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Team has disbanded.
Nuit Blanche
Nuit Blanche Logo
Team Information
Org Location
Team Location
CreatedOrganization 1996-08-01
LoL Division 2015-03-11
Social Media & Links
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Nuit Blanche is one of the oldest organizations in France.


Nuit Blanche was created in winter 1996 in Boulogne-sur-Mer, a city in the north of France. It was first a gathering of "irl" friends, organizing homemade LANs in their flats. They played a number of casual games, but actually became successful at Quake winning many offline tournaments, especially playing Capture The Flag.

Upon the release of StarCraft was release, some members started to play it. In 3 years, the team grew from being a totally unknown team to a 4-time French champion with famous players.

Nuit Blanche is now a multigaming, sponsored team, but its goal is still, and will always be to promote fun and fair play and to grow as a team in a friendly and motivating atmosphere.

On the March 11, 2015, one of their former Starcraft player, Spencer, created the League of Legends Division. [1]


  • 2015
  • 2016
  • 2017
  • 2018
  • 2019
  • March 11,
    Spencer joins.
  • March 18,
    CosmicEGG and
    Menta join.
  • March 22,
    Kayoku and
    FlyingBanana join.
  • July (approx.),
    Bdg joins.

    FlyingBanana, and
    Menta leave.[7]
  • July (approx.),
    CosmicEGG leaves.[8]
  • July 28,
    FiveM8 Akwa, and
    Kinlesh join.
  • August (approx.),
    FiveM8 Akwa leaves.[11]
  • September (approx.),
    Bdg leaves.[12]
  • September 11, Eternity (Manager) joins.[13]
  • January (approx.),
    Spadur joins.
  • April (approx.),
    Spadur leaves.

Player Roster[]


C ID Name Role Next Team
Maskas 14Bot Opportunity Esportlogo stdOpportunity Esport
Kanryuu Hugo Cudennec 15Support Konix eSportlogo stdKonix eSport
TamoZ Pierre-Antoine Gau-Verdon 11Top GameWardlogo stdGameWard
Soulrey Arthur Charousset 12Jungle GameWardlogo stdGameWard
Yasunerì Tanguy Martinand 13Mid GameWardlogo stdGameWard
Athor Nathan Mécreant 11Top Project Conquerorslogo stdProject Conquerors
Hookn 12Jungle None
Se7en Robin Guinot 13Mid Innotiologo stdInnotio
Shitoo Laurent Liao 14Bot Innotiologo stdInnotio
KiKi Kilian Audrouin 15Support Innotiologo stdInnotio
PurePerfect 14Bot None
Micro Alexandre Gaspari 14Bot DizLownlogo stddizLown
Asha Léo Lair 12Jungle DizLownlogo stddizLown
Boubbox Antoine Boudier 14Bot None
Skythrew Guilhem Rancelant 12Jungle Beyond The Rift (European Team)logo stdBeyond The Rift
Damgos Damian Aleksandrowicz 15Support Logo stdOne Rainbow



C ID Name Position Next Team
Eternity Irwin Chaumette Team Manager Against All authoritylogo stdagainst All authority
Samchaka Romain Melaye 80Coach GrosBill Esportlogo stdGrosBill Esport


This table shows up to the 10 most recent results. For complete results, click here.

Minimum place

Nuit Blanche Tournament Results - Show Prize as (LocalUSDEuros)
DatePlPrizeEventLast ResultRoster
2019-02-249 - 10 Lyon e-Sport 12
0 : 1Konix eSportlogo stdKonix
 TamoZ,  Soulrey,  Yasunerì,  Maskas,  Kanryuu
2019-02-172€600€600€600 Ligue PCS 2018-2019 Ligue 1 Playoffs
0 : 2Konix eSportlogo stdKonix
 TamoZ,  Soulrey,  Yasunerì,  Maskas,  Kanryuu
2018-04-0225 - 32 Gamers Assembly 2018
3 - 2Blanklogo stdRR
 Quasar,  iXaoh,  Spadur,  Soora,  Skoryss
2017-07-029 - 22 ESWC 2017 Summer
3 - 2Blanklogo stdRR
 JeanDidierGnar,  Hookn,  Se7en,  Shitoo,  Kiki
2017-05-14NQ Geek Days Lille 2017 Qualifier #4
0 : 1Beyond The Rift (European Team)logo stdBTR
2017-05-096 Underdogs 2017 Spring
2 - 5Blanklogo stdRR
 Athor,  Hookn,  Se7en,  Shitoo,  KiKi,  Galdix
2017-05-089 - 12 DreamHack Tours 2017
0 : 1ROG Esportlogo stdROG
 Athor,  Hookn,  Se7en,  PurePerfect,  KiKi,  Galdix
2017-04-1613 - 16 Gamers Assembly 2017
0 : 1War Legendlogo stdWL
 Athor,  Hookn,  Se7en,  PurePerfect,  KiKi
2017-03-0513 - 16 Lyon e-Sport 10
0 : 1Logo stdELV
 Athor,  Asha,  Se7en,  Micro,  Kiki,  Samchaka
2017-02-195 - 8€500$ 530€500 OMEN by HP TROPHY
0 : 2E-corp Gentlelogo stdECG
 Athor,  Asha,  Se7en,  Micro,  KiKi,  Samchaka
Total Prize: USD 0EUR 1,100

