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LDL 2024 Placements
LDL 2022 Logo
Tournament Information
OrganizerTencent Games
Location & Dates
Event TypeOnline
Start Date2024-01-27
End Date2024-02-03
ScheduleSpoiler-Free Schedule
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Social Media & Links
Infobox Homepagelogo std
Infobox Weibologo std

The League of Legends Development League (LDL) is the secondary league in China.



  • 19 teams participate
    • 17 teams run by LPL organizations
    • 2 independent teams

Stage 1[]

  • 4th-19th from 2023 season participate
  • 5 rounds of swiss
  • Group deciding matches are best of three; all other matches are best of one
    • BO3 matches are "fearless draft", a team can only pick any champion once during the whole match.
  • Split 1 seeding:
    • 1st-5th are seeded into Group A (Team with 3 wins in 3rd or 4th round)
    • 6th-8th proceed to Stage 2 (Team with 3 wins in 5th round)
    • 9th-11th proceed to Stage 3 (Team with 3 loses in 5th round)
    • 12th-16th are seeded into Group B (Team with 3 loses in 3rd or 4th round)

Stage 2[]

  • 6th-8th from Stage 1 and top 3 from 2023 season play against each other
  • Matches are best of three
    • BO3 matches are "fearless draft", a team can only pick any champion once during the whole match.
  • Winners are seeded into Group A
  • Losers proceed to Stage 3

Stage 3[]

  • 9th-11th from Stage 1 and losers from Stage 2 participate
  • Single round robin
  • Matches are best of one
  • Split 1 seeding:
    • Top 2 are seeded into Group A
    • Bottom 4 are seeded into Group B
  • Show Tiebreaker Rules

Group Placements[]

QGroup AFunPlus Phoenix Blazelogo stdFunPlus Blaze
Ji Jie Haologo stdJi Jie Hao
Weibo Gaming Youth Teamlogo stdWBG Youth Team
EDward Gaming Youth Teamlogo stdEDG Youth Team
Joy Dreamlogo stdJoy Dream
Invictus Gaming Younglogo stdiG Young
MAX (Chinese Team)logo stdMAX
MiaoJinglogo stdMiaoJing
LGD Gaming Young Teamlogo stdLGD Young Team
Top Esports Challengerlogo stdTES Challenger
NQGroup BLNG Academylogo stdLNG Academy
Royal Clublogo stdRoyal Club
Bilibili Gaming Juniorlogo stdBLG Junior
Anyone's Legend.Younglogo stdAL.Young
Rare Atom Periodlogo stdRA Period
Oh My God Academylogo stdOMG Academy
ThunderTalk Gaming Younglogo stdTT Young
Ultra Prime Academylogo stdUP Academy
Team WE Academylogo stdWE Academy


Show RostersHide Rosters
1 Oh My Dream renames to Oh My God Academy.


Stage 1 (Swiss Stage)[]

Swiss Stage Standings
1FunPlus Phoenix Blazelogo stdFunPlus Phoenix Blaze3 - 0100%3W
1Ji Jie Haologo stdJi Jie Hao3 - 0100%3W
3EDward Gaming Youth Teamlogo stdEDG Youth Team3 - 175%2W
3Joy Dreamlogo stdJoy Dream3 - 175%1W
3Weibo Gaming Youth Teamlogo stdWeibo Gaming Youth Team3 - 175%1W
6Anyone's Legend.Younglogo stdAnyone's Legend.Young3 - 260%2W
6LGD Gaming Young Teamlogo stdLGD Gaming Young Team3 - 260%1W
6LNG Academylogo stdLNG Academy3 - 260%1W
9Bilibili Gaming Juniorlogo stdBilibili Gaming Junior2 - 340%2L
9Royal Clublogo stdRoyal Club2 - 340%1L
9Top Esports Challengerlogo stdTop Esports Challenger2 - 340%1L
12Oh My God Academylogo stdOh My God Academy1 - 325%2L
12Rare Atom Periodlogo stdRare Atom Period1 - 325%1L
12ThunderTalk Gaming Younglogo stdThunderTalk Gaming Young1 - 325%1L
15Team WE Academylogo stdTeam WE Academy0 - 30%3L
15Ultra Prime Academylogo stdUltra Prime Academy0 - 30%3L
TeamSwiss Round Opponents
Round 1Round 2Round 3Round 4Round 5
FunPlus Phoenix Blazelogo stdFPBThunderTalk Gaming Younglogo stdBilibili Gaming Juniorlogo stdJoy Dreamlogo std
Ji Jie Haologo stdJJHAnyone's Legend.Younglogo stdLNG Academylogo stdWeibo Gaming Youth Teamlogo std
EDward Gaming Youth Teamlogo stdEDG.YRare Atom Periodlogo stdJoy Dreamlogo stdAnyone's Legend.Younglogo stdBilibili Gaming Juniorlogo std
Joy Dreamlogo stdJDMTeam WE Academylogo stdEDward Gaming Youth Teamlogo stdFunPlus Phoenix Blazelogo stdLGD Gaming Young Teamlogo std
Weibo Gaming Youth Teamlogo stdWBG.YRoyal Clublogo stdTop Esports Challengerlogo stdJi Jie Haologo stdLNG Academylogo std
Anyone's Legend.Younglogo stdAL.YJi Jie Haologo stdThunderTalk Gaming Younglogo stdEDward Gaming Youth Teamlogo stdOh My God Academylogo stdTop Esports Challengerlogo std
LGD Gaming Young Teamlogo stdLGD.YLNG Academylogo stdRare Atom Periodlogo stdOh My God Academylogo stdJoy Dreamlogo stdBilibili Gaming Juniorlogo std
LNG Academylogo stdLNG.ALGD Gaming Young Teamlogo stdJi Jie Haologo stdRoyal Clublogo stdWeibo Gaming Youth Teamlogo stdRoyal Clublogo std
Bilibili Gaming Juniorlogo stdBLG.JOh My God Academylogo stdFunPlus Phoenix Blazelogo stdTop Esports Challengerlogo stdEDward Gaming Youth Teamlogo stdLGD Gaming Young Teamlogo std
Royal Clublogo stdRYLWeibo Gaming Youth Teamlogo stdUltra Prime Academylogo stdLNG Academylogo stdThunderTalk Gaming Younglogo stdLNG Academylogo std
Top Esports Challengerlogo stdTES.CUltra Prime Academylogo stdWeibo Gaming Youth Teamlogo stdBilibili Gaming Juniorlogo stdRare Atom Periodlogo stdAnyone's Legend.Younglogo std
Oh My God Academylogo stdOMG.ABilibili Gaming Juniorlogo stdTeam WE Academylogo stdLGD Gaming Young Teamlogo stdAnyone's Legend.Younglogo std
Rare Atom Periodlogo stdRAPEDward Gaming Youth Teamlogo stdLGD Gaming Young Teamlogo stdUltra Prime Academylogo stdTop Esports Challengerlogo std
ThunderTalk Gaming Younglogo stdTT.YFunPlus Phoenix Blazelogo stdAnyone's Legend.Younglogo stdTeam WE Academylogo stdRoyal Clublogo std
Team WE Academylogo stdWE.AJoy Dreamlogo stdOh My God Academylogo stdThunderTalk Gaming Younglogo std
Ultra Prime Academylogo stdUPATop Esports Challengerlogo stdRoyal Clublogo stdRare Atom Periodlogo std

Stage 2[]

Match 1
Qualification Match
Invictus Gaming Younglogo stdIGY
LNG Academylogo stdLNG.A
Match 2
Qualification Match
MAX (Chinese Team)logo stdMAX
LGD Gaming Young Teamlogo stdLGD.Y
Match 3
Qualification Match
MiaoJinglogo stdMJ
Anyone's Legend.Younglogo stdAL.Y

Stage 3 (Group Stage)[]

Group Stage Standings
1LGD Gaming Young Teamlogo stdLGD Gaming Young Team4 - 180%2W
2Top Esports Challengerlogo stdTop Esports Challenger3 - 260%1W
3LNG Academylogo stdLNG Academy3 - 260%1W
4Royal Clublogo stdRoyal Club2 - 340%2W
5Bilibili Gaming Juniorlogo stdBilibili Gaming Junior2 - 340%3L
6Anyone's Legend.Younglogo stdAnyone's Legend.Young1 - 420%2L

Match Schedule[]

Show AllHide All
Patch: 14.1
Swiss Round 1
Fri 26 Jan - Sat 27 JanSat 27 JanSat 27 Jan2024,1,27,06,00 - 2024,1,27,13,00
Fri 2024-01-26
Sat 2024-01-27
Sat 2024-01-27
OMG.AOh My God Academylogo std01Bilibili Gaming Juniorlogo stdBLG.J
JJHJi Jie Haologo std10Anyone's Legend.Younglogo stdAL.Y
Sat 2024-01-27
EDG.YEDward Gaming Youth Teamlogo std10Rare Atom Periodlogo stdRAP
FPBFunPlus Phoenix Blazelogo std10ThunderTalk Gaming Younglogo stdTT.Y
UPAUltra Prime Academylogo std01Top Esports Challengerlogo stdTES.C
JDMJoy Dreamlogo std10Team WE Academylogo stdWE.A
LGD.YLGD Gaming Young Teamlogo std01LNG Academylogo stdLNG.A
WBG.YWeibo Gaming Youth Teamlogo std10Royal Clublogo stdRYL
Patch: 14.1
Swiss Round 2
Sat 27 Jan - Sun 28 JanSun 28 JanSun 28 Jan2024,1,28,06,00 - 2024,1,28,13,00
Sat 2024-01-27
Sun 2024-01-28
Sun 2024-01-28
UPAUltra Prime Academylogo std01Royal Clublogo stdRYL
WE.ATeam WE Academylogo std01Oh My God Academylogo stdOMG.A
Sun 2024-01-28
LGD.YLGD Gaming Young Teamlogo std10Rare Atom Periodlogo stdRAP
TT.YThunderTalk Gaming Younglogo std01Anyone's Legend.Younglogo stdAL.Y
WBG.YWeibo Gaming Youth Teamlogo std10Top Esports Challengerlogo stdTES.C
EDG.YEDward Gaming Youth Teamlogo std01Joy Dreamlogo stdJDM
JJHJi Jie Haologo std10LNG Academylogo stdLNG.A
FPBFunPlus Phoenix Blazelogo std10Bilibili Gaming Juniorlogo stdBLG.J
Patch: 14.1
Swiss Round 3
Sun 28 Jan - Mon 29 JanMon 29 JanMon 29 Jan2024,1,29,06,00 - 2024,1,29,11,00
Sun 2024-01-28
Mon 2024-01-29
Mon 2024-01-29
FPBFunPlus Phoenix Blazelogo std21Joy Dreamlogo stdJDM
RAPRare Atom Periodlogo std20Ultra Prime Academylogo stdUPA
Mon 2024-01-29
JJHJi Jie Haologo std20Weibo Gaming Youth Teamlogo stdWBG.Y
TT.YThunderTalk Gaming Younglogo std21Team WE Academylogo stdWE.A
LGD.YLGD Gaming Young Teamlogo std10Oh My God Academylogo stdOMG.A
EDG.YEDward Gaming Youth Teamlogo std10Anyone's Legend.Younglogo stdAL.Y
BLG.JBilibili Gaming Juniorlogo std10Top Esports Challengerlogo stdTES.C
LNG.ALNG Academylogo std10Royal Clublogo stdRYL
Patch: 14.1
Swiss Round 4
Mon 29 Jan - Tue 30 JanTue 30 JanTue 30 Jan2024,1,30,06,00 - 2024,1,30,10,00
Mon 2024-01-29
Tue 2024-01-30
Tue 2024-01-30
TES.CTop Esports Challengerlogo std20Rare Atom Periodlogo stdRAP
WBG.YWeibo Gaming Youth Teamlogo std20LNG Academylogo stdLNG.A
Tue 2024-01-30
AL.YAnyone's Legend.Younglogo std20Oh My God Academylogo stdOMG.A
EDG.YEDward Gaming Youth Teamlogo std21Bilibili Gaming Juniorlogo stdBLG.J
RYLRoyal Clublogo std20ThunderTalk Gaming Younglogo stdTT.Y
JDMJoy Dreamlogo std20LGD Gaming Young Teamlogo stdLGD.Y
Patch: 14.1
Swiss Round 5
Tue 30 Jan - Wed 31 JanWed 31 JanWed 31 Jan2024,1,31,06,00 - 2024,1,31,10,00
Tue 2024-01-30
Wed 2024-01-31
Wed 2024-01-31
TES.CTop Esports Challengerlogo std12Anyone's Legend.Younglogo stdAL.Y
Wed 2024-01-31
LNG.ALNG Academylogo std21Royal Clublogo stdRYL
LGD.YLGD Gaming Young Teamlogo std20Bilibili Gaming Juniorlogo stdBLG.J
Patch: 14.1
Stage 2
Wed 31 Jan - Thu 1 FebThu 1 FebThu 1 Feb2024,2,01,06,00 - 2024,2,01,10,00
Wed 2024-01-31
Thu 2024-02-01
Thu 2024-02-01
IGYInvictus Gaming Younglogo std20LNG Academylogo stdLNG.A
Thu 2024-02-01
MAXMAX (Chinese Team)logo std21LGD Gaming Young Teamlogo stdLGD.Y
MJMiaoJinglogo std21Anyone's Legend.Younglogo stdAL.Y
Patch: 14.1
Groups Day 1
Thu 1 Feb - Fri 2 FebFri 2 FebFri 2 Feb2024,2,02,06,00 - 2024,2,02,13,00
Thu 2024-02-01
Fri 2024-02-02
Fri 2024-02-02
LGD.YLGD Gaming Young Teamlogo std10Royal Clublogo stdRYL
AL.YAnyone's Legend.Younglogo std01Bilibili Gaming Juniorlogo stdBLG.J
Fri 2024-02-02
LNG.ALNG Academylogo std10Royal Clublogo stdRYL
LGD.YLGD Gaming Young Teamlogo std10Anyone's Legend.Younglogo stdAL.Y
BLG.JBilibili Gaming Juniorlogo std10Top Esports Challengerlogo stdTES.C
AL.YAnyone's Legend.Younglogo std10LNG Academylogo stdLNG.A
TES.CTop Esports Challengerlogo std10Royal Clublogo stdRYL
LNG.ALNG Academylogo std10LGD Gaming Young Teamlogo stdLGD.Y
Patch: 14.1
Groups Day 2
Fri 2 Feb - Sat 3 FebSat 3 FebSat 3 Feb2024,2,03,06,00 - 2024,2,03,12,00
Fri 2024-02-02
Sat 2024-02-03
Sat 2024-02-03
LNG.ALNG Academylogo std01Top Esports Challengerlogo stdTES.C
LGD.YLGD Gaming Young Teamlogo std10Bilibili Gaming Juniorlogo stdBLG.J
Sat 2024-02-03
RYLRoyal Clublogo std10Anyone's Legend.Younglogo stdAL.Y
TES.CTop Esports Challengerlogo std01LGD Gaming Young Teamlogo stdLGD.Y
RYLRoyal Clublogo std10Bilibili Gaming Juniorlogo stdBLG.J
AL.YAnyone's Legend.Younglogo std01Top Esports Challengerlogo stdTES.C
BLG.JBilibili Gaming Juniorlogo std01LNG Academylogo stdLNG.A

VODs & Match Links[]

Individual Awards[]

"Man of the Match" Standings[]

MVP Standings
13Anyone's Legend.Younglogo std 5K
13LGD Gaming Young Teamlogo std climber
13LGD Gaming Young Teamlogo std Nuo
13Top Esports Challengerlogo std Qingtian
13LNG Academylogo std Xiaoyu
Click for Full Standings
13LGD Gaming Young Teamlogo std yhp
72LNG Academylogo std Darwin
72Ji Jie Haologo std Insulator
72Bilibili Gaming Juniorlogo std Junhao
72MAX (Chinese Team)logo std Lethe
72EDward Gaming Youth Teamlogo std Lime
72Joy Dreamlogo std Maggie
72Invictus Gaming Younglogo std neny
72Anyone's Legend.Younglogo std Ranchen
72Joy Dreamlogo std Redwall
72Weibo Gaming Youth Teamlogo std Rise
72FunPlus Phoenix Blazelogo std Sorrow
72EDward Gaming Youth Teamlogo std Thesnake
72Top Esports Challengerlogo std Wangxiao
72FunPlus Phoenix Blazelogo std Xingye
72Royal Clublogo std zhiqiuyi
221Team WE Academylogo std 705
221Bilibili Gaming Juniorlogo std Aherusi
221ThunderTalk Gaming Younglogo std Bat
221Royal Clublogo std Bunny
221LNG Academylogo std chips
221LNG Academylogo std DOING
221Top Esports Challengerlogo std JiaQi
221Royal Clublogo std Juice
221Weibo Gaming Youth Teamlogo std kaixuan
221Oh My God Academylogo std Linfeng
221Ji Jie Haologo std Luuuck
221Joy Dreamlogo std Lzq
221Weibo Gaming Youth Teamlogo std Munian
221Royal Clublogo std PandaC
221Top Esports Challengerlogo std Serene
221MiaoJinglogo std T1en
221Anyone's Legend.Younglogo std think
221ThunderTalk Gaming Younglogo std WAYNE
221Anyone's Legend.Younglogo std xiaohanbao
221Ji Jie Haologo std xLiang
221Royal Clublogo std Xzz
221Rare Atom Periodlogo std Yu
221Bilibili Gaming Juniorlogo std yxl
221Rare Atom Periodlogo std Z1n



Articles & Videos[]



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