash on LoL None
1 Pabu replaces Shernfire due to health problems.

International Wildcard All-Star Barcelona 2016[]

ID Name Role 2016 Team
Swip3rR Brandon Holland 11Top Chiefs Esports Clublogo stdChiefs Esports Club
Carbon Tim Wendel 12Jungle Legacy Esportslogo stdLegacy Esports
Swiffer Simon Papamarkos 13Mid Chiefs Esports Clublogo stdChiefs Esports Club
Raydere Derek Trang 14Bot Dire Wolveslogo stdDire Wolves
Rosey Andrew Rose 15Support Tainted Mindslogo stdTainted Minds1
1 Rosey replaces EGym due to the 2-player-per-team rule.

International Wildcard All-Star Melbourne 2015[]

ID Name Role 2015 Team
Ryoo Ryoo Tae-hyung (류태형) 11Top None
Carbon Tim Wendel 12Jungle Legacy Esportslogo stdLegacy Esports
ChuChuZ Aaron Bland 13Mid Legacy Esportslogo stdLegacy Esports
Raydere Derek Trang 14Bot Chiefs Esports Clublogo stdChiefs Esports Club
EGym Bryce Paule 15Support Chiefs Esports Clublogo stdChiefs Esports Club
Destiny Mitchell Shaw 26Substitute Avant Gardelogo stdAvant Garde


This table shows up to the 10 most recent results. For complete results, click here.

Minimum place

OPL Allstars Tournament Results - Show Prize as (LocalUSDEuros)
DatePlPrizeEventLast ResultRoster
2020-05-292 Legacy Esports vs OPL All-Stars
0 : 2Legacy Esportslogo stdLGC
 Chippys,  Pabu,  Claire,  rare7,  Rogue
2016-12-04NQ All-Star 2016 IWC Barcelona
2015-11-29NQ All-Star 2015 IWC Melbourne
1 - 5Blanklogo stdRR
 Ryoo,  Carbon,  ChuChuZ,  Raydere,  EGym,  Destiny
Total Prize: USD 0

