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LoveLoL Autumn Cup
Autumn own3d
Tournament Information
FormatRound Robin Group Stage, Single Elimination Bracket
Location & Dates
Event TypeOnline
Start Date2012-10-09
End DateTBD
Social Media & Links
Infobox Homepagelogo std


The LoveLoL Autumn Cup is the first invitational tournament hosted by LoveLoL.de.


  • Eight teams divided into two groups of four
  • Group stage matches are best of three
  • Top two teams of each group advance to single elimination bracket
  • Grand Finals are best of five, while all the other bracket stage matches are best of three

Prize Pool[]

are spread among the teams as seen below:

PlacePrizePrize (%)Team
PlacementIcon1 150%TBDlogo stdTBD
PlacementIcon2 233.33%TBDlogo stdTBD
PlacementIcon3 316.67%TBDlogo stdTBD


Europe (8)
Team ALTERNATElogo stdTeam ALTERNATE Team Curse Europelogo stdTeam Curse Europe
Tt Dragonslogo stdTt Dragons MeetYourMakerslogo stdMeetYourMakers
Team Acerlogo stdTeam Acer H2k-Gaminglogo stdH2k-Gaming
LogiXlogo stdlogiX Team gamed!delogo stdTeam gamed!de


Group Stage[]

Group A
1. Team ALTERNATElogo stdTeam ALTERNATE 2-0 4-1 6
2. Team Acerlogo stdTeam Acer 1-1 2-2 3
3. Tt Dragonslogo stdTt Dragons 1-1 2-2 3
3. LogiXlogo stdlogiX 0-2 1-4 0
Match List
ATNTeam ALTERNATElogo std 2 1 LogiXlogo stdlogiX
ACERTeam Acerlogo std 2 0 Tt Dragonslogo stdTTD
logiXLogiXlogo std W Tt Dragonslogo stdTTD
ATNTeam ALTERNATElogo std 2 0 Team Acerlogo stdACER
ACERTeam Acerlogo std 0 0 LogiXlogo stdlogiX
TTDTt Dragonslogo std 0 0 Team ALTERNATElogo stdATN
Group B
1. Team Curse Europelogo stdTeam Curse Europe 2-0 4-1 6
1. MeetYourMakerslogo stdMeetYourMakers 2-0 4-1 6
3. H2k-Gaminglogo stdH2k-Gaming 0-2 1-4 0
3. Team gamed!delogo stdTeam gamed!de 0-2 1-4 0
Match List
CEUTeam Curse Europelogo std 2 0 Logo stdGAME
H2KH2k-Gaminglogo std 0 2 MeetYourMakerslogo stdMYM
GAMELogo std 1 2 MeetYourMakerslogo stdMYM
CEUTeam Curse Europelogo std 2 1 H2k-Gaminglogo stdH2K
H2KH2k-Gaminglogo std 0 0 Logo stdGAME
MYMMeetYourMakerslogo std 0 0 Team Curse Europelogo stdCEU


Round 1
Round 2

View Games[]

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External Links[]

