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Tournament Results
Minimum place

Maxibillion Tournament Results
DatePlEventLast ResultTeamRoster
2024-10-159 - 12 GLL 2024 Pro-Am
1 - 2Blanklogo stdRR
Ionikos Nikaias Esportslogo stdINE Maxibillion,  Gjerg,  Raizy,  I Z,  M G,  iConquer
2021-10-03NQ GLWL 2021 Winter Qualifiers
1 : 2Pentagon Mazelogo stdPM
Ionikos Nikaias Esportslogo stdINE Maxibillion,  Vortex,  You Mert BRO,  SupremeDark,  Pigeonx
2021-06-245 - 8 Trovo Titans 2021
0 : 1Clumsy Executionlogo stdEXE
Logo std3Z M Maxibillion,  Psilakhs,  YouMertBro,  Gagai,  Zafir
2021-04-111 Uncle Gentsu Tournament
2 : 1CowBoySquad Imperials Esportslogo stdCBI
Logo stdHERE Maxibillion,  Vortex,  You Mert BRO,  Gagai,  Pigeonx
2021-02-237 GLL 2021 Spring
4 - 10Blanklogo stdRR
Hive Athens EClogo stdHIVE Maxibillion,  Malacko,  Nafkelah,  Lakinther,  Liuggis,  Sanity,  iConquer,  Voidseeker
2020-12-261 GameAthlon 2020 Online by K
2 : 0Convict of Shadowslogo stdCoS
Hive Athens EClogo stdHIVE Maxibillion,  SneakyLemon,  Nafkelah,  Flirt,  Sanity,  iConquer
2020-12-163 GLL 2020 Winter Playoffs
3 : 1Team Refuselogo stdRFS
Hive Athens EClogo stdHIVE Maxibillion,  SneakyLemon,  Nafkelah,  Missclick,  Sanity,  iConquer
2020-11-176 GLL 2020 Winter
6 - 8Blanklogo stdRR
Hive Athens EClogo stdHIVE Maxibillion,  SneakyLemon,  J1MIZERA,  FrostSize,  Missclick,  Naimiria,  iConquer
2020-09-30Q GLL 2020 Winter Qualifiers
3 : 0Pyrsos Esportslogo stdPRS
Hive Athens EClogo stdHIVE Maxibillion,  SneakyLemon,  FrostSize,  Missclick,  Naimiria
2020-09-26Q GLL 2020 Winter Open Qualifier
2 : 0Phenomenon Gaminglogo stdPG
Hive Athens EClogo stdHIVE Maxibillion,  SneakyLemon,  FrostSize,  Missclick,  Naimiria
2020-08-23NQ UKLC 2020 Relegation Series
0 : 3Barrage Academylogo stdBRG.A
NerdRagelogo stdnR Ivok,  Maxibillion,  Tyrin,  Nice guy Dom,  Kzed,  Buzzy,  Propapandah,  M1chael M
2020-07-232 UKEL 2020 Summer
5 - 2Blanklogo stdRR
NerdRagelogo stdnR Ivok,  Maxibillion,  Tyrin,  Nice guy dom,  Kzed,  Hiyeh,  RustySniper,  Buzzy,  Sleeping1,  PropaPandah,  M1chael M
2020-01-284 GLL 2020 Spring Phase A - Group A
1 - 5Blanklogo stdRR
Laughing Coffinslogo stdLC Maxibillion,  Alason,  McFitty,  GoodGuyOnu,  Scripter,  GodSoap
2020-01-195 - 8 GameAthlon 2020 Winter
L : WGreek Regenesislogo stdGRE
Laughing Coffinslogo stdLC Maxibillion,  Rektless,  Specialkey,  Scripter,  Soap,  ElGramo
2020-01-12Q GameAthlon 2020 Winter Open Qualifier 2
1 : 0Logo stdAGOR
Logo stdWE T Maxibillion,  Rektless,  Specialkey,  Scripter,  Soap,  ElGramo
2020-01-10NQ GameAthlon 2020 Winter Open Qualifier 1
0 : 1Logo stdSIZE
Logo stdWE T Maxibillion,  Rektless,  Specialkey,  Scripter,  Soap,  ElGramo
2019-12-016 GLL 2019 Winter Playoffs
2 : 3Pyrsos Esportslogo stdPRS
Aris Esportslogo stdAES Maxibillion,  Rabbit,  Peppe,  Scripter,  NoCap,  Soap,  Cephei
2019-11-306 GLL 2019 Winter Phase B
1 - 8Blanklogo stdRR
Aris Esportslogo stdAES Cephei,  Maxibillion,  Rabbit,  Scripter,  Peppe,  NoCap,  Soap
2019-11-102 GLL 2019 Winter Phase A - Group B
3 - 3Blanklogo stdRR
Aris Esportslogo stdAES Cephei,  Maxibillion,  Rabbit,  Rogue,  Peppe,  NoCap,  Scripter,  Simpy,  Soap
2019-10-06NQ GLL 2019 Winter Open Qualifier 3
0 : 2Better Jungler Winslogo stdBJW
Gaming Hivelogo stdGHive Maxibillion,  SneakyLemon,  Tsiperakos,  Vaynedeta,  Skount Jr,  Costa
2019-10-05NQ GLL 2019 Winter Open Qualifier 2
0 : 1Logo stdEVIL
Gaming Hivelogo stdGHive Maxibillion,  SneakyLemon,  Tsiperakos,  Vaynedeta,  Skount Jr,  Costa
2019-10-04NQ GLL 2019 Winter Open Qualifier 1
0 : 1Better Jungler Winslogo stdBJW
Gaming Hivelogo stdGHive Maxibillion,  SneakyLemon,  Tsiperakos,  Vaynedeta,  Skount Jr,  Costa
2019-07-145 - 8 GameAthlon 2019 Summer
0 : 2Different Dimensionlogo stdDD
Gaming Hivelogo stdGHive Maxibillion,  SneakyLemon,  Tsiperakos,  Vaynedeta,  Tam0utra,  Costa
2019-05-12Q GameAthlon 2019 Summer Open Qualifier #1
1 : 0ZAOMAOlogo stdZAOMAO
Starboys Esportslogo stdSB Maxibillion,  SneakyLemon,  Tsiperakos,  Vaynedeta,  Tam0utra,  Costa
2019-05-04NQ GLL 2019 Summer Open Qualifiers
0 : 1Logo stdERGO
Starboys Esportslogo stdSB Maxibillion,  SneakyLemon,  Tsiperakos,  Vaynedeta,  Nevermore,  xDongerZ
2019-04-17NQ ESL SEEC Season 9 Greece Qualifier
0 : 1Optimization Gaminglogo stdOG
Starboys Esportslogo stdSB Maxibillion,  Swaglord,  Jailbait,  Vaynedeta,  Nevermore,  Kounone
2019-03-2413 - 16 Rookie Challenge 2019
0 : 1Logo stdINSP
Invisible Sharks Gaminglogo stdISG Maxibillion,  Helious,  SupremeDark,  SupremeLight,  CowboyShow
2019-02-23NQ LGL 2019 Spring Open Qualifiers
1 : 2Pyrsos Esportslogo stdPRS
Logo stdWE D Maxibillion,  Nero,  Alex9er,  Flidox,  Bang
Maxibillion 1v1 Tournament Results
DatePlEventPrizeTeamLast Result
2018-12-149 - 16Red Bull Player One 20180 : 2 NEMANJ4