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Tournament Results
Minimum place

Jatt Tournament Results
DatePlEventLast ResultTeamRoster
2021-08-015 LCS 2021 Summer
27 - 18Blanklogo stdRR
Team Liquidlogo stdTL Alphari,  Jenkins,  Santorin,  Armao,  Jensen,  Tactical,  CoreJJ,  Jatt,  Kold,  H4xDefender
2021-04-112 LCS 2021 Mid-Season Showdown
2 : 3Cloud9logo stdC9
Team Liquidlogo stdTL Alphari,  Santorin,  Armao,  Jensen,  Tactical,  CoreJJ,  Jatt,  Kold
2021-03-143 LCS 2021 Spring
12 - 6Blanklogo stdRR
Team Liquidlogo stdTL Alphari,  Santorin,  Jensen,  Tactical,  CoreJJ,  Jatt,  Kold
2021-01-311 LCS 2021 Lock In
3 : 2Cloud9logo stdC9
Team Liquidlogo stdTL Alphari,  Armao,  Santorin,  Jensen,  Tactical,  CoreJJ,  Jatt,  Kold
2020-10-089 - 12 Worlds 2020
3 - 3Blanklogo stdRR
Team Liquidlogo stdTL Impact,  Broxah,  Jensen,  Tactical,  CoreJJ,  Jatt,  Cain
2020-09-053 LCS 2020 Summer Playoffs
2 : 3TSMlogo stdTSM
Team Liquidlogo stdTL Impact,  Broxah,  Jensen,  Tactical,  CoreJJ,  Jatt,  Cain
2020-08-091 LCS 2020 Summer
15 - 3Blanklogo stdRR
Team Liquidlogo stdTL Impact,  Broxah,  Jensen,  Tactical,  CoreJJ,  Jatt,  Cain
2016-04-012 2016 League of Draven Caster Showdown
0 : 1EUWOTM8logo stdEUM8
NACLlogo stdNACL Dash,  DefinitelyNotHuni,  Kobe,  Jatt,  Jatt-B-M,  Phreak,  Phreaky,  Zirene
2012-06-012 Riot World Invitational
0 : 2Logo stdWORL
Logo stdRIOT Milkcow,  Jatt,  Roku,  Classick,  Statikk
2011-12-115 - 8 WCG Grand Finals 2011
1 : 2Chicks Dig Elologo stdCDE
Dignitaslogo stdDIG Voyboy,  Jatt,  scarra,  imaqtpie,  L0cust
2011-11-203 MLG 2011 Championship Providence
0 : 2TSMlogo stdTSM
Dignitaslogo stdDIG Voyboy,  Jatt,  Scarra,  imaqtpie,  L0cust
2011-11-19Q MLG 2011 Providence Qualifiers
2 : 1Team Curselogo stdCRS
Dignitaslogo stdDIG Voyboy,  Jatt,  Scarra,  imaqtpie,  L0cust
2011-11-131 Rampage King of The Hill Series
2 : 1TSMlogo stdTSM
Dignitaslogo stdDIG Voyboy,  Jatt,  Scarra,  imaqtpie,  L0CUST
2011-10-165 - 6 IEM Season 6 New York
1 : 2Ordinance Gaminglogo stdOG
Dignitaslogo stdDIG Voyboy,  Jatt,  scarra,  imaqtpie,  L0cust
2011-10-091 IPL 3 Atlantic City
2 : 1Epik Gamerlogo stdEPIK
Dignitaslogo stdDIG Scarra,  Jatt,  LoCicero,  imaqtpie,  L0cust
2011-05-297 - 8 Worlds Season 1 Qualifier - NA
0 : 2Logo stdDEFY
Disciples of Da Gr8 Whale Lordlogo stdWHALE Poisonidon,  GuardsmanBob,  Cirque,  Smgzy,  Jatt
2011-04-244 Go4LoL NA 8
0 : 1HKEGGlogo stdHKEGG
Logo stdMADE CallMeVigoss,  A800,  Jatt,  Stanley0506,  chillfish,  insaner666
2011-04-025 - 8 Go4LoL NA 2011 March Finals
0 : 1Logo stdGREE
Disciples of Da Gr8 Whale Lordlogo stdWHALE Cirque,  Jatt,  Poisonidon,  awowa,  GuardsmanBob
2011-03-201 Go4LoL NA 3
1 : 0TSMlogo stdTSM
Disciples of Da Gr8 Whale Lordlogo stdWHALE awowa,  Jatt,  GuardsmanBob,  Atlanta,  Cirque,  nicosharp
2011-03-131 Go4LoL NA 2
1 : 0Logo stdDEFY
Disciples of Da Gr8 Whale Lordlogo stdWHALE Jatt,  Poisonidon,  Smgzor,  awowa,  nicosharp,  GuardsmanBob
2010-11-303 Newegg Winter Wanfest 2010
1 : 2Team OPlogo stdOP
Rock Solidlogo stdRS Voyboy,  scarra,  rambo,  Naryt,  Th3RaT,  samtheham,  Araragi,  Jatt