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NA LCS Allstars
NA LCS Allstars Logo
Team Information
Org Location
North America
North America


This page contains all of the rosters of the teams sent to All-Star events from the NA LCS.

Team Roster[]

All-Star Las Vegas 2018[]

ID Name Role 2018 Team/Occupation
Doublelift Yiliang Peng 14Bot Team Liquidlogo stdTeam Liquid
Sneaky Zachary Scuderi 14Bot Cloud9logo stdCloud9
Licorice Eric Ritchie 11Top Cloud9logo stdCloud9
imaqtpie Michael Santana 14Bot Streamerlogo stdStreamer
Nightblue3 Rabia Yazbek 12Jungle Streamerlogo stdStreamer
Voyboy Joedat Esfahani 11Top Streamerlogo stdStreamer
Shiphtur Danny Le 13Mid Streamerlogo stdStreamer
Hai Hai Du Lam 13Mid Streamerlogo stdStreamer
Bunny FuFuu Michael Kurylo 15Support Streamerlogo stdStreamer
luxxbunny Shelby Laine Streamerlogo stdStreamer

All-Star Los Angeles 2017[]

ID Name Role Summer 2017 Team
Hauntzer Kevin Yarnell 11Top TSMlogo stdTSM
MikeYeung Michael Yeung 12Jungle Phoenix1logo stdPhoenix1
Bjergsen Søren Bjerg 13Mid TSMlogo stdTSM
Sneaky Zachary Scuderi 14Bot Cloud9logo stdCloud9
aphromoo Zaqueri Black 15Support Counter Logic Gaminglogo stdCounter Logic Gaming
SSONG Kim Sang-soo (김상수) 41Coach Immortalslogo stdImmortals

All-Star Barcelona 2016[]

ID Name Role Summer 2016 Team
Impact Jeong Eon-young (정언영) 11Top Cloud9logo stdCloud9
Reignover Kim Yeu-jin (김의진) 12Jungle Immortalslogo stdImmortals
Bjergsen Søren Bjerg 13Mid TSMlogo stdTSM
Doublelift Peter Peng 14Bot TSMlogo stdTSM
aphromoo Zaqueri Black 15Support Counter Logic Gaminglogo stdCounter Logic Gaming

All-Star Los Angeles 2015[]

ID Name Role Summer 2015 Team
Dyrus Marcus Hill 11Top TSMlogo stdTSM
Meteos William Hartman 12Jungle Cloud9logo stdCloud9
Bjergsen Søren Bjerg 13Mid TSMlogo stdTSM
Doublelift Peter Peng 14Bot Counter Logic Gaminglogo stdCounter Logic Gaming
aphromoo Zaqueri Black 15Support Counter Logic Gaminglogo stdCounter Logic Gaming

All-Star Shanghai 2013[]

ID Name Role Spring 2013 Team
Dyrus Marcus Hill 11Top TSMlogo stdTSM
saintvicious Brandon DiMarco 12Jungle Team Curselogo stdTeam Curse
scarra William Li 13Mid Dignitaslogo stdDignitas
Doublelift Peter Peng 14Bot Counter Logic Gaminglogo stdCounter Logic Gaming
Xpecial Alex Chu 15Support TSMlogo stdTSM
LiQuiD112 Steve Arhancet 41Coach Team Curselogo stdTeam Curse


This table shows up to the 10 most recent results. For complete results, click here.

Minimum place

NA LCS Allstars Tournament Results - Show Prize as (LocalUSDEuros)
DatePlPrizeEventLast ResultRoster
2017-12-085 - 6 All-Star 2017 Los Angeles
1 - 2Blanklogo stdRR
 Hauntzer,  MikeYeung,  Bjergsen,  Sneaky,  aphromoo,  SSONG
2013-05-263 - 4 All-Star 2013 Shanghai
0 : 2Korea Championslogo stdKR Champions
 Dyrus,  Stvicious,  scarra,  Doublelift,  Xpecial,  LiQuiD112
Total Prize: USD 0


