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V Player Team Champion Position Tree Secondary Keystone Rune 1 Rune 2 Rune 3 Rune 4 Rune 5 Stat 1 Stat 2 Stat 3 MH
9.11 Nandisko TQ Kled Top Precision Resolve Conqueror Triumph Legend: Alacrity Last Stand Demolish Second Wind Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 SpeeDy TQ JarvanIV Jungle Precision Domination Conqueror Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Sudden Impact Relentless Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Von TQ Swain Mid Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Second Wind Revitalize Scaling CDR Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.11 Khantos TQ Sona ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 HungryPanda TQ Taric Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Shield Bash Bone Plating Revitalize Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Magic Resist Armor Link
9.11 Flaxxish x6 Fiora Top Precision Resolve Conqueror Triumph Legend: Bloodline Last Stand Bone Plating Overgrowth Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Koldo x6 LeeSin Jungle Domination Precision Electrocute Sudden Impact Eyeball Collection Ingenious Hunter Triumph Legend: Tenacity Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Lvsyan x6 Viktor Mid Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Time Warp Tonic Perfect Timing Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Scaling Health Link
9.11 Sánchez x6 Sivir ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Rafa x6 Yuumi Support Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Absolute Focus Scorch Cut Down Presence of Mind Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Scarface eMz Aatrox Top Precision Resolve Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Bone Plating Revitalize Adaptive Force Armor Magic Resist Link
9.11 Freshx eMz Kindred Jungle Precision Domination Conqueror Triumph Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Zombie Ward Ravenous Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.11 Lukezy eMz Zilean Mid Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.11 Rayito eMz Xayah ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 DûaLL eMz Nautilus Support Resolve Domination Aftershock Shield Bash Bone Plating Overgrowth Cheap Shot Relentless Hunter Attack Speed Armor Magic Resist Link
9.11 Aziado S2V Kennen Top Inspiration Domination Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Carbono S2V Olaf Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Eyeball Collection Ingenious Hunter Celerity Waterwalking Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Baca S2V Sylas Mid Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.11 Flakked S2V Sivir ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Xixauxas S2V Rakan Support Resolve Precision Guardian Demolish Bone Plating Unflinching Presence of Mind Legend: Tenacity Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Wardain G2H Gnar Top Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Nullifying Orb Transcendence Scorch Second Wind Overgrowth Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.11 Lamabear G2H Gragas Jungle Domination Inspiration Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight Scaling CDR Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Xico G2H Ryze Mid Sorcery Domination Phase Rush Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.11 Nixerino G2H Sivir ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Trymbi G2H Yuumi Support Sorcery Precision Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Presence of Mind Cut Down Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Scaling Health Link
9.11 Th3Antønio GIA Neeko Top Inspiration Domination Glacial Augment Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Razørk GIA JarvanIV Jungle Precision Domination Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Ultimate Hunter Zombie Ward Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Milica GIA Nautilus Mid Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Shield Bash Bone Plating Unflinching Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.11 Deadly GIA Xayah ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Triumph Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 denyk GIA Alistar Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Bone Plating Unflinching Hextech Flashtraption Biscuit Delivery Scaling CDR Magic Resist Armor Link
9.11 Truklax PGM Ryze Top Sorcery Domination Phase Rush Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Scaling CDR Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Cboi PGM Kindred Jungle Precision Domination Conqueror Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Sudden Impact Relentless Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Adept PGM Syndra Mid Domination Inspiration Electrocute Taste of Blood Eyeball Collection Ravenous Hunter Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.11 Emtest PGM Kaisa ADC Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Hadow PGM Nautilus Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Second Wind Unflinching Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Adaptive Force Armor Scaling Health Link
9.11 Beansu MRS Urgot Top Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Second Wind Shield Bash Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.11 StyllEE MRS Skarner Jungle Domination Precision Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Presence of Mind Legend: Tenacity Attack Speed Magic Resist Magic Resist Link
9.11 Miniduke MRS Azir Mid Precision Sorcery Lethal Tempo Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Transcendence Nullifying Orb Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.11 JaVaaa MRS Xayah ADC Precision Sorcery Lethal Tempo Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Manaflow Band Transcendence Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Rhuckz MRS Rakan Support Resolve Precision Guardian Demolish Bone Plating Unflinching Presence of Mind Legend: Tenacity Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.11 Szygenda OGB Neeko Top Inspiration Domination Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Taste of Blood Ingenious Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.11 Zanzarah OGB Trundle Jungle Precision Resolve Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Bone Plating Unflinching Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Roison OGB Corki Mid Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Venzer OGB Sona ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Homi OGB Taric Support Resolve Domination Guardian Demolish Bone Plating Revitalize Zombie Ward Ultimate Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Yoppa MAD Viktor Top Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.11 Sharp MAD Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Celerity Waterwalking Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 PrettyGRE MAD Aatrox Mid Domination Resolve Electrocute Taste of Blood Ghost Poro Ravenous Hunter Bone Plating Revitalize Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.11 Freeze MAD Xayah ADC Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Overheal Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Prime MAD Rakan Support Sorcery Precision Summon Aery Manaflow Band Absolute Focus Scorch Presence of Mind Legend: Tenacity Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Scaling Health Link
9.11 Nandisko TQ Sylas Top Precision Sorcery Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Manaflow Band Transcendence Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.11 SpeeDy TQ XinZhao Jungle Sorcery Precision Phase Rush Nullifying Orb Celerity Waterwalking Triumph Legend: Alacrity Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.11 Von TQ Nautilus Mid Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Shield Bash Bone Plating Overgrowth Cosmic Insight Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Khantos TQ Lucian ADC Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 HungryPanda TQ Yuumi Support Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Absolute Focus Scorch Presence of Mind Cut Down Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Wardain G2H Rumble Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Nimbus Cloak Transcendence Scorch Bone Plating Revitalize Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.11 Lamabear G2H Taliyah Jungle Domination Sorcery Dark Harvest Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ravenous Hunter Absolute Focus Waterwalking Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Xico G2H Renekton Mid Precision Domination Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.11 Nixerino G2H Draven ADC Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Trymbi G2H Thresh Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Second Wind Unflinching Cosmic Insight Perfect Timing Scaling CDR Magic Resist Armor Link
9.11 Orome MAD Vladimir Top Sorcery Inspiration Phase Rush Nimbus Cloak Transcendence Gathering Storm Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Scaling CDR Adaptive Force Scaling Health Link
9.11 Sharp MAD JarvanIV Jungle Precision Domination Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 PrettyGRE MAD Aatrox Mid Domination Resolve Electrocute Taste of Blood Ghost Poro Ravenous Hunter Second Wind Revitalize Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Freeze MAD Draven ADC Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Overheal Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Prime MAD Rakan Support Resolve Domination Guardian Demolish Bone Plating Unflinching Relentless Hunter Taste of Blood Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Scaling Health Link
9.11 Flaxxish x6 Viktor Top Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Scaling CDR Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.11 Koldo x6 RekSai Jungle Precision Domination Conqueror Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Cheap Shot Relentless Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Lvsyan x6 Jayce Mid Domination Sorcery Electrocute Taste of Blood Eyeball Collection Ravenous Hunter Scorch Manaflow Band Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Sánchez x6 Xayah ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Rafa x6 Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Bone Plating Unflinching Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Scaling CDR Armor Magic Resist Link
9.11 Scarface eMz Pyke Top Resolve Precision Aftershock Demolish Bone Plating Unflinching Presence of Mind Legend: Tenacity Adaptive Force Armor Magic Resist Link
9.11 Freshx eMz Aatrox Jungle Precision Domination Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Zombie Ward Ravenous Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.11 Lukezy eMz Cassiopeia Mid Sorcery Inspiration Phase Rush Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Time Warp Tonic Perfect Timing Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.11 Rayito eMz Sivir ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.11 DûaLL eMz Yuumi Support Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Absolute Focus Scorch Presence of Mind Cut Down Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Scaling Health Link
9.11 Szygenda OGB Sylas Top Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Last Stand Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Zanzarah OGB Vi Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Shield Bash Bone Plating Revitalize Triumph Legend: Alacrity Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Roison OGB Velkoz Mid Sorcery Inspiration Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Scaling Health Link
9.11 Venzer OGB Sona ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Homi OGB Taric Support Resolve Domination Guardian Demolish Second Wind Revitalize Zombie Ward Ultimate Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.11 Truklax PGM Ryze Top Sorcery Domination Phase Rush Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Scaling CDR Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.11 Cboi PGM Sejuani Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Font of Life Conditioning Overgrowth Triumph Legend: Tenacity Attack Speed Armor Scaling Health Link
9.11 Adept PGM Aatrox Mid Domination Resolve Electrocute Taste of Blood Eyeball Collection Ravenous Hunter Second Wind Revitalize Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.11 Emtest PGM Varus ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Hadow PGM Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Second Wind Unflinching Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Scaling CDR Armor Scaling Health Link
9.11 Th3Antønio GIA Neeko Top Inspiration Domination Glacial Augment Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.11 Razørk GIA Kayn Jungle Precision Domination Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Ravenous Hunter Zombie Ward Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Milica GIA Cassiopeia Mid Sorcery Inspiration Phase Rush Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Time Warp Tonic Biscuit Delivery Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Deadly GIA Xayah ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Triumph Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 denyk GIA Nautilus Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Shield Bash Bone Plating Unflinching Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Magic Resist Armor Link
9.11 Beansu MRS Rumble Top Sorcery Domination Arcane Comet Nullifying Orb Absolute Focus Gathering Storm Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.11 StyllEE MRS Sejuani Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Demolish Bone Plating Unflinching Presence of Mind Legend: Tenacity Attack Speed Magic Resist Magic Resist Link
9.11 Miniduke MRS Aatrox Mid Precision Sorcery Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Last Stand Nullifying Orb Transcendence Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.11 JaVaaa MRS Heimerdinger ADC Sorcery Domination Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Rhuckz MRS Fiddlesticks Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Bone Plating Overgrowth Biscuit Delivery Perfect Timing Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Aziado S2V Viktor Top Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.11 Carbono S2V Gragas Jungle Domination Inspiration Predator Sudden Impact Eyeball Collection Ingenious Hunter Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Baca S2V Sylas Mid Domination Inspiration Electrocute Taste of Blood Ghost Poro Ravenous Hunter Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Flakked S2V Sivir ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.11 Xixauxas S2V Yuumi Support Sorcery Inspiration Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Absolute Focus Scorch Future's Market Cosmic Insight Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Scarface eMz Ryze Top Sorcery Domination Phase Rush Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.11 Freshx eMz Kindred Jungle Precision Domination Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Zombie Ward Ravenous Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.11 Lukezy eMz Zilean Mid Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.11 Rayito eMz Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 DûaLL eMz Pyke Support Resolve Precision Aftershock Demolish Bone Plating Unflinching Legend: Tenacity Presence of Mind Adaptive Force Armor Armor Link
9.11 Th3Antønio GIA Sion Top Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Approach Velocity Second Wind Overgrowth Adaptive Force Magic Resist Scaling Health Link
9.11 Razørk GIA Gragas Jungle Domination Inspiration Predator Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Milica GIA Sylas Mid Domination Sorcery Electrocute Taste of Blood Zombie Ward Ravenous Hunter Manaflow Band Transcendence Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Scaling Health Link
9.11 Deadly GIA Draven ADC Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 denyk GIA Thresh Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Bone Plating Unflinching Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Magic Resist Armor Link
9.11 Aziado S2V Kennen Top Domination Sorcery Electrocute Taste of Blood Ghost Poro Ravenous Hunter Nullifying Orb Transcendence Adaptive Force Magic Resist Magic Resist Link
9.11 Carbono S2V Sejuani Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Font of Life Bone Plating Overgrowth Triumph Legend: Alacrity Attack Speed Armor Scaling Health Link
9.11 Baca S2V Irelia Mid Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.11 Flakked S2V Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Xixauxas S2V Alistar Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Bone Plating Unflinching Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Scaling CDR Armor Scaling Health Link
9.11 Wardain G2H Rumble Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Nullifying Orb Absolute Focus Scorch Shield Bash Second Wind Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.11 Lamabear G2H JarvanIV Jungle Precision Domination Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Relentless Hunter Zombie Ward Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Xico G2H Akali Mid Precision Domination Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Nixerino G2H Draven ADC Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Overheal Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Trymbi G2H Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Font of Life Conditioning Overgrowth Perfect Timing Approach Velocity Scaling CDR Armor Armor Link
9.11 Truklax PGM Vladimir Top Sorcery Inspiration Phase Rush Nimbus Cloak Transcendence Gathering Storm Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Scaling CDR Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.11 Cboi PGM Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Celerity Waterwalking Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Adept PGM Aatrox Mid Domination Sorcery Electrocute Taste of Blood Eyeball Collection Ravenous Hunter Nimbus Cloak Gathering Storm Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Emtest PGM Xayah ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Hadow PGM Rakan Support Resolve Precision Guardian Demolish Second Wind Revitalize Presence of Mind Legend: Tenacity Adaptive Force Armor Magic Resist Link
9.11 Nandisko TQ Sylas Top Precision Sorcery Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Manaflow Band Transcendence Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.11 SpeeDy TQ Sejuani Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Font of Life Bone Plating Overgrowth Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Attack Speed Armor Scaling Health Link
9.11 Von TQ Pyke Mid Domination Precision Electrocute Sudden Impact Ghost Poro Relentless Hunter Legend: Tenacity Presence of Mind Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Khantos TQ Sivir ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Triumph Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 HungryPanda TQ Thresh Support Resolve Domination Aftershock Demolish Bone Plating Unflinching Cheap Shot Relentless Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Beansu MRS Kennen Top Inspiration Domination Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.11 StyllEE MRS Sejuani Jungle Resolve Domination Aftershock Font of Life Bone Plating Unflinching Zombie Ward Ultimate Hunter Attack Speed Magic Resist Armor Link
9.11 Miniduke MRS Camille Mid Precision Resolve Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Shield Bash Second Wind Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.11 JaVaaa MRS Sivir ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Triumph Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Rhuckz MRS Lux Support Resolve Domination Aftershock Font of Life Bone Plating Revitalize Cheap Shot Relentless Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Orome MAD Vladimir Top Sorcery Inspiration Phase Rush Nimbus Cloak Transcendence Gathering Storm Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Scaling CDR Adaptive Force Scaling Health Link
9.11 Shlatan MAD Olaf Jungle Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Bloodline Last Stand Approach Velocity Magical Footwear Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 PrettyGRE MAD Zoe Mid Domination Inspiration Electrocute Taste of Blood Ghost Poro Ravenous Hunter Minion Dematerializer Time Warp Tonic Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Freeze MAD Xayah ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Overheal Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Prime MAD Rakan Support Resolve Precision Guardian Demolish Bone Plating Unflinching Presence of Mind Legend: Tenacity Adaptive Force Armor Magic Resist Link
9.11 Flaxxish x6 Fiora Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Bone Plating Revitalize Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Koldo x6 Kayn Jungle Precision Domination Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Relentless Hunter Eyeball Collection Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Lvsyan x6 Sylas Mid Sorcery Inspiration Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Time Warp Tonic Biscuit Delivery Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.11 Sánchez x6 Xayah ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Rafa x6 Rakan Support Resolve Precision Aftershock Demolish Bone Plating Unflinching Presence of Mind Legend: Tenacity Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.11 Szygenda OGB Aatrox Top Precision Resolve Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Last Stand Bone Plating Revitalize Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Zanzarah OGB Sejuani Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Conditioning Overgrowth Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight Attack Speed Armor Scaling Health Link
9.11 Roison OGB Velkoz Mid Sorcery Inspiration Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Scaling Health Link
9.11 Venzer OGB Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Homi OGB Yuumi Support Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Manaflow Band Absolute Focus Gathering Storm Shield Bash Revitalize Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Truklax PGM Ryze Top Sorcery Domination Phase Rush Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Scaling CDR Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.11 Cboi PGM Sejuani Jungle Resolve Domination Aftershock Font of Life Conditioning Overgrowth Zombie Ward Ultimate Hunter Attack Speed Armor Scaling Health Link
9.11 Adept PGM Yasuo Mid Precision Domination Conqueror Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Emtest PGM Tristana ADC Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Hadow PGM Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Second Wind Unflinching Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Scaling CDR Armor Scaling Health Link
9.11 Yoppa MAD Sylas Top Sorcery Inspiration Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Cosmic Insight Magical Footwear Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.11 Sharp MAD Olaf Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Celerity Waterwalking Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 PrettyGRE MAD Aatrox Mid Domination Resolve Electrocute Taste of Blood Ghost Poro Ravenous Hunter Bone Plating Revitalize Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Samux MAD Kaisa ADC Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 FALCO MAD Nautilus Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Bone Plating Unflinching Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Adaptive Force Magic Resist Armor Link
9.11 Beansu MRS Rumble Top Sorcery Domination Arcane Comet Nimbus Cloak Absolute Focus Gathering Storm Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 StyllEE MRS Skarner Jungle Domination Precision Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Presence of Mind Legend: Tenacity Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Miniduke MRS Irelia Mid Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.11 JaVaaa MRS Cassiopeia ADC Sorcery Domination Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Rhuckz MRS Thresh Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Bone Plating Unflinching Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Adaptive Force Armor Magic Resist Link
9.11 Scarface eMz Gangplank Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Demolish Second Wind Overgrowth Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.11 Freshx eMz Sejuani Jungle Resolve Domination Aftershock Font of Life Second Wind Unflinching Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Attack Speed Magic Resist Armor Link
9.11 Lukezy eMz Karma Mid Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Rayito eMz Sivir ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.11 DûaLL eMz Yuumi Support Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Absolute Focus Scorch Cut Down Presence of Mind Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Scaling Health Link
9.11 Wardain G2H Aatrox Top Precision Resolve Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Last Stand Bone Plating Revitalize Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.11 Lamabear G2H Sejuani Jungle Resolve Domination Aftershock Demolish Conditioning Overgrowth Cheap Shot Ultimate Hunter Attack Speed Armor Magic Resist Link
9.11 Xico G2H Azir Mid Precision Sorcery Lethal Tempo Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Manaflow Band Transcendence Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.11 Nixerino G2H Xayah ADC Precision Sorcery Lethal Tempo Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Nullifying Orb Gathering Storm Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.11 Trymbi G2H Karma Support Sorcery Domination Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Taste of Blood Ultimate Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Szygenda OGB Sylas Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Shield Bash Second Wind Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Zanzarah OGB Nunu Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Demolish Conditioning Revitalize Legend: Tenacity Triumph Attack Speed Adaptive Force Scaling Health Link
9.11 Roison OGB Xerath Mid Sorcery Inspiration Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.11 Venzer OGB Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Homi OGB Lux Support Resolve Domination Guardian Shield Bash Bone Plating Revitalize Taste of Blood Relentless Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.11 Nandisko TQ Aatrox Top Precision Resolve Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Second Wind Revitalize Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.11 SpeeDy TQ Elise Jungle Domination Precision Electrocute Cheap Shot Eyeball Collection Relentless Hunter Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Von TQ Vladimir Mid Domination Resolve Electrocute Taste of Blood Ghost Poro Ravenous Hunter Second Wind Revitalize Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.11 Khantos TQ Xayah ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 HungryPanda TQ Rakan Support Resolve Precision Guardian Shield Bash Bone Plating Unflinching Presence of Mind Legend: Tenacity Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Aziado S2V Neeko Top Precision Domination Press the Attack Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Carbono S2V Sejuani Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Font of Life Bone Plating Unflinching Triumph Legend: Tenacity Attack Speed Magic Resist Scaling Health Link
9.11 Baca S2V Sylas Mid Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.11 Flakked S2V Kaisa ADC Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Xixauxas S2V Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Bone Plating Unflinching Biscuit Delivery Perfect Timing Scaling CDR Magic Resist Armor Link
9.11 Th3Antønio GIA Maokai Top Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Bone Plating Overgrowth Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight Adaptive Force Armor Armor Link
9.11 Razørk GIA JarvanIV Jungle Precision Domination Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Zombie Ward Ultimate Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Milica GIA Corki Mid Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.11 Deadly GIA Tristana ADC Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 denyk GIA Braum Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Approach Velocity Demolish Conditioning Attack Speed Magic Resist Armor Link
9.11 Flaxxish x6 Illaoi Top Precision Sorcery Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Last Stand Manaflow Band Scorch Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Scaling Health Link
9.11 Koldo x6 LeeSin Jungle Domination Precision Electrocute Sudden Impact Eyeball Collection Ingenious Hunter Triumph Legend: Alacrity Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Lvsyan x6 Viktor Mid Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Time Warp Tonic Magical Footwear Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.11 Sánchez x6 Sivir ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.11 Rafa x6 Lux Support Resolve Domination Aftershock Demolish Bone Plating Revitalize Taste of Blood Relentless Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.12 Szygenda OGB Gangplank Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Demolish Bone Plating Revitalize Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.12 Zanzarah OGB Trundle Jungle Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Approach Velocity Perfect Timing Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.12 Roison OGB Corki Mid Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.12 Venzer OGB Sona ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.12 Homi OGB TahmKench Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Approach Velocity Bone Plating Overgrowth Attack Speed Armor Armor Link
9.12 Nandisko TQ Aatrox Top Precision Resolve Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Second Wind Revitalize Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.12 SpeeDy TQ Sejuani Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Font of Life Bone Plating Overgrowth Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Attack Speed Armor Scaling Health Link
9.12 Von TQ Pyke Mid Domination Precision Electrocute Sudden Impact Ghost Poro Relentless Hunter Presence of Mind Legend: Tenacity Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.12 Khantos TQ Xayah ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.12 HungryPanda TQ Rakan Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Second Wind Revitalize Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.12 Truklax PGM Aatrox Top Precision Resolve Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Last Stand Demolish Bone Plating Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.12 Cboi PGM JarvanIV Jungle Precision Domination Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.12 Adept PGM Neeko Mid Inspiration Domination Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Taste of Blood Ingenious Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.12 Emtest PGM Sivir ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.12 Hadow PGM Morgana Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Second Wind Revitalize Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Adaptive Force Armor Scaling Health Link
9.12 Scarface eMz Irelia Top Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.12 Freshx eMz Sejuani Jungle Resolve Domination Aftershock Font of Life Bone Plating Overgrowth Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Attack Speed Armor Magic Resist Link
9.12 Lukezy eMz Jayce Mid Domination Inspiration Electrocute Taste of Blood Ghost Poro Ravenous Hunter Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.12 Vixzy eMZ Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.12 DûaLL eMz Lux Support Resolve Domination Guardian Shield Bash Bone Plating Unflinching Taste of Blood Relentless Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.12 Flaxxish X6 Gnar Top Precision Resolve Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Tenacity Last Stand Second Wind Overgrowth Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.12 KoIdo x6 Gragas Jungle Domination Inspiration Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.12 Lvsyan X6 Ryze Mid Sorcery Domination Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.12 Sánchez x6 Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.12 Rafa x6 Nautilus Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Bone Plating Unflinching Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight Adaptive Force Armor Magic Resist Link
9.12 Wardain G2H Ornn Top Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Second Wind Overgrowth Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.12 Lamabear G2H JarvanIV Jungle Precision Domination Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Relentless Hunter Zombie Ward Attack Speed Adaptive Force Scaling Health Link
9.12 Xico G2H Syndra Mid Sorcery Inspiration Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Time Warp Tonic Biscuit Delivery Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.12 Nixerino G2H Xayah ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.12 Trymbi G2H Rakan Support Resolve Precision Guardian Demolish Bone Plating Revitalize Presence of Mind Legend: Tenacity Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.12 Aziado S2V Karma Top Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.12 Carbono S2V Olaf Jungle Domination Precision Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Triumph Legend: Alacrity Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.12 Baca S2V Camille Mid Precision Resolve Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Bloodline Last Stand Shield Bash Revitalize Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.12 Flakked S2V Draven ADC Precision Inspiration Conqueror Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.12 Xixauxas S2V Alistar Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Font of Life Second Wind Revitalize Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Scaling CDR Armor Scaling Health Link
9.12 Orome MAD Fiora Top Resolve Sorcery Grasp of the Undying Demolish Conditioning Overgrowth Manaflow Band Transcendence Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.12 ShIatan MAD LeeSin Jungle Precision Domination Conqueror Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.12 PrettyGRE MAD Vladimir Mid Sorcery Inspiration Phase Rush Nimbus Cloak Transcendence Scorch Cosmic Insight Magical Footwear Scaling CDR Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.12 Freeze MAD Ashe ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Triumph Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Biscuit Delivery Approach Velocity Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.12 FALCO MAD Lux Support Resolve Domination Aftershock Shield Bash Bone Plating Revitalize Taste of Blood Relentless Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.12 Beansu MRS Neeko Top Inspiration Domination Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Ghost Poro Taste of Blood Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Scaling Health Link
9.12 StyllEE MRS Skarner Jungle Domination Precision Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Presence of Mind Legend: Tenacity Attack Speed Magic Resist Armor Link
9.12 Miniduke MRS Aatrox Mid Precision Resolve Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Last Stand Bone Plating Revitalize Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.12 JáVaaa MRS MissFortune ADC Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.12 Rhuckz MRS Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Font of Life Bone Plating Overgrowth Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Armor Magic Resist Link
9.12 Th3Antønio GIA Nautilus Top Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Shield Bash Second Wind Overgrowth Cosmic Insight Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Armor Magic Resist Link
9.12 Razørk GIA JarvanIV Jungle Precision Domination Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Zombie Ward Ultimate Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.12 Milica GIA Leblanc Mid Domination Sorcery Electrocute Taste of Blood Zombie Ward Ravenous Hunter Manaflow Band Transcendence Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.12 Deadly GIA Draven ADC Inspiration Precision Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Triumph Legend: Alacrity Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.12 denyk GIA Morgana Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Bone Plating Unflinching Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Armor Magic Resist Link
9.12 Scarface eMz Neeko Top Precision Domination Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.12 Freshx eMz Olaf Jungle Precision Resolve Conqueror Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Bone Plating Revitalize Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.12 Lukezy eMz Ryze Mid Sorcery Domination Phase Rush Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.12 Rayito eMz Kaisa ADC Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.12 DûaLL eMz Yuumi Support Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Absolute Focus Scorch Cut Down Presence of Mind Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.12 Nandisko TQ Aatrox Top Precision Resolve Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Second Wind Revitalize Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.12 SpeeDy TQ Skarner Jungle Domination Inspiration Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.12 Von TQ Cassiopeia Mid Sorcery Domination Phase Rush Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.12 Khantos TQ Xayah ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Triumph Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.12 HungryPanda TQ Rakan Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Bone Plating Revitalize Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.12 Truklax PGM Vladimir Top Sorcery Inspiration Phase Rush Nimbus Cloak Transcendence Gathering Storm Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Scaling CDR Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.12 Cboi PGM JarvanIV Jungle Precision Domination Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.12 Adept PGM Akali Mid Domination Inspiration Electrocute Taste of Blood Ghost Poro Ravenous Hunter Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.12 Emtest PGM Xayah ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Biscuit Delivery Perfect Timing Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.12 Hadow PGM Yuumi Support Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Presence of Mind Cut Down Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Scaling Health Link
9.12 Flaxxish X6 Camille Top Precision Resolve Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Shield Bash Second Wind Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.12 KoIdo x6 Sejuani Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Demolish Bone Plating Unflinching Triumph Legend: Alacrity Attack Speed Armor Scaling Health Link
9.12 Lvsyan X6 Azir Mid Domination Sorcery Electrocute Taste of Blood Eyeball Collection Ravenous Hunter Transcendence Manaflow Band Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.12 Sánchez x6 Kaisa ADC Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.12 Rafa x6 Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Bone Plating Unflinching Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Scaling CDR Armor Magic Resist Link
9.12 Szygenda OGB Gnar Top Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Nullifying Orb Celerity Gathering Storm Second Wind Overgrowth Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.12 Zanzarah OGB JarvanIV Jungle Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.12 Roison OGB Velkoz Mid Sorcery Inspiration Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Scaling Health Link
9.12 Venzer OGB Sona ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Transcendence Manaflow Band Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.12 Homi OGB TahmKench Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Approach Velocity Bone Plating Overgrowth Attack Speed Armor Armor Link
9.12 Aziado S2V Neeko Top Inspiration Domination Glacial Augment Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Taste of Blood Ingenious Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.12 Carbono S2V RekSai Jungle Precision Domination Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Zombie Ward Cheap Shot Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.12 Baca S2V Jayce Mid Domination Inspiration Electrocute Taste of Blood Ghost Poro Ravenous Hunter Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.12 Flakked S2V Caitlyn ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.12 Xixauxas S2V Lux Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Shield Bash Bone Plating Revitalize Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.12 Wardain G2H Aatrox Top Precision Resolve Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Last Stand Bone Plating Revitalize Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.12 Lamabear G2H JarvanIV Jungle Precision Domination Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Relentless Hunter Zombie Ward Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.12 Xico G2H Ziggs Mid Sorcery Inspiration Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.12 Nixerino G2H Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Gathering Storm Manaflow Band Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.12 Trymbi G2H Yuumi Support Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Absolute Focus Scorch Bone Plating Revitalize Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.12 Beansu MRS Poppy Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Demolish Second Wind Overgrowth Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.12 StyllEE MRS Trundle Jungle Precision Sorcery Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Waterwalking Absolute Focus Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.12 Miniduke MRS Azir Mid Sorcery Inspiration Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Attack Speed Adaptive Force Scaling Health Link
9.12 JáVaaa MRS Tristana ADC Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.12 Rhuckz MRS Thresh Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Bone Plating Overgrowth Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Adaptive Force Armor Magic Resist Link
9.12 Th3Antønio GIA Karma Top Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Scorch Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.12 Razørk GIA Skarner Jungle Domination Precision Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Triumph Legend: Tenacity Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.12 Milica GIA Syndra Mid Sorcery Inspiration Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.12 Deadly GIA Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.12 denyk GIA Pyke Support Resolve Precision Aftershock Demolish Bone Plating Unflinching Presence of Mind Legend: Tenacity Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.12 Yoppa MAD Camille Top Precision Resolve Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Second Wind Shield Bash Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.12 Sharp MAD Sejuani Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Demolish Bone Plating Unflinching Triumph Legend: Tenacity Attack Speed Armor Magic Resist Link
9.12 PrettyGRE MAD Corki Mid Precision Resolve Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Second Wind Overgrowth Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.12 Freeze MAD Xayah ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Triumph Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.12 Prime MAD Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Font of Life Conditioning Overgrowth Minion Dematerializer Perfect Timing Scaling CDR Armor Magic Resist Link
9.13 Nandisko TTQ JarvanIV Top Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 SpeeDy TTQ Rumble Jungle Domination Inspiration Dark Harvest Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ravenous Hunter Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 VON TTQ Akali Mid Precision Resolve Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Second Wind Revitalize Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Khantos TTQ Sivir ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Triumph Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 HungryPanda TTQ Blitzcrank Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Bone Plating Unflinching Hextech Flashtraption Biscuit Delivery Scaling CDR Magic Resist Armor Link
9.13 Orome MAD Ornn Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Demolish Conditioning Overgrowth Cosmic Insight Magical Footwear Scaling CDR Armor Scaling Health Link
9.13 Shlatan MAD Olaf Jungle Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Approach Velocity Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 PrettyGRE MAD Kassadin Mid Sorcery Domination Arcane Comet Nullifying Orb Absolute Focus Scorch Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Freeze MAD Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Lethal Tempo Triumph Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Absolute Focus Gathering Storm Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Prime MAD Lux Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Shield Bash Bone Plating Revitalize Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Scaling Health Link
9.13 Truklax PGM Aatrox Top Domination Resolve Electrocute Taste of Blood Eyeball Collection Ravenous Hunter Demolish Second Wind Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Cboi PGM Trundle Jungle Precision Resolve Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Bone Plating Revitalize Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Adept PGM Corki Mid Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Emtest PGM Sivir ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Hadow PGM Lux Support Resolve Domination Aftershock Demolish Second Wind Revitalize Taste of Blood Relentless Hunter Adaptive Force Magic Resist Scaling Health Link
9.13 Szygenda OGB Kennen Top Inspiration Domination Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Zanzarah OGB JarvanIV Jungle Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Roison OGB Viktor Mid Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Scaling Health Link
9.13 Venzer OGB Lucian ADC Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Homi OGB Yuumi Support Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Manaflow Band Absolute Focus Scorch Shield Bash Revitalize Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Th3Antønio GIA Aatrox Top Precision Resolve Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Second Wind Revitalize Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Razørk GIA Skarner Jungle Domination Precision Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Legend: Tenacity Triumph Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Milica GIA Leblanc Mid Domination Sorcery Electrocute Taste of Blood Zombie Ward Ravenous Hunter Manaflow Band Transcendence Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Deadly GIA Xayah ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 denyk GIA Rakan Support Resolve Precision Guardian Demolish Bone Plating Revitalize Presence of Mind Legend: Tenacity Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Aziado S2V Neeko Top Inspiration Domination Glacial Augment Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Taste of Blood Ingenious Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Carbono S2V Gragas Jungle Domination Inspiration Predator Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Baca S2V TwistedFate Mid Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Bone Plating Overgrowth Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Flakked S2V Yasuo ADC Precision Domination Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Xixauxas S2V Pyke Support Resolve Domination Aftershock Demolish Bone Plating Revitalize Cheap Shot Relentless Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Wardain G2H Karma Top Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Lamabear G2H JarvanIV Jungle Domination Precision Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Triumph Legend: Alacrity Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Xico G2H Neeko Mid Inspiration Domination Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Taste of Blood Ingenious Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Nixerino G2H Lucian ADC Precision Sorcery Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Gathering Storm Manaflow Band Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Trymbi G2H Lux Support Resolve Domination Guardian Shield Bash Bone Plating Revitalize Taste of Blood Relentless Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Scarface eMz Corki Top Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Time Warp Tonic Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Freshx eMz Skarner Jungle Domination Inspiration Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight Attack Speed Armor Magic Resist Link
9.13 Lukezy eMz Azir Mid Domination Precision Hail of Blades Taste of Blood Ghost Poro Ravenous Hunter Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Rayito eMz Sivir ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 DuαLL eMz Yuumi Support Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Presence of Mind Cut Down Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Flaxxish x6 Viktor Top Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Scaling CDR Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 KoIdo x6 JarvanIV Jungle Precision Domination Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Sudden Impact Relentless Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Lvsyan x6 Vladimir Mid Sorcery Domination Phase Rush Nimbus Cloak Transcendence Gathering Storm Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Scaling CDR Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Sánchez x6 Xayah ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 RafaL0L x6 Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Bone Plating Unflinching Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Scaling CDR Armor Magic Resist Link
9.13 Beansu MRS Rumble Top Sorcery Domination Arcane Comet Nullifying Orb Absolute Focus Gathering Storm Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 styIIEE MRS Gragas Jungle Domination Inspiration Predator Cheap Shot Ghost Poro Ingenious Hunter Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Miniduke MRS Yasuo Mid Precision Domination Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 JaVaaa MRS Cassiopeia ADC Sorcery Domination Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 rhúckz MRS Nautilus Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Shield Bash Bone Plating Overgrowth Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Adaptive Force Armor Armor Link
9.13 Th3Antønio GIA Karma Top Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Scorch Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Razørk GIA Skarner Jungle Domination Precision Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Legend: Tenacity Triumph Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Milica GIA Corki Mid Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Deadly GIA Vayne ADC Precision Domination Press the Attack Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 denyk GIA Alistar Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Bone Plating Unflinching Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Scaling CDR Magic Resist Armor Link
9.13 Nandisko TTQ Yorick Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Demolish Second Wind Revitalize Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 SpeeDy TTQ Sejuani Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Font of Life Bone Plating Overgrowth Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Attack Speed Armor Scaling Health Link
9.13 VON TTQ Pyke Mid Domination Precision Electrocute Sudden Impact Ghost Poro Relentless Hunter Presence of Mind Legend: Tenacity Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Khantos TTQ Sivir ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Triumph Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 HungryPanda TTQ Yuumi Support Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Absolute Focus Scorch Presence of Mind Cut Down Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Truklax PGM Swain Top Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Nimbus Cloak Transcendence Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Cboi PGM JarvanIV Jungle Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Cosmic Insight Perfect Timing Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Adept PGM Akali Mid Precision Domination Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Emtest PGM Xayah ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Hadow PGM Lux Support Resolve Domination Aftershock Demolish Second Wind Revitalize Taste of Blood Relentless Hunter Adaptive Force Armor Scaling Health Link
9.13 Aziado S2V Camille Top Precision Resolve Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Shield Bash Second Wind Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Carbono S2V Sejuani Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Font of Life Bone Plating Overgrowth Triumph Legend: Alacrity Attack Speed Armor Scaling Health Link
9.13 Baca S2V Syndra Mid Domination Inspiration Electrocute Taste of Blood Ghost Poro Ravenous Hunter Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Flakked S2V Yasuo ADC Precision Domination Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Xixauxas S2V Yuumi Support Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Presence of Mind Cut Down Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Beansu MRS Urgot Top Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Second Wind Overgrowth Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Scaling Health Link
9.13 styIIEE MRS JarvanIV Jungle Precision Domination Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Ghost Poro Relentless Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Scaling Health Link
9.13 Miniduke MRS Velkoz Mid Inspiration Domination Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Taste of Blood Ingenious Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Scaling Health Link
9.13 JaVaaa MRS Sivir ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Triumph Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 rhúckz MRS Lux Support Resolve Domination Aftershock Shield Bash Bone Plating Revitalize Relentless Hunter Taste of Blood Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Szygenda OGB Kennen Top Inspiration Domination Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Zanzarah OGB Nunu Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Conditioning Revitalize Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Roison OGB Corki Mid Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Scaling Health Link
9.13 Venzer OGB Lucian ADC Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Homi OGB Yuumi Support Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Manaflow Band Absolute Focus Scorch Shield Bash Revitalize Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Yoppa MAD Jayce Top Inspiration Domination Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Shlatan MAD LeeSin Jungle Precision Sorcery Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Nullifying Orb Absolute Focus Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 PrettyGRE MAD Karma Mid Sorcery Inspiration Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Samux MAD Sona ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence Adaptive Force Magic Resist Magic Resist Link
9.13 FALCO MAD TahmKench Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Approach Velocity Second Wind Overgrowth Adaptive Force Magic Resist Magic Resist Link
9.13 Wardain G2H Poppy Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Shield Bash Bone Plating Revitalize Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Lamabear G2H Sylas Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Shield Bash Conditioning Revitalize Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Xico G2H TwistedFate Mid Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Bone Plating Overgrowth Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Nixerino G2H Veigar ADC Inspiration Domination Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Taste of Blood Ingenious Hunter Adaptive Force Magic Resist Magic Resist Link
9.13 Trymbi G2H Yuumi Support Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Absolute Focus Scorch Shield Bash Revitalize Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Scarface eMz Corki Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Bone Plating Overgrowth Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Freshx eMz XinZhao Jungle Domination Precision Hail of Blades Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Ravenous Hunter Triumph Legend: Tenacity Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Lukezy eMz Lulu Mid Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Rayito eMz Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 DuαLL eMz Lux Support Resolve Domination Guardian Font of Life Second Wind Revitalize Taste of Blood Relentless Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Flaxxish x6 Aatrox Top Domination Resolve Electrocute Taste of Blood Eyeball Collection Ravenous Hunter Second Wind Revitalize Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 KoIdo x6 Gragas Jungle Domination Inspiration Predator Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Cosmic Insight Perfect Timing Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Lvsyan x6 Neeko Mid Inspiration Sorcery Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Transcendence Manaflow Band Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Sánchez x6 Sivir ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 RafaL0L x6 Karma Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Flaxxish x6 Neeko Top Inspiration Domination Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Taste of Blood Ingenious Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 KoIdo x6 Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Nimbus Cloak Waterwalking Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Lvsyan x6 Renekton Mid Precision Resolve Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Bone Plating Revitalize Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Sánchez x6 Xayah ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 RafaL0L x6 Rakan Support Resolve Sorcery Guardian Demolish Bone Plating Unflinching Nimbus Cloak Scorch Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Aziado S2V Swain Top Resolve Sorcery Grasp of the Undying Demolish Bone Plating Overgrowth Nimbus Cloak Transcendence Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Carbono S2V Gragas Jungle Domination Inspiration Predator Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Baca S2V Aatrox Mid Domination Resolve Electrocute Taste of Blood Ghost Poro Ravenous Hunter Bone Plating Revitalize Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Flakked S2V Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Xixauxas S2V Yuumi Support Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Cut Down Presence of Mind Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Scaling Health Link
9.13 Yoppa MAD Kennen Top Inspiration Domination Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Shlatan MAD Sylas Jungle Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Last Stand Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Czekolad MAD Irelia Mid Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Samux MAD Lucian ADC Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Prime MAD TahmKench Support Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Approach Velocity Font of Life Bone Plating Attack Speed Armor Magic Resist Link
9.13 Scarface eMz Neeko Top Precision Domination Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 JoseMiBcps eMz Nidalee Jungle Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Absolute Focus Waterwalking Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Lukezy eMz Renekton Mid Precision Resolve Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Bone Plating Revitalize Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Rayito eMz Yasuo ADC Precision Domination Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Ravenous Hunter Taste of Blood Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 DuαLL eMz Gragas Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Font of Life Bone Plating Unflinching Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Adaptive Force Armor Magic Resist Link
9.13 Beansu MRS Gnar Top Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Nullifying Orb Celerity Scorch Second Wind Overgrowth Attack Speed Adaptive Force Scaling Health Link
9.13 styIIEE MRS Skarner Jungle Domination Precision Predator Cheap Shot Ghost Poro Ingenious Hunter Presence of Mind Legend: Tenacity Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Miniduke MRS Irelia Mid Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Time Warp Tonic Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 JaVaaa MRS Cassiopeia ADC Sorcery Domination Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 rhúckz MRS Nautilus Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Shield Bash Bone Plating Overgrowth Hextech Flashtraption Biscuit Delivery Adaptive Force Armor Magic Resist Link
9.13 Nandisko TTQ Renekton Top Precision Resolve Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Bone Plating Overgrowth Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 SpeeDy TTQ Rumble Jungle Domination Inspiration Dark Harvest Cheap Shot Eyeball Collection Ravenous Hunter Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 VON TTQ Sylas Mid Precision Resolve Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Second Wind Revitalize Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Khantos TTQ Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 HungryPanda TTQ Yuumi Support Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Absolute Focus Scorch Presence of Mind Cut Down Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Truklax PGM Aatrox Top Domination Resolve Electrocute Taste of Blood Eyeball Collection Ravenous Hunter Demolish Second Wind Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Cboi PGM Sejuani Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Demolish Conditioning Overgrowth Triumph Legend: Tenacity Attack Speed Armor Scaling Health Link
9.13 Adept PGM Neeko Mid Inspiration Domination Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Taste of Blood Ingenious Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Emtest PGM Varus ADC Sorcery Inspiration Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Absolute Focus Scorch Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Hadow PGM Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Second Wind Unflinching Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Scaling CDR Magic Resist Scaling Health Link
9.13 Wardain G2H Karma Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Shield Bash Bone Plating Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Lamabear G2H Sylas Jungle Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Last Stand Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Attack Speed Adaptive Force Scaling Health Link
9.13 Xico G2H Azir Mid Precision Sorcery Lethal Tempo Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Manaflow Band Transcendence Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Nixerino G2H Xayah ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Triumph Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Trymbi G2H Lux Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Shield Bash Bone Plating Revitalize Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Th3Antønio GIA Kennen Top Inspiration Domination Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Future's Market Cosmic Insight Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Razørk GIA Elise Jungle Domination Precision Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Milica GIA Irelia Mid Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Time Warp Tonic Magical Footwear Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Deadly GIA Xayah ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 denyk GIA Rakan Support Resolve Precision Guardian Demolish Bone Plating Revitalize Presence of Mind Legend: Tenacity Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Szygenda OGB Vladimir Top Sorcery Inspiration Phase Rush Nimbus Cloak Transcendence Gathering Storm Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Scaling CDR Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Zanzarah OGB JarvanIV Jungle Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Roison OGB Corki Mid Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Scaling Health Link
9.13 Venzer OGB Sona ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Homi OGB TahmKench Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Approach Velocity Bone Plating Overgrowth Attack Speed Magic Resist Armor Link
9.13 Nandisko TTQ Camille Top Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 SpeeDy TTQ Sejuani Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Font of Life Bone Plating Overgrowth Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Attack Speed Armor Scaling Health Link
9.13 VON TTQ Akali Mid Precision Domination Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Khantos TTQ Draven ADC Precision Sorcery Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 HungryPanda TTQ Pyke Support Resolve Precision Aftershock Demolish Second Wind Unflinching Legend: Tenacity Presence of Mind Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Flaxxish x6 Irelia Top Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 KoIdo x6 Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Waterwalking Nimbus Cloak Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Lvsyan x6 Veigar Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Transcendence Manaflow Band Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Sánchez x6 Sivir ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 kamilius x6 Yuumi Support Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Absolute Focus Scorch Cut Down Presence of Mind Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Scaling Health Link
9.13 Aziado S2V Vladimir Top Sorcery Inspiration Phase Rush Nimbus Cloak Transcendence Gathering Storm Cosmic Insight Magical Footwear Scaling CDR Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Carbono S2V Olaf Jungle Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Approach Velocity Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Baca S2V TwistedFate Mid Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Bone Plating Overgrowth Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Flakked S2V Lucian ADC Precision Sorcery Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Manaflow Band Scorch Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Xixauxas S2V Lux Support Resolve Sorcery Aftershock Shield Bash Bone Plating Revitalize Manaflow Band Transcendence Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Scarface eMz Riven Top Precision Resolve Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Overgrowth Shield Bash Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Freshx eMz Sylas Jungle Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Alacrity Last Stand Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Lukezy eMz Ryze Mid Sorcery Domination Phase Rush Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Rayito eMz Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 DuαLL eMz Pyke Support Resolve Precision Aftershock Demolish Bone Plating Overgrowth Presence of Mind Legend: Tenacity Adaptive Force Magic Resist Armor Link
9.13 Truklax PGM Vladimir Top Sorcery Inspiration Phase Rush Nimbus Cloak Transcendence Gathering Storm Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Scaling CDR Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Cboi PGM JarvanIV Jungle Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Adept PGM Corki Mid Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Emtest PGM Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Hadow PGM Lux Support Resolve Domination Aftershock Demolish Second Wind Revitalize Taste of Blood Relentless Hunter Adaptive Force Armor Scaling Health Link
9.13 Beansu MRS Irelia Top Precision Inspiration Conqueror Overheal Legend: Bloodline Last Stand Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 styIIEE MRS Gragas Jungle Domination Inspiration Predator Cheap Shot Ghost Poro Ingenious Hunter Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Miniduke MRS Yasuo Mid Precision Domination Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 JaVaaa MRS Cassiopeia ADC Sorcery Domination Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 rhúckz MRS Leona Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Bone Plating Overgrowth Biscuit Delivery Hextech Flashtraption Attack Speed Armor Magic Resist Link
9.13 Orome MAD Rumble Top Sorcery Domination Arcane Comet Nullifying Orb Absolute Focus Scorch Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Sharp MAD Sejuani Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Font of Life Bone Plating Revitalize Triumph Legend: Tenacity Attack Speed Armor Scaling Health Link
9.13 PrettyGRE MAD Aatrox Mid Domination Resolve Electrocute Taste of Blood Ghost Poro Ravenous Hunter Second Wind Revitalize Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Freeze MAD Varus ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 FALCO MAD TahmKench Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Approach Velocity Font of Life Bone Plating Adaptive Force Armor Magic Resist Link
9.13 Szygenda OGB Neeko Top Precision Domination Press the Attack Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Zanzarah OGB Skarner Jungle Domination Inspiration Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Roison OGB Viktor Mid Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Scaling Health Link
9.13 Venzer OGB Sivir ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Overheal Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Homi OGB Lux Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Shield Bash Bone Plating Unflinching Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Th3Antønio GIA Neeko Top Inspiration Domination Glacial Augment Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Razørk GIA Gragas Jungle Domination Inspiration Predator Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Milica GIA Jayce Mid Domination Inspiration Electrocute Taste of Blood Zombie Ward Ravenous Hunter Time Warp Tonic Biscuit Delivery Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Deadly GIA Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 denyk GIA TahmKench Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Approach Velocity Second Wind Demolish Scaling CDR Magic Resist Armor Link
9.13 Wardain G2H Aatrox Top Domination Resolve Electrocute Taste of Blood Eyeball Collection Ravenous Hunter Demolish Second Wind Adaptive Force Magic Resist Magic Resist Link
9.13 Lamabear G2H Sejuani Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Font of Life Bone Plating Overgrowth Triumph Legend: Tenacity Attack Speed Armor Scaling Health Link
9.13 Xico G2H Syndra Mid Sorcery Inspiration Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Nixerino G2H Tristana ADC Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Trymbi G2H Lux Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Shield Bash Bone Plating Revitalize Biscuit Delivery Perfect Timing Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Flaxxish x6 Neeko Top Inspiration Domination Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Taste of Blood Ingenious Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 KoIdo x6 Sylas Jungle Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Lvsyan x6 Qiyana Mid Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Ghost Poro Ravenous Hunter Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Sánchez x6 Sivir ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 kamilius x6 Alistar Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Second Wind Unflinching Hextech Flashtraption Minion Dematerializer Scaling CDR Armor Magic Resist Link
9.13 Yoppa MAD Mordekaiser Top Precision Resolve Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Last Stand Second Wind Revitalize Adaptive Force Armor Magic Resist Link
9.13 Shlatan MAD Gragas Jungle Domination Inspiration Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Czekolad MAD Yasuo Mid Precision Domination Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Samux MAD Lucian ADC Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Prime MAD Yuumi Support Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Absolute Focus Gathering Storm Cut Down Presence of Mind Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Scaling Health Link
9.13 Scarface eMz Camille Top Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Last Stand Time Warp Tonic Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Freshx eMz Sylas Jungle Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Alacrity Last Stand Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Lukezy eMz Mordekaiser Mid Precision Resolve Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Last Stand Second Wind Revitalize Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Rayito eMz Sivir ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Triumph Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 DuαLL eMz Thresh Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Bone Plating Overgrowth Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Adaptive Force Armor Magic Resist Link
9.13 Szygenda OGB Neeko Top Precision Domination Press the Attack Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Zanzarah OGB Nunu Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Conditioning Revitalize Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Roison OGB Corki Mid Inspiration Precision Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Legend: Bloodline Overheal Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Venzer OGB Xayah ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Homi OGB Rakan Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Bone Plating Unflinching Cosmic Insight Biscuit Delivery Adaptive Force Magic Resist Armor Link
9.13 Wardain G2H Karma Top Sorcery Inspiration Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Lamabear G2H JarvanIV Jungle Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Xico G2H Azir Mid Precision Sorcery Lethal Tempo Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Manaflow Band Transcendence Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Nixerino G2H Vayne ADC Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Trymbi G2H Lux Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Shield Bash Bone Plating Revitalize Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Nandisko TTQ Neeko Top Inspiration Domination Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Taste of Blood Ingenious Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 SpeeDy TTQ Olaf Jungle Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Approach Velocity Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 VON TTQ Talon Mid Domination Inspiration Electrocute Taste of Blood Ghost Poro Relentless Hunter Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Khantos TTQ Sivir ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Triumph Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 HungryPanda TTQ Thresh Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Bone Plating Unflinching Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Th3Antønio GIA Irelia Top Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Razørk GIA Sylas Jungle Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Last Stand Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Milica GIA Neeko Mid Inspiration Domination Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Taste of Blood Ingenious Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Deadly GIA Kaisa ADC Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 denyk GIA Nautilus Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Shield Bash Bone Plating Unflinching Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Attack Speed Magic Resist Armor Link
9.13 Truklax PGM Rumble Top Sorcery Domination Arcane Comet Nullifying Orb Transcendence Scorch Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Cboi PGM LeeSin Jungle Precision Domination Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Adept PGM Akali Mid Precision Domination Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Emtest PGM Xayah ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Hadow PGM Lux Support Resolve Domination Aftershock Demolish Second Wind Revitalize Taste of Blood Relentless Hunter Adaptive Force Magic Resist Scaling Health Link
9.13 Aziado S2V Aatrox Top Precision Domination Conqueror Triumph Legend: Alacrity Last Stand Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Carbon0 s2v Sylas Jungle Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Baca S2V Corki Mid Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Tenacity Cut Down Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Flâkked S2V Xayah ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Triumph Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Xixauxas S2V Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Font of Life Bone Plating Unflinching Minion Dematerializer Perfect Timing Scaling CDR Armor Armor Link
9.13 Beansu MRS Urgot Top Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Shield Bash Second Wind Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 styIIEE MRS Sejuani Jungle Resolve Domination Aftershock Font of Life Conditioning Overgrowth Zombie Ward Ultimate Hunter Attack Speed Armor Scaling Health Link
9.13 Miniduke MRS Azir Mid Precision Sorcery Lethal Tempo Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Manaflow Band Gathering Storm Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 JaVaaa MRS Kalista ADC Domination Precision Hail of Blades Taste of Blood Eyeball Collection Ravenous Hunter Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 rhúckz MRS Alistar Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Font of Life Bone Plating Overgrowth Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Scaling CDR Armor Magic Resist Link
9.13 Aziado S2V Neeko Top Inspiration Domination Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Future's Market Time Warp Tonic Taste of Blood Ingenious Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Carb0no S2V JarvanIV Jungle Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Baca S2V Corki Mid Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Tenacity Cut Down Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Flâkked S2V Lucian ADC Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Future's Market Perfect Timing Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Xixauxas S2V Karma Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Waterwalking Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Adaptive Force Magic Resist Magic Resist Link
9.13 Wardain G2H Mordekaiser Top Precision Resolve Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Tenacity Last Stand Shield Bash Second Wind Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Lamabear G2H Sejuani Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Font of Life Bone Plating Overgrowth Triumph Legend: Tenacity Attack Speed Armor Scaling Health Link
9.13 Xico G2H Viktor Mid Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Nixerino G2H Kaisa ADC Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Trymbi G2H Lux Support Sorcery Inspiration Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Absolute Focus Scorch Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Scarface eMz Gnar Top Resolve Precision Grasp of the Undying Demolish Bone Plating Overgrowth Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Freshx eMz Sylas Jungle Domination Inspiration Predator Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Lukezy eMz Azir Mid Precision Domination Lethal Tempo Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Rayito eMz Sona ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 DuαLL eMz TahmKench Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Shield Bash Second Wind Revitalize Perfect Timing Approach Velocity Scaling CDR Magic Resist Armor Link
9.13 Th3Antønio GIA Kennen Top Inspiration Domination Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Future's Market Cosmic Insight Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Razørk GIA Gragas Jungle Domination Inspiration Predator Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight Attack Speed Adaptive Force Scaling Health Link
9.13 Milica GIA Corki Mid Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Deadly GIA Xayah ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 denyk GIA Rakan Support Resolve Precision Guardian Demolish Bone Plating Unflinching Presence of Mind Legend: Tenacity Adaptive Force Magic Resist Magic Resist Link
9.13 Flaxxish x6 Vladimir Top Inspiration Domination Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Scaling CDR Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 KoIdo x6 Olaf Jungle Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Lvsyan x6 TwistedFate Mid Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Transcendence Manaflow Band Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Sánchez x6 Sivir ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 kamilius x6 Karma Support Sorcery Domination Summon Aery Manaflow Band Absolute Focus Scorch Taste of Blood Ultimate Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Szygenda OGB Kennen Top Inspiration Domination Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Zanzarah OGB Skarner Jungle Domination Inspiration Predator Cheap Shot Ghost Poro Ingenious Hunter Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Roison OGB Azir Mid Sorcery Inspiration Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Scaling Health Link
9.13 Venzer OGB Kaisa ADC Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Homi OGB Lux Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Shield Bash Bone Plating Revitalize Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Truklax PGM Aatrox Top Domination Resolve Electrocute Taste of Blood Eyeball Collection Ravenous Hunter Demolish Bone Plating Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Cboi PGM JarvanIV Jungle Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Adept PGM Corki Mid Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Adaptive Force Magic Resist Magic Resist Link
9.13 Emtest PGM Sivir ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Hadow PGM TahmKench Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Approach Velocity Revitalize Second Wind Scaling CDR Magic Resist Magic Resist Link
9.13 Nandisko TTQ Neeko Top Precision Domination Press the Attack Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 SpeeDy TTQ Nunu Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Font of Life Bone Plating Revitalize Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 VON TTQ Veigar Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm Scaling CDR Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Khantos TTQ Kaisa ADC Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 HungryPanda TTQ Lux Support Resolve Domination Aftershock Shield Bash Bone Plating Revitalize Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Beansu MRS Urgot Top Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Shield Bash Bone Plating Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 styIIEE MRS Zac Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Font of Life Conditioning Revitalize Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight Scaling CDR Armor Armor Link
9.13 Miniduke MRS Corki Mid Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Overgrowth Bone Plating Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 JaVaaa MRS Xayah ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Triumph Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 rhúckz MRS Thresh Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Bone Plating Overgrowth Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Adaptive Force Armor Magic Resist Link
9.13 Yoppa MAD Riven Top Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Last Stand Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Scaling CDR Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Shlatan MAD Gragas Jungle Domination Inspiration Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Cosmic Insight Perfect Timing Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Czekolad MAD Aatrox Mid Domination Precision Electrocute Taste of Blood Eyeball Collection Ravenous Hunter Legend: Tenacity Last Stand Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.13 Samux MAD Sivir ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.13 Prime MAD Lux Support Resolve Domination Aftershock Shield Bash Bone Plating Revitalize Taste of Blood Relentless Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Scarface eMz Poppy Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Demolish Second Wind Overgrowth Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 JoseMiBcps eMz JarvanIV Jungle Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Lukezy eMz Vladimir Mid Sorcery Inspiration Phase Rush Nullifying Orb Transcendence Gathering Storm Hextech Flashtraption Cosmic Insight Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.14 Rayito eMz Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 DuaLL eMz Morgana Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Font of Life Bone Plating Revitalize Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Beansu MRS Urgot Top Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Shield Bash Second Wind Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 styIIEE MRS Sejuani Jungle Resolve Domination Aftershock Font of Life Conditioning Overgrowth Ultimate Hunter Zombie Ward Attack Speed Armor Armor Link
9.14 Miniduke MRS Corki Mid Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Demolish Bone Plating Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.14 JaVaaa MRS Kaisa ADC Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Scaling Health Link
9.14 Rhuckz MRS Nautilus Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Shield Bash Bone Plating Unflinching Biscuit Delivery Perfect Timing Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Aziado S2V Neeko Top Precision Domination Press the Attack Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.14 Carbonô S2V Sylas Jungle Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Last Stand Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 BÂCA S2V Corki Mid Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.14 Flaκκed S2V Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Xixauxas S2V Nautilus Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Shield Bash Bone Plating Unflinching Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Attack Speed Magic Resist Armor Link
9.14 Nandisko TTQ Mordekaiser Top Precision Resolve Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Second Wind Revitalize Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.14 SpeeDy TTQ Nunu Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Font of Life Bone Plating Revitalize Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.14 VON TTQ Cassiopeia Mid Sorcery Domination Phase Rush Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.14 Khantos TTQ Xayah ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Triumph Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 HungryPanDa TTQ Rakan Support Resolve Precision Guardian Shield Bash Bone Plating Unflinching Presence of Mind Legend: Tenacity Adaptive Force Magic Resist Magic Resist Link
9.14 Th3Antønio GIA Irelia Top Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.14 Razørk GIA JarvanIV Jungle Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Milica GIA Neeko Mid Inspiration Domination Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Taste of Blood Ingenious Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.14 Deadly GIA Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 denyk GIA TahmKench Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Approach Velocity Demolish Second Wind Scaling CDR Magic Resist Armor Link
9.14 Flaxxish x6 Cassiopeia Top Sorcery Domination Phase Rush Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Koldo x6 Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Waterwalking Celerity Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Lvsyan x6 Corki Mid Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Manaflow Band Gathering Storm Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Sánchez x6 Xayah ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 kamilius x6 Rakan Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Shield Bash Bone Plating Revitalize Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Truklax PGM Vladimir Top Sorcery Inspiration Phase Rush Nimbus Cloak Transcendence Gathering Storm Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Scaling CDR Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Cboi PGM Sejuani Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Font of Life Bone Plating Overgrowth Triumph Legend: Tenacity Attack Speed Armor Scaling Health Link
9.14 Adept PGM Irelia Mid Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.14 Emtest PGM Ashe ADC Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Triumph Legend: Bloodline Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Hadow PGM Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Second Wind Unflinching Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Scaling CDR Magic Resist Scaling Health Link
9.14 Orome MAD Renekton Top Precision Resolve Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Bone Plating Overgrowth Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Sharp MAD Elise Jungle Domination Precision Electrocute Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Triumph Legend: Alacrity Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 PrettyGRE MAD Cassiopeia Mid Sorcery Domination Phase Rush Manaflow Band Celerity Gathering Storm Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Scaling CDR Adaptive Force Scaling Health Link
9.14 Freeze MAD Sivir ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Overheal Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 FALCO MAD Lux Support Resolve Domination Aftershock Shield Bash Bone Plating Revitalize Taste of Blood Relentless Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Szygenda OGB Kennen Top Precision Domination Press the Attack Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Zanzarah OGB Skarner Jungle Domination Inspiration Predator Cheap Shot Ghost Poro Ingenious Hunter Cosmic Insight Hextech Flashtraption Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Roison OGB Vladimir Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm Scaling CDR Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.14 Venzer OGB Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Transcendence Manaflow Band Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Homi OGB Thresh Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Bone Plating Unflinching Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Scaling CDR Armor Magic Resist Link
9.14 Wardain G2H Aatrox Top Domination Resolve Electrocute Taste of Blood Eyeball Collection Ravenous Hunter Demolish Second Wind Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Lamabear G2H JarvanIV Jungle Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Xico G2H Cassiopeia Mid Sorcery Domination Phase Rush Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.14 Nixerino G2H Lucian ADC Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Trymbi G2H Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Font of Life Conditioning Overgrowth Perfect Timing Approach Velocity Attack Speed Magic Resist Armor Link
9.14 Aziado S2V Sylas Top Domination Inspiration Electrocute Taste of Blood Ghost Poro Ravenous Hunter Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.14 Carbonô S2V Yasuo Jungle Precision Domination Conqueror Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Sudden Impact Ravenous Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 BÂCA S2V Diana Mid Domination Inspiration Electrocute Taste of Blood Ghost Poro Ravenous Hunter Time Warp Tonic Biscuit Delivery Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.14 Flaκκed S2V Xayah ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Triumph Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Xixauxas S2V Rakan Support Resolve Precision Aftershock Demolish Bone Plating Revitalize Presence of Mind Legend: Tenacity Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Orome MAD Vladimir Top Sorcery Inspiration Phase Rush Nimbus Cloak Transcendence Gathering Storm Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Scaling CDR Adaptive Force Scaling Health Link
9.14 Sharp MAD LeeSin Jungle Domination Precision Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Triumph Legend: Tenacity Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 PrettyGRE MAD Azir Mid Domination Inspiration Electrocute Cheap Shot Ghost Poro Ravenous Hunter Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.14 Freeze MAD Caitlyn ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Triumph Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 FALCO MAD Lux Support Resolve Domination Aftershock Shield Bash Bone Plating Revitalize Taste of Blood Relentless Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Flaxxish x6 Karma Top Sorcery Inspiration Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.14 Koldo x6 Zac Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Font of Life Conditioning Revitalize Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Lvsyan x6 Yasuo Mid Precision Domination Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.14 Sánchez x6 Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Gathering Storm Transcendence Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 kamilius x6 Lux Support Resolve Domination Aftershock Shield Bash Bone Plating Revitalize Taste of Blood Relentless Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Wardain G2H Viktor Top Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.14 Lamabear G2H Olaf Jungle Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Last Stand Hextech Flashtraption Approach Velocity Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Scaling Health Link
9.14 Xico G2H Akali Mid Domination Resolve Electrocute Taste of Blood Ghost Poro Ravenous Hunter Revitalize Bone Plating Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Nixerino G2H Xayah ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.14 Trymbi G2H Thresh Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Second Wind Overgrowth Cosmic Insight Perfect Timing Scaling CDR Magic Resist Armor Link
9.14 Nandisko TTQ Kled Top Precision Resolve Conqueror Triumph Legend: Alacrity Last Stand Demolish Second Wind Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 SpeeDy TTQ JarvanIV Jungle Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 VON TTQ Akali Mid Domination Resolve Electrocute Taste of Blood Ghost Poro Ravenous Hunter Second Wind Overgrowth Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.14 Khantos TTQ Kaisa ADC Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Aizhon TTQ Morgana Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Bone Plating Unflinching Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Szygenda OGB Aatrox Top Resolve Domination Grasp of the Undying Demolish Bone Plating Revitalize Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Zanzarah OGB Trundle Jungle Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Hextech Flashtraption Cosmic Insight Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Roison OGB Corki Mid Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Bone Plating Overgrowth Attack Speed Adaptive Force Scaling Health Link
9.14 Venzer OGB Lucian ADC Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Homi OGB Thresh Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Bone Plating Unflinching Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Scaling CDR Magic Resist Armor Link
9.14 Scarface eMz Poppy Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Demolish Second Wind Overgrowth Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.14 JoseMiBcps eMz LeeSin Jungle Domination Precision Electrocute Sudden Impact Ghost Poro Relentless Hunter Triumph Legend: Alacrity Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Lukezy eMz Sylas Mid Domination Inspiration Electrocute Taste of Blood Ghost Poro Ravenous Hunter Time Warp Tonic Biscuit Delivery Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Rayito eMz Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 DuaLL eMz Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Second Wind Revitalize Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Magic Resist Armor Link
9.14 Truklax PGM Karma Top Inspiration Domination Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Taste of Blood Ultimate Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Cboi PGM JarvanIV Jungle Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Future's Market Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Adept PGM Corki Mid Inspiration Precision Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Triumph Legend: Bloodline Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.14 Emtest PGM Lucian ADC Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Hadow PGM Lux Support Resolve Domination Aftershock Demolish Second Wind Revitalize Taste of Blood Relentless Hunter Adaptive Force Armor Scaling Health Link
9.14 Th3Antønio GIA Irelia Top Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Attack Speed Adaptive Force Scaling Health Link
9.14 Razørk GIA Gragas Jungle Domination Inspiration Predator Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Cosmic Insight Perfect Timing Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Milica GIA Corki Mid Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence Attack Speed Adaptive Force Scaling Health Link
9.14 Deadly GIA Lucian ADC Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 denyk GIA Thresh Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Bone Plating Unflinching Hextech Flashtraption Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Magic Resist Armor Link
9.14 Beansu MRS Poppy Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Demolish Conditioning Overgrowth Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 StyllEE MRS Nunu Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Font of Life Conditioning Overgrowth Triumph Legend: Tenacity Attack Speed Armor Armor Link
9.14 Miniduke MRS Azir Mid Precision Sorcery Lethal Tempo Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Manaflow Band Gathering Storm Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.14 JaVaaa MRS Xayah ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Rhuckz MRS Blitzcrank Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Font of Life Bone Plating Unflinching Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Scaling CDR Armor Magic Resist Link
9.14 Scarface eMz Poppy Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Demolish Second Wind Overgrowth Cosmic Insight Biscuit Delivery Adaptive Force Magic Resist Armor Link
9.14 JoseMiBcps eMz Sylas Jungle Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Last Stand Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Lukezy eMz Corki Mid Domination Inspiration Electrocute Taste of Blood Ghost Poro Ravenous Hunter Time Warp Tonic Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.14 Rayito eMz Xayah ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 DuaLL eMz Trundle Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Bone Plating Revitalize Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Adaptive Force Magic Resist Armor Link
9.14 Nandisko TTQ Kennen Top Precision Domination Press the Attack Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 SpeeDy TTQ Nunu Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Font of Life Bone Plating Revitalize Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 VON TTQ Cassiopeia Mid Sorcery Domination Phase Rush Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Khantos TTQ Tristana ADC Precision Resolve Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Demolish Bone Plating Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.14 HungryPanDa TTQ TahmKench Support Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Approach Velocity Second Wind Revitalize Attack Speed Armor Scaling Health Link
9.14 Flaxxish x6 Tristana Top Precision Resolve Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Bone Plating Overgrowth Attack Speed Adaptive Force Scaling Health Link
9.14 Koldo x6 Gragas Jungle Domination Inspiration Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Lvsyan x6 Corki Mid Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Time Warp Tonic Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Sánchez x6 Cassiopeia ADC Sorcery Domination Phase Rush Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 kamilius x6 Yuumi Support Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Absolute Focus Scorch Cut Down Presence of Mind Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Scaling Health Link
9.14 Truklax PGM Rumble Top Sorcery Domination Arcane Comet Nullifying Orb Transcendence Scorch Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Cboi PGM Nunu Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Font of Life Bone Plating Revitalize Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Attack Speed Armor Scaling Health Link
9.14 Adept PGM Irelia Mid Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.14 Emtest PGM Lucian ADC Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Hadow PGM Karma Support Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Bone Plating Revitalize Adaptive Force Armor Magic Resist Link
9.14 Wardain G2H Poppy Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Shield Bash Second Wind Revitalize Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.14 Lamabear G2H Olaf Jungle Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Last Stand Hextech Flashtraption Approach Velocity Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Scaling Health Link
9.14 Xico G2H Sylas Mid Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Scaling Health Link
9.14 Nixerino G2H Xayah ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Trymbi G2H Thresh Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Second Wind Unflinching Cosmic Insight Perfect Timing Scaling CDR Magic Resist Armor Link
9.14 Beansu MRS Rumble Top Sorcery Domination Arcane Comet Nimbus Cloak Absolute Focus Gathering Storm Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 StyllEE MRS Skarner Jungle Domination Precision Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Presence of Mind Legend: Tenacity Attack Speed Armor Magic Resist Link
9.14 Miniduke MRS Irelia Mid Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Attack Speed Adaptive Force Scaling Health Link
9.14 JaVaaa MRS Kalista ADC Domination Precision Hail of Blades Taste of Blood Eyeball Collection Ravenous Hunter Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Rhuckz MRS Morgana Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Bone Plating Revitalize Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Aziado S2V Neeko Top Inspiration Domination Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Taste of Blood Ingenious Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.14 Carbonô S2V JarvanIV Jungle Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 BÂCA S2V Irelia Mid Precision Domination Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Last Stand Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Scaling Health Link
9.14 Flaκκed S2V Lucian ADC Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Xixauxas S2V Lux Support Resolve Domination Aftershock Shield Bash Bone Plating Revitalize Taste of Blood Relentless Hunter Adaptive Force Magic Resist Armor Link
9.14 Szygenda OGB Akali Top Precision Resolve Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Second Wind Revitalize Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.14 Zanzarah OGB Sejuani Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Conditioning Overgrowth Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight Attack Speed Armor Scaling Health Link
9.14 Roison OGB Corki Mid Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Bone Plating Overgrowth Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Venzer OGB Xayah ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Homi OGB Rakan Support Resolve Precision Guardian Demolish Bone Plating Unflinching Presence of Mind Legend: Tenacity Adaptive Force Magic Resist Armor Link
9.14 Th3Antønio GIA Chogath Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Demolish Second Wind Overgrowth Approach Velocity Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Magic Resist Armor Link
9.14 Razørk GIA Sejuani Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Font of Life Conditioning Overgrowth Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Attack Speed Armor Scaling Health Link
9.14 Milica GIA Corki Mid Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Bone Plating Demolish Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Deadly GIA Lucian ADC Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 denyk GIA Yuumi Support Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Absolute Focus Gathering Storm Presence of Mind Cut Down Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Orome MAD Kennen Top Inspiration Domination Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Scaling Health Link
9.14 Sharp MAD Elise Jungle Domination Precision Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Triumph Legend: Alacrity Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 PrettyGRE MAD Qiyana Mid Domination Resolve Electrocute Sudden Impact Eyeball Collection Ravenous Hunter Bone Plating Overgrowth Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.14 Freeze MAD MissFortune ADC Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Overheal Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 FALCO MAD Nautilus Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Bone Plating Unflinching Hextech Flashtraption Biscuit Delivery Adaptive Force Magic Resist Armor Link
9.14 Scarface eMz Camille Top Precision Resolve Conqueror Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Demolish Second Wind Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.14 Freshx eMz Karthus Jungle Domination Precision Dark Harvest Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ultimate Hunter Presence of Mind Coup de Grace Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Lukezy eMz Corki Mid Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.14 Rayito eMz Xayah ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Triumph Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 DuaLL eMz Rakan Support Resolve Precision Guardian Shield Bash Bone Plating Unflinching Presence of Mind Legend: Tenacity Adaptive Force Magic Resist Armor Link
9.14 Wardain G2H Karma Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Shield Bash Bone Plating Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Lamabear G2H Olaf Jungle Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Last Stand Hextech Flashtraption Approach Velocity Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Scaling Health Link
9.14 Xico G2H Zoe Mid Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.14 Nixerino G2H Yasuo ADC Precision Domination Conqueror Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.14 Trymbi G2H Gragas Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Bone Plating Unflinching Cosmic Insight Perfect Timing Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Aziado S2V Akali Top Domination Resolve Electrocute Taste of Blood Ghost Poro Ravenous Hunter Bone Plating Overgrowth Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Carbonô S2V Vi Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Shield Bash Bone Plating Unflinching Triumph Legend: Tenacity Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 BÂCA S2V Corki Mid Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Demolish Bone Plating Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.14 Flaκκed S2V Lucian ADC Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Xixauxas S2V Nautilus Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Bone Plating Unflinching Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Armor Armor Link
9.14 Th3Antønio GIA Chogath Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Demolish Bone Plating Overgrowth Biscuit Delivery Approach Velocity Attack Speed Magic Resist Armor Link
9.14 Razørk GIA Gragas Jungle Domination Inspiration Predator Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Milica GIA Yasuo Mid Precision Domination Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.14 Deadly GIA Sivir ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Triumph Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 denyk GIA Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Bone Plating Unflinching Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Scaling CDR Magic Resist Armor Link
9.14 Orome MAD Gnar Top Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Nullifying Orb Celerity Scorch Bone Plating Overgrowth Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Scaling Health Link
9.14 Sharp MAD JarvanIV Jungle Domination Precision Electrocute Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Triumph Legend: Alacrity Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 PrettyGRE MAD Azir Mid Domination Sorcery Electrocute Cheap Shot Ghost Poro Ravenous Hunter Manaflow Band Transcendence Attack Speed Adaptive Force Scaling Health Link
9.14 Freeze MAD Ashe ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Triumph Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Biscuit Delivery Approach Velocity Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 FALCO MAD Karma Support Sorcery Inspiration Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Absolute Focus Scorch Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.14 Nandisko TTQ Kennen Top Precision Domination Press the Attack Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 SpeeDy TTQ Sejuani Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Font of Life Bone Plating Overgrowth Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Attack Speed Armor Scaling Health Link
9.14 VON TTQ Pyke Mid Domination Precision Electrocute Sudden Impact Eyeball Collection Relentless Hunter Presence of Mind Legend: Tenacity Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.14 Khantos TTQ Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 HungryPanDa TTQ TahmKench Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Approach Velocity Second Wind Revitalize Attack Speed Armor Magic Resist Link
9.14 Beansu MRS Urgot Top Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Bone Plating Overgrowth Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Scaling Health Link
9.14 StyllEE MRS Sylas Jungle Precision Domination Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Cheap Shot Ultimate Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Miniduke MRS Corki Mid Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Bone Plating Overgrowth Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 JaVaaa MRS Lucian ADC Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Rhuckz MRS Thresh Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Bone Plating Unflinching Biscuit Delivery Perfect Timing Adaptive Force Armor Magic Resist Link
9.14 Flaxxish x6 Neeko Top Precision Resolve Press the Attack Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Bone Plating Overgrowth Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Koldo x6 Sejuani Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Font of Life Bone Plating Overgrowth Triumph Legend: Tenacity Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.14 Lvsyan x6 Yasuo Mid Precision Domination Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.14 Sánchez x6 Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Transcendence Manaflow Band Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 kamilius x6 Yuumi Support Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Absolute Focus Scorch Cut Down Presence of Mind Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Scaling Health Link
9.14 Truklax PGM Aatrox Top Precision Resolve Conqueror Triumph Legend: Alacrity Last Stand Second Wind Overgrowth Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.14 Cboi PGM Gragas Jungle Domination Inspiration Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight Scaling CDR Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.14 Adept PGM Akali Mid Domination Resolve Electrocute Taste of Blood Ghost Poro Ravenous Hunter Bone Plating Revitalize Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.14 Emtest PGM Xayah ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.14 Hadow PGM Lux Support Resolve Domination Aftershock Demolish Second Wind Revitalize Taste of Blood Relentless Hunter Adaptive Force Magic Resist Scaling Health Link
9.14 Szygenda OGB Karma Top Inspiration Domination Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Taste of Blood Ultimate Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Zanzarah OGB Sylas Jungle Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Roison OGB Corki Mid Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Bone Plating Overgrowth Attack Speed Adaptive Force Scaling Health Link
9.14 Venzer OGB Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.14 Homi OGB Rakan Support Resolve Precision Guardian Demolish Bone Plating Unflinching Presence of Mind Legend: Tenacity Adaptive Force Magic Resist Armor Link
9.15 Th3Antønio GIA Sion Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Demolish Second Wind Overgrowth Biscuit Delivery Approach Velocity Adaptive Force Armor Armor Link
9.15 Razørk GIA JarvanIV Jungle Precision Domination Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.15 Milica GIA Corki Mid Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Bone Plating Overgrowth Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.15 Deadly GIA Xayah ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Triumph Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.15 denyk GIA Nautilus Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Shield Bash Bone Plating Unflinching Hextech Flashtraption Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Magic Resist Armor Link
9.15 Nandisko TTQ Qiyana Top Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Eyeball Collection Ravenous Hunter Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.15 SpeeDy TTQ Poppy Jungle Domination Inspiration Predator Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.15 VON TTQ Veigar Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.15 Khantos TTQ Karma ADC Inspiration Domination Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Taste of Blood Ingenious Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.15 HungryPanDa TTQ Rakan Support Resolve Sorcery Guardian Shield Bash Bone Plating Unflinching Nimbus Cloak Celerity Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.15 Aziado S2V Neeko Top Precision Resolve Press the Attack Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Bone Plating Overgrowth Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.15 Carbonô S2V Nunu Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Font of Life Bone Plating Revitalize Triumph Legend: Tenacity Attack Speed Armor Armor Link
9.15 Bâca S2V Akali Mid Precision Domination Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Bloodline Last Stand Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.15 Flaккed S2V Xayah ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Triumph Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.15 Xixauxas S2V Lux Support Resolve Domination Aftershock Shield Bash Bone Plating Revitalize Relentless Hunter Taste of Blood Adaptive Force Armor Armor Link
9.15 Truklax PGM Yorick Top Resolve Precision Grasp of the Undying Demolish Bone Plating Overgrowth Legend: Bloodline Overheal Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.15 Cboi PGM Gragas Jungle Domination Inspiration Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Cosmic Insight Perfect Timing Scaling CDR Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.15 Adept PGM Aatrox Mid Domination Resolve Electrocute Taste of Blood Ghost Poro Ravenous Hunter Second Wind Revitalize Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.15 Emtest PGM Lucian ADC Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.15 Hadow PGM Rakan Support Resolve Precision Guardian Demolish Second Wind Revitalize Presence of Mind Legend: Tenacity Adaptive Force Magic Resist Scaling Health Link
9.15 Scarface eMz Akali Top Precision Resolve Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Last Stand Demolish Second Wind Adaptive Force Magic Resist Armor Link
9.15 Freshx eMz Olaf Jungle Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Alacrity Last Stand Magical Footwear Approach Velocity Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.15 Lukezy eMz Cassiopeia Mid Sorcery Domination Phase Rush Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.15 Rayito eMz Xayah ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Triumph Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.15 DuaLL eMz Nautilus Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Shield Bash Bone Plating Unflinching Biscuit Delivery Perfect Timing Attack Speed Magic Resist Armor Link
9.15 flaxxish x6 Kennen Top Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Nullifying Orb Transcendence Scorch Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.15 KoIdo x6 Skarner Jungle Domination Precision Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Triumph Legend: Tenacity Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.15 Lvsyan x6 Neeko Mid Inspiration Domination Glacial Augment Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Taste of Blood Ingenious Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.15 Sánchez x6 Sivir ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.15 kamilius x6 Rakan Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Shield Bash Bone Plating Unflinching Cosmic Insight Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.15 Yoppa MAD Aatrox Top Precision Resolve Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Last Stand Second Wind Overgrowth Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.15 Shlatan MAD JarvanIV Jungle Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Last Stand Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.15 Czekolad MAD Azir Mid Sorcery Domination Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Cheap Shot Ravenous Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.15 Samux MAD Corki ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Time Warp Tonic Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Scaling Health Link
9.15 Prime MAD Nautilus Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Bone Plating Overgrowth Biscuit Delivery Perfect Timing Adaptive Force Armor Magic Resist Link
9.15 Wardain G2H Karma Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Shield Bash Bone Plating Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.15 Lamabear G2H Olaf Jungle Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Last Stand Hextech Flashtraption Approach Velocity Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Scaling Health Link
9.15 Xico G2H Xerath Mid Sorcery Inspiration Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.15 Nixerino G2H Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.15 Trymbi G2H Rakan Support Resolve Precision Guardian Shield Bash Bone Plating Revitalize Presence of Mind Legend: Tenacity Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.15 Beansu MRS Urgot Top Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Shield Bash Second Wind Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.15 StyllEE MRS Trundle Jungle Precision Resolve Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Revitalize Bone Plating Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.15 Miniduke MRS Corki Mid Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Bone Plating Overgrowth Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.15 JáVaaa MRS Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.15 rhúckz MRS Yuumi Support Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Presence of Mind Cut Down Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.15 Szygenda OGB Aatrox Top Precision Resolve Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Bone Plating Revitalize Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.15 Zanzarah OGB Sylas Jungle Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Last Stand Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.15 Roison OGB Tristana Mid Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Overheal Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.15 Venzer OGB Kaisa ADC Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.15 Homi OGB Volibear Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Bone Plating Revitalize Hextech Flashtraption Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Armor Scaling Health Link
9.15 Oscarinin S2V Jayce Top Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.15 Jorx S2V JarvanIV Jungle Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Hextech Flashtraption Cosmic Insight Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.15 FeeNiixZ S2V Corki Mid Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.15 Rafitta S2V Xayah ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Triumph Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.15 Dαrκο S2V Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Bone Plating Unflinching Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.15 flaxxish x6 Illaoi Top Resolve Domination Grasp of the Undying Demolish Second Wind Revitalize Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Adaptive Force Armor Armor Link
9.15 KoIdo x6 LeeSin Jungle Precision Domination Conqueror Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Sudden Impact Ingenious Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.15 Lvsyan x6 Neeko Mid Inspiration Domination Glacial Augment Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Taste of Blood Ingenious Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Scaling Health Link
9.15 Sánchez x6 Kaisa ADC Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.15 kamilius x6 Rakan Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Shield Bash Bone Plating Unflinching Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.15 Nandisko TTQ Sylas Top Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.15 SpeeDy TTQ Nunu Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Font of Life Bone Plating Revitalize Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.15 VON TTQ Cassiopeia Mid Sorcery Domination Phase Rush Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.15 Khantos TTQ Xayah ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Triumph Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.15 Aizhon TTQ Rakan Support Resolve Sorcery Guardian Demolish Bone Plating Unflinching Nimbus Cloak Celerity Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.15 Beansu MRS Aatrox Top Domination Resolve Electrocute Taste of Blood Ghost Poro Ravenous Hunter Bone Plating Revitalize Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.15 StyllEE MRS Ivern Jungle Resolve Inspiration Guardian Font of Life Bone Plating Revitalize Cosmic Insight Future's Market Scaling CDR Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.15 Miniduke MRS Corki Mid Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Bone Plating Overgrowth Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.15 JáVaaa MRS Yasuo ADC Precision Domination Conqueror Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.15 rhúckz MRS Gragas Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Font of Life Bone Plating Unflinching Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.15 Scarface eMz Chogath Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Bone Plating Overgrowth Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.15 Freshx eMz Olaf Jungle Precision Resolve Conqueror Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Bone Plating Revitalize Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.15 Lukezy eMz Ahri Mid Inspiration Domination Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Ingenious Hunter Ghost Poro Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.15 Rayito eMz Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.15 DuaLL eMz Yuumi Support Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Absolute Focus Scorch Shield Bash Revitalize Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.15 Yoppa MAD Gnar Top Precision Resolve Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Second Wind Overgrowth Attack Speed Adaptive Force Scaling Health Link
9.15 Shlatan MAD Elise Jungle Domination Sorcery Electrocute Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Absolute Focus Waterwalking Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.15 Czekolad MAD Azir Mid Precision Sorcery Lethal Tempo Triumph Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Transcendence Manaflow Band Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.15 Samux MAD Tristana ADC Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.15 Prime MAD Pyke Support Resolve Precision Aftershock Demolish Bone Plating Unflinching Presence of Mind Legend: Tenacity Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.15 Wardain G2H Chogath Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Demolish Second Wind Revitalize Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.15 Lamabear G2H Olaf Jungle Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Last Stand Hextech Flashtraption Approach Velocity Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Scaling Health Link
9.15 Xico G2H Azir Mid Precision Sorcery Lethal Tempo Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Manaflow Band Transcendence Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.15 Nixerino G2H Lucian ADC Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.15 Trymbi G2H Rakan Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Shield Bash Bone Plating Revitalize Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.15 Truklax PGM Rumble Top Sorcery Domination Arcane Comet Nullifying Orb Transcendence Scorch Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.15 Cboi PGM Gragas Jungle Domination Inspiration Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight Scaling CDR Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.15 Adept PGM Yasuo Mid Precision Domination Conqueror Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.15 Emtest PGM Kaisa ADC Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.15 Hadow PGM Braum Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Bone Plating Demolish Scaling CDR Armor Scaling Health Link
9.15 Th3Antønio GIA Chogath Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Demolish Second Wind Overgrowth Biscuit Delivery Approach Velocity Attack Speed Magic Resist Armor Link
9.15 Razørk GIA Elise Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.15 Milica GIA Corki Mid Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Bone Plating Overgrowth Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.15 Deadly GIA Jinx ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Triumph Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.15 denyk GIA Thresh Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Bone Plating Unflinching Cosmic Insight Biscuit Delivery Scaling CDR Magic Resist Armor Link
9.15 Szygenda OGB Karma Top Inspiration Domination Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Taste of Blood Ultimate Hunter Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.15 Zanzarah OGB JarvanIV Jungle Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.15 Roison OGB Tristana Mid Precision Sorcery Press the Attack Overheal Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Absolute Focus Gathering Storm Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.15 Venzer OGB Kaisa ADC Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.15 Homi OGB TahmKench Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Approach Velocity Overgrowth Bone Plating Attack Speed Armor Magic Resist Link
9.15 Truklax PGM Chogath Top Resolve Precision Grasp of the Undying Demolish Bone Plating Overgrowth Triumph Legend: Tenacity Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.15 Cboi PGM Sejuani Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Demolish Conditioning Overgrowth Triumph Legend: Tenacity Attack Speed Armor Scaling Health Link
9.15 Adept PGM Irelia Mid Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.15 Emtest PGM Xayah ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.15 Hadow PGM Yuumi Support Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Presence of Mind Cut Down Adaptive Force Adaptive Force Scaling Health Link
9.15 Scarface eMz Maokai Top Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Conditioning Overgrowth Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Attack Speed Adaptive Force Magic Resist Link
9.15 Freshx eMz Sylas Jungle Precision Inspiration Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.15 Lukezy eMz Corki Mid Inspiration Precision Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.15 Rayito eMz Lucian ADC Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Biscuit Delivery Perfect Timing Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link
9.15 DuaLL eMz Bard Support Domination Inspiration Electrocute Taste of Blood Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Cosmic Insight Biscuit Delivery Attack Speed Adaptive Force Armor Link