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Team has renamed.
Ilha da Macacada Gaming
Ilha da Macacada Gaming Logo
Team Information
Org Location
Pichau Informática
Social Media & Links
Infobox Facebook Fanpagelogo std
Infobox Instagramlogo std
Infobox Twitterlogo std
Infobox Youtubelogo std

Ilha da Macacada Gaming is a Brazilian team, created by the admins of the Facebook group "Ilha da Macacada".


Name disputes[]

In the end of 2016, the team announced a partnership with KaBuM! e-Sports and the formation of KaBuM! IDM Gaming to participate in CBLOL, while forming a second team, KaBuM! IDM UP, to participate in the Challenger Circuit. However, in January 2017, the team was charged by a former IDM admin who allegedly had the legal rights to the team's name and BRCC spot, causing IDM to lose the KaBuM! partnership and both spots. The team returned to BRCC in the following split with a new CNPJ (company ID), avoiding more confusion.

In August 2018, due to intellectual property rights disputes with the same person, the team was temporarily rebranded to Razer Pichau Gaming (RPG) to continue participating in CBLOL while the case isn't settled.


  • 2018
  • 2017
  • 2016

Player Roster[]


R C ID Name Role Next Team Joined Left
Fitz Mateus Cayres 11Top Uppercut esportslogo stdUppercut esports 2018-05-232018-05-23 2018-12-132018-12-13
Anyyy Ruan Silva 13Mid Uppercut esportslogo stdUppercut esports 2017-05-222017-05-22 2018-12-132018-12-13
Damage Yan Sales 15Support Uppercut esportslogo stdUppercut esports 2017-05-222017-05-22 2018-12-132018-12-13
Sting Gustavo Martins 22Sub/Jun Havan Liberty Academylogo stdHavan Liberty Academy 2018-11-232018-11-23 2018-12-132018-12-13
Stepz Miguel Rezek 24Sub/Bot Uppercut esportslogo stdUppercut esports 2018-11-232018-11-23 2018-12-132018-12-13
Luan Leal Luan Leal 25Sub/Sup Uppercut esportslogo stdUppercut esports 2018-06-222018-06-22 2018-12-132018-12-13
Name Gustavo Rodrigues 11Top Havan Liberty Gaminglogo stdHavan Liberty Gaming 2017-05-222017-05-22 2018-12-122018-12-12
Cariok Marcos Oliveira 12Jungle Havan Liberty Gaminglogo stdHavan Liberty Gaming 2017-05-222017-05-22 2018-12-122018-12-12
Sarkis Matheus Guimarães 14Bot Havan Liberty Gaminglogo stdHavan Liberty Gaming 2017-11-222017-11-22 2018-12-122018-12-12
Cabu Victor Oliveira 15Support RED Canidslogo stdRED Canids 2018-05-222018-05-22 2018-10-122018-10-12
MRelic André Marden 23Sub/Mid Managerlogo stdManager 2018-02-072018-02-07 2018-05-232018-05-23
Luan Leal Luan Leal 25Sub/Sup Managerlogo stdManager 2016-05-092016-05-09 2018-05-232018-05-23
Sadoski Wesley Sadoski 25Sub/Sup Thunder Awakenlogo stdThunder Awaken 2018-01-132018-01-13 2018-05-232018-05-23
Joestar Davi Rosalino 14Bot WP Gaminglogo stdWP Gaming 2017-05-222017-05-22 2017-10-222017-10-22
blury Daniel Sarkovas 15Support Submarino Starslogo stdSubmarino Stars 2017-05-222017-05-22 2017-08-112017-08-??
Skywaf João Martins 11Top None 2017-01-062017-01-06 2017-01-132017-01-13
bielz Gabriel Dallaruvera 12Jungle Team oNe eSportslogo stdTeam oNe eSports 2017-01-062017-01-06 2017-01-132017-01-13
Tomate Alaor Leão 13Mid CNB Infinitylogo stdCNB Infinity 2017-01-062017-01-06 2017-01-132017-01-13
Klaus Augusto Clauss 14Bot Keep Gaminglogo stdKeep Gaming 2017-01-062017-01-06 2017-01-132017-01-13
K0ga Lucas Godoy 15Support Keep Gaminglogo stdKeep Gaming 2017-01-062017-01-06 2017-01-132017-01-13
w0lv Michel Bruno 11Top None 2016-04-262016-04-26 2016-11-112016-??-??
Fire Guilherme Bruno 13Mid None 2016-04-262016-04-26 2016-10-062016-10-06
bielz Gabriel Dallaruvera 12Jungle None 2016-04-262016-04-26 2016-07-302016-07-30
EzPrince Victor Sun 14Bot Power Team Sportslogo stdPower Team Sports 2016-04-262016-04-26 2016-07-302016-07-30
Riyev Marcelo Carrara 15Support KaBuM! IDM Gaminglogo stdKaBuM! IDM Gaming 2016-04-262016-04-26 2016-07-302016-07-30
Sáss Eduardo Sass 23Sub/Mid None 2016-04-062016-04-06 ???
Daniquest Daniel Cerruti 11Top RED Canidslogo stdRED Canids 2016-03-232016-03-23 2016-04-262016-04-26
Fafnyr Felipe Kiss 12Jungle Iron Hawks e-Sportslogo stdIron Hawks e-Sports 2016-04-062016-04-06 2016-04-262016-04-26
Misor Wyvern Gabriel Vicente 15Support Iron Hawks Ultimatelogo stdIron Hawks Ultimate 2016-03-232016-03-23 2016-04-262016-04-26
blury Daniel Sarkovas 15Support None 2016-03-232016-03-23 2016-04-062016-04-06
danz0r Daniel Mussoi 14Bot CNB Infinitylogo stdCNB Infinity 2016-03-232016-03-23 2016-04-062016-04-06
YoDa Felipe Noronha 13Mid RED Canidslogo stdRED Canids 2016-03-232016-03-23 2016-03-282016-03-28

Temporary Subs[]

C ID Name Role Replacing Tournament
Ayel Marcelo Mello 11Top None XLG SuperCup 2016 Qualifier
XLG SuperCup 2016
Turtle Gabriel Peixoto 12Jungle None
Vash Guilherme Del Buono 13Mid None
Titan Alexandre Lima 14Bot None
Riyev Marcelo Carrara 15Support None
Soulsilver Rafael Lanna 26Substitute None
Verto Álvaro Martins 11Top None Copa Go4gold 2016
bielz Gabriel Dallaruvera 12Jungle None
Tomate Alaor Leão 13Mid None
EzPrince Victor Sun 14Bot None
Nemo Wilton Guedes 15Support None
w0lv Michel Bruno 11Top None BRMA Rio 2016
bielz Gabriel Dallaruvera 12Jungle None
Fire Guilherme Bruno 13Mid None
EzPrince Victor Sun 14Bot None
Riyev Marcelo Carrara 15Support None
DudsTheBoy Igor Homem 14Bot None Desafio Rei do Nexus 2016 - April 20
Vert Álvaro Martins 14Bot None Desafio Rei do Nexus 2016 - April 13
mascot Jonathan Paiva 14Bot None Desafio Rei do Nexus 2016 - April 6

Player League Participation[]

Playoff games are NOT included, but regular-season tiebreaker games ARE.


Split 1Split 2PostSplit 1Split 2Split 1Split 2Split 1Split 2Split 1Split 2Split 1Split 2Split 1Split 2Split 1Split 2Split 1Split 2Split 1Split 2
DamageIlha da Macacada Gaminglogo stdUppercut esportslogo stdUppercut esportslogo stdFURIA Uppercutlogo stdFURIAlogo stdFURIAlogo stdRensga Esportslogo stdPaiN Gaminglogo stdPaiN Gaminglogo stdPaiN Gaminglogo stdVivo Keyd Starslogo stdINTZlogo stdINTZlogo std229
CarioKIlha da Macacada Gaminglogo stdPaiN Gaminglogo stdPaiN Gaminglogo stdPaiN Gaminglogo stdPaiN Gaminglogo stdPaiN Gaminglogo stdPaiN Gaminglogo stdPaiN Gaminglogo stdPaiN Gaminglogo stdPaiN Gaminglogo std184
AnyyyIlha da Macacada Gaminglogo stdUppercut esportslogo stdUppercut esportslogo stdFURIA Uppercutlogo stdFURIAlogo stdFURIAlogo stdFURIAlogo stdNetshoes Minerslogo stdMinerslogo std172
CabuRemo Brave e-Sportslogo stdRED Canidslogo stdIlha da Macacada Gaminglogo stdINTZlogo std55
SarkisRemo Brave e-Sportslogo stdIlha da Macacada Gaminglogo stdSantos e-Sportslogo std42


Split 1Split 2Split 1Split 2Split 1Split 2Split 1Split 2Split 1Split 2Split 1
RiyevIlha da Macacada Gaminglogo stdKaBuM! Esportslogo stdFalkollogo stdFalkollogo stdFalkollogo std65
CarioKIlha da Macacada Gaminglogo stdIlha da Macacada Gaminglogo stdHavan Liberty Gaminglogo stdHavan Liberty Gaminglogo stdHavan Liberty Gaminglogo std65
BluryIlha da Macacada Gaminglogo stdSubmarino Starslogo stdRensga Esportslogo std37
NameIlha da Macacada Gaminglogo stdIlha da Macacada Gaminglogo stdTeam oNe eSportslogo stdHavan Liberty Gaminglogo std35
AnyyyIlha da Macacada Gaminglogo stdIlha da Macacada Gaminglogo std20
SarkisBrave e-Sportslogo stdRemo Brave e-Sportslogo stdBrave e-Sportslogo stdIlha da Macacada Gaminglogo stdHavan Liberty Gaminglogo stdHavan Liberty Gaminglogo stdSantos e-Sportslogo std79
DamageIlha da Macacada Gaminglogo std10



C ID Name Position Next Team
Mrelic André Marden CEO & Founder Uppercut esportslogo stdUppercut esports
Rehbein Samuel Rehbein Director Uppercut esportslogo stdUppercut esports
Holly Volks Hiago Felipe Director Uppercut esportslogo stdUppercut esports
Luan Leal Luan Leal Marketing Director Uppercut esportslogo stdUppercut esports
Erickão Erick Cardoso Head Coach Uppercut esportslogo stdUppercut esports
ScrappyDoo Alberto Yañez 80Strategic Coach Uppercut esportslogo stdUppercut esports
RafaP Rafael Pinheiro Analyst Uppercut esportslogo stdUppercut esports
DrPuppet Alexandre Weber 80Consultant Uppercut esportslogo stdUppercut esports
Shu Hamilton Neto 80Analyst Santos e-Sportslogo stdSantos e-Sports
etsblade Eduardo Souza Coach None
Nishikino Rafael Moreira Coach ProGaming Esportslogo stdProGaming Esports
Vitor Barbosa President None
Doug Douglas Alves President IDM Piratalogo stdIDM Pirata
ericat Eric Teixeira Marketing Director None
Neki Vinícius Ghilardi 80Head Coach KaBuM! IDM Gaminglogo stdKaBuM! IDM Gaming
Heracross Diogo Perete Coach FlipSide E-Sportslogo stdFlipSide E-Sports
Cais Felipe Camargo Coach Iron Hawks e-Sportslogo stdIron Hawks e-Sports


As Razer Pichau Gaming[]

This table shows up to the 10 most recent results. For complete results, click here.

Minimum place

Razer Pichau Gaming Tournament Results - Show Prize as (LocalUSDEuros)
DatePlPrizeEventLast ResultRoster
2018-09-14Q CBLOL 2019 Split 1 Promotion
2 : 1INTZlogo stdITZ
 Fitz,  Cariok,  Anyyy,  Sarkis,  Cabu,  ScrappyDoo
2018-08-115R$15,000$ 3,689.4€ 3,191.4 CBLOL 2018 Split 2 Playoffs
0 : 3Vivo Keydlogo stdVK
 Fitz,  Cariok,  Anyyy,  Sarkis,  Cabu,  ScrappyDoo
Total Prize: USD 0BRL 15,000

As Ilha da Macacada Gaming[]

This table shows up to the 10 most recent results. For complete results, click here.

Minimum place

IDM Gaming Tournament Results - Show Prize as (LocalUSDEuros)
DatePlPrizeEventLast ResultRoster
2018-12-095 - 12 Superliga ABCDE 2018
1 - 4Blanklogo stdRR
 Fitz,  Cariok,  Sting,  Anyyy,  Sarkis,  Stepz,  Damage,  Erickão
2018-12-083 - 4 Oi Game Arena CCXP 2018
1 : 2Flamengo Esportslogo stdFLA
 Fitz,  Sting,  Anyyy,  Sarkis,  Damage
2018-08-054 CBLOL 2018 Split 2
4 - 3Blanklogo stdRR
 Fitz,  Cariok,  Anyyy,  Sarkis,  Cabu,  ScrappyDoo
2018-03-311R$12,000R$12,000R$12,000 BRCC 2018 Split 1 Playoffs
3 : 1Flamengo Esportslogo stdFLA
 Name,  Carioca,  Anyone,  Sarkis,  Damage,  Erickão
2018-03-204 BRCC 2018 Split 1
1-1-3Blanklogo stdRR
 Name,  Carioca,  Anyone,  Sarkis,  Damage
2017-12-082R$3,500$ 1,063.16R$3,500 Desafio Promo Arena CCXP 2017
0 : 3Team oNe eSportslogo stdONE
 Name,  Carioca,  Anyone,  Sarkis,  Damage,  Shu
2017-09-183 Experience League Group Stage
1 - 2Blanklogo stdRR
 Name,  Carioca,  Anyone,  Joestar,  Damage
2017-08-21Q BRCC 2018 Split 1 Promotion
3 : 2Stay Gaminglogo stdStay
 Name,  Carioca,  Anyone,  JoeStar,  Damage
2017-07-115R$3,500R$3,500R$3,500 BRCC 2017 Split 2
1-2-2Blanklogo stdRR
 Name,  Anyone,  Carioca,  Joestar,  blury,  Nishikino
2016-10-272 XLG SuperCup 2016 Qualifier
0 : 2Sob Nova Direçãologo stdSND
 Ayel,  Soulsilver,  Turtle,  Vash,  Titan,  Riyev
Total Prize: BRL 19,000USD 0


External Links[]



  1. Ilha da Macacada Gaming's Facebook Post (Portuguese) facebook.com
  2. Ilha da Macacada Gaming's Facebook Post (Portuguese) facebook.com
  3. Ilha da Macacada Gaming's Facebook Post (Portuguese) facebook.com
  4. Ilha da Macacada Gaming's Facebook Post (Portuguese) facebook.com
  5. Confira a Line-Up da Ilha da Macacada que disputará a BRMA (Portuguese) lolnews.com.br
  6. Ilha da Macacada Gaming's Facebook Post (Portuguese) facebook.com
  7. Heracross's Facebook Post (Portuguese) facebook.com
  8. bielz's Facebook Post (Portuguese) facebook.com
  9. Ilha da Macacada Gaming's Facebook Post (Portuguese) facebook.com
  10. Fire's Facebook Post (Portuguese) facebook.com
  11. Ilha da Macacada Gaming's Facebook Post (Portuguese) facebook.com
  12. IDM Gaming's Tweet (Portuguese) twitter.com
  13. Ilha da Macacada Gaming's Facebook Post (Portuguese) facebook.com
  14. Ilha da Macacada Gaming's Facebook Post (Portuguese) facebook.com
  15. Ilha da Macacada Gaming's Facebook Post (Portuguese) facebook.com
  16. Ilha da Macacada Gaming's Facebook Post (Portuguese) facebook.com
  17. etsblade's Tweet (Portuguese) twitter.com
  18. Joestar's Tweet (Portuguese) twitter.com
  19. Ilha da Macacada Gaming's Facebook Post (Portuguese) facebook.com
  20. Ilha da Macacada Gaming's Facebook Post (Portuguese) facebook.com
  21. Erickão's Tweet (Portuguese) twitter.com
  22. Ilha da Macacada Gaming's Facebook Post (Portuguese) facebook.com
  23. Sadoski's Tweet (Portuguese) twitter.com
  24. Conheça as equipes que disputarão a 1ª Etapa do Circuito Desafiante 2018! (Portuguese) promoarena.com.br
  25. Cariok's Tweet (Portuguese) twitter.com
  26. IDM Cabu - Apresentando os reforços para o CBLOL (Portuguese/Video) youtube.com
  27. IDM Fitz - Apresentando os reforços para o CBLOL #2 (Portuguese/Video) youtube.com
  28. IDM Gaming's Tweet (Portuguese) twitter.com
  29. CBLoL 2018 – Segunda Etapa: Escalações Oficiais (Portuguese) br.lolesports.com
  30. Team oNe eSports' Tweet (Portuguese) twitter.com
  31. Comunicado: Inscrição Luan Leal (Portuguese) br.lolesports.com
  32. Comunicado: Mudança de nome da IDM Gaming (Portuguese) br.lolesports.com
  33. Shu's TwitLonger (Portuguese) twitlonger.com
  34. IDM Gaming's Tweet (Portuguese) twitter.com
  35. Querendo alcançar o topo do Brasil, RafaP assina com a IDM (Portuguese) espn.com.br
  36. Team oNe eSports' Tweet (Portuguese) twitter.com
  37. IDM EXPERIENCE: CONHEÇA OS ESCOLHIDOS (Portuguese/Video) youtube.com
  38. IDM Gaming's Tweet (Portuguese) twitter.com
  39. Ilha da Macacada Gaming's Facebook Post (Portuguese/Video) facebook.com