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Tournament Results
Minimum place

John (John Holtzclaw) Tournament Results
DatePlEventLast ResultTeamRoster
2021-02-013 BIG League Season 4 - Group B
3 - 2Blanklogo stdRR
No Org (2021 North American Team)logo stdNO Faisal,  Quydeptrai,  Blazze,  Sketchdreams,  John,  Sidestep,  Draxyr
2021-01-1914 RCL 2021 Winter
3 - 3Blanklogo stdRR
ANEW Risinglogo stdANW.R Chim,  Hyami,  RobbyBob,  Shorthop,  John,  ArgentumSky
2021-01-095 - 8 Challengers Uprising New Years Showdown
1 : 2Not Academy Teamlogo stdNAT
ANEW Risinglogo stdANW.R Chim,  Hyami,  RobbyBob,  Shorthop,  John
2020-12-121 RCL Season 10 Playoffs
3 : 0Evil Geniuses Prodigieslogo stdEG.P
Just Randomslogo stdJR Chim,  Hyper,  CptShrimps,  Shorthop,  Ino1,  Pockus,  John,  ArgentumSky
2020-12-083 UPL 2020 Fall Playoffs
2 - 3Columbia Collegelogo stdCC
Just Randomslogo stdJR Chim,  Hyper,  Vakin,  Competition,  CptShrimps,  Shorthop,  Pockus,  John,  ArgentumSky
2020-11-177 - 8 UPL 2020 Fall Playoffs
0 - 2Maryville University Blogo stdMU.B
Mirage Sport Électroniquelogo stdMIR Dragoon,  Hyami,  RobbyBob,  KingGeorgie,  John,  Dayos
2020-10-271 UPL 2020 Fall - Cloud
4 - 2Blanklogo stdRR
Mirage Sport Électroniquelogo stdMIR Dragoon,  Hyami,  RobbyBob,  KingGeorgie,  John,  Dayos
2020-10-184 RCL Season 10 - Group C
0 - 6Blanklogo stdRR
GRIN Prophecylogo stdGRIN ItCanOnlyBeJared,  Shamwwow,  Topopotamus,  knsn,  Pythagoras,  Fas the Magi,  DarkWings,  Protos,  PK1,  SweatyToast,  John
2020-07-259 Legends Weekend League 2020
W - FFLife Supportlogo stdLFS
Simplicity Esportslogo stdSMP BMD,  Panda,  Sudzzi,  Vex,  vilas,  Lutano,  JohnathanForLong,  Salvatore
2020-07-165 - 8 Challengers Uprising Season 1 Playoffs
1 - 2Polar Acelogo stdPA
Simplicity Esportslogo stdSMP BMD,  Panda,  Sudzzi,  vilas,  JohnathanForLong,  Salvatore
2020-07-075 - 6 UPL 2020 Summer Playoffs
1 - 2Radiancelogo stdRAD
Simplicity Esportslogo stdSMP BMD,  Panda,  Sudzzi,  vilas,  JohnathanForLong
2020-05-30NQ Challengers Uprising Season 1 Open Qualifiers 1
0 : 1Logo stdBARK
Vegas Infernologo stdINF SandvichTF2,  Neq,  SavorWolf,  Notorious GAD,  JohnathanForLong
2020-05-24NQ Legends Weekend League Open Qualifier 4
1 : 2Maryville Universitylogo stdMU
Vegas Infernologo stdINF SandvichTF2,  Neq,  SavorWolf,  Notorious GAD,  JohnathanForLong
2020-05-17NQ Legends Weekend League Open Qualifier 3
0 : 2Wildcard Gaminglogo stdWC
Vegas Infernologo stdINF SandvichTF2,  Neq,  SavorWolf,  Notorious GAD,  JohnathanForLong
2020-05-10NQ Legends Weekend League Open Qualifier 2
1 : 2Supernovalogo stdSN
Vegas Infernologo stdINF SandvichTF2,  Neq,  SavorWolf,  Notorious GAD,  JohnathanForLong
2020-05-03NQ Legends Weekend League Open Qualifier 1
0 : 1Dark Matterlogo stdSNDM
Vegas Infernologo stdINF SandvichTF2,  Neq,  SavorWolf,  Notorious GAD,  JohnathanForLong
2020-05-01NQ BIG League Season 3 Open Qualifier 2
0 : 1Logo stdCLOW
Vegas Infernologo stdINF SandvichTF2,  Neq,  SavorWolf,  Notorious GAD,  JohnathanForLong
2020-04-25NQ BIG League Season 3 Open Qualifier 1
0 : 1Gathering Storm (North American Team)logo stdGS
Vegas Infernologo stdINF SandvichTF2,  Neq,  Nebula,  Notorious GAD,  JohnathanForLong
2020-03-103 UPL 2020 Spring - Cloud
2 - 4Blanklogo stdRR
Vegas Infernologo stdINF SandvichTF2,  Neq,  Nebula,  Notorious GAD,  SavorWolf,  JohnathanForLong,  Zachslash