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Tournament Results
Minimum place

Nothinghere Tournament Results
DatePlEventLast ResultTeamRoster
2017-02-102 LAN ETS 2017
1 : 2Reign (North American Team)logo stdRGN
DatZit Gaminglogo stdDZG Doomtrobo,  Cpt Ziploc,  nothinghere,  Bulbetier,  Cobra
2015-11-249 - 16 HTC Ascension
1 - 6Blanklogo stdRR
DatZit Gaming Firelogo stdDZG.F Maxtrobo,  Doomtrobo,  Cobra,  nothinghere,  Pozay,  Vulcan
2014-08-031 Go4LoL NA 177
1 : 0Dash9 Gaminglogo stdD9
Armata Gaminglogo stdARM Knives,  Pat,  Diamond,  nothinghere,  Ken
2014-07-221 BMC NA Fall - Group B
2 - 0Blanklogo stdRR
Armata Gaminglogo stdARM Knives,  Pat,  Diamond,  nothinghere,  Ken
2014-07-062 Go4LoL NA 173
0 : 1Enemylogo stdNME
Armata Gaminglogo stdARM Knives,  Pat,  nothinghere,  Diamond,  Ken
2014-06-2814 - 23 NACS 2014 Summer Series 2
0 : 1Denial eSportslogo stdDNL
Armata Gaminglogo stdARM ChumpJohn,  Pat,  t3azer,  nothinghere,  Ken
2014-03-022 LAN ETS 2014
0 : 2Armata Gaminglogo stdARM
Logo stdLES  Ken Kire Moth,  Captain Ziploc,  Zamphira,  nothinghere,  Diamond
2014-02-154 NACS 2014 Spring Series 1
1 : 2CompLexity.Redlogo stdCLR
COGnitive Gaminglogo stdCOG RichERich,  Adm Ziploc,  Zamphira,  nothinghere,  Zaineking
2013-12-22NQ NA LCS 2014 Spring Promotion
1 : 3Team Curselogo stdCRS
COGnitive Gaminglogo stdCOG Cris,  Cpt Ziploc,  Zamphira,  nothinghere,  Zaineking
2013-11-217 - 10 North American Challenger League
6 - 20Blanklogo stdRR
COGnitive Gaminglogo stdCOG iDream,  Cpt Ziploc,  Zamphira,  nothinghere,  Diamond
2013-11-02Q NA LCS 2014 Spring Prequalifier 1
2 : 1VVv Gaminglogo stdVVV
COGnitive Gaminglogo stdCOG iDream,  Cpt Ziploc,  Zamphira,  nothinghere,  Zaineking
2013-10-182 ROCCAT King of the Hill 9
0 : 2Napkins in Disguiselogo stdNID
COGnitive Gaminglogo stdCOG iDream,  Cpt Ziploc,  Zamphira,  nothinghere,  Zaineking
2013-09-095 MOBAFire Challenger Series
W : FFNew World Eclipselogo stdNWE
COGnitive Gaminglogo stdCOG iDream,  Cpt Ziploc,  Zamphira,  nothinghere,  Valkrin
2013-09-012 NA LCS 2014 Spring Prequalifier PAX
0 : 2CompLexity Gaminglogo stdCOL
COGnitive Gaminglogo stdCOG iDream,  Cpt Ziploc,  Zamphira,  nothinghere,  Valkrin
2013-08-253 ggLA Challenger Arena #3
0 : 2Denial eSports.Westlogo stdDNL.W
COGnitive Gaminglogo stdCOG iDream,  Cpt Ziploc,  Zamphira,  nothinghere,  Valkrin
2013-04-301 ESL Go4LoL 2013 April - Monthly Finals NA
1 : 0The Salad Barlogo stdTSB
Wazabi Gaminglogo stdWZG iDream,  Captain Ziploc,  Zamphira,  nothinghere,  Gleeb
2013-04-141 ESL Go4LoL 2013 April - NA #109
1 : 0Logo stdTOO
Logo stdSIN  Captain Ziploc,  Zamphira,  nothinghere
2013-03-311 ESL Go4LoL 2013 March - Monthly Finals NA
1 : 0The Salad Barlogo stdTSB
Logo stdSIN  nothinghere
2013-03-101 ESL Go4LoL 2013 March - NA #104
1 : 0Logo stdFDS
Logo stdSIN  nothinghere
2013-02-249 - 12 SoloMid IPL6 Qualifier
0 : 1Team TowerDiveTVlogo stdTDTV
Logo stdLINK Meteos,  DJ LAMBO,  nothinghere,  Diamond,  Atlanta
2013-01-13NQ NA LCS 2013 Spring Qualifiers
1 : 2Dirt Nap Gaminglogo stdDNG
Azure Gaminglogo stdAG nothinghere,  DJ LAMBO,  Shaosters,  Demunlul,  Bloodwater
2012-11-252 ESL Go4LoL 2012 November - Monthly Finals NA
0 : 1Logo stdTRAN
Logo stdNORM Meteos,  nothinghere
2012-11-181 ESL Go4LoL 2012 November - #88
1 : 0Logo stdTRS
Logo stdNORM Meteos,  nothinghere
2012-11-111 ESL Go4LoL 2012 November - #87
1 : 0Logo stdLULU
Logo stdNORM Meteos,  nothinghere
2012-10-283 - 4 ESL Go4LoL 2012 October - Monthly Finals NA
FF : WLogo stdOVER
Logo stdNORM Meteos,  nothinghere
2012-10-071 ESL Go4LoL 2012 October - #82
1 : 0Logo stdOVER
Logo stdNORM Meteos,  nothinghere
2012-09-163 SoloMid NA Invitational 9
0 : 2Team Dynamiclogo stdDYN
Meat Playgroundlogo stdMP nothinghere,  Nk Inc,  Pobelter,  LightSludge,  JRTSeven,  Spellsy
2012-06-0317 - 32 Reign of Gaming International Invitational
0 : 2Orbit Gaminglogo stdORB
Absolute Legends NAlogo stdAL nothinghere,  Onionbagel,  Kenikth,  aZu,  Jpak
2012-04-013 Leaguecraft ggClassic
W : FFCounter Logic Gaminglogo stdCLG
Logo stdJPAK nothinghere,  Onionbagel,  Kenikth,  aZu,  jpak