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Required Arguments[]

  • q?tables
  • q?fields

Optional Query Arguments[]

  • Anything supported here. Place q? prior to the argument name.

Optional Non-Query Arguments[]

  • |defaults=, formatted the same as the |q?where= string, with fieldname=defaultvalue in the case that the query returns no results.
  • |default=, the default value to be used if no default is specified in |defaults= for that particular field.

If no defaults are specified, any query that returns no results will define every variable as Undefined.


This template is NOT meant to be called directly. It is instead a "helper" module to be called within other templates (or modules). Probably when you use this module, all arguments will be sent directly in the invoke, except for the condition of the |q?where, which should be an argument to the parent template (e.g. |q?where="default").

local util_args = require("Module:ArgsUtil")
local util_vars = require("Module:VarsUtil")
local p = {}
function p.cargoVardefines (frame)
	local args = util_args.merge()
	-- All arguments that are for the query will start with q?
	local cargoquery = {}
	for key, value in pairs(args) do
		if string.sub(key, 0, 2) == 'q?' then -- if first two characters are q?
			cargoquery[string.sub(key, 3)] = value -- the rest of the string becomes the key for the cargo query table
	-- q?tables and q?fields are mandatory, the rest of the fields (if there are any) are added as extra args
	local result = mw.ext.cargo.query(cargoquery.tables, cargoquery.fields, cargoquery)
	if #result ~= 0 then
		for _, row in ipairs(result) do
			for field, value in pairs(row) do
				util_vars.setVar(field, value)
		local aliasname = ""
		local defaults = {}
		local default = args['default'] or 'Undefined'
		if args['defaults'] then
			for item in string.gmatch(args['defaults'], '[^,]+') do
				key, value = string.match(item, "(.*)=(.*)$" )
				defaults[key] = value
		for item in string.gmatch(cargoquery.fields, '[^,]+') do
			aliasname = string.match(item, "=(.*)$" ) or item
			varname = string.match(item, "^([^=]*)")
			defaultname = defaults[varname] or default
			util_vars.setVar(aliasname, defaultname)
return p