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Tournament Results
Minimum place

Magic (Zhou Jun-Xuan) Tournament Results
DatePlEventLast ResultTeamRoster
2020-08-289 - 12 LDL 2020 Summer Playoffs
1 : 3Top Esports Challengerlogo stdTESC
Team WE Academylogo stdWE.A Clever9,  Magic,  Yimeng,  Stay,  Simple,  Zhuo
2020-08-237 LDL 2020 Summer
16 - 9Blanklogo stdRR
Team WE Academylogo stdWE.A Coten,  Clever9,  Magic,  frigid,  Yimeng,  xqw,  Simple,  Stay,  Zhuo
2020-04-301 LDL 2020 Spring
5 - 0Blanklogo stdRR
Team WE Academylogo stdWE.A Coten,  Clever9,  Magic,  Shanks,  Simple,  Zhuo
2020-04-083 LDL Scrims League 2020
2 - 0Blanklogo stdRR
Team WE Academylogo stdWE.A Clever9,  Magic,  Simple,  Shanks,  Stay,  Zhuo
2019-09-0820 LDL 2019 Summer
7 - 17Blanklogo stdRR
Team WE Academylogo stdWE.A Coten,  Magic,  Chen9,  hy,  Gentle,  Fan,  Sun,  Run
2019-05-245 - 8 NEST 2019
0 : 2Bilibili Gaminglogo stdBLG
Team WElogo stdWE Clever9,  957,  Magic,  chen9,  GENTLE,  Sun
2019-03-315 LPL 2019 Spring
10 - 5Blanklogo stdRR
Team WElogo stdWE Poss,  Magic,  beishang,  chen9,  xiye,  Mystic,  Missing,  WeiXiao
2018-09-23NQ NEST 2018 Qualifiers
1 : 2Oh My Godlogo stdOMG
Team WElogo stdWE spunk,  Magic,  Nailao,  9527,  hy,  Rainbow,  430
2018-09-026 LPL 2018 Summer - West
6 - 13Blanklogo stdRR
Team WElogo stdWE 957,  Condi,  Pepper,  Magic,  xiye,  GENTLE,  imp,  Mystic,  Ben,  Missing,  694,  viNylCat,  Jin Guang-Hua
2018-04-127 - 8 LPL 2018 Spring Playoffs
0 : 3Royal Never Give Uplogo stdRNG
Team WElogo stdWE 957,  Magic,  xiye,  Mystic,  Celestial,  viNylCat
2018-04-084 LPL 2018 Spring - West
9 - 10Blanklogo stdRR
Team WElogo stdWE 957,  Melon,  Condi,  Magic,  xiye,  Mystic,  Ben,  Celestial,  Zero,  viNylCat
2017-12-171 NESO 2017
2 : 0LGD Gaminglogo stdLGD
Game Talentslogo stdGT Spunk,  Lawliet,  Panda,  Chelly,  Tidy
2017-08-164 LSPL 2017 Summer
17 - 5Blanklogo stdRR
Game Talentslogo stdGT GimGoon,  spunk,  Lawliet,  Xiaoyu,  FireRain,  Fiesta,  Chelly,  Tidy,  Sin
2017-06-0413 - 20 Demacia Cup 2017
1 : 2Suninglogo stdSN
Game Talentslogo stdGT GimGoon,  Xiaoyu,  Lawliet,  FireRain,  Chelly,  Tidy
2017-04-12NQ LSPL 2017 Spring Relegation
2 : 3Now or Neverlogo stdNON
Mighty Eaglelogo stdME Spunk,  Lawliet,  Zbb,  Snow,  694
2017-04-089 LSPL 2017 Spring
7 - 15Blanklogo stdRR
Mighty Eaglelogo stdME Spunk,  Hamigua,  Lawliet,  Crisis,  NonVerbal,  Zbb,  ZhouFang,  Snow,  694,  City,  CjLear,  Ziv
2016-11-201 TGA Hero of Cities Season 11
2 : 1Gama E-Sport Dreamlogo stdGED
Mighty Eaglelogo stdME Alun,  Lawliet,  Zbb,  Snow,  694
2016-10-095 - 8 IeSF 8th e-Sports World Championship
0 : 2South Korea (National Team)logo stdKOR
China (National Team)logo stdCHN Yomi,  LawLiet,  Zbb,  Snow,  694