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Tournament Results
Minimum place

LakeofSorrow Tournament Results
DatePlEventLast ResultTeamRoster
2022-02-139 - 16 LCL OC 2022 Spring Open League T1
0 : 1Logo stdБЕЛО
Logo stdMENT UseR Bekhterev,  Evgen Luschak,  Dzzipt,  Anatiy,  Lake of Sorrow
2021-12-034 Moscow Cybersport Premier League Season 2
1 : 3Logo stdTHEU
Logo stdATLA PO3EH,  Sevkalol,  Follen,  ULost,  Lake of Sorrow,  Sephyr
2021-10-142 Moscow Cybersport Premier League Season 1
1 : 3Enix Esportslogo stdENIX
Logo stdATLA PO3EH,  Neoruika,  Sevkalol,  Dzzipt,  Hollyk,  Anatiy,  Lake of Sorrow
2021-06-065 - 6 Moscow Cybersport Series #3
0 : 2Enix Esports Prodigylogo stdENIX.P
Logo stdЧЕТЫ Fomko,  Профэсар,  Dzipt,  Coldfeeling,  Lake of Sorrow
2020-05-091 ZOTAC CUP LoL EU West 9
2 : 0Logo stdSPEE
Logo stdANGR Halbua,  Balkane1,  mdρ,  MewTwo xD LFT,  Lake of Sorrow
2020-04-255 - 8 ZOTAC CUP LoL EU West 8
0 : 1The Black Lotuslogo stdTBL
Logo stdANGR Teokrat,  Balkane,  PekiDo,  MewTwo,  Lake of Sorrow
2020-03-071 ZOTAC CUP LoL EU West 5
2 : 1Logo stdCE B
Logo stdANGR Halbua,  Balkane1,  Sly,  MewTwo,  Lake of Sorrow
2020-02-16NQ LCL 2020 Spring Open Cup Qualifier
0 : 1Logo stdUNKN
Logo stdANGR Halbua,  Balkane,  Slyy,  MewTwo,  Lake of Sorrow
2019-08-1017 - 32 ESM LoL Cup 14
0 : 1Logo stdARSI
INFINITY CHALLENGElogo stdINC StarofChaos,  Teogen,  idi naxui,  gambal,  Lake of Sorrow
2019-08-039 - 16 ESM LoL Cup 13
0 : 1Logo stdOLYM
INFINITY CHALLENGElogo stdINC StarofChaos,  Teogen,  Drobovik,  gambal,  Lake of Sorrow
2019-07-249 - 11 LCL 2019 Summer Open Cup
3 - 3Blanklogo stdRR
Moscow Five.CISlogo stdM5 Degh,  Balkane,  Articuna,  MewTwo,  LakeOfSorrow,  Halbua
2019-06-23Q LCL 2019 Summer Open Cup Qualifier
2 : 1Spectral Teamlogo stdST5
Moscow Five.CISlogo stdM5 Tie gun,  SaintArkain,  Balkane,  Articuna,  MewTwo,  LakeOfSorrow,  Halbua
2019-02-2814 - 16 LCL 2019 Spring Open Cup
1 - 5Blanklogo stdRR
Supra Esportslogo stdSUP degh,  Finita,  Autofill,  AloneAkella,  Articuna,  boom gg,  SaintArkain,  ArcherIRL,  bAZZILISKS,  LakeofSorrow,  Hybrid
2019-01-27Q LCL 2019 Spring Open Cup Qualifier
2 : 0Future Perfect Noxuslogo stdFPN
Supra Esportslogo stdSUP Neakron,  L9 Belarus,  Articuna,  bosoybomj,  LakeofSorrow
2018-06-17NQ LCL 2018 Open Cup Qualifier
0 : 1Logo stdLOOK
Still W8inglogo stdW8ing Halbua,  Mightydragon,  Articuna,  InfinityLove,  LakeofSorrow
2017-11-109 - 19 IeSF 9th Esports World Championship
1 - 3Blanklogo stdRR
Russia (National Team)logo stdRUS ksvrostov,  Red Fr0st,  Faineant,  Ratxi,  LakeOfSorrow
2017-05-281 2017 Russian e-Sports Cup
2 : 1Gambit.CIS Academylogo stdGMB A
Elements Pro Gaminglogo stdEPG Nike3,  AHaHaCiK,  Fomko,  Nomanz,  Ratxi,  Lake of Sorrow