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Tournament Results
Minimum place

NegroNE Tournament Results
DatePlEventLast ResultTeamRoster
2022-07-11NQ LHE 2023 Opening Promotion
1 : 3Eclipse Gaming (Latin American Team)logo stdECG
Wolf Club Esportslogo stdWCE Kenius,  Felopo,  negroNE,  ANDROM,  Misstery,  Child,  Victor WL
2022-06-238 LHE 2022 Closing
5 - 13Blanklogo stdRR
Wolf Club Esportslogo stdWCE Kenius,  Felopo,  negroNE,  ANDROM,  Hitsu,  Misstery,  Child,  Victor WL
2022-03-239 LHE 2022 Opening
5 - 13Blanklogo stdRR
Newstarlogo stdN5R Brianthees,  Gabum,  NegroNE,  Xeydon,  Aug,  Fang,  Tano,  Peep,  Milo,  Raiden
2021-03-181 LHE 2021 Opening
18 - 4Blanklogo stdRR
Furious Gaming Chilelogo stdFG.CL Manolito,  EXIMUS,  negroNE,  Emp,  Viciun,  Woohee,  sSephix
2020-07-295 LHE 2020 Closing
9 - 9Blanklogo stdRR
Furious Gaming Chilelogo stdFG.CL Kryzpo,  Negrone,  Trashy,  Emilia,  Viciun,  Woohee,  lHertz