Leaguepedia | League of Legends Esports Wiki


In part 1, we explored basic wiki syntax: links, formatting, lists, and charts. In part 2, we're going to take it one step further and look at some more advanced things you will come across when editing Leaguepedia | League of Legends Esports Wiki. Just like in part 1, each concept that we cover will be accompanied by a task for you to complete so that you can make sure you understand what's going on.

Task 7: Intermediate Tables[]

For advanced help with tables, see here.

Creating basic tables is pretty straightforward, but there's a lot more you can do with them than just what we did in task 5. For example, look at the 2014 Masters team rosters.

Colspan and Rowspan[]

Explanation Input Output
Maybe you want to show the disabled champions in the LCS. How do you "merge" the boxes like that? The answer is "rowspan."

Normally, you would write:


to put "Yes" into a cell. But instead, you can write:


and it will merge the next 5 cells together and put "Yes" in it. You can also do "rowspan" to merge cells vertically. Here's an example input and output:

!Column 1
!Column 2
!Column 3
|rowspan=3|First Column
|colspan=2|Rest of the first row
|colspan=2|Rest of the second row
|colspan=2|Rest of the third row
|Row 4 Col 1
|Row 4 Col 2
|Row 4 Col 3
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
First Column Rest of the first row
Rest of the second row
Rest of the third row
Row 4 Col 1 Row 4 Col 2 Row 4 Col 3

Alignment and Cell Width[]

You can write align="left", align="center", or align="right". Left-aligned text is the default in "normal" rows, and center-aligned text is the default in title rows (rows that start with a !).

This is column 1 This is column 2 This is column 3
left center right

You can also write width=Xpx where X is the number of pixels wide you want the cell to be. For example:

Column 1 Column 2
Text in column 1 Text in column 2
The text for the above is:
! width=200px|Column 1
! width=500px|Column 2
|Text in column 1
|Text in column 2
You can also specify the height of an entire row on the first cell of that row.
The code for this cell is:
|height=50px|The code for this cell is:

Putting it All Together[]

Make a page like this one, showing which of your favorite champions can be played in which of 2 positions of your choice. Notice that you can combine multiple style descriptions in the same row, for example:

|colspan=2 style="text-align:center;background-color:{{color|green}};"|Yes

Note that we use variables for commonly-used inline styles, so instead of specifying a hex code you write var(--color-green) as the background color (or var(--color-red) or var(--color-yellow)), and the correct variable will be chosen. This does not work for all possible inputs however, as not all color variables have variables assigned to them.

Task 8: Images[]

Images are great to include! They make pages a lot friendlier to read. But how do you include an image in a page? There's a great help page about it here, and we'll explain the basics here, too. Your goal will be to make a page like this one listing your favorite champion's skins, with their icon in the upper-right corner.

Uploading Images[]

You won't have to do this now, but bookmark this page. If you lose it, you can find it in the sidebar, underneath Tools. If you ever need to upload a file, simply go to that page, click "Browse," find the file on your computer and select it, and then type an appropriate file name where it says "Destination Filename." An appropriate filename is one that makes it easy to find the image in question.

Examples of acceptable filenames:

Inserting Images[]

The most basic way to insert an image is very similar to inserting linked text:

Input Equivalent Input Output

However, there's a lot more you can do!

Input Output Description
[[Image:SonaSquare.png|This is Sona.|thumb]]

This is Sona.

. For a caption to show, you must also use the |thumb argument.
[[Image:SonaSquare.png|Click the image!|thumb|link=Sona]]

Click the image!

By default, click on an image will take you to the file page for that image. However, you can change what page it links to.
SonaSquare You can adjust the width of an image, and it will scale down to be that width.
SonaSquare You can also adjust the height of an image, and it will scale down to be that height.
SonaSquare Specifying both dimensions will not skew the image, but will instead make sure that the image fits in a rectangle of the size you specified.
right, the image will align right. If your image is just on the page and not in a table, it'll move all the way to the right of the page.
Or center
And you can specify align left.

<br clear="all">[]

You may have seen the <br> tag around -- it's a common HTML command that creates a new line and is used in places where you can't necessarily add a new line by pressing enter twice for some reason. "Br" is short for "break" or "line break."

As you may know, when adding images to pages, it's very easy for the formatting to get messed up. One command that comes in handy is <br clear="all">. Similar to <br>, <br clear="all"> forces the next bit of text to start below the image. If you only want to clear the left column or the right column, you may use <br clear="left"> or <br clear="right">.

Task 9: Redirects[]

Redirects are one of the most important tools when it comes to wiki organization. What a redirect does is to make it so that when url 1 redirects to url 2, if you type in url 1, you see the page that's hosted at url 2.

For example:

Click the link to User:RheingoldRiver/Tutorial_Task_9. Notice what the title says: User:RheingoldRiver/Tutorial_Task_9_2! But the URL is still ...User:RheingoldRiver/Tutorial_Task_9! This is because the first page redirects to the second.

The code entered at Part 9 is:

#redirect [[User:RheingoldRiver/Tutorial_Task_9_2]]

This causes the wiki to send you to Task_9_2 when you go to Task_9.

In case the User namespace causes any confusion, here's how we redirect "Worlds 2014" to "2014 Season World Championship":

The page located at "Worlds 2014" has the following code, and nothing else:

#redirect [[2014 Season World Championship]]

Uses for redirects[]

  • To make tournaments more easily navigable while they're going on with less effort to change things each week (for example, have a page called .../Scoreboards that contains a redirect to .../Scoreboards/Week 1 the first week, then Week 2, etc. Then each page that you want to link to the current week of scoreboards, just like .../Scoreboards and it only takes a moment to fix it!
  • To make pages easier to find using the Search function. Wiki page titles are case-sensitive after the very first letter, and so if you type ...Kiwikid, it won't take you to KiWiKiD's page unless there's a redirect from Kiwikid to KiWiKiD.
  • To make pages accessible after being moved. Sometimes, a player will change his name (e.g. Nientonsoh changed his name to Nien). When this happens, we move the page to the new URL, but we leave behind a redirect when doing so. This way, people can still find his page from both addresses, and old links that we had on the site linking to Nientonsoh will be preserved.
  • Standardizing naming conventions. Generally we try to have a set of tabs correspond to a similar page URL, for example .../Scoreboards/Week 1, etc. By having .../Scoreboards redirect to .../Scoreboards/Week 1, we can make page names slightly more consistent across levels of tabs (e.g. first-level tabs all link to URLs with 2 slashes in their names (though some may redirect), second-level tabs all link to URLs with 3 slashes in their names, etc.)

If you're not sure if there should be a redirect from one page to another, there probably should -- but it's always best to check with our staff if you're not sure.

How to edit an existing redirect[]

If page A redirects to page B, and you press Edit, it will only allow you to edit page A. Instead, what you must do is to manually go to the URL http://,/index.php?title=[page A title]&redirect=no. This will bring up the editing dialog and allow you to edit your page.

Now try it! Make a page called User:[username]/Tutorial_Task 9 that redirects to User:[username]/Tutorial_Task_9_2.

Double Redirects[]

If Page A redirects to Page B, and Page B redirects to Page C, Page A will not redirect to Page C. Instead it will take you to Page B, with a link to Page C. If you accidentally create a double redirect, change Page A so that it redirects directly to Page C. You can check for a list of double redirects here.

Task 10: Indexing Page[]

The rest of the tutorial is for your reference. If you want to practice the topics that are covered, you are absolutely welcome to, but this is the end of the guided exercises. As your last task, make an indexing page like this one with your own pages linked in the Example column. If you apply to join our wiki department, you will be asked to include a link to your indexing page as part of your application. If you have any feedback on the tutorial, please contact us!
