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Team has renamed.
Team Information
Org Location
South Korea
OwnerLee Pil-seong
Logitech G
Busan Metropolitan City
Social Media & Links
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Current Roster
LSB Spring2023

Liiv SANDBOX (Korean: 리브 샌드박스) was a Korean team. They were previously known as SANDBOX Gaming.


On 18th December 2018 Sandbox acquired the roster and newly gained LCK slot from Team BattleComics.

2019 Season[]

Before the Spring Split they signed a second toplaner in Summit who became a starter instantly and during the split they picked up Justice who was replaced on Jin Air as a substitute for midlane as well. After a great start sitting in 2nd place after 4 weeks they had a blunder series against Afreeca Freecs which was kind of a turning point of their split as they lost 3 more series after that and dropped down to 4th place going into playoffs. In the wildcard round they faced DAMWON Gaming and were beaten 1-2.

Sandbox started well into Summer Split. After a 1-1 first week they won their next 6 matches and only dropped the ones against KingZone and Damwon in the first round robin. They could not maintain this though and only went 5-4 in the second half of the split which meant in the end 3rd place in regular season. In Round 2 of playoffs they faced SKT and were clean swept in a from game to game more onesided series. Despite these early playoffs exits they went into Regional Finals as 2nd seed. In Round 2 they faced KZ and although they recovered well from a clean game 1 loss in game 2 they were convincingly beaten 1-3 which ended their Worlds dream.

During the off-season Sandbox exchanged most of their coaching staff while promoting Laden to head coach. They also picked up bot laners Route from the relegated Jin Air roster and SKT substitute Leo, star support GorillA after his horrible year in Europe, mid laner FATE from Brion Blade and jungler Punch who was substitute for Damwon.

2020 Season[]

At 2019 LoL KeSPA Cup they faced Griffin's new roster in quarterfinals and after a close game 1 they won the series with a convincing game 2. In semifinals they dominated T1 in a 3-1 victory before getting smashed themselves by the new roster of Afreeca.

Going into Spring Split they went with Summit, OnFleek, Dove, Leo and GorillA and went 1-1 in week 1. Following this they lost their next two matches which lead to further experimitation with their starting line up but to no success so that they started to also change their top side of the map playing Lonely who got promoted from trainee to substitute before the split instead of Summit for 5 matches. Although they managed to win matches against teams with a bad run of form they brought back Summit when playoff positions started to get out of reach. With 3 hard matches left to play they tried everything but dropped down into the promotion tournament by one match win.

Following this disappointing split they changed their coaching staff again before even playing the promotion tournament with FanTaSy being promoted to interim head coach and Joker switching from substitute support to the coaching staff. In the promotion tournament they were dominated by Team Dynamics but managed to come back the following day to relegate Griffin with a clean 2-0 sweep. In the second qualifying match against Seorabeol Gaming they managed to win in a dominant 3-0 clean sweep and requalified for LCK Summer Split.


  • 2018
  • 2019
  • 2020
  • 2021
  • 2022
  • 2023

Player Roster[]



Players are shown for the entire duration of their tenure on the team, with the role and substitute/trainee status they had upon their departure.

PlayerNameRoleJoinedLeftNext Team

ClearSong Hyeon-min (송현민)
Top Laner
Jul 20232023-07-04Dec 20232023-12-15FearXlogo stdFOX

WillerKim Jeong-hyeon (김정현)
Dec 20222022-12-05Dec 20232023-12-15FearXlogo stdFOX

ClozerLee Ju-hyeon (이주현)
Mid Laner
Nov 20232023-11-25Dec 20232023-12-15FearXlogo stdFOX

HenaPark Jeung-hwan (박증환)
Bot Laner
Nov 20232023-11-23Dec 20232023-12-15FearXlogo stdFOX

JeongHoonLee Jeong-hoon (이정훈)
Nov 20232023-11-23Dec 20232023-12-15FearXlogo stdFOX

BurdolNoh Tae-yoon (노태윤)
Top Laner
Dec 20222022-12-05Nov 20232023-11-20LGD Gaminglogo stdLGD

ClozerLee Ju-hyeon (이주현)
Mid Laner
Nov 20212021-11-16Nov 20232023-11-20Liiv SANDBOXlogo stdLSB

TeddyPark Jin-seong (박진성)
Bot Laner
Apr 20232023-04-11Nov 20232023-11-20DRXlogo stdDRX

KaelKim Jin-hong (김진홍)
Nov 20212021-11-26Nov 20232023-11-20Anyone's Legendlogo stdAL

EnvyyLee Myeong-joon (이명준)
Bot Laner
Dec 20222022-12-05Apr 20232023-04-11LGD Gaminglogo stdLGD

DoveKim Jae-yeon (김재연)
Top Laner
Nov 20212021-11-18Nov 20222022-11-21Invictus Gaminglogo stdiG

CrocoKim Dong-beom (김동범)
Nov 20202020-11-20Nov 20222022-11-21DRXlogo stdDRX

PrinceLee Chae-hwan (이채환)
Bot Laner
Apr 20222022-04-05Nov 20222022-11-21FlyQuestlogo stdFLY

EnvyyLee Myeong-joon (이명준)
Nov 20212021-11-26Nov 20222022-11-21Liiv SANDBOXlogo stdLSB

HowlingJeon Ho-bin (전호빈)
May 20212021-05-25May 20222022-05-19BK ROG Esportslogo stdBKR

IceYoon Sang-hoon (윤상훈)
Bot Laner
Dec 20212021-12-19Apr 20222022-04-05Liiv SANDBOX Challengerslogo stdLSB.C

HamBakHam Yoo-jin (함유진)
Temp Sub
Mar 20222022-03-10Mar 20222022-03-16KT Rolster Challengerslogo stdKT.C

Ten10Kang Joon (강준)
Mid Laner
Temp Sub
Mar 20222022-03-10Mar 20222022-03-16Liiv SANDBOX Challengerslogo stdLSB.C

ProveSon Min-hyeong (손민형)
Temp Sub
Mar 20222022-03-11Mar 20222022-03-16Liiv SANDBOX Challengerslogo stdLSB.C

FATEYoo Su-hyeok (유수혁)
Mid Laner
Nov 20192019-11-21Nov 20212021-11-15Afreeca Freecslogo stdAF

PrinceLee Chae-hwan (이채환)
Bot Laner
Feb 20212021-02-07Nov 20212021-11-15Liiv SANDBOXlogo stdLSB

EffortLee Sang-ho (이상호)
Dec 20202020-12-01Nov 20212021-11-15Nongshim RedForcelogo stdNS

SummitPark Woo-tae (박우태)
Top Laner
Dec 20182018-12-23Nov 20212021-11-13Cloud9logo stdC9

OnFleekKim Jang-gyeom (김장겸)
Dec 20182018-12-18Nov 20212021-11-13Hanwha Life Esportslogo stdHLE

KingkongByeon Jeong-hyeon (변정현)
May 20212021-05-25Jul 20212021-07-04Liiv SANDBOX Challengerslogo stdLSB.C

LeoHan Gyeo-re (한겨레)
Bot Laner
Nov 20192019-11-27Apr 20212021-04-18Afreeca Freecslogo stdAF

RouteMoon Geom-su (문검수)
Bot Laner
Nov 20192019-11-18Apr 20212021-04-18LOUDlogo stdLLL

KabbieJeong Sang-hyeon (정상현)
May 20202020-05-25Dec 20202020-12-25T1 Challengerslogo stdT1.C

GorillAKang Beom-hyun (강범현)
Nov 20192019-11-21Nov 20202020-11-15Riot Games Inc.logo stdRiot

DoveKim Jae-yeon (김재연)
Mid Laner
Dec 20182018-12-18Nov 20202020-11-14KT Rolsterlogo stdKT

PunchSon Min-hyuk (손민혁)
Dec 20192019-12-09Nov 20202020-11-10Gen.G Challengerslogo stdGEN.C

LonelyHan Gyu-joon (한규준)
Top Laner
Jan 20202020-01-20Nov 20202020-11-02Gen.G Challengerslogo stdGEN.C

JokerCho Jae-eup (조재읍)
Dec 20182018-12-18Apr 20202020-04-19SANDBOX Gaminglogo stdSB

WizerChoi Eui-seok (최의석)
Dec 20182018-12-18Nov 20192019-11-21Brion Bladelogo stdBRB

HollowShin Yong-jin (신용진)
Dec 20182018-12-18Nov 20192019-11-21Brion Bladelogo stdBRB

GhostJang Yong-jun (장용준)
Bot Laner
Dec 20182018-12-18Nov 20192019-11-12DAMWON Gaminglogo stdDWG

CrushKim Jun-seo (김준서)
Dec 20182018-12-18Nov 20192019-11-03RunAwaylogo stdRNW

JusticeYoon Seok-joon (윤석준)
Feb 20192019-02-17Oct 20192019-10-24Retiredlogo stdRetired

DoRaoNKim Do-yeong (김도영)
Dec 20182018-12-18May 20192019-05-30Afreeca Freecs Academylogo stdAF.A

TotoroEun Jong-seop (은종섭)
Dec 20182018-12-18May 20192019-05-15Dire Wolveslogo stdDW

Player League Participation[]

Playoff games are NOT included, but regular-season tiebreaker games ARE.


SpringSummerWinterSpringSummerWinterSpringSummerSpringSummerSpringSummerSpringSummerSpringSummerSpringSummerSpringSummerSpringSummerSpringSummerSpringSummerSpringSummerCupRounds 1-2Rounds 3-5
GhostCJ Entuslogo stdBbq Oliverslogo stdBbq Oliverslogo stdBbq Oliverslogo stdBbq Oliverslogo stdSANDBOX Gaminglogo stdSANDBOX Gaminglogo stdDAMWON Gaminglogo stdDAMWON Gaminglogo stdDWG KIAlogo stdDWG KIAlogo stdNongshim RedForcelogo stdNongshim RedForcelogo std481
GorillANaJin White Shieldlogo stdNaJin White Shieldlogo stdNaJin White Shieldlogo stdNaJin White Shieldlogo stdGE Tigerslogo stdKOO Tigerslogo stdROX Tigerslogo stdROX Tigerslogo stdLongzhu Gaminglogo stdLongzhu Gaminglogo stdKingzone DragonXlogo stdKingzone DragonXlogo stdSANDBOX Gaminglogo stdSANDBOX Gaminglogo std472
EffortSK Telecom T1logo stdSK Telecom T1logo stdSK Telecom T1logo stdT1logo stdT1logo stdLiiv SANDBOXlogo stdLiiv SANDBOXlogo stdNongshim RedForcelogo stdNongshim RedForcelogo stdBRIONlogo stdOKSavingsBank BRIONlogo stdOKSavingsBank BRIONlogo std395
FATESANDBOX Gaminglogo stdSANDBOX Gaminglogo stdLiiv SANDBOXlogo stdLiiv SANDBOXlogo stdKwangdong Freecslogo stdKwangdong Freecslogo stdDRXlogo stdDRXlogo stdOKSavingsBank BRIONlogo std308
SummitSANDBOX Gaminglogo stdSANDBOX Gaminglogo stdSANDBOX Gaminglogo stdSANDBOX Gaminglogo stdLiiv SANDBOXlogo stdLiiv SANDBOXlogo std249
OnFleekSANDBOX Gaminglogo stdSANDBOX Gaminglogo stdSANDBOX Gaminglogo stdSANDBOX Gaminglogo stdLiiv SANDBOXlogo stdHanwha Life Esportslogo stdHanwha Life Esportslogo std244
CrocoLiiv SANDBOXlogo stdLiiv SANDBOXlogo stdLiiv SANDBOXlogo stdLiiv SANDBOXlogo stdDRXlogo stdDRXlogo std215
RouteJin Air Green Wingslogo stdJin Air Green Wingslogo stdSANDBOX Gaminglogo stdSANDBOX Gaminglogo stdLiiv SANDBOXlogo std153
PrinceBbq Oliverslogo stdDAMWON Gaminglogo stdLiiv SANDBOXlogo stdLiiv SANDBOXlogo stdLiiv SANDBOXlogo std114
ClozerT1logo stdT1logo stdLiiv SANDBOXlogo stdLiiv SANDBOXlogo stdLiiv SANDBOXlogo stdLiiv SANDBOXlogo stdFearXlogo stdBNK FEARXlogo stdOKSavingsBank BRIONlogo std291
DoveSANDBOX Gaminglogo stdSANDBOX Gaminglogo stdSANDBOX Gaminglogo stdSANDBOX Gaminglogo stdKT Rolsterlogo stdKT Rolsterlogo stdLiiv SANDBOXlogo stdLiiv SANDBOXlogo std275
KaelLiiv SANDBOXlogo stdLiiv SANDBOXlogo stdLiiv SANDBOXlogo stdLiiv SANDBOXlogo std167
EnvyyLiiv SANDBOXlogo stdLiiv SANDBOXlogo stdOKSavingsBank BRIONlogo stdOKSavingsBank BRIONlogo std120
WillerHanwha Life Esportslogo stdHanwha Life Esportslogo stdHanwha Life Esportslogo stdLiiv SANDBOXlogo stdLiiv SANDBOXlogo stdFearXlogo std152
BurdolGen.Glogo stdDWG KIAlogo stdLiiv SANDBOXlogo stdLiiv SANDBOXlogo std112
TeddyJin Air Green Wingslogo stdJin Air Green Wingslogo stdJin Air Green Wingslogo stdJin Air Green Wingslogo stdSK Telecom T1logo stdSK Telecom T1logo stdT1logo stdT1logo stdT1logo stdT1logo stdKwangdong Freecslogo stdKwangdong Freecslogo stdLiiv SANDBOXlogo stdDRXlogo stdDRXlogo stdDRXlogo std605
ClearDRXlogo stdLiiv SANDBOXlogo stdFearXlogo stdBNK FEARXlogo std102
JokerSANDBOX Gaminglogo stdSANDBOX Gaminglogo stdSANDBOX Gaminglogo std95
PunchKongdoo Monsterlogo stdDAMWON Gaminglogo stdDAMWON Gaminglogo stdSANDBOX Gaminglogo std82
LeoSK Telecom T1logo stdSANDBOX Gaminglogo stdLiiv SANDBOXlogo stdAfreeca Freecslogo std77
SanghyeonGriffin (Korean Team)logo stdSANDBOX Gaminglogo std47
CrushE-mFirelogo std
Kongdoo Monsterlogo std
SANDBOX Gaminglogo std44
IceLiiv SANDBOXlogo std32
HamBakLiiv SANDBOXlogo stdKT Rolsterlogo stdOKSavingsBank BRIONlogo std14
LonelySANDBOX Gaminglogo std12
HowlingLiiv SANDBOXlogo std4
Ten10Liiv SANDBOXlogo std4
ProveLiiv SANDBOXlogo std3
WizerSANDBOX Gaminglogo std1



C ID Name Position Next Team
Yoon Jun-ho (윤준호) Owner FearXlogo stdFearX
Ryan Jeong In-mo (정인모) CEO FearXlogo stdFearX
Gigi Shin Ji-soo (신지수) Vice President FearXlogo stdFearX
Ryu Ryu Sang-wook (류상욱) 80Head Coach FearXlogo stdFearX
Seobi Kim Woo-sep (김우섭) 80Coach FearXlogo stdFearX
DooTi Choi Du-seong (최두성) 80Coach FearXlogo stdFearX
Yvon Lee Young-nam (이영남) Analyst FearXlogo stdFearX
DooTi Choi Du-seong (최두성) 80Assistant Coach Liiv SANDBOXlogo stdLiiv SANDBOX
Lyn Kim Da-bin (김다빈) 80Assistant Coach JD Gaminglogo stdJD Gaming
YamatoCannon Jakob Mebdi 80Content Creator Karmine Corplogo stdKarmine Corp
Soul Lee Pil-seong (이필성) Co-Founder & Owner None
SIMpson Sim Young-bo (심영보) 80Scout Liiv SANDBOX Challengerslogo stdLiiv SANDBOX Challengers
becker Jeong Hoi-yoon (정회윤) General Manager T1logo stdT1
Micro Kim Mok-kyoung (김목경) 80Head Coach DRXlogo stdDRX
Joker Cho Jae-eup (조재읍) 80Coach Invictus Gaminglogo stdInvictus Gaming
Travel Kang Tae-su (강태수) 80Coach None
PawN Heo Won-seok (허원석) 80Coach None
FanTaSy Jeong Myeong-hoon (정명훈) 80Head Coach Liiv SANDBOX Challengerslogo stdLiiv SANDBOX Challengers
Nova Park Chan-ho (박찬호) 80Coach Liiv SANDBOX Challengerslogo stdLiiv SANDBOX Challengers
Hipo Suk Hyun-jun (석현준) 80Analyst None
Yang Ji-hoon (양지훈) Manager None
PanDa Kim Gi-woong (김기웅) 80Scout None
FanTaSy Jeong Myeong-hoon (정명훈) 80Coach SANDBOX Gaming Academylogo stdSANDBOX Gaming Academy
Miffy Jay Lee (이장희) Translator & Interpreter Gen.Glogo stdGen.G
YamatoCannon Jakob Mebdi 80Head Coach Fnaticlogo stdFnatic
DooTi Choi Du-seong (최두성) 80Coach SANDBOX Gaming Academylogo stdSANDBOX Gaming Academy
DDotty Na Hee-seon (나희선) Co-Founder & CCO None
Laden Kang Byung-ho (강병호) 80Head Coach T1 Rookieslogo stdT1 Rookies
Coco Shin Jin-yeong (신진영) 80Coach Nongshim RedForce Challengerslogo stdNongshim RedForce Challengers
Morning Song Chang-geun (송창근) 80Coach Bilibili Gaminglogo stdBilibili Gaming
Dragon Lee Jun-yong (이준용) 80Coach V3 Esportslogo stdV3 Esports
Comet Lim Hye-sung (임혜성) 80Coach T1logo stdT1
Sally Yoo Eui-joon (유의준) 80Head Coach Hyper Vortex Esportslogo stdHyper Vortex Esports


This table shows up to the 10 most recent results. For complete results, click here.

Minimum place

Liiv SANDBOX Tournament Results - Show Prize as (LocalUSDEuros)
DatePlPrizeEventLast ResultRoster
2023-08-067 LCK 2023 Summer
5 - 13Blanklogo stdRR
 Burdol,  Clear,  Willer,  Clozer,  Teddy,  Kael,  Ryu,  Lyn
2023-03-226 LCK 2023 Spring Playoffs
1 : 3KT Rolsterlogo stdKT
 Burdol,  Willer,  Clozer,  Envyy,  Kael,  Ryu,  Lyn
2023-03-196 LCK 2023 Spring
10 - 8Blanklogo stdRR
 Burdol,  Willer,  Clozer,  Envyy,  Kael,  Ryu,  Lyn
2022-09-033 LCK 2022 Regional Finals
2 : 3DRXlogo stdDRX
 Dove,  Croco,  Clozer,  Prince,  Kael,  Micro,  Joker
2022-08-203₩50,000,000₩50,000,000₩50,000,000 LCK 2022 Summer Playoffs
1 : 3Gen.Glogo stdGEN
 Dove,  Croco,  Clozer,  Prince,  Kael,  Micro,  Joker
2022-08-143 LCK 2022 Summer
13 - 5Blanklogo stdRR
 Dove,  Croco,  Clozer,  Prince,  Kael,  Micro,  Joker
2022-03-209 LCK 2022 Spring
4 - 14Blanklogo stdRR
 Dove,  Howling,  Croco,  HamBak,  Clozer,  Ten10,  Envyy,  Ice,  Kael,  Prove,  Micro,  Joker,  Travel,  FanTaSy,  Nova
2021-08-314 LCK 2021 Regional Finals
1 : 3Hanwha Life Esportslogo stdHLE
 Summit,  Croco,  FATE,  Prince,  Effort,  Micro,  Joker
2021-08-195 LCK 2021 Summer Playoffs
0 : 3T1logo stdT1
 Summit,  Croco,  FATE,  Prince,  Effort,  Micro,  Joker
2021-08-155 LCK 2021 Summer
11 - 7Blanklogo stdRR
 Summit,  Croco,  FATE,  Prince,  Effort,  Micro,  Joker
Total Prize: KRW 50,000,000USD 0

As SANDBOX Gaming[]

This table shows up to the 10 most recent results. For complete results, click here.

Minimum place

SANDBOX Gaming Tournament Results - Show Prize as (LocalUSDEuros)
DatePlPrizeEventLast ResultRoster
2020-08-237₩10,000,000₩10,000,000₩10,000,000 LCK 2020 Summer
7 - 11Blanklogo stdRR
 Summit,  OnFleek,  Dove,  FATE,  Route,  GorillA,  Kabbie,  Joker,  YamatoCannon
2020-04-30Q LCK 2020 Summer Promotion
3 : 0Seorabeol Gaminglogo stdSRB
 Summit,  OnFleek,  FATE,  Route,  GorillA,  Joker,  DooTi
2020-04-169₩10,000,000₩10,000,000₩10,000,000 LCK 2020 Spring
5 - 13Blanklogo stdRR
 Summit,  Lonely,  OnFleek,  Punch,  Dove,  FATE,  Leo,  Route,  GorillA,  Joker,  Laden,  Morning,  Coco
2020-01-052₩20,000,000$ 17,168.12€ 15,380.9 KeSPA Cup 2019
0 : 3Afreeca Freecslogo stdAF
 Summit,  OnFleek,  Dove,  FATE,  Leo,  Route,  GorillA,  Joker,  Laden,  Coco,  Morning
2019-09-053 LCK 2019 Regional Finals
1 : 3Kingzone DragonXlogo stdKZ
 Summit,  OnFleek,  Dove,  Ghost,  Joker,  Laden,  Comet
2019-08-234₩20,000,000$ 16,967.16€ 15,223.58 LCK 2019 Summer Playoffs
0 : 3SK Telecom T1logo stdSKT
 Summit,  OnFleek,  Dove,  Ghost,  Joker,  Laden,  Comet
2019-08-183 LCK 2019 Summer
12 - 6Blanklogo stdRR
 Summit,  OnFleek,  Dove,  Ghost,  Joker,  Comet,  Laden,  Dragon
2019-04-035₩15,000,000₩15,000,000₩15,000,000 LCK 2019 Spring Playoffs
1 : 2DAMWON Gaminglogo stdDWG
 Summit,  OnFleek,  Dove,  Ghost,  Joker,  Laden,  Dragon
2019-03-314 LCK 2019 Spring
13 - 5Blanklogo stdRR
 Summit,  Wizer,  OnFleek,  Crush,  Dove,  Ghost,  Joker,  Sally,  Laden,  Dragon
2018-12-249 - 12 KeSPA Cup 2018
0 : 2Gen.Glogo stdGEN
 Wizer,  Crush,  OnFleek,  Dove,  Hollow,  Ghost,  Joker,  Dragon,  Laden
Total Prize: KRW 75,000,000USD 0






  1. 샌드박스 게이밍, LCK 승격팀 배틀코믹스 전격 인수 (Korean) inven.co.kr
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 샌드박스 게이밍, LCK 승격팀 배틀코믹스 전격 인수 (Korean) naver.com
  3. 3.0 3.1 Afreeca Freecs' Tweet twitter.com
  4. KeSPA's Facebook Post facebook.com
  5. Archive Pages: before change - KR - 2019-01-18; after change - KR - 2019-01-25
  6. 6.0 6.1 SANDBOX Gaming's Tweet (Korean) twitter.com
  7. Archive Pages: before change - KR - 2019-02-20; after change - KR - 2019-03-06
  8. SANDBOX Gaming's Tweet (Korean) twitter.com
  9. 9.0 9.1 SANDBOX Gaming's Tweet (Korean) twitter.com
  10. 10.0 10.1 Dire Wolves double their commitment to performing at Worlds 2019 with second LCK signing direwolves.gg
  11. 11.0 11.1 SANDBOX Gaming's Tweet (Korean) twitter.com
  12. KaBuM e-Sports' Tweet (Portuguese) twitter.com
  13. SANDBOX Gaming's Tweet (Korean) twitter.com
  14. 14.0 14.1 KeSPA's Facebook Post facebook.com
  15. Archive Pages: before change - KR - 2019-05-21; after change - KR - 2019-06-29
  16. Archive Pages: before change - KR - 2019-06-29; after change - KR - 2019-07-10
  17. 유의준 샌드박스 감독 건강상 이유로 휴식...강병호 대행체제 (Korean) naver.com
  18. KaBuM! e-Sports anuncia a saída de Hiro e Wizer (Portuguese) e-sports.kabum.com.br
  19. 19.0 19.1 Sally's Tweet (Korean) twitter.com
  20. Archive Pages: before change - KR - 2019-10-09; after change - KR - 2019-10-10
  21. 21.0 21.1 SANDBOX Gaming's Tweet (Korean) twitter.com
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 SANDBOX Gaming's Tweet (Korean) twitter.com
  23. 23.0 23.1 SANDBOX Gaming's Tweet (Korean) twitter.com
  24. 24.0 24.1 SANDBOX Gaming's Tweet twitter.com
  25. 25.0 25.1 SANDBOX Gaming's Tweet (Korean) twitter.com
  26. 26.0 26.1 SANDBOX Gaming's Tweet (Korean) twitter.com
  27. Archive Pages: before change - KR - 2019-11-17; after change - KR - 2019-11-18
  28. 28.0 28.1 SANDBOX Gaming's Tweet (Korean) twitter.com
  29. Archive Pages: before change - KR - 2019-11-18; after change - KR - 2019-11-19
  30. Archive Pages: before change - KR - 2019-11-18; after change - KR - 2019-11-19
  31. 31.0 31.1 31.2 SANDBOX Gaming's Tweet (Korean) twitter.com
  32. 32.0 32.1 SANDBOX Gaming's Tweet (Korean) twitter.com
  33. 33.0 33.1 SANDBOX Gaming's Tweet (Korean) twitter.com
  34. Archive Pages: before change - KR - 2019-11-20; after change - KR - 2019-11-21
  35. SANDBOX Gaming's Tweet twitter.com
  36. 36.0 36.1 SANDBOX Gaming's Tweet twitter.com
  37. Archive Pages: before change - KR - 2019-11-25; after change - KR - 2019-11-26
  38. 38.0 38.1 SANDBOX Gaming's Tweet (Korean) twitter.com
  39. Archive Pages: before change - KR - 2019-11-26; after change - KR - 2019-11-27
  40. 40.0 40.1 SANDBOX Gaming's Tweet twitter.com
  41. Archive Pages: before change - KR - 2019-12-08; after change - KR - 2019-12-10
  42. 42.0 42.1 KeSPA's Facebook Post (Korean) facebook.com
  43. 43.0 43.1 SANDBOX Gaming's Tweet (Korean) twitter.com
  44. Archive Pages: before change - KR - 2020-01-15; after change - KR - 2020-01-20
  45. Archive Pages: before change - KR - 2020-01-20; after change - KR - 2020-01-22
  46. 46.0 46.1 46.2 46.3 SANDBOX Gaming's Tweet (Korean) twitter.com
  47. 47.0 47.1 47.2 47.3 SANDBOX Gaming's Tweet (Korean) twitter.com
  48. 샌드박스 게이밍, e스포츠 독립법인으로 출범 (Korean) fomos.kr
  49. 49.0 49.1 SANDBOX Gaming's Tweet (Korean) twitter.com
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  60. 60.0 60.1 SANDBOX Gaming's Tweet twitter.com
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  63. Miffy's Tweet twitter.com
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  83. LCK's Facebook Post facebook.com
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  90. 90.0 90.1 PanDa's Tweet twitter.com
  91. 91.0 91.1 SIMpson's Tweet (Korean) twitter.com
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  104. 104.0 104.1 104.2 104.3 Liiv SANDBOX's Tweet (Korean) twitter.com
  105. 105.0 105.1 105.2 Liiv SANDBOX's Tweet twitter.com
  106. 106.0 106.1 106.2 LCK 스프링 스플릿 회고, Prince 복귀, 1군 컨텐츠에 관하여 (Korean) naver.com
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  112. becker's Tweet (Korean) twitter.com
  113. 113.0 113.1 113.2 113.3 113.4 Liiv SANDBOX's Tweet twitter.com
  114. 114.0 114.1 LSB, 심영보 스카우터 2군 감독으로 (Korean) inven.co.kr
  115. 115.0 115.1 115.2 115.3 115.4 Liiv SANDBOX's Tweet twitter.com
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  126. 126.0 126.1 126.2 126.3 126.4 126.5 126.6 Liiv SANDBOX's Tweet twitter.com
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  135. Archive Pages: before change - KR - 2023-11-22; after change - KR - 2023-11-23
  136. 136.0 136.1 Liiv SANDBOX's Tweet twitter.com
  137. Archive Pages: before change - KR - 2023-11-24; after change - KR - 2023-11-25
  138. 138.0 138.1 138.2 138.3 138.4 138.5 138.6 138.7 138.8 FearX's Tweet twitter.com