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Tournament Results
Minimum place

MystEarth Tournament Results
DatePlEventLast ResultTeamRoster
2020-03-182 LHE 2020 Opening
13 - 5Blanklogo stdRR
Kaos Latin Gamerslogo stdKLG Arfyss,  Totti,  MYST,  Takeover,  Metori,  Gralou,  Ormarus
2019-07-236 LHE 2019 Closing
5 - 9Blanklogo stdRR
Hafnet eSportslogo stdHAF Metabee,  Ocean,  Severity,  Myst,  Cuest1oN,  Kartana,  Droppel,  Schmerz
2019-04-083 LHE 2019 Opening Playoffs
1 : 0Azules Esportslogo stdUCH
Valorouslogo stdVAL XOWITO,  Mystearth,  cody,  Cuest1on,  Feitan,  Primoo
2019-03-136 LHE 2019 Opening
5 - 9Blanklogo stdRR
Valorouslogo stdVAL XOWITO,  heinsen,  Ominick,  Eximus,  Mystearth,  cody,  Cuest1on,  Feitan,  Schmerz,  Howlin,  Primoo