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LDM Mexico Tournament Results - Show Prize as (LocalUSDEuros)
DatePlPrizeEventLast ResultRoster
2021-04-041$75,000$75,000$75,000 DDH 2021 Opening Playoffs
3 : 2Team Azelogo stdAZE
 Nipphu,  LiquidDiego,  Flare,  Gavotto,  Tyr,  ScrappyDoo
2021-03-111$35,000$ 1,693.36€ 1,415.15 DDH 2021 Opening
17 - 1Blanklogo stdRR
 Nipphu,  LiquidDiego,  Flare,  Gavotto,  Tyr,  ScrappyDoo
2020-11-305 - 6 Copa Off Season 2020
0 : 1We Talentlogo stdWT
 Bazu,  LiquidDiego,  Xuradel,  Gavotto,  EpicReaper,  Scarface
Total Prize: MXN 110,000