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Edit the documentation or categories for this module.

This is an i18n module. Feel free to add translations! Please keep English first in the list, and the rest of the languages should be listed alphabetically by language code.

return {
	["en"] = {
		["award"] = 'Award',
		["coachAward"] = 'Best Coach',
		["eligibleRookies"] = 'Eligible Rookies: ',
		["mvpAward"] = 'Most Valuable Player',
		["notes"] = 'Notes',
		["player"] = 'Player',
		["proteamAward"] = 'All Pro Team',
		["proteamList"] = 'Full Team: ',
		["rookieAward"] = 'Outstanding Rookie',
	["de"] = {
		["award"] = 'Preis',
		["coachAward"] = 'Bester Trainer',
		["eligibleRookies"] = 'Berechtigte Rookies: ',
		["mvpAward"] = 'Wertvollster Spieler',
		["notes"] = 'Anmerkungen',
		["player"] = 'Spieler',
		["proteamAward"] = 'All Pro Team',
		["proteamList"] = 'Ganzes Team: ',
		["rookieAward"] = 'Überragender Rookie',
	["dk"] = {
		["award"] = 'Pris',
		["coachAward"] = 'Bedste Træner',
		["eligibleRookies"] = 'Kvalificeret Rookies: ',
		["mvpAward"] = 'Mest Værdifulde Spiller',
		["notes"] = 'Noter',
		["player"] = 'Spiller',
		["proteamAward"] = 'All Pro Team',
		["proteamList"] = 'Fuld Team: ',
		["rookieAward"] = 'Fremragende Rookie',
	["es"] = {
		["award"] = 'Premio',
		["coachAward"] = 'Mejor Entrenador',
		["eligibleRookies"] = 'Novatos Elegibles: ',
		["mvpAward"] = 'Jugador Mas Valioso',
		["notes"] = 'Notas',
		["player"] = 'Jugador',
		["proteamAward"] = 'Mejor Equipo',
		["proteamList"] = 'Equipo Completo: ',
		["rookieAward"] = 'Mejor Novato',
	["fr"] = {
		["award"] = 'Prix',
		["coachAward"] = 'Meilleur Entraîneur',
		["eligibleRookies"] = 'Novices Éligibles: ',
		["mvpAward"] = 'Meilleur Joueur',
		["notes"] = 'Notes',
		["player"] = 'Joueur',
		["proteamAward"] = 'All Pro Team',
		["proteamList"] = 'Équipe Complète: ',
		["rookieAward"] = 'Novice Exceptionnel',
	["it"] = {
		["award"] = 'Premio',
		["coachAward"] = 'Miglior Allenatore',
		["eligibleRookies"] = 'Rookies Idonei: ',
		["mvpAward"] = 'Miglior Giocatore',
		["notes"] = 'Note',
		["player"] = 'Giocatore',
		["proteamAward"] = 'All Pro Team',
		["proteamList"] = 'Squadra Completa: ',
		["rookieAward"] = 'Miglior Rookie',
	["pt-br"] = {
		["award"] = 'Prêmio',
		["coachAward"] = 'Melhor Coach',
		["eligibleRookies"] = 'Novatos Elegíveis: ',
		["mvpAward"] = 'Most Valuable Player',
		["notes"] = 'Notas',
		["player"] = 'Jogador',
		["proteamAward"] = 'Time All Pro',
		["proteamList"] = 'Time Completo: ',
		["rookieAward"] = 'Prêmio Revelação',
	["ru"] = {
		["award"] = 'Награда',
		["coachAward"] = 'Лучший Тренер',
		["eligibleRookies"] = 'Подходящие Новички: ',
		["mvpAward"] = 'Самый Ценный Игрок',
		["notes"] = 'Заметки',
		["player"] = 'Игрок',
		["proteamAward"] = 'Звездная Команда',
		["proteamList"] = 'Команда: ',
		["rookieAward"] = 'Выдающийся Новичок',