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The teams compete in the Goddess Tour which includes two qualifiers Goddess Cup 1 and Goddess Cup 2 to gather points where the top 8 qualify for the Ignis Cup 2022 main event.

Ignis Cup Goddess Tour Logo

Circuit Points[]

Ignis Cup 2022
SeedTeamGoddess Cup 1Goddess Cup 2Total
1PaiN Gaming Femalelogo stdpaiN Female6080140
2Freedom Fighters Projectlogo stdFreedom Fighters306595
3Rise Gaming Femalelogo stdRise Gaming Female405595
4Miners Femalelogo stdMiners Female453580
5Fire Project Girlslogo stdFire Project Girls1254570
6Time Líquido Kailogo stdTime Líquido Kai50050
7Raizen Jinxlogo stdRaizen Jinx04040
8Izanagi Morriganlogo stdIzanagi Morrigan35035
9Logo stdTessarion03030
10Tenebra Gaming Goddesslogo stdTenebra Gaming Goddess02525
11Zenshin (Brazilian Team)logo stdZenshin20020
Goddess Cup 1
Place Points
1 60
2 50
3 45
4 40
5 35
6 30
7 25
8 20
Goddess Cup 2
Place Points
1 80
2 65
3 55
4 45
5 40
6 35
7 30
8 25
1 TEMOS O POVO rebranded to Fire Project Girls between both qualifiers. They're considered to be the same team.