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LJL Allstars
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Team Information
Org Location


This page contains all of the rosters of the teams sent to All-Star events from the LJL.

Player Roster[]

All-Star Las Vegas 2018[]

ID Name Role 2018 Team
Evi Shunsuke Murase 11Top DetonatioN FocusMelogo stdDetonatioN FocusMe
Ceros Kyohei Yoshida 13Mid DetonatioN FocusMelogo stdDetonatioN FocusMe
Sutanmi None

International Wildcard All-Star Barcelona 2016[]

ID Name Role 2016 Team
Evi Shunsuke Murase 11Top 7th heavenlogo std7th heaven
Tussle Lee Moon-yong (이문용) 12Jungle Rampagelogo stdRampage
Ceros Kyohei Yoshida 13Mid DetonatioN FocusMelogo stdDetonatioN FocusMe
Haretti Souta Nakamura 14Bot Unsold Stuff Gaminglogo stdUnsold Stuff Gaming
Dara Jeon Jeong-hoon (전정훈) 15Support Rampagelogo stdRampage

International Wildcard All-Star Melbourne 2015[]

ID Name Role 2015 Team
Evi Shunsuke Murase 11Top 7th heavenlogo std7th heaven
Rainbrain Shin Iwasaki 12Jungle RabbitFivelogo stdRabbitFive
Ceros Kyohei Yoshida 13Mid DetonatioN FocusMelogo stdDetonatioN FocusMe
Meron Kiichi Watanabe 14Bot Ozone Rampagelogo stdOzone Rampage
D4ra Jeon Jeong-hoon (전정훈) 15Support Ozone Rampagelogo stdOzone Rampage
Mueki Kento Ojima 24Sub/Bot 7th heavenlogo std7th heaven
Mueki subs in as starting AD carry for the tournament over Meron.


This table shows up to the 10 most recent results. For complete results, click here.

Minimum place

LJL Allstars Tournament Results - Show Prize as (LocalUSDEuros)
DatePlPrizeEventLast ResultRoster
2016-12-04NQ All-Star 2016 IWC Barcelona
2015-11-29NQ All-Star 2015 IWC Melbourne
2 - 4Blanklogo stdRR
 Evi,  Rainbrain,  Ceros,  Mueki,  D4ra,  Meron
Total Prize: USD 0

