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Tournament Results
Minimum place

Miharu Tournament Results
DatePlEventLast ResultTeamRoster
2024-11-102 LVK LAS 2024 Opening
1 : 3ODD Waralogo stdODD.W
Estral Esports Auroralogo stdEST.A Eminatr1x,  Dory,  Kytra,  Miharu,  Natasha,  Lilinacchi
2024-08-075 - 8 LVK Choque de Regiones LAS Qualifiers 2
0 : 2Rebel Fox Gaminglogo stdRFG
Somos Blinklogo stdSBK Ari,  Frígi,  Miharu,  Choquito,  Mitsuri
2024-08-019 - 16 LVK Choque de Regiones LAS Qualifiers 1
0 : 2Estral Esports Auroralogo stdEST.A
Somos Blinklogo stdSBK Ari,  Frígi,  Miharu,  Choquito,  Mitsuri
2023-10-013 - 4 Zide Fem League 2023 Closing Playoffs
0 : 3Abstract Gaming Femalelogo stdAG.F
Vividlogo stdVVV sany,  Kortors,  Miharu,  gabs,  LT,  Saudacoes,  Matt
2023-09-233 LVK LAS 2023 Closing
0 : 2Miners Femalelogo stdNMG.F
Abstract Gaming Femalelogo stdAG.F Ariluuu,  Phantom,  Miharu,  Quinn,  Heily,  BocaJR
2023-09-161 - 3 Zide Fem League 2023 Closing
4 - 0Blanklogo stdRR
Vividlogo stdVVV sany,  Kortors,  Miharu,  gabs,  LT,  Saudacoes,  Matt
2023-09-039 - 16 Ignis Cup 2023 Closing Season Goddess Tour 3
0 : 2PaiN Gaming Femalelogo stdPNG.F
Vividlogo stdVVV sany,  Kortors,  Miharu,  gabs,  LT,  Saudacoes
2023-08-249 - 16 Ignis Cup 2023 Closing Season Goddess Tour 2
0 : 2Rise Gaming Femalelogo stdRISE
Vividlogo stdVVV sany,  Kortors,  Miharu,  gabs,  LT,  Saudacoes
2023-08-109 - 16 Ignis Cup 2023 Closing Season Goddess Tour 1
0 : 2Rise Gaming Femalelogo stdRISE
Vividlogo stdVVV sany,  Kortors,  Miharu,  gabs,  LT,  Saudacoes
2023-07-279 - 16 Ignis Academy 2023 Qualifier 3
0 : 2Rise Gaming Femalelogo stdRISE
Vividlogo stdVVV sany,  Kortors,  Miharu,  gabs,  Pandora,  Saudacoes
2023-07-069 - 16 Ignis Academy 2023 Qualifier 2
1 : 2Raizen Jinxlogo stdZEN
Vortex eSports Queenlogo stdVX gibs,  atlantis,  Miharu,  liviazinha,  Pandora
2023-06-305 - 8 Ignis Academy 2023 Qualifier 1
0 : 2Covenlogo stdCVN
Vortex eSports Queenlogo stdVX gibs,  atlantis,  amnesia,  Miharu,  liviazinha,  Pandora
2023-05-265 - 8 Ignis Cup 2023 Opening Season
0 : 2PaiN Gaming Femalelogo stdPNG.F
JUPITERKING ESPORTS QUEENlogo stdJKG Miharu,  havoc,  Nomi,  Lua,  Pandora,  Chloe,  Frost
2023-04-139 - 16 Ignis Cup 2023 Opening Season Goddess Tour 2
0 : 2Rise Gaming Femalelogo stdRISE
Logo stdBABY Samis,  Lilianmesmo,  Miharu,  Mizu,  Pômps
2023-03-173 GIRLGAMER 2023 World Finals Bahrain
0 : 2G2 Hellogo stdG2H
Rise Gaming Femalelogo stdRISE Miharu,  Kortors,  Ajin,  Rahkys,  Giu,  Paiva,  Teuso
2023-03-111 Zide Fem League 2023 Opening Playoffs
3 : 1Globant Emerald Academylogo stdGET.A
Rise Gaming Femalelogo stdRISE Miharu,  Vidal,  Kortors,  Ajin,  Rahkys,  Giu,  Paiva,  Teuso
2023-03-043 Zide Fem League 2023 Opening Playoffs
0 : 3Globant Emerald Academylogo stdGET.A
VLX Teamlogo stdVLX Valuxitax,  eminatrix,  Miharu,  Agus,  liviazinha,  Suko
2023-02-194 Zide Fem League 2023 Opening
6 - 3Blanklogo stdRR
VLX Teamlogo stdVLX Valuxitax,  Anitta,  eminatrix,  Miharu,  Liviazinha,  Belufuyu,  Suko
2021-11-271 Freya League Season 3
3 : 0Eternals Gaming Ignislogo stdIGN
Abstract Gaming Femalelogo stdAG.F Valuxitax,  Dory,  Miharu,  Puffi,  Artemisa
2021-06-201 Freya League Season 2
3 : 0Eternux Esportslogo stdETE
Wolf Club Esportslogo stdWCE Shencita,  Dory,  Vanni,  Miharu,  Yumiru,  Singularity,  Artemisa