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Ionia Crest

Ionia is a land of unspoiled beauty and natural magic. Its inhabitants, living in scattered settlements across this massive island continent, are a spiritual people who seek to live in harmony and balance with the world. There are many orders and sects across Ionia, each following their own (often conflicting) paths and ideals. Self-sufficient and isolationist, Ionia has remained largely neutral in the wars that have ravaged Valoran over the centuries – until it was invaded by Noxus. This brutal conflict and occupation has forced Ionia to reassess its place in the world. How it reacts and the future path Ionia will follow is as yet undetermined, but will be of great importance to Runeterra.


Directly Related Champions

Ahri 0 Akali 0 Irelia 0 Ivern 0 Jhin 0 Karma 0 Kayn 0 Kennen 0 LeeSin 0 Masteryi 0
Rakan 0 Sett 0

Shen 0 Syndra 0 Varus 0 Wukong 0 Xayah 0 Yasuo 0 Zed 0

Linked Champions
Bard 0 Darius 0 Diana 0 Gangplank 0 Lux 0 Nami 0 Nidalee 0 Riven 0 link:Ryze Singed 0
Sona 0 Swain 0 link:Taliyah Udyr 0 XinZhao 0


Ionia Detailed Crest

Ionia Crest

Ionia is a naturally beautiful continent nation full of ancient trees, tall mountains and tranquil rivers. The entire landscape is covered with large patches of forests teeming with life.

Creation of the Vastaya

The vastaya's origins can be traced back to a hidden corner of Ionia where a group of humans fled to escape the Great Void War. There, these refugees came into contact with a tribe of intelligent shapeshifting creatures who were greatly in tune with the world's natural magicks. These spiritual creatures, known as the Vasthayshai'rei, welcomed the human refugees and eventually produced what Runeterrans now refer to as vastaya - a blanket classification for any number of species of chimeric creatures. Over time, the varied offshoots began to settle in different regions and naturally adopted different forms (simian, avine, piscine etc.) according to the creatures which most embodied their strongest characteristics.

Sometime after, many Vastaya migrated to far away lands outside of their original home of Ionia.

Destruction of the God-Willow

In ancient times, after the creation of the Vastaya, some of these races individuals have started residing and protecting the sacred spiritual tree known as the God-Willow (or Heart of the World). Located in the sacred grove of Omikayalan. This massive tree, dripping with long gossamer leaves that shimmered with golden-green light, was of immense importance to both Human Ionians and the Vastaya people of the continent, which guarded the tree from anyone who wished it harm. Unfortunately, the tree was destroyed due to an invading war party from the Freljord, its leader transformed by its natural energy into the being known as IvernSquareIvern Bramblefoot.

Ancient Darkin Influence

Narrated by EzrealSquareEzreal

"Take a look at this. It's a stained glass window from Demacia.

Don't ask me how I got it. I'm going to give it back, I promise. I'm borrowing it for research, and they'll never know it's missing. Demacians never stop talking about light, so what do they really need a window for, anyway?

Look closely. See the shape in the center with the wings and the jagged sword? That's the AatroxSquarefigure I've been seeing everywhere.

This is the first artifact that really got me thinking. It's not that old, and it can't really go back more than a few generations at most. I asked around, and nobody knows what the figure is or if he has a name. They all agreed on one thing though: whoever this figure is, he's clearly someone worth remembering to be immortalized like this.

But why does he appear in so many other places? So many of these artifacts are ancient, and some are from lost civilizations so old they don't even have names.

How is that possible?

The Shadows Released

An orphan, ZedSquareZed was taken in and trained by a great ninja master. Only one other student appeared to be Zed's equal - the master's son, ShenSquareShen. It seemed Zed could never win the favor of the master, as every match between the rivals ended in a draw. Frustrated and jealous, he sought an advantage. The young ninja ventured into a sealed part of the clan's temple, where he found an ornate, foreboding box. Sensing the dark knowledge within, Zed knew he should not open it, but he peered inside nonetheless. In an instant, shadows touched his mind, revealing techniques that had long been hidden. Now armed with a secret edge, he challenged Shen, and this time he defeated the master's son. He expected praise and recognition in his moment of victory, but somehow the master knew Zed had used forbidden ways, and banished him.

Humiliated, the young ninja wandered for years. His bitterness turned to ambition, and he began to train others in the style of the shadows. But he knew that without the box his style would never be perfect and thus he swore to return there one day and retrieve the box.

The Fall of the Kinkou Order

One day, ZedSquareZed looked at his followers and saw that his students were now an army. He led them back to the temple to claim his prize. At the gates, he was surprised to find the old master waiting, receiving Zed and his disciples as if they were welcome guests. The old man laid his sword at Zed's feet, declaring that he had failed Zed as his master. By banishing his former student, the master had doomed Zed to the shadows, instead of leading him to the balanced path. The old man implored Zed to enter the temple, destroy the box, and lead his followers to balance. The dark ninja followed the master inside. Moments later, the assembled ninjas heard Zed cry out in pain. Mysteriously, he emerged unscathed and threw the severed head of the master at Shen's feet. Screaming in rage, Zed commanded his followers to slaughter the master's students and seize the box.

That day, the old ninja order fell. Though many students died, some escaped thanks to ShenSquareShen's heroic efforts. Now the temple is a dark training ground for the Order of Shadows. Zed rules as the Order's master, and his edict is simple: perfect one's technique, and kill all ninjas who refuse to embrace the shadows.

Irelia concept 7

Mural of the Noxian Invasion of Ionia

Noxian Invasion

From its formation, the residents of Ionia preferred to pursue personal enlightenment instead of waging constant battles with other nations. The militaristic nation of Noxus saw their "weakness" as an opportunity. No longer in direct war with Demacia, Noxus had turned its expansionist eye towards conquering those who remained outside of the Demacians' jurisdiction. Noxian spies began to trade aggressively with the Ionians, traveling the island to study its weaknesses and identify critical targets. When the plan was formed, the forces of Noxus struck.

The southern provinces of Ionia were the most open to trade and were also among the wealthiest. It was there that the Noxian forces landed under the cover of night. After being met with little resistance, Noxus’ forces formed their first beachheads and began their invasion. While the war was heavily in the favor of the Noxian forces, the Ionians would not surrender. In response to a growing Ionian resistance, Noxus brought in mercenaries from Zaun. The mad scientists implemented unspeakable tactics, unleashing their cruel creations on noncombatant civilians. These acts of terror were what finally brought forth the full anger of the Ionians.

Bringing all its might and martial traditions to bear, the island nation fought back fiercely. The turning point of the war came at the "Great Stand of the Placidium", where the Ionians forced the Noxians to stop their advance and give ground. Though they suffered high casualties, the Ionian warriors eventually brought the invaders to a stalemate, pushing them back to their power bases on the island. Despite their losses, the forces of Noxus remained in control of three of the wealthiest southern provinces – Galrin, Navori, and Shon-Xan.

The Battle of Bard Mountain

Noxian troops tried to capture the Bard Mountains and obtain a Celestial artifact bestowed to the Ionians of the Floating villages. During the battle, the village sage was tasked to take the artifact to one of the Celestial shrines on the top of one of the villages peaks. The Noxians mortally wounded him with arrows before he could reach the shrine. However, as his last act of defiance, he used the artifact to strike his would-be-killer, obliterating him and slicing a nearby mountain in half (seemingly faltering in his duties). This misuse of the egg's power had drawn the attention of a BardSquareCelestial, who promptly intervened in the event. He retrieved the artifact and took it away from the mortal plane before the Noxians and Ionians could use its power for war.

Trial for the Isle

Seven years after the Noxian invasion began, the remaining Ionian Families, brought together by the Duchess Karma, had decided that there was only one recourse left. They openly challenged Noxus with a duel of their finest warriors. "Trial for the Isle" was perhaps one of the most famous duels of all time. Unfortunately for the Ionians, they lost, albeit amidst questionable circumstances. Some insist that Noxus’ victory came as the result of pre-duels tampering.

The results of the duel allowed Noxian forces to legitimately occupy the southern regions of Ionia. Native Ionians were treated as second-class citizens by the ruling Noxian elite. Soldiers, political dissidents, and anyone else who threatened the Noxians was interred into labor camps. Forces continued to plunder the wealth and natural resources of the island, sending the spoils back to Noxus. There was much external political pressure, particularly on the part of Demacia, for the invaders to leave. The Noxian High Command claimed they remain there to assist the island nation's future development, and that they would leave once Ionia had been modernized enough to economically compete in the world and protect itself from foreign threats.

Protest of the Shojin Monk

Eight years have passed before southern Ionia could challenge Noxus once again for their independence. However, protests in Ionia were on the rise, particularly due to the self-immolation of the Shojin monk, Lee SinSquareLee Sin, within the Lotus Garden. These public outcries had its effects. Ionians claimed that fifteen years was far too long a stay to grant to the invaders, and that Noxus had taken advantage of the nation. Demands for an earlier rematch were made with IreliaSquareIrelia, the Ionian Captain of the Guard, at the helm of the effort. Despite Noxian protests that such challenges border on illegality, Ionia gained much support in the court of public opinion. In a stunningly direct speech, Jarvan IVSquarePrince Jarvan IV, the Exemplar of Demacia, spoke out against the Noxian occupation. He stated that if Noxus didn't retreat from the island nation, that he would personally intervene in the matter.

Path to the Rematch

As weeks passed Chancellor Malek Hawkmoon, the officer charged with overseeing the Noxian presence in Ionia, returned from an emergency conference in Noxus. Hawkmoon gave a stunning response to the protests across Valoran, stating that while the demands on the side of Ionia were unlawful, it was within Noxus' right to grant Ionia its rematch before the proper term had elapsed. Should Ionia desire to meet Noxus in a duel again to determine the fate of southern provinces, then Noxus would accept the terms of a rematch. The Convergence of Elders called an assembly immediately following Hawkmoon's speech.

After the Elders' meeting had ended, KarmaSquareDuchess Karma announced Ionia's acceptance of Noxus’ offer. The two nations entered negotiations to solidify the stakes of the match. It was ultimately determined that if Ionia won, Noxus must withdraw its forces in full, and immediately halt any and all extraction of Ionian resources. However, should Noxus prevail, Ionia must completely surrender the southern provinces to the nation of Noxus, and furnish one Noxian designee with a seat amongst the Ionian Elders. This would give Noxus a voice and ear inside the government of Ionia. Five champions for each side were chosen to represent their nations for this duel. These champions would later meet in a single battle to determine the fate of Ionia.

Aftermath of the Rematch

The Ionia versus Noxus Rematch ended in a decisive victory for Ionia over Noxus, allowing the Ionians to reclaim their southern provinces. Noxian forces began withdrawing from those regions as the citizens of Galrin, Navori, and Shon-Xan erupted in celebration prior to their occupiers vacating completely. The regions had been cut off from the rest of Ionia for seven years and Ionians from all over the island descended upon the regions to share food, supplies, and support. Tearful reunions between long-separated families became a common sight throughout Ionia. Many citizens gathered in droves at the Lotus Gardens. They anxiously awaited the fate of Lee Sin, the burning monk from the Shojin Monastery, who incited the protest by setting himself aflame. It was only when the monk was greeted by his sister from the liberated province of Galrin that he allowed the flame to be extinguished. His brethren then hastened the monk’s blistered body swiftly back to the monastery for treatment.

The invasion, occupation, protest, and finally liberation in this long chapter of Ionia’s history had at last drawn to a close.

Noxian liberation celebrations

The Lotus Gardens/Ionia Capital City/Ionia

Nov 6th, 6 years ago.

The wind blows softly throughout the Lotus Gardens of Ionia, its magically-lit lanterns swaying softly from side to side. Many people were gathered throughout the courtyard, with tables filled with traditional Ionian delicacies lining the walkways. People from all over Ionia, wearing traditional formal wear of their respective clans, and military personnel wearing celebratory uniform came for the festivities. This particular Garden, however, was not often the site for such festivities.

Several prominent figures sat upon the center table. Ionia's champions, Master YiSquareMaster Yi and SorakaSquareSoraka as well as other leading figures such as Randuin- the leader of the Kashuld Clan, Shen- representing the Kinkou and even the Empress of Ionia, KarmaSquareKarma herself.

IreliaSquareIrelia stood up from her seat as the chatter quieted, "Thank you all for your support. I will do my best to honor you all as a champion in the name of Ionia. Our fight has not yet ended, but we must endure until our lands are liberated of our Noxian invaders. We must be strong and we must endure for the future of our people. I choose this location to remind you all of the resolve of our country. Let us follow the path that our Shojin brother has blazed for us," she raised her glass in the direction of the burning Monk to the corner of the courtyard, "Balance in all things!"

The crowd cheered, the music began to play... and the festivities began!

The Festival

During the night of the Festival of Fire and Blood Moon, Ionian people were treated to various musical and theatric performances pertaining to Ionian history or legend. The headlining performance featured League Champions ShenSquareShen, the Eye of Twilight, and AkaliSquareAkali, the Fist of Shadow, who performed The Tale of Reina, a legend in which an ancient Ionian warrior is hunted by an evil spirit. Akali took the part of Reina herself, dressed in formal Ionian red and white battle garb, and Shen played the spirit that plagued her, adorned with a fearsome mask. As the legend goes, Reina fled the spirit for years, yet it always found and tormented her. Finally, Reina donned her own mask to confront the spirit, but when she turned to face it, it never came again, frightened away by her strength.

When the sun rose in the morning and the Tree had become almost fully concealed behind scrolls, an Ionian summoner lit them briefly aflame. As the magic dissipated, the sun shone brilliantly through the branches of the Great Tree. Master Hana, an Ionian adjudicator, stated that this was the festival's greatest lesson: out of any darkness comes the grandest of light.

The Celestial Fortress

During her training, SyndraSquareSyndra, the Dark Sovereign discovered that her magic had stopped evolving. She went to her master to demand an answer for this. He said that he sealed her magic in hopes that she would learn restraint and control. Enraged, she assaulted him and demanded that he lift the seal. Her master threatened her that if she does not learn, he would be forced to strip her of her magic completely. Syndra lifted her master instead and smashed him to the wall killing him and ultimately releasing her from the seal.

She refused to return to her village and so she turned the temple into her fortress and lifted it into the sky. She now plots her revenge against the Elders of Ionia.

Direct Lore[]

  • Eduard Santangelo's Vastaya Field Journal

Chimeras with human blood? Spiritual magic from an ancient race? In my humble inquiries I have stumbled upon afar greater questions...this shall make for quite the chronicle. A best-seller, in fact. "Eduard Santangelo, gentleman of Piltover, explorer of ionia, who discovered the wondrous vastaya in the wilds of Ionia." I can already hear them clamoring for the first edition.

Related Lore[]


Visions of Ionia[]

Visions of Ionia 1

The First Lands - Magic suffuses every part of Ionia—its people, its history, and most of all the land itself. All aspects of life there hang in a balance, with still so much left to be discovered and explored. Those who call this vast continent home strive to find harmony among the diverse races and habitats, far older than most others on Runeterra.

Visions of Ionia 2

Life as One - The people of Ionia’s many provinces have always seen themselves as part of the natural world, and adapted their ways to live alongside all manner of fantastical flora and fauna. To outsiders, such a close relationship may appear strange, but it is through this interdependence that both the land and its inhabitants have thrived for countless generations.

Visions of Ionia 3

An Ancient and Respected History - It is certain Ionia has a much longer and richer history than any living soul could claim to know. Indeed, in the more remote mountain passes, the landscape is still littered with evidence of great wars from ages past—but instead of clearing the ruins, the Ionians choose to respect what remains, even if they no longer fully understand what it represents.

Visions of Ionia 4

The Great Monasteries - Though the birthplace of many specialized forms of martial arts, Ionia maintains no standing armies. Rather, the ways of battle are tied to differing philosophies, passed on with reverence and care. In the northeastern mountains, the monastery of Hirana has long been a sanctuary for those seeking to better understand their connection to the spirit realm.

Visions of Ionia 5

Built Into Nature - Ionian architecture is characterized by a sense of natural flow and grace, aspiring to reflect the ethereal beauty of the land. Grand, open spaces ensure that one is never fully divorced from what organically existed there before.

Visions of Ionia 6

The Placidium of Navori - Situated at the heart of the continent, the Placidium is one of Ionia’s most sacred places. Many have journeyed here to study at renowned schools, or meditate in its wild, magical gardens. Undoubtedly, this was why it became such a tempting target for the invading armies of Noxus...

Visions of Ionia 7

The Great Stand - It was at the Placidium that the people of Ionia finally took up arms against their Noxian enemies. But the cost of that day’s victory was immense, and some now question if fighting back was the right decision, since the harmonious balance of their homeland may have been lost forever.

Ionia is a continent-spanning nation off the east coast of the Valoran, northeast of Noxus. The currently well-known locations encompassing Ionia are:

Bard Mountain[]

Bard Mountain is the location of the Floating Villages which housed an incredibly powerful Celestial artifact and was the first recent location from which BardSquareBard came to intervene in mortal affairs.

Celestial Fortress[]

Celestial Fortress is the floating castle of SyndraSquareSyndra, currently somewhere above Ionia.


Galrin is an island in southern-most Ionia.

Hirana Monastery[]

Hirana Monastery is a place of which monks are renowned for self-control, located somewhere in the northeast regions.

Jyom Pass[]

Located in the southern province of Zhyun, Jyom Pass was the location where JhinSquareKhada Jhin was captured by Kusho, ShenSquareShen, and ZedSquareZed. The Blossom Festival was held here.

Ionian Capital City[]

The Ionian capital city, located in the southwestern part of Ionia, northwest of Navori.

The Lotus Garden, a sacred place mainly used as an area for meditation, is found in the Capital City.

Kashuri Armories[]

Located in the southern parts of Ionia, The Kashuri Armories have been making weapons for a long time, mostly swords and bows. The war against Noxus had changed that. They began making poor copies of hextech weapons during the war. Now they have been "inspired" to make new weapons harnessing the abundant magic in Ionia. Hextech uses a little bit of magic very efficiently. JhinSquareKhada Jhin's weapons use a lot of magic.

Kinkou Monastery[]

The Kinkou Monastery is the home to an ancient warrior-clan, on the northwestern island.

Lhotlan Tribe[]

Located deep within an unknown Ionian magical forest, it is the home of the Lhotlan Tribe of Humanoid Avian Vastaya of the same name. The most well-known inhabitants from this tribe are the freedom fighters known as RakanSquareRakan and XayahSquareXayah.

Master Yi's Village[]

The birthplace of Master YiSquareMaster Yi and the art of Wuju, it has since been destroyed during the Noxian Invasion of Ionia.


Located across an archipelago, Navori is a central province home to verious villages, prestigious schools, sacred magical gardens and the iconic Placidium of Navori. These cluster of islands are linked together with large magical bridges that form roads between them.


Known as the Heart of the World, the grove is a sacred place all Ionians. Chimeric beings, the Vastaya, half human, half animal protected its most important landmark: the God Willow, a massive tree, dripping with long gossamer leaves that shimmered with golden-green light. During ancient times, a battle between the groves protectors and Freljordian warriors ended with the God-Willows destruction. The whimpers of countless beasts, the bawling of rivers, the howling of trees and the dripping tears of moss, they lamented the God-Willow’s death in a symphony of mourning. Centuries have passed and at the place where the God-Willow once stood, a being known as the IvernSquareGreen Father emerged with a clear in his mission and purpose in life, to protect all life and teach the world's people to respect and appreciate all that is.


The ancient village Pallas was established upon the coastal shore, onlooking the sea that separates Ionia and Valoran. The inhabitants of this village have forgotten their uncounted and long history but their duty as custodians to the Temple of Pallas has never gone abandoned.


The Placidium, one of Ionia’s most iconic structures, it is located in the heart of the nation. This building is home to the School of Transcendentalism, an organization dedicated to raising Runeterra’s populace to the greatest spiritual heights possible. The school is most noted for having the League champion SorakaSquareSoraka as part of its governing board of regents. Habitants flock to the school, seeking the secrets of spiritual enlightenment. Many of Ionia’s most successful diplomats have spent at least some time studying at the School of Transcendentalism.

Shimon Tribe[]

Located deep within unknown Ionian magical jungle, it is the home of the Humanoid Simian Vastaya of the same name. The most well-known inhabitant of this tribe is the Wuju disciple known as WukongSquareWukong.


Aeons ago a gold-armored figure arrived upon the western shore of Ionia, bringing with her an insatiable device. Here she imprisoned a bow within a deep chasm and sealed it off using the natural magic from the Ionian landscape. The nearby settlement was tasked with maintaining the seals as what lurked inside was powerful enough to fade magic and eventually be unleashed. Erecting a grand temple the villagers haven't wavered from this task, despite it's purpose being forgotten to them.

Temple of Pallas[]

The Temple of Pallas is located somewhere in the southern regions.

Temple of the Jagged Knife[]

The Temple of the Jagged Knife is controlled by ZedSquareZed's Order of the Shadows. It has been previously ransacked by GangplankSquareGangplank and his pirate crew.

Tevasa Mountain[]

At the footholds of this mountain, there is a small peaceful village with approximately hundred people. During the Noxian invasion of Ionia, pillaging Noxian soldiers were defeated by the hands of AhriSquareAhri, the Nine-Tailed Fox who grew attached to all the villagers and had a desire to protect them from harm.


Tuula is a city located in the southern mountainous province of Zhyun. It is in its prison where JhinSquareKhada Jhin was initially imprisoned by Kusho, ShenSquareShen, and ZedSquareZed.


A southern mountainous province of Ionia, it was previously plagued by the infamous JhinSquareGolden Demon. Tuula and Jyom Pass are located within this region. Before the Invasion of Ionia, Zhyun was known to have its own Council.




Ionia has a myriad of over 200 different species of talking Dragons. Those who study them also speak of ancient, elemental runes split between the bloodlines. These will instill the dragon that bears it with potent magic of wind, earth, water, or fire.

Luonn Kon[]

Ionia 16

The Giant Luonn Kon

Luonn Kon are giant spirit animals located in Ionia. They take the appearance of massive stone golems and are often benevolent in nature. Some of them assist local inhabitants in creating makeshift dams.

Sun Apples[]

Sun apples are a common type of tree located in Ionia. Its fruit can warm a person and even tan a persons entire body.


Residing from the Nistaram forest this terrifying predator is a theropod-type creature with eight eyes on each side of its head, a large horn atop the snout, and a maw with multiple rows of pointed teeth.


Large heard of animals found in Ionia. They are described as goat-like buffalo.


River Grass[]

River Grasses are located in central parts of Ionia. Thise red coloured grasses flow and move with the tides of magic. Landfishers, if intinued with the magic of the landscape, can cultivate and collect all the grains and fruits that grow in these areas.

Yellow Crabs[]

Located near the coastal Azure Farms of Ionia, these specific crabs are intuned with the spiritual energies of the area. At certain times of the year, people might give offerings and gifts to the local sea spirits. If those offerings are appreciated, thousands of yellow crabs might walk onto the beaches and just wait to be captured later in the year.



The Ionian continent is a haven for beings who seek spiritual evolution and enlightenment. While populated primarily by humans, some yordles and beings of unique origin also make Ionia their home. There are many spiritual centers and schools of enlightenment in Ionia, each one working in harmony with one another to find the answers to life’s mystical questions. Why are we here? Who are we? What does life truly mean? Such pursuits leave little time for thoughts of imperialism; the Ionians are extremely peaceful by nature.

The Ionians dedicate their lives to pursuing spiritual enlightenment instead of conflict; what kind of enlightenment is up to the individual. The mystics of Ionia delve into many mysteries, pioneering the very depths of spirituality. While many of them devote themselves to the pursuit of peace and light, there are those who walk different paths. Some pursue the beauty of perpetual sorrow, some the excitement of darkness, some the vitality of the primal. Most Ionians find violence distasteful and try not to resort to using it when resolving issues. That does not mean, however, that they are helpless or unable to defend themselves.

Diplomacy is an art in Ionia, and Ionian diplomats are revered by its citizens. Ionian courts are known all across Valoran as paradigms of fairness and neutrality. Ionian adjudicators are some of the most sought-after political individuals from all the nations.

Ionia is a place visually marked by numerous gardens and temples. Nature preserves and parks fill the Ionian countryside. A serene aesthetic dominates the landscape, even at its harbor and in its industrial sectors. Buildings are constructed with the goal of preserving the environment as much as possible. All of Ionia’s structures are ornately decorated, especially the temples. Magic is used liberally in the city, though only for peaceful purposes. Several of the nations largest nexuses have been shaped into prominent temples and houses of communal contemplation.


Ionia is home to many human languages, the Zhyun dialect is the most-spoken of the Ionian lingua franca. It is unknown if the Ionian language is related to either or neither of the unrelated & obscure languages spoken by KarmaSquareKarma & YasuoSquareYasuo.

  • KarmaSquareKarma language:
    • Gaen Na Kyri Vi. - Reap the winds of.
    • Jia - Pain.
    • Lath Rian Oune Vi. - Weave the threads of.
    • Phyla - Tranquility.
    • Sae Eleisa Tera Vi. - Discover the meaning of.
    • Saera - Magic.
  • YasuoSquareYasuo language:
    (Sino-Japonic based, though flawed)
    • Aseryo! - Impatient/You're impatient! (depends on context) or Morning Dragon.
    • Choryon - Elder; Son! - A Kiai (combat shout).
    • Hasag - Crush/crushing (usually a vertical, downward strike).
    • Hasagi - Cutting edge.
    • Igei Ton - The dawn remains/Except/other than the dawn.
    • Son
    • Sorye - "That way" or "Take that".
    • Sorye Ge To - Towards the dawn/To raise towards the dawn.
    • Ton - Dawn or Blunt (literally in that context "stupid").

Apart from the human languages on Ionia, there is also the Vastaya language, one of whose various dialects is Baraashi, as spoken by Lhotlan's tribe-members RakanSquareRakan and XayahSquareXayah.[2]
(Baraashi used elements of the Finnish & Arabic languages as its basis)

  • Vastaya Baraashi dialect (Lhotlan Tribe)
    • Baasi - I (future tense).
    • Eli, Ella - Love (masculine, feminine).
    • Faash - They (present tense).
    • Ighilya - Great Grandmother.
    • Iminha - Little One.
    • Mi - My.
    • Mieli, Miella - My Love (masculine, feminine).
    • Mu'takl - A slang for "Blood traitor".
    • Na - To not be.
    • Om - Magic.
    • Ouulavaash - Farewell.
    • Soura - To Gather.
    • Taitah be tervaash - Rest in peace/well.
    • Tann - Here.
    • Va'h - To be (present tense).
    • Vastaya - Vastaya (the people).
    • Vi - Wild.
    • Vi-om - Wild-magic.


Blood Moon[]

She woke up screaming.

Red. Everything had been so red. And in the center of the bloodbath, the masked warriors had danced, eyes aglow with murderous intent. Good night, their eyes had whispered.

Her companions crowded around her, worried. Behind them, the fire burned low. Above them, thick clouds suffocated the sky.

“What did you see?”

She paused. Did she dare call on those apparitions? “Just.. a bad dream. It was only a dream.”

They returned to their slumber, and she sighed, still shaken. “It was only a dream,” she repeated.

A sudden wind shook the trees around the site. She shivered, closing her eyes and wishing for morning.

As the clouds parted above, red moonlight bloodied the ground.

Garden of Forgetting[]

Stories tell that those who stepped over the threshold of the garden began as one person and left as someone else entirely, or did not leave at all. The Gardener of this fabled place was known as Ighilya (Ionian: 'Great grandmother') also known as the Eater of Secrets, the Forgotten, or the Witch Gardener. The flowers and the fruit of this Garden have deep magical properties that can take away a person's memories or life essence.

Lunar Guardian[]

"There was an age when darkness smothered all hope. A traveler arrived, late into that twilight hour, bearing with him the first light of dawn."

Legend tells of a land choked to darkness under the grip of two fell queens, their sigils wolf and serpent.

A traveler arrived on one gray morning and beheld an ancient evil buried beneath the pale queens' mortal disguises.

Revealing his own true form, the traveler shattered their porcelain shells, exposing the blackened spirits within.

The three fought a brutal battle, crashing into the violent sea and out of sight, save for the echoing flashes of the wanderer's light.

As the new day broke, the forgotten glow of dawn speared the fading clouds and the last year became the next. Though the dark still lurked beyond every doused flame, the people no longer feared the night. The traveler had brought radiant hope with the rising dawn."


Blossom Festival[]

A festival where painters, musicians, calligrapher and other types of artists celebrate the artistry of Ionia. One such festival was held in Jyom Pass in the Zhyun province where the infamous JhinSquareKhada Jhin was finally captured.

The Fire and Blood Moon Festivals[]

Ionians from every province gathered beneath the flowered branches of the Great Tree in the Serene Gardens yesterday for the nations’s annual Festival of Fire. An early summer tradition, this festival was a symbol of Ionian culture, celebrating the cleansing and rebirth of the spirit.

From the sunset till the dawn the citizens of Ionia face “The Blood Moon” to cleanse their fears and woes.

The festival starts in the morning in the Serene Gardens. During the day the citizens enjoy the local artists' performance, shop from the vendors along the garden’s edge are filled with shops.

All the visitors can write on a scroll their woes and worries and hang it on the Great tree Branches.

During the night, Ionian citizens were treated to various musical and theatrical performances pertaining to Ionian history or legend.

As the sun starts to rise the scrolls are burned with magic fire. As the magic dissipates the sun shines in the sky and the soul is purified.

Lunar Revel[]

Closely tied with the mythological story of the Lunar Guardian, Lunar Revel is a seasonal celebration where citizens celebrate the end of the previous year and the start of the new. It has some similar traditions with the Festival of Fire and the Blood Moon which is celebrated during the summer season.

People exchange gifts and celebrate during the whole night between the start of the new year.

Fireworks are a common tradition during this festival as it symbolizes the coming dawn of the next year.


Ionia has one of the most unusual governmental structures in all of Runeterra. This is partially because of its neutral political stance, and also because people in Ionia have generally eschewed conflict in favor of their unending quest for enlightenment. The power and wisdom of those who are considered blessed or enlightened, such as SorakaSquareSoraka, the Starchild, are taken into account with a great amount of respect.

The lack of military involvement has prevented Ionia from needing a single defined leader such as the other nations have. Instead, Ionia is divided into provinces which are each represented by an Elder. To determine who becomes an Elder, a competition called "The Distinction" is held every five years. This competition has several trials which test its candidates across a wide array of skills. Schools in each region send their finest adepts – men and women who have trained their bodies and minds in the path to enlightenment – to represent them in the Distinction. The prevailing Elders from each region then gather at the Convergence of Elders thrice annually or whenever any Elder calls for an emergency assembly. Duchess KarmaSquareKarma, the Enlightened One, resides among them. Amazingly, there has never been a recorded power struggle within this system, but this is generally thought to be due to the Trial of Humility, one of the most critical and revered tests in the Distinction.


The Ionians have created some of the most remarkable martial art forms on all of Runeterra – a manifestation for their pursuit of enlightenment.

  • The Art of Wuju are principles founded on obtaining absolute spiritual awareness of one's self and one's enemy. Master YiSquareMaster Yi, the Wuju Bladesman, the keeper of this ancient art, descended from one of the few tribes dedicated to the preservation of Wuju. Due to the massacre of his kin, Master Yi is now one of the last Wuju practitioners. He has pledged to keep the Wuju style alive by teaching the art form to other individuals, such as WukongSquareWukong, the Monkey King.
  • The Hirana Academy is home to many monks who have delved into the deepest depths of spirituality. Their adepts are some of the most devout proponents of personal harmony within one's self. Though the monks deplore violence, they are not defenseless as they are skilled enough to turn and redirect an opponent's strikes. In an act of selflessness, the monks took in UdyrSquareUdyr, the Spirit Walker, and taught him how to harness and control his animalistic fury... most of the time.
  • The Kinkou Order The Kinkou exists as an ancient clan originating in the Ionian Isles dedicated to the preservation of balance. Order, chaos, light, darkness – all things must exist in perfect harmony for such is the way of the universe. The Order employs a triumvirate of shadow warriors to uphold its causes in the world. The three warriors ShenSquareShen, KennenSquareKennen, and AkaliSquareAkali are each entrusted with one of three sacred duties: Watching the Stars, Coursing the Sun, and Pruning the Tree.
  • The Order of the Shadow is a new clan that has dedicated themselves to learning the forbidden art of the shadows and killing anyone who refuses to learn. Their leader, ZedSquareZed, the Master of Shadows, was the first to learn the technique again after 200 years. By using the art of the shadows, they were able to bring down the ancient order of the Kinkou and have since used their lands as their own training grounds.
  • The Navori Brotherhood are an ultra-nationalist group established during the Invasion of Noxus. Although they aim to defend their people from foreign attackers they also aspire to control the continent under one rule, willing to kill fellow Ionians who don't align with their vision for Ionia.
  • The Shojin Monastery is home to peaceful monks that have long practiced the martial arts of inner healing. Through meditation, the monks are capable of rejuvenating from injuries at a heightened rate. Some of these priests can also display acts of incredible willpower, such as suffering through agonizing amounts of pain for weeks without crying out. Lee SinSquareLee Sin, the Blind Monk, resides within the monastery, having journeyed there years ago in hopes of obtaining atonement for past mistakes.


Ionia Detailed Crest

Ionia Detailed Crest

Ionia 1

Old Ionia Concept Art 1

Ionia 2

Old Ionia Concept Art 2

Ionia 3

Old Ionia Detailed Crest

Ionia 4

Ionian Marketplace

Ionia 5


Ionia 6

Ionian Mountainous Region

Ionia 7

Bard Mountain

Ionia 8

Master Yi's Village

Ionia 9


Ionia 10

Legends Never Die - Ionia Concept 1

Ionia 11

Legends Never Die - Ionia Concept 2

Ionia 12

Legends Never Die - Ionia Concept 3

Ionia 13

Legends Never Die - Ionia Concept 4

Ionia 14

Ionia's Dragon nest

Ionia 15

Nature of Ionia

Ionia 16

The Giant Luonn Kon

Ionia 17

Ionian Dry Season

Ionia 18

Ionia Coastal Region


  • The name Ionia comes from the Ancient Greek Ἰωνία, after the tribal name Ia(w)ones Ἰά(ϝ)ωνες, with unclear etymology, possibly from:
    • PIE verb h₁ey- "to go", cf. Sanskrit योनी yonī "route > abode > womb";
    • PIE noun wiH-s "force", whence Greek (ϝ)ī́s (w)is;
    • PIE verb h₁eysh₂- "to strengthen".
  • The real-life namesake is Ionia, located in Anatolia, which was once part of Ancient Greece, now modern day Turkey.
    • There are also the Ionian Islands located at the western part of modern-day Greece.
  • Ionian names are usually derived from Sino-Tibetan, with some Berber influences.
    • Exceptions exist, however: e.g. KarmaSquareKarma originates from Indo-European; YasuoSquareYasuo from Japonic.
  • Ionia's crest resembles KarmaSquareKarma's Mantle of Decorum.
  • Ionian prisons are know to be humane.
  • Despite Ionia generally having low-tech weapons, their High-tech is generally housed in the Kashuri armouries and used by people who have authorization by the state. Such as JhinSquareKhada Jhin.
  • Ionian colours are White, Teal and Honeysuckle.
  • Ionian architecture is known for its harmonious fluidity with nature.

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