Leaguepedia | League of Legends Esports Wiki

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local util_vars = require("Module:VarsUtil")

local p = require('Module:EntityAbstract'):finalExtends()
local h = {}

p.objectType = 'Region'
p.imagelength = 'link'
p.defaultlength = 'medium'
p.cssClass = 'region-object'

function p:image(opts)
	if self.is_nil then return nil end
	if not opts then opts = {} end
	local div = mw.html.create('div')
		-- sorry for this
		:cssText(('color:%s; font-size:%spx;'):format(self:get('hex'), 
			opts.bracket and self:get("bracketsize") or self:get("size") or "12"))
	return tostring(div)

return p